261737 261`��"1 yYH17E - CITV CLERK + PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CA ARY - DEPARTMENj B4 E - MAYOR File NO. ; ouncil Resolution � Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 1�OLYED, That upou the recomoendation of the Na`qor and pursuant to Seation 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the e� of �(23,463.00 from the Contiagent xeserre - Specified - Activity o9060 to 03200 (x14,583.00) - Enrironssntal Proteation Adminietration and 03216 (�8,880.00) - Tuberculcaia to be alloaated s�a tollowa: 03200 �viron�ental Protection Adsinistration 160 Feea-Nedical �14,583•� 03216 Tuberculoaia 269 Miaaellaaeoua Contraatual 3ervices �8 88t).00 Ttt�PAL 23, 3.00 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays ��►� Coumuaii.t a 'c Konopatzki � In Favor Levine �- Meredith � Against BY �xaficx Rcedler . ting Depa�rtaent �ead �� JI�L 2 5 1973 Mme.President Batl�r— �'t orm City A rn Adopted by Council: Date � Certifi s ed by Co tary BY � By Appro d y May�o . te Appro by M 'on ouncil gY By Nu�Lisy�o �1 U L 2 8 1973 1 �,,,�� - 1 ' . C ITY OF SAI NT PAUL OFFICE OF THE BUDGET DIRECTOR ROGER A. MATTSON July 13, 1973 2��'��� T0: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohe FR: Roger A. Ma.ttson RE: Resolution amending the 1973 Budget to provide for transfer of appropriations Attached to this memorandum is a resolution and letter of explanation from the Department of Community Services, Division of Environmental Protection. They request that the sum of $23,463 be transferred from the Contingent Reserve to the Environmental Protection Administration and the Tuberculosis activities as indicated on the attached resolution. I have reviewed the matter of this transfer with Fxank Ma.rzitelli and Robert Trudeau and have their concurrence for approval of the trans- fer as requested. I, therefore, recommend the approval of this resolution. RAM/ca Attach. cc: Frank D. Ma.rzitelli City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �� 4 . . CITY OF ST. PAUL oUG��i3'"GB� � �677'G�/T,IG�?G'� ��llf/,�l L � � oG/�GVW� � l.//��W��/W�WV V iVV C���NW� PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER 555 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 227-7741 June 19, 1973 Betty Atchison Accountant Department of Community Services 545 City Hall & Court House 15 West Kelfogg Boulevard Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Betty: I request that $23,463 be transferred from the Contingency Reserve Fund that was established for the Health Officer's salary and placed into Account No. 03200-160-000. This transfer is needed to cover the pay- ment to St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital for the contractual services of the heaith officer and other staff physicians. Dr. Clarence Henke, Health Officer, is employed on a contractual basis at the rate of $25,000 per year. For the seve� months remaining in the year we wouid need $14,583. ✓ I anticipate that the cost of other staff physician services provided by St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital on a contractual basis will be at the rate of $8,880 fo� the remainder of the year. This figure is based on the cost of staff physician services provided during the first six months of 1973 to our agency. Since the�e may be changes in some of our clinical programs during the ��M.�� " next few months which may affiect the amount of physician services needed, w�,,s I request that the money remaining in the Contingency Reserve Fund after �K this transfer be available to us later tn the year if our need for physician �K;�'� services should :increase. Mt f��� 'rr � Sincerely, � � _,�L'��%e'� µ ' �%� William G. Timm Director of Administration WGT:pc cc: Clarence Henke, M.D. , M.P.H. E. R. Eberhardt