261718 WHITE - CITV CLERK COU11C11 pAf�.AR�`!'�EPAR MENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL BLUE •�MAYOR File �O. 2 1�718 l '� Council Res luti , . � Presented By � _ u �� , Referred To • � ee: �D Out of Committee a e WHEREAS, By Agreement #230485 dated October 14, 1966, between the City of St. Paul and the� Mi�nesota Highway Department right-of-way was acquired between Mississippi St. and Payne Ave. for the construction of the Arch-Pennsylvania Highway, and WHLREAS, The Minnesota Highway Department on April 17, 1969, elected not to construct this highway until preliminary approval had been given to alignments east of Payne Ave. , and WHEREAS, By Resolution, Council File #251397 dated December 31, 1970, the St. Paul City Council recommended that all planning and construction activities for this highway be halted permanently, and further requested the State Highway Department together with the Metropolitan Transit Commission and the Metropolitan Council to initiate an in-depth study to determine if alternate modes of transportation could solve the transportation problems in this corridor, and WHEREAS, The Metropolitan Council included a St. Paul �ast Study in its 1971 work program which has not been completed at this time, and WHEREAS, The City of St. Pau1 reaffirmed its position not to construct a highway from Mississippi St. to Payne Ave. , now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, �'hat the Minnesota Highway Department is hereby requested to release and convey all said property acquired for this highway right- of-way to the City of St. Paul and that this land will be held as open space until the Metropolitan Transit Commission and Metropolitan Council complete their St. Paul East Study. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ��xButler Publ ic rks Konopatzki In Favor Levine �-- Meredith �_ Against By � ' 9pt�tx 14�oQF11sP Tedesco u ,y�, Z �('(`� Mme.President� nt 0 Form � t ey Adopted by Council: Date . � Certi ' ed by Co il Se BY By Approv Ma . r: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By , BY PUBLISHED L 2 8 t9 � �F��� ��� . , : . ' , � �G � IT'Y � F ;AlN,T �'� UL OFFICE OF THE ClTY ADh�INiS�CR�'�TOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI July 11, 1973 The Honorable rzay�r Lawrence D. C�hen Alember-s of. the Saint Paul City Council City Hall �aint Paul, Minii�sota 55?02 Attention: Harry Marsh,all, C�.ty CZerk _ Attached is a report of the Arch-Pennsylvania-East Minnehaha Roadway. The report consi.sts of the sequence of events regarding this facility over the last twenty year period. It is ta be noted that, un.der date of rlay 24, 1973, a meeting was held with various cai�ununity representatives at thP rierrick Community Center. The pro- �;osed preliminary desigii of the Arch-Pennsylvania extension from Mississippi Street to Payne Avenue as developed by the Pub]_ic works Department was review2d. Tl:e cor�munity representatives in attendance oppose3 the proposecl project. It is recommended that you review this matter as same relates to the trans-- portation facilities to the east and northeast of Saint Paul, which consid�r- ations st�ould include transit and street systems sc as to better serve �tie needs of the residents of the ar_e/. Very truly yours, ' �-_.-- _✓' r`� j� �'� n 4--� f�t/,� _ ! ' } � , �/^�.-r. n�..�; !r, //'''����',/!'�/�.�'�-. '��� . rFranic D. Marzitelli,-` �' City Ac�ministr_ator,` � ,� / FDM/ca � Attach. cc: Vince Caughlin Daniel Duni'ord City Hall, Saint Paul, Minr�esoi�� 5��02 ����:.� ti �. ' � _ , REPaRT ON ARCH-°Et�NSYLVANIA-EF�ST MINNEIil1NA HIGHWAY Introduction This report i � intended ta give a brief history and sequence of events that have affected this proposed roa�way over the last twenty years. Since the Arch-Pennsylva�ia-�ast htinnehaha Hiahway and T,H, 2i2 have been so closely related as proposed traffic handling facilities, they have and should be considered together when looking at the traffic problems in the northeast quadrant of St. Paul . Some parts of T,H, 212 history will be included in this report in order to give the com�lete picture. � Nistory During the early 1950`s the need for an improved connection from down- town St. Paul to the northeast was appare:�t to the City o�` St. Paul . The Minnesota Highway Department was ptanning a new Trunk Highway 212 to the east of St. Paul and would require a connection in St. Paul , and the City 4�as struggiing with improving the east-west traffic flow in the capitol area and beyond to the east. Improvements +vere required because of the changing traffic patterns due to the capitol area changes, to the new freeway system as it was developing, to relieve the exi st i ng and projected traff i c on East Sevent"h �tre�t�ar�ai h#i.�i�+et�a`1ia -F�venue, and i n some measure to give minor relief to overcrowded Maryland Avenue. The proposed facility was named the '!4rch-Pennsylvania-East Minnehaha Highway" and was proposed from Rice and Como to Payne and Minnehaha. Part of it was included in the recommendations of the Second United Improvement Program Citizens Committee and was part of the program appro- ved by the voters in November, 1953. Sept. 8. 1956 Councit resolution approving a general layout for T.H. 212 from East Avenue to Nazel Street, south of the Northwestern Railroad tracks. The Building Departnent was instructed to withhold permits pending acquisition of right-of-way, This action was not connected with the Arch-Pennsylvania- East Mfnnehaha Highway. June 7 L 195$ Council Resotution requesting the Minnesota Highway Department to conduct engineering studies to provide a new T.H. 212 route throuoh St. Paul to replace the existing inadequate route on comptetetydevel- oped streets and to acquire needed right-of-way. This action was not connected with the Arch-Pennsylvania-E. MinnehaFfa Highway. � May 23. 1959 Council Resolution approved a location plan for T.H, 2i2 which estab- lished a route entering the City at Larpenteur and the old street car railway right-of-way, then foliowing the street car right-of-way to a point on the north side of the Northwestern Railroad tradcs between Birmingham and Etna Streets and then south between those streets to Hudson Road. The Quilding Department was instructed to withhold building permits pending acquisition of right-of-way. This action was not connected with the Arch-Pennsylvania-E. Minnehaha Highway. Oct. 21 , 1961 Council Resolution approving an agreement with 7oltz, King, Duvall , � ' Andersor► and Associates, lnc. , for preliminary design of the Arch- Pennsylvania-E. Minnehaha Highway between Mississippi Street and DeSoto Street. � March 9, 1963 Council Resolution approving the improvement of the Arch-Pennsylvania- E. Minnehaha Highway betw�en Rice Street and I-35E. March 15, 19b; Coi�ncil Resolution approved a supplemental agreement with Toltz, King, - Duvall , Anderson and Associates. Inc. , to study an alternative route on the Arch-Pennsylvania-E. Minnehaha N�ghway between Mississippi Street and Payne Avenue. -1- . Areh-Penn-E. Minnehaha Ny. � Page 2 - M. ar�22� 1963 Council resolution approving prelirninary location ptans for T.H. 212 including the Arch-Pennsyivariia-E, Minnehaha Highway. This was the first time the tv.a roadway �lans wer� ccmbined into ane system .for consideration. Auqust 1903 Public hearing h�ld on the alignment of T,H, 212 between Mississippi Street and Payne Avenue (Arch-Pennsylvania-E. Minnehaha Highway) . Subsequently the City Planning Board, the City Council , and the Minnesota F�ighway Department all approved this alignment of T,H. 212. Jan. 24, 1964 Tottz, King� Quvall , Anderson and Associates, Inc. , submitted a report on alternate locations _for roadway from Mississippi Street to payne Avenue between Collins and North Streets. June 4, 1965_ Construction completed on portion of the Arch-Pennsylvani�-E. Minne- haha Highway beLween Rice Street and 1-35E. Oct. 18, 19b6 Agreement executed between the City of St. Paul and the Minnesota Highway Dept. for the acquisition of right-of-way and construction of the section of T,H, 212 {Arch-Pennsylvania-E. Minnehah� Highway) from Mississippi Street to Payne Avenue with the City of St. Paul to acquire and � clear the right-of-way from Lafayette Road to Payne between Cotlins Street and North Street and the Minnesota Nighway Department to acquire and clear the right-of-way from Mississippi Street to Lafayette Road and to provide for the construction of the roadway on the approved alignment with a tentative letting date for construction of June 14, 1°68. The City has completed its part of the agreement, but the Highway Cepartment has ;�ot. �ril 2, 1967 The City reo,uested the Highway Department to study an alternative route on structure over the Chicago Northwestern Railroad to the northeast and the Highway Department conducted such study. This study resulted in information indicating the cost of such alternate route on struc- � tures would be aapror.irately $51 .(300,000 as compared to approximately S22,000,0�0 for the approved aligrment and further that the aiternate route could stili resuit in taking approximately 250 homes as compared with 450 homes for the approved route. Auq. 5, 1°b9 The Minnesota Nighway Oepartment set up a Task Force to study the ?.H. 212 problems and to attempt to resolve them so that the roadway could be completed. The Task Force made a mail survey of the area invotved to determine various facts reaarding the area adjacent to the proposed T.H. 212. The 7as� Force then recommended that a survey be made of the owner and/or occupants of the actual properties within the proposed right-of-way, with individual personal contact a�ith each homeowner or occupant to determine, their reactions to the proposed T.H, 212 and their relocation desires if it was necessary for them to be moved. This was never done. Dec. 3, 1970 Councit Reso{ution halted ala activities on T,H. 212 and requested - . study by the Minnesota Highway Department, the Metropolitan Council , and the Metropolitan Transit Commission to determine if rail or other type travet could fili the demand for transportation facilities in the T,H. 212 corridor. =�'he Commissioner of Highways set up funds and selected a consultant to perform s�ach a study. However, the proposed agreement for the study was not acceptable to the hl�tropolitan Council , the Metropolitan Transit Ccmmission� or to some members of the St. Paul City Council . Subsequently, thc Metropolitan Council , at the urging of municipalities to the east and northeast of St. Paul , included a St. Pau) East Study in the work proqr<�m for 1971 , and it is still being carried as a part of the current wark program of✓the htetropolitan Council . The study was to have 5een a complete . .s� ' �rch-Penn-E. Minnehaha Hy. .. Page 3 , study of the East Side of St. Pdul and was� among other things, to address itself to the transportation problems. This study has not been made to date and is still a very much n��ded study wFich was ta have ccr�si�Ered ail of the alternatives for transportation incluciing the upgrading of the city street system in the study area as well as the transit alternatives in lieu of building a new T,H, 212. � Dec. 18. 1972 A permit was issued to the J. Belaire Construction Co. , Inc. , for excavation and removal of material from the Williams Hill erea which is part of the area included in the right-of-way to be acquired by the Nighway Department for a portion of the roadway from Mississippi Street to Fayne Avenue. 7hls permit brought up tl�e question of the right-of-way that had been acquired by the City of St. Paul and turned over to the Minnesota Nighway Department for the construction of the roadway as per the agreement, and the general feeling was that if the property was not to be utilized for highway construction, it should . be put back into productive use as soon as possible. March _l . 1973 The City Administrator arranged for a meeting at the Merrick Community Center to review with the neighborhood the considerat3on ' of the building of the proposed Arch-Pennsylvania extension to Payne Avenue as originally proposed in the 1953 United Improvement Bond Issue Pro- . gram. This meeting resulted in instructions to the Public Works Department to develop preliminary plans for the extension of the roadway from Mississippi Street to Payne Avenue and to the Planning Staff to develop a proposed alternate land use plan in case the determination should be made that the roadway should not be built. May 24, 1973 A further meeting was held at the Merrick Community Center to review the �?roposed �reliminary design of the At'ch-Pennsylvani� extension from t�iississippi to Payne Avenue as developed by the Pubiic Works Department and to reyiew the possible alternative land use. After review of the information, the peopie in attendance at the meeting voted to reject the construction of the roadway and to redevelop the . land in question into . singiefamily residential use. ' � Recommendations It would be the strong recommendation of the Department of Public Works, and concurred in by the City Planning Staff, that the St. Paul East Study, and most particularly the part of the • study that deats with the Arch-Pennsylvania-T, H, 212 transportation problems, be completed as soon as possible and that a determination be made as to what improvements, if any, are required in the transportation facilities to the east and northeast of St, Paul including transit and the street system considerations. When this study has been completed, and if the determination is made that the Arch-Penn-T.H. 212 as a transportation link shouid not be built within the right- of-way already acquired, then the property that has been acquired by the City of St. Paul should be released for redevelopment as proposed by the Planning Staff in their recommendations to the neighborhood, In that regard, it would seem that the City Planning Department and �the neighborhood organizations should work together and develop final detailed redevelopment plans for the area if redevel- opment i s .the dec i s i on. ; --rn--��� % � ��1��\� __ _- !- \/\�' `���� �� Rl1S;1 f ' �t\ �`` .'.-��C'.- ',% \� h r� �,J r� �.'i 1,'�/ Rev, date: June 19, 1973 ._ ��, � ,._ ,� �,,_,:�,�.: ''` '��� �y �- ��a,��\`���Q '�-�,, �'�� � c\�� � , ���� ��� � ���_� . _ . , � � a�17i8� � '��'I PflV(lE-(� i (1 (lE HflHfl CO(il (� Uf111V COU (1CIl 715 Edgerton Street • St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 July 12, 1973 OFfICERS PRESIDENT Mrs.Petrick J.Marcogliese City Clerk for C].�/ COUDCII VICE PRESIDENT City Hall and Court House Richard Bradshaw St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 RECORDING SECRETARY Mn. Eleanor Edmeier CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Madam President & City Council� Mrs.Gerald Richie TREASURER On June 13, 1973 we of the Payne-Minnehaha Community Mrs. Paul Bebeau,S�. Council sent a letter to the City Council requesting information from you pertaining to the council meeting ADVIS�R of May 30, 1973. We requested information regarding LamoineKnefelkamp the vacant land between Collins & North Streets. As of now, July 12, 1973 , we have yet to receive a reply to our correspondence. In the past we have had similiar experiences of not getting prompt responses; often we received no response whatsoever. City Government can not command the respect of the people when they can not carry through the responsibilities they were elected to do. With our new charter we expected more responsibility from government. ??????? We still have 3 questions pertaining to the council meeting of May 30, 1973: 1. Did Councilwoman Butler have a resolution drawn up to release the property from the State to the City? 2. Has the Public Works Dept. completed their report? If not, when? 3. When is the Planning Board going to meet with the neighborhood to discuss alternative land use? Sincere ly, ��1"`''�''�" Richard Richie, Chairman Arch-Penn Roadway Canmittee Payne-Minnehaha C omm. C ounci 1 ��cSEzes.yiny C�LElZEK1 �a2fiei�aElon fo¢ eommunity �m�i,20VE1YLEYlt1" • �1�Y �P ' ?S`v��'b � ' a � "` " �e CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTCd1EN'� �� p�lB�.IC V!/ORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55l02 ��0 .Ju 1 Y 17, 1973 Honorable Frank D. Marzitell i City Administrator Room 367 City Hall BUILDING Report on Arch-Pennsylvania - East Minnehaha Highway Dated June 19, 1973 Dear Mr. Marzitelli : I would like to elaborate on the recommendation given in the referenced report. The study recommended to be completed is the St. Paul East Study which is included as part of the work program of the Metropolitan Council . This study is proposed to be a complete study of the East Side of St. Paul and was, among other things, to address itself to the transportation problems. Progress on the study has been slow because of the recent city position regarding T. H. 21 With regard to the property already acquired by the Highway Department, I would recommend that the Highway Department be requested to release the property to the city for open space use until the above study has been completed and a determination made regarding the best use of the land, Yours very truly, � f G� w�LC��� � � L Daniel .1. Dunford Director of Public Works DJD:ddr . ' • � � ' Jul� 1 �� 1973 RECEIVED �u� � 61973 Councii President Co�ncilvo�an Ruby Hunt: Ruby Hunt C��y Ha�.l S�., Pa�t�� Minr�. Dear Mrs. Httnt r I received yo�zr Ze�ter of J�y 13 �it�i the enclosed informa�ion on the L�rcl�-Penn. ro��l�a��and I and �he cor�ittee �l�ank �t� for thi� inforraatior�. We wouTd apgreciate it if Tou xilT Zet �� know on �ahat day the City Council �ill be taking �p this s�abjeet� �o �ha� We may send a couple of repre�entives �rom our cor:+�-�ittee to the co�:�nci�: chambers f'or infer�atianal pur�ose�. Than;:ing you a�ain. Sincerel �� J Richard �ichie 771 �529 _ ._ . _ � ,� . • �. - • . �� (� - I�- � ' , . , > _ , , . , �_�_� I PR �� E-(� In (IEHflHfl CO �fI (�lUn �l� CO � nCII 715 Edgerton Street O St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 OfFICERS June 13, 1973 PRESIDENT Mrs. Petrick J. Marcogliese VICEDRESIDENT City Clerk for City Council Richard Bradshaw City Hall & Court House St. Paul, Minnesota RECORDING SECRETARY S 5�.OZ Mrs. Eleanor Edmeier CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Mrs. Gerold Richie Madam President, Members of City Council, TREASURER Mrs. Paul Bebeau,s�. We would like fio commend the St. Paul City Council for their actions at the City Cauncil ^DV1�R meeting of May 30, 1973 as it related to the Arch- Lemoine Knefelkamp Penn connection. We were , however, disappointed with Councilman Roedler's suggestion that no act�ion be taken until a study is done . We of the Payne- Minnehaha Community Cauncil want action now. Since several community groups from the East Side are involved with this project, we question Council- man Roedlerfs stafiement , "That public representation is in a handful of people .n At the same meeting Councilwoman Butler stated she intended ta have the city attorney draft a res- olution asking the State of Minn. to release this praperty. We would appreciate a capy of this resolution requesting the release of this property. Also, how much time is required to get this land back? We will be having a committee meeting on June 25 , 1973 . We would appreciate having the above information for this committee meeting. Sincerely yours, _ � � i��.:�,������ Richard Richie , Chairman Arch-Penn R oadway C ammittee Payne-Minnehaha Cortmunity Council ��eS�z,��.atn9 C�fffzena �a¢Etel�aEiora foz C�ominu�zCE� .�m�zovErrssrcts" : C � � � ���� �. . ' � � -�s- � � . , . PRY� E-�II� � EHflHH CO�I �IU � IIY COU �CIL 715 Edgerton Street • St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 OFFICERS June 13, 1973 PRESIDENT Mrs.Patrick J. Marcogliese VICE PRESIDENT City Clerk for City Council Richard Bredshaw City Hall & Court House St. Paul, Minnesota RECORDING SECRETARY 55102 Mrs.Eleenor Edmeier CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Mrs.Gerald Richie Madam President, Members of City Council, TREASURER Mrs. Paul Bebeau,s�. We would like to corrnnend the St. Paul City Council for their actions at the City Council ADVISOR meeting of May 30, 1973 as it related to the Arch- Lamoine Knefelkamp We were , however, disappointed Penn connection. with Councilman Roedler's suggestion that no action be taken until a study is done. We of the Payne- Minnehaha C o�nunity C ounci 1 want action now. Since several corrnnunity groups from the East Side are involved with this project, we question Council- man Roedlerts statement, "That public representation is in a handful of peaple." At the same meeting Councilwoman Butler stated she intended to have the city attorney draft a res- olution asking the State of Minn. to release this property. We would appreciate a capy of this resolution requesting the release of this praperty. Also, how much time is required to get this land back? We will be having a committee meeting on June 25 , 1973. We would appreciate having the above information for this committee meeting. Sincerely yours, R � � /d 4���!L�b%�-L : Richard Richie , Chairman Arch-Penn Roadway C ommittee Payne-Minnehaha Community C ouncil ��eSE�cessin9 elEizens �a2fleL�.atEoa fo¢ C�ommunity J�rrz�izovErrasrcts" � - � . � � ���SL- �� � o�� f `/� 1 � � °,'w.� l j'�`L �� � - C (TY O.F SA, I �lT PAUL OFFICE OF THE ClTY ADMINISTRATO� FRANK D. MARZII�ELL1 September 13, 1973 Commissioner Raymond Lappegaard Minnesota Highway Department Highway Building Saint Paul, Tlinnesota 55101 � Dear Commissioner Lappegaard: The City of Saint Paul made the determination in early 1950 that the need existed for an additional heavy traffic volume east-west route near Minnehaha to supplement Mar}�land Avenue and East Seventh Street, based on changing traffic patterns and greater traffic flow in the Capitol area. However, over the ensuing years, additional studies have been made of the proposed Arch-Pennsylvania extension, and changing attitudes regard- ing transportation needs culminated in a request by the City Council in 1970 by Council Resolution 251397 that all planni.ng and construction activity for the highti�ay be permanently halten, and that an ir�-depti� sCu.dy be made by your Departn:ent, in conjunction with the Metropolitan Transit Commission and the Metropolitan Council, to determine if alternate modes of transportation could be utilized in this traffic corridor. The transportation study for the East Side of Saint Pau1 was commenced, but we note that the Metropolita�n Council,- in its monthly work progress report for June, 1973, indicates no progress on this project. This important study is critical to proper planning of transportation needs on the East Side and should be completed at the earliest possible date. On Ju1y 20, 1973, by Council Resolution ,��261718 (copy attached) the City Council reaffirmed its position not to construct on the right-of-ways acquired between Mississippi Street and Payne Avenue and to withhold any further action until the traffic study has been completed. Concurrently, my office has conducted several meetings involving area citizens with the purpose of obtaining their viewpoints and examining relevant public and environmental considerations. In the July Council resolution,' your Department was requested to release and convey the property acquired for this right-of-way to the City of Saint Paul on �the condition _ and understanding that the land be held as open space by the City until the Metropolitan Transit Commission and the Metro- politan Council complete their study. We urge your earliest action in this City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�oz 55 � Commissioner Raymond Lappegaard �( - , i�iinnesota Highway Department September 13, 1973 � Page 2 regard. It has become apparent from meeting with the citizens that their anxieties abuu� i.he construc�ion ot tiie l�igll�,�ay irL this vicinity will be relieved if the right-of-way is released to the City upon the conditions referred to above. There is a sense of fear on their part that the continued holding of the property by the State is part of a creeping effort to introduce Trunk Highway 212 into this ar_ea. In my opinion, the interim conveyance of the property to the City will alleviate this fear and assist in building the confidence of the citizens in this area in the State Highway program. Yours very truly, ,Y'� �' ' `-% \ ._ ��.-�'�' l�! r�rr ���� f' !�`�w/�•-' . Frank D. Marzitelli ' City Administrator'�� ,.� FDM/ca Attach. ' / �,,,,�,,,...�......�,.-�...,..�_�... , _.,... . �� _. r�, ...... .:: _, - - - , ;... k� ,, . . :�,�. � Counc:l � ., t "_ ,� p i.: p � {. . --�� �� ' �� .T:� l��l.._.�--------'._-_'s_�:.r � ' � .,,��'� 1 y. � �',1C • � . ` 6 �� .G �'..�'LJ� �� �5 � � (�7\ C C � 'p ' 1[: ' F ,Pr:1�E: ... .. � ;' �� F� '2 il1�c=1..� i✓ � . o �` �^; T � �- �� '-�� �`\ ., E �+' ' ` ! \ H F�� " ��i7�P" � ' ,��;�.�:I c� d r�l;;,/ ��� . �� �n r,v c��� , '�` lj .,,^ !t �/ } -w-,� ��'t_L„�__._..- ��� � ��,������,� �(� � 1 r � /f� f/ �..i"� _� � ��� '`�� • ,.., � '� � �4� e. �l� I ��' 1,� 1 4� ��� �� ..» ,yp'*�• �'°...,' —..i f ' �� `\ �l�. `'--�--�'_'1 _ n. �� j ��+ _ _�-�-------J � �- "r �/�-� ;� � � _ ��_� ' f � , t te .j a � ,�� >>ted L�Y�='S-��\ ��`�j 1�' � �' � �,,�f;/�-�t..� - __. .,��� e� �. �, `a vV:��� _- � � re,c.t �/,;~"'- ; s :..__----�--1 k �, ��� ,'" --.-----___-- .__ ��„��',!".� . ��'1,.�- n, �- � -�-� _ 1Yate _.._--------- Referred To �-� � � , �/��„C_,'�-�-C;:�'a�• i '"�� '—'— �mittee By`-'��=f-_-------- --7 {_, Out of Con� ____._�-- 1966, --_-------- r,�tweer� �.ze +._—_---- aated Oc'��.ob�r 1 ► n�_oi-way ���:s , 7� reement �2- r -- �048� �hway I}°partment �`ig- «f:i.ER�1�S, s� ag a ��ze' Minnesota hl-�� Av�. sor the co�,structior. af ;.. �t. Paul rpi St• and P�-Y�� C� �'�� Q� 1��L�JSS.SS1-1!, ac�?'aired betweeivan.ia �iighu�ayT� und 13G9, ele.rted tne larch_pennsy. � ri�- Z� � -�-mer.t on p �en �iven �i� Y De ar`� had b-:. � Th_ �E1 irninary ap�roval U i�Iinrxesota Y ahwa , W�I��.RE?�il, ' h�;�ay until p no� to construct this h=�-� an.d east of Payne A�e� , ���mber 31., 197QF -�o a�ig�ments 1e �251397 dated D4- Louncil Fi , construction Resolution, �-- a?1 planning ana `,,��,�AS, �Y recoinrt�nded tha� , and furt1�er requested Paul City Council � E„'ii11ui1E31�f:I.� , T1arLs�-t the St. wa b= l�a..ted p ��t�opolitan iar this h�-gh � �ther with the P.� an in-depth studY activi-cies ��way DGPartment tO`� ouncil to it�i-�ia'ce gU�-V2 thz ��he State Hig olitan C could the P�ie�rop o f txan�portat:ian Commission and t r1odes ine if alterna � and to determ r�blem� in this corridor. �, in paul East Stud� tr3n�Partation P 11z�1udE� a 5t. and - ouncil �omplE:ted at this tim�, r,. The r.getropo7-itan C �;�Ep„_,AS. v,7iii.cil has not neen. �onstxu�� i::.a l��y •�ao�:n pr�5�=�� its p�sitioiz not to paul. reaffirmed 17OVa, trie�efore, be it ihe City of �t- ne p,��e. ► i�iEREAS, i S t� �� F a�' � hereby req�ested a highway fron� r"iississipp . �Paxtment i-- ri�ht- � the Minne�ota Hig1?way�C�ired. far this ha_g�zwaY ��en ± gESOLVED. That e�t� will be held all said. proP this land. uncil anc7. convey paul and. that ana Nietropoli�an Co to releusethe City of St. Corlmissi.on of-Way t° olitan Transit S a�,e until th� �`�et�O� East Study- p paul __----- cor�ple��e their St. Requested by Depaxtment of: . -----_= rks � / COUI�CILl�4EN Publ ic N ays Yeas ���XBu-�]_gr In Favor � _ _„1",<' � � Konopatzki BY Levine �� Agai'nst �v1e ted�i� ��dl�Y' � �g�" �t e�, ;�,.r. C it �� � Focm � , Tedesco , Mme.I'Tesident�*-''a�urit � Adopted by Council: Date ---�"" By a ;ed by Co�il Se /� to Coun�il Certi � ��,F/�.,,�,/� ' .j �pproved by Pdayor for Submission �r�:,,,�,. �`7��:�1� n ,��_ �_.._ �y r i�1a c: Date ------ � � SY /'; I ..-ai .....,.. APProve Y ��'�'�� — .�.. �-.�e �` �- - ."-r ( , � ��, , : � ,� . t ti'. � � � ,. . • f�. ."�, 7 R � ��1 , ` . .�� ��: / � ,'�N _ ►�' /1�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL v U .. 1 � / ���; OFFICE OF THE ClTY ADM!NlSTRATQ�; �} FRANK D. MARZITELL! July 11, 1973 The Honorable Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen Members of the Saint Paul City Council City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Attention: Harry Marshall, City Clerk Attached is a report of the Arch-Pennsylvania-East Minnehaha Roadway. The report consists of the sequence of events regarding this facility over the �last twenty year period. It is to be noted that, under date of May 24, 1973, a meeting was held with various community representatives at the Merrick Community Center. The pro- posed preliminary design of the Arch-Penns�=lvania extension from Mississippi Street to Payne Avenue as developed by the Public LJorks Department was reviewed. The community representatives in attendance opposed the proposed project. It is recommended that you review. this matter as same relates to the trans- portation facilities to the east and northeast of Saint Paul, which consider- ations should include transit and street systems so as to better serve the needs of the residents of the area. / Very truly yours, ' . �" � � /��;-� � �,�, 7� /...v�2,�',!__._ �/�� -L�— Frank D. Marzitelli/ City Administrato� FDM/ca Attach. cc: Vince Coughlin � Daniel Dunford � City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ��5 i..-�!�rT.-:.-__.. ,,.._. ..._..._...._. . _.. . . , . - ..,..t-... .�..�� . " '_ir�� >,>.,_.... ., ..... . ....., _.._ ._...... . . „� , . �.N..v: ._ '-�. ,.. ._ , . .; . . a _.� .. -,'... . �,..... >..-,r.�...�.�.w..-e-+rt+c.."..,.-r—_a.r-.�:•,^;S�S,-i•. f . • _ � .� , _ REPORT ON ARCH-PENNSY(.VANIA-E�1ST M! F:tJEHAtiA Fil GH41AY � � . Introduction 7his report is intended ta give � brief history and sequence of events that have affected this propos�d roadway over the last twenty years. Since the Arch-Pennsylvania-East tdinnehaha Nighway and T,H, 212 havs been sa closeiy �elated as p��jose� rra�;ic h�.ndiing faciiities, tf�ey have and should be considered together when looking at the traffic problems in the northeast quadrant of St. Paul . Some parts of T,H. ?_12 history will be included i� this report in order to give the cornptete picture, � Nistory During the early 195o's the need for an improved connection fronl da�rn- town St. Paul to the northeast was apparent to the City of St. Paul . The Minnesota Nighway Departrt;ent was planning a new Trunk Nighway 212 to the east of St. �aul and would require a connection in St. Paul , and the City was struggling with improving the east-Y;est traffic flow in the capitol area and beyond to the east. Improvements were required because of the changing traffic patterns due to the capitol area changes, to the new freeway system as it was developing, to relieve the existing and projected traffic on East Seventh Street and Minnehaha Avenue, and in some measure to give minor relief to overcrowded Marytand Avenue, The proposed facility was named the "Arch-Pennsylvania-East Minnehaha Highway" and was proposed from Rice and Como to Payne and Minnehaha. Part of it was included in the recommendations of the Second United Improvement Program Citizens Committee and was part of the program appro- ved by the voters in November, 1953. Sept. 8, 1956 Council resolution approving a general layout for T.H, 212 from East Avenue to Nazel Street, south of the Northwestern Railroad tracks. The Building Department was instructed to withhold permits pending acquisition of right-of-way, This action was not connecte� with the Arch-Pe�nsylv�n�a- East Minnehaha tiighway. June 7,, 195� Council Resolution requesting the Minnesota Highway Department to conduct engineering studies to provide a new T,H, 212 route throuah St. Paul to replace the existing inadequate route on complet�lycievel- oped streets and to acquire needed right-of-way. This action was not connected with the Arch-Pennsylvania-E. Minnehaha Highway. ' � Mav 23. 1959 Council Resolution approved a locatio� plan for T.H, 2i2 which estab- lished a route entering the City at Larpenteur and the old street car railway right-of-way, then fotiowing the street car right-of-way ta a point on the north side of the Northwestern Railroad tradcs between Birmingham and Etna Streets and then south between those streets to Hudson Road. The E3uilding Department was instructed to withhold building permits pending acquisition of right-of-way. This action was not connected with the Arch-Pennsylvania-E. Minnehaha Highway, Oct. 21 , 1961 Council Resolution approving an agreement with 7oltz, King, Duvall , ' � Anderson and Associates, � lnc. , for preliminary design of the Arch- ,Pennsylvania-E. Minnehaha Highway between Mississippi Street and DeSoto Street. March 9, 1963 Council Resolution approving the improvement of the Arch-Pennsylvania- , _ E. Minnehaha Highway between Rice Street and I-35E. March 15, 1963 Council Resolution approved a supplemental agreement with Toltz, Y.ing� Duvall , Anderson and Associates, Inc. � to study an alternative route on the Arch-Pennsylvania-E. Minnehaha Highway between Mississippi Street and Payne Avenue. . -1- ._._�...�.� ---..... . ... ... . ,. .. _ , _ . _ .. .. : _. .... _ ..�_ _ .. _..,.,� .._r._..�.� ..,,�,,,.-�...,�.,. � �i� �. , . � _.. . � '., . , �. . .. . .�,t.,� �. ' �-� � ;'�,; -,� ��roving prei in:inary location pians for T.H, 212 � �� � � ; �,c ' nsylvania-E� P4innehaha Highway. This was the = ; ,s;. � .•�iway pl ans were co�nb i�ed i nto one system .for :c�ns� � : �,�,� � ,.: t;_; p�,,,, i � � the al i gnment of T,H. 212 between hti ss i ss i ppi R � � .;;�-�E � ' ..� (Arch-Pennsyl van i a-E. Mi nnehaha H i ghway) . �;�,E��, �;,,,; :'lanning fsoarc�, the City Council , and the � ,. _L.� , �f f, �, ��y- ; ��vEd this ai ignment of T.H. 212. ��;, �': � = ^Li Y�,i . - , ' Anderson and Associ ates, I nc. , submi tted a ---- . . ....._ .�... t �,;,' „ . , ; , - �ccations _for roadway from Mississippi Street o:o F _� ;. : ��c;n Col 1 i ns and North Streets. ;,,.,,-� �; , ,�',; L�;�-,,,, ��. � , L --:�:� on portion of the Arch-Pennsylvania-E. Minne- ._ _ __. . _.. _=- .- h�F`` ,,; , i�ice Street and I -35E. ��,,� �f?, 1''': f;g;-�� ,. �t �:�t►��een the C i ty of St. Paul and the Mi nnesota ._. ...__ __...._._ H i��, ; +.�� acqu i s i t i on of r i ght-of-way and const ruct i on of �; -. . : �� ,ii, 212 (Arch-Pennsyl van i a-E. Mi nnehaha H i ghway) '-r. ,} ;.r ; . ,;� : �;�; s� ;-,-. � , ���.•r��ae wi th the Ci ty of St. Paut to acqui re and �d ..- ;- ,,r,_. ;-� '�,�: - � ;�;. , : - �;e Road to Payne between Coi 1 i ns St reet and North 5�,�,�-r; �,_; �!-,x... r,tr;,:��, � ,� - :artment to acquire and clear the right-of-way {r.nm f' s., s � .? �.��i Si-r� � � ' . � �:� + _� Road and to provi de for the construct ion of the r, �c;,.<�,: ::�;� tr �:- < ;at��rc�, �., .. .�i t:h a tentat i ve l ett i ng date for const ruct i on of 7;, �:? E � ti ?e� ��n , �_; , -.�:;� i t s pa rt of the agreement, but the H i ghway ��,.. r .., . . , �.t •' ; � , :�;;",� f -: ;;. . - ' ���= Hi ghway Department to study an ai ternat i ve ` � ` �� �� � c ,R� . . .�pr the Chicaao Northwestern Rai 1 road to the �,,�; ,;:r „ , ° �qnway Department conducted such study. Thi s .. ,;,. ,�? �E;;3 ,, ; ;:, �� , ; ���.;ng the cost of such al ternate route on struc- �; . .:,�:�� , - � , ;�,, .. , . �,?,�00 as compared to approximately $22,000,000 ; :f, ;;�,, _ , � , . . : � � -�-t��.r that the alternate route couid still resuit , �: z k, ;� : � . � . . . .� compared wi th 450 homes for the appraved route. ;:� � T�,T ��_;� � . . , _ .•,Ky Department set up a Task Force to study the " � _ �,, , ����i to attempt to resol ve them so that the �oadway _ `r The Task Force made a mail survey af the area � :, ,. � ,_�, ,tif; . t ; ,. . . �egarding the area adjacent to the proposed r. ; ;�,� ;: , .` , , , . .�::�� Qnded that a survey be made of the owner and/or , ,,. � ' ,.�;-� .� ;;t. th i n the proposed r i ght-of-way, w i th i nd i v i dua 1 , _ _. , • , :. ��r occupant to determine. their reactions to the , „ ,�± �i � ,t. %! : �:; _?h des i res i f i t was necessary for them to be s s _ .. ;�;.�,. . . ;<:;.. , ited a11 activities on T,H, 212 and requested .;i.u� : ° 3 Highway Department, the Metropolitan Council , �:;-;�i ,,�« ' . P . ��ransit Commission to determine if rail or ,•,..,,-� � ,�.��,;; .; ' �- , �:; :�id for transportation facil ities in the T,H. 212 �, ',�� 'c�;,,, . : :ys set up funds and selected a consultant to . • :•�.h, .. � p > : ' ;�roposed agreement for the study was not acceptable l : .f•--; ; ; . -apolitan Transit Commission, or to some members of , , , . , �; � •y , , �.: ��titl y, the Metropol i tan Counci 1 , at the urgi ng of �.,�;�'�� ;;,-.; ; _ ; ��; ��, ; '~�east of St. Paul . i nel uded a St. Paul East Study , • � �;.- . , , is still being carried as a part of the current ..J�:-'�, �;c . •-,c i 1 . The study was to have been a compl ete ..._ ...., ..., �.,�.�.,,; .., -:,,:..� . . . , ,� ,..:,,.,, � 4 . . �..�, � � � . . . . "/ � � _ Ar-ch-Penn-E, hSi nnehaha Hy. . - Page 3 . • study of the East Side af St. Paul and was� among other things, to address itself to the �ransportation problems. This study has not been made to date and is still a very much neede� study which i+�as to have considered alY of the alternatives for transportatipn including the upgrading of the city street system in tFe study area as well as the transit alternatives in lieu of building a new T,H, 212. Dec. 18, 1972 A permit was issued to the J. Belaire Construction Co. , Inc. , for excavation and removal of material from the Williams Hill are� which is part of the area included in the right-of-way to be acquired by the Nighway Department for a portion of the road�Nay from Mississippi Street to Payne Avenue. This permit brought up the question of the right-of-way that had been acquired by the City of St. Paul and turned over to the Minnesota Nigh+��ay Department for the censtruction of the roadway as per the agreement, and the general feeling was that if the property was not to be utitizec� for high�ray construction, it should be put back into productive use as soon as passibte. . March 1 , 1973 The City Administrator arra�ged for a meeting at the Merrick Community Center to review wi �h the neighborhood the consideration • of the building of the proposed Arch-Pennsylvania extension to Payne Ave,nue as originally proposed in the 1953 United Improvement Bonci Issue Fro- . gram. This meeting resuited in instructions to the Pubtic Works Deoartment to develop preliminary planS for the extension of the roadway from Mississippi Street to Payne Avenue and to tf�e Planning Staff to develop a proposed alternate land us� plan in case the determinatian shouid be made that the roadway should not be built. May 24, 1973 A further meeting was held at *_he Merrick Cammunity Center to review the pr�oposed pr�liminary desigr� o� th� Arch-Fen��syivaniU extension from Mississippi to Payne Avpnue as developed by the Public Works Department and to review the possib}� alternative land use. After review of the information, the people in attendance at the meeting voted to reject the construction of the roadway and to redevelop the . la�d in question into . singlefamily residential use. ' / Recommendations It would be the strong recommendation of the Department of Public Works, and concurred in by the City Planning Staff� that the St. Paul East Study, and most particuiarly the part of the study that deats with the Arch-Pennsylvania-T. H. 212 transportation problems, be completed as soon as possible and that a determination be made as to what improvements, if any, are required in the transportation facilities to the east and northeast of St. Paut inctuding transit and the street system considerations. When this study has been completed, and if the determination is made that the Arch-Penn-T.H. 212 as a transportation link should not be buitt within the right- of-way already acquired, then the property that has been acquired by the City of St. Paul should be released for redevelopment as proposed by the Planning Staff in their recommendations to the neighborhood. In that regard� it would seem that the City Ptanning Department and' the neighborhood organizations should work together and develop final detailed redevelapment plans for the area if �edevel- opment is� the decision. � cn o �"� � 0������ _ �� .. ��� RAS:{f _ � �� '?� �' . (� � � 12 Rev, date. June 19, 1973 � ;� �ti� r.. _ '� �` ��`��`" � � .; �,C�����Q ��J � ` � C�� Q,�Rn`�` 'J i ��% - -��� '� ;'�7;-�T ��. � - July 20, 1�73 �'. �rank .D. i�3arzite113. City admir_i�tr�tor �uildin� Deax Sir t The City Council today approved a resolution, Co u�.cil rile No. �61718, requestin.� the Minrte$ota Highway Departmeit to .r+�lease and convey to the City of Sain;t Paul all property between Mtssis�ippi St. and Payne .�t��. acqu3xed for the Arch-P�t�n�ylvania Highway. ihe Council �z13o m�ved that �he request be tr�nsmi�tte� to you to contact the Minneso�ta Hi�hwt�y i�partment and make a copy of the resolution �vailab].e to them alon� with an explanation of the City'e po�it3.on on this matter. Yours truly', Ci.ty C].erk sf�l� ��ITY OF �A1l�T'1` �AUL ��.j�,i`,1V��t lll�� rl,��i Cl�l i� VOIJl�?V11J ROSALIE L. BUTLER Councilman DATE '� -- � 1 - �% �, „ , ; �% (� �/ , TC� ��a �.� �----�_.��.i�,�� �; ; -r�_-���_ �;� �i o Fa y«� �r«�:�� � Please rder to the �tisct�ed correspocxfence and make the aecessary rcply. C Advist me oo c�e scatus d cbe attact�cd. Other Richard Richie 715 Edgerton J� St. Paul, Minn. 40 YEARS QF CF'ALL 55101 MATCF�ING F����.� � __ _ US EMPLO;'f�i�'�d( S , � _ Harry Marshall City Clerk for City Council City Hall & Court Haase St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 . � PAYNE-MINNEHAHA COMMUNITY COUNC'il � ,�-3 ` 715 Edgerton St. � STi. PAUL', MINN. - 551011 � _.-�' �' ` . ':���� r . . .y � -_.---' , ! l::.ir, . + .� t '.i t`-.t __.- ','` !'._, � �� ��� �� _;f �p CEIPT RE iFh" , _ `,. � ,'�� _�. . � i NO. 2�� �� �� City Clerk for City Council . City Hall and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ... _,,, . tY � � 1��``] x � �, 1 9�_ ; » ��4' ZNj t '��{ v9 'NNiW ''lfidd iS � ' ,� ,:. 301��0 S���31� J,li� �,.. ;::,: , k,.� � ��s �� sS s �� 7nr ��:. �5 �� =�:� a311d _ ., �; � ��� , �_} �: " ��, �� � . ��: :° �. , �,�..,.;�;.