261711 WHI7E - CITV CLERK 1 261`711 PIN� - F�NANCE CO1111C11 BLUERY - MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File �NO. C , ncil esolut� , Presented By LICENSE CO�I'rTEE V Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RFSOLYED: That Licenses applied for by the following persons ath the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. S. H. Nolan & R. 0. Hanousek aba Woodbric�e Apt.s 1509 Albemarle Swimming Pool App. 3076 New Roy R. & El�zabeth A. Wagner 50?-509 Univeraity 2nd. Hd. Mtr. Veh. " 5115 �� Parts Dealer Ronald E. Carlson 1135 Arcade St. Cig. V.M. Oper 1-2 M. '� 5193 �� Horvath Motors� Inc. 857 Grand Tow Truck " 6306 �� Patrick L 0'Neill 2114 Jefferson Mtr. Veh. Dr. �� 6324 �� Elon J. :Piache� Jr. 835 University Rest. C-1 �� 6359 �� Miss. 8treet Metals� Divn� of Effress Co.� Corp. 800 Mississippi� Scrap Metal Processor App. 6531 New Roger Peterson 499 Jackson Gen. Rep. Gar. App. 6564 New John R. Mattson 1199 Arcade Rest. C-1 �� 6638 �� �� '� Ciga.rette �� �� �� Robert Golil 1401 University 1 Tow Truck M 6739 New Zapata Foods� Inc. 1960 S�burban Rest. �� 6762 " n n CigBrette n n r� Sir Vend� Inc. % Robert S. Baldinger� 215 Eva St. 1 M �� 6904 �� n n n 1 Add M. rr ri n Arlington House� Corp. 590 p. Arlington Rar. & Bd. Hse. �� 6944 �� The Moore Way 96 Sealy Mattress Co.� 681 LaSalle 1 M �� 7175 �� Jeffrey E. Wahl �509 Hampshire Ave.N. Fd+stf. YM Oper. 7206 �� Brooklyn Park� Minnesota COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas g�tler Nays -�F�n�rt- Konopatzki In Favor Levine M�&h Roedler Against BY Tedesco Mme.President�ler- HUt2t Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Msyor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E - CITY CLERK CA ARY - DEN AR MENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COIIC1C11 `^' BLUE - MAYOR File �O. ' • ■ �� � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMINITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 2 - Con't. Ray Sandford Box 34� Lillydale� Minn. Fdstf V.M. Oper. App. ?267 New David paul Erickson 879 Payne Optician �� App. ?279 �' Fred Hangerstrom % Minn. Fmblem Co.� 366 Wacouta Class I V.M. Loc 1 M " 7295 " " % Gateway Glass Co. 889 Pierce Butler Rte. 1 M �� 7298 �� " �6 Consst. & General Laborers Local 132� 347 Univ. 1 M �� 730? �� " qo Royal Datsun� Tnc. 734 Grand Avenue 1 M �� ?351 �� u �r n �� 1 A�1d. M. n n �r Howard Graves / The Laundry� Inc.� 455 Univ. 1 M �� ?407 �� n n tr ►+ 2 Add. M. n �� �� Dennis E. Hartzell & David A. Trantham 1263 Charlesi Firearems �� 7426 �� Quality Discount Center� Inc. 1007-09 Arca,de 2nd Hd. Mtr. Veh. Dlr App.7469 New S. S. Kresge Co. 245 E. Maryland Bicycle Dlr. App. 7489 New Northern Vending Services % Riverview Improvement C1ub 454 Onega� 1 M '� 7637 �� Central Industries� Inc. 270 E. 8th Gen. Rep. Ga.r. �� 7684 �� I.U.C. c/o Capitol Gears� Inc. 349 N. Hamline V.M. Loc. 1 M �� 7695 �� n u n �� 15 Add. M. n n n �� c/o R. & K. Service 717 N.Soelling 1 M �� 7715 �� n i� n t� 1 add. M. n n n James Burke 11 E. Kellogg Blvd.(Hilton Hotel) Auctioneer �� ?745 �� The Amer. Dist. Telegraph Co. of Minn.� 446 University� Automatic Devices �� 7782 �� on Telephone or Radio Richard LeFebvre 42 uth + COUIVCILMEN Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of: �� Konopatzki Iri FaVO[ L.evine Meredith Against BY �,� Roedler Tedesco Mme.President�t+k�er �t Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E - CITV CLERK f 261��1 PINIS - FINANCE COl1IIC11 CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAZTL BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 3 - Con't. Imperial Vending c/o Sanitary Ice Co.� 601 N. Prior V.M. Loc. 1M App. 7875 New 1�¢ron M. Katz 203 W. 7th St. Cigarette App. 7900 New Donald A. Bullard 1610 Randolph Laundry & D.C. Plt. �� 8035 �� Edward Webb 629 Selby Ave. Orig. Cont. D �� 8062 �� " " Cigarette �� �� �� Fred Sande 168 E. Acker M.A. Device 1 �► 8063 �� �� �� Music Mach. 1 �� �� �► Eleanore L. Gavin 387 University Beauty Shop �� 8084 �� Twin City Furniture Inc. 559 Brunsen Going out of Business '� 8085 �� Asa Marshall 1400 University Auctioneer - 1 day �� 8086 �� D.V.M.! Inc. 1889 Fairmount Ave. M.A. Devices - 8 �� 8104r� Dick Mitchell ?55 Payne Ave. Cigarette �� 8105 '� George Organ 1205 Homer 2nd. Hd. Mtr. Veh Dlr.« 8131 �� Terry 0. Brindley 1054 Payae Ave. Gas Station 3 P. �� 8162 �� �� " Gen. Rep. Gar. �� �� �� " " Liquid Fuel DlY'. « �� �� John & Marion F. Cieminski 2111 Ford Pkwy. 1 M �� 8165 �� ►� �� 1 Add. M. �� �� �� Better Food Buys� Inc. 684 N. Western Groc. & Butcher A2 " 8196 �� " �� Off-Sale Malt �� �� �� " " Cigarette '� �� �+ Paula A. Miller 65 W. George Grocery A-1 �� 8205 " CQU�[CILMEN Requested by Department of: Con't. Yeas �u-c�er Nays -�rrE Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Roedler Against By � Tedesco Mme.President $�s� HUrit - Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy BY WHl7E - CITY CLERK PIN� - FI�NANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council BLUERY- MAVORTMENT File NO. ��� �� � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMINITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 4 Con't. James J. Yerhulst 246 S. Snelling Gen. Rep. Car. App. 8213 New f� '� Cigarette �� �� �� �� +► Cig. Y.M. Oper.l-2 M App.8213 New James J. Verhulst �� V.M. Loc 1 M �► 8214 �� �� " 1 add' M �+ �� �� John & Marion F. Cieminski 2111 Ford Pkwy. Gas Stat. 5 P. �� �229 �� �r " Gen. Rep. Gar. n �� n n �� Cigarette �� �� r► �� " 2 Tow Truck� �� 823p �� Neighborhood House 1?9 E. Robie Class M Food Estb. �� 8235 �� Tastee Prod. of St. paul 203 I�yan Ave. Grocery A-1 �� 8252 �� Gary G Thron 861 University Gas Station 6 p. �� 8269 �� tr �� Gen. Rep. Gar. �� �� �� n n Cigarette �� �� �� Ralph F. Brausen 1785 Suburban 1 M �� 8338 �� �� �� 2 add'. M �r �e ri Earl J. Uhler 545 Jackson 2 Tow Trucks �� 8344 �� James M. & Virginia M. Hayden� 1938 Grand Grocery & F.F. A-2 �� 8393 �� �� �� Off-Sale Malt �� i� �� �� " Cigarette +� �� �� Willis Landrith 358 White Bear Gas Station 6 P. �� 8397 �} �� �► Csen. Rep. Car. r� �� r� u �� \ � COUIVCILMEN Yeas �tler Nays Requested by Department of: --H4rrt- Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Roedler Against BY � Tedesco Mme.President�n�tier I�llIlt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E - CITY CLERK 1 PINF$ - FINANCE COII11Cll -(�J BLUERY - MAYpRTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO• ^�� ��� Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMINI'�'F Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 5 - Con't. Willis Landrith 358 White Bear 1 tow truck App. 8398 New W.R. Foster & H.M. Foster 2022 Marshall 2nd. Hd� Dlr. Gen. �� 8418 �� Daniel Carlson & Michael Breze� 1902 W. 7th Tow Truck �� 8481 �� n �� 3 add. Trucks n n n Jeffrey E. Wahl c/o Amer. Bakeries� 9? E. 12th 1 M �� 8q$g ►� Toro Duellman 1935 Rice Tow Truck �+ 8489 �� Alfred H. Bauman 805 Grand 2nd. Hd. Dlr. Gen. �� 8499 �� Paul Damico 1284 W. ?th Sauna �� 8501 rr A. Weisman Co. 701 No. 7th St.� Mpls. Cig. V.M. Oper. 2M �� 8553 �� William F. Wonders 916 Arcade Groc & F.F. A-2 �► 8613 �� �� �� Off-Sale Malt �� �� �� " " Cigarette �► �+ �� Delores Taloa 740 N. Snelling Masseuse �� 8659 �� Leon Godeke 2304 Como Auctioneer� 1 Day �� 8?23 �� Nancy Anderson 606 Rice St. Masseuse �� 8?34 �� Sherman Sokol 375 Wabasha Barber �► 87?O �� D.V.M.� Inc. c/o Stronunen & Assoc. 2469 Unvi. 1 M � 876? �� n n �� 2 add. M. n n n William D. & Carol J. Ross 984 Rice St. Rest. C-2 �� 8?82 �� �� �� Cigarette �� �� �� Schi�fs Shoea� Inc. 373 Wabasha Close out sale �� 8788 �� Jo�'► Burke 11 E. Kellogg Auctioneer - 1 day �� 8829 �� AAron E. Kane & Bar COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas $u�lgp Nays -H�rrrrt- Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith A gains t BY �. Roedler Tedesco Mme.President Bt�l� HUrit Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITY CLERK ����11 CAN�ARV - ENPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUI1C11 yl BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE C01�4lITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 6 - Con't. Paul D. Sparks 1200 Rice St. Tow Truck App. 8910 New United Truck Leasing� Inc. 513 Jackson Private Gas Putip " 8966 " Edward A. Steiner 191 INaple St. llit� Mtr. Veh. Dr. " 89?5 �� , Larry J. Buh�ann 2335 Woodbridge Mtr. Veh. Dr. " 9005 " Yilliam Zelle 1311 Hartford " " �Z " 1Nichael E. Dean �52 Berkeley Ave. �� " gp�3 r' Pa.ul Wagner 1384 Hartford �� n gp�4 �� Alfred Jo�eph Fink� Jr. 1140 E. Shore Ave. " " �� " Richard A. Janisch 1446 Grand Ave. Mtr. Veh. Dr. �� 9071 �� Steve Schutle 1046 �teatern " " 9072 r' Mark Quinlan 1814 E. Hyacinth �� " �� " Iambert Brost 912 Laurel �� �� 9116 �' Thomas E. McGuire 894 Albemarle �� �� 911? �� Patrick Eagle 1592 Loring Dr. Transient Merchant �� 9139 �� Atlanta� Geo. Scott M. Gerr 1517 Sargent Mtr. Veh. Dr. �� 9153 �� Mtm. L. Stearn� 740 Ritrer Dr. " " 9154 �� Michael L. Bowens 1247 St. Anthoney �� �� 9169 �� Terry K. Grinnell 332 W. Baker �t w 91?2 �� INichael J. Malina 2265 Snelling N. Mtr. Yeh. Dr. " 9173 �� John D Scott 175 Charles " " 9174 �� Steben Nelson Jonnes 6950 Lake Elmo No.! �� �' 9178 �� Craig Jones Stillwater �� �� �� 164 Charles 91?9 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �tl�r Nays -i�atet- Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY �. Roedler Tedesco Mme.President��r �t Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E - CITV CLERK t ^^�W�� PIN�� F�NANCE COI111C11 '1��- BLUERY= DEPAOR�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. �fi� 7 Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COA4tITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE ? - Con't. Bruce A. Hintz 200 N. Saratoga Mtr. Veh. Dr. App. 9180 New Yilliam Frank Huff 1357 E. Minnehaha �' �� 9219 �� Michael Bolar 486 Fuller �� �� 9221 �� walter R. Kaul 324 W. George " " 9� " F,mory C. Kraft 116 York '� " 9223 �� Robert 0. Carlson 501-3 Wabasha M.A. Devices - 1 " 9224 �� COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Butler Nays �mrt— � Konopatzki �_ In Favor Levine Meredith � Against By �. Roedler Tedesco Hurit Mme.President$tt�e�r Adopted by Council: Date JUL 1 9 1973 Form Approved by City Attorney Certif' d Pa d by Coun ' c By By Approv MaXor: te Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy BY PUgLISHED JUL 2 8 19