261709 WH17E - CITY CLERK COl1I1C11 [� ^ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL ��� 7J S` BLUERV- MAYORTMENT Fl JO.__����°A "�� Council eso ' - � Presented By LICEN3E CQ1�Q�JITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RE30LVEDt That licenses for permits tc conduct Bingo games� applied for by th� following organizations at the addresse� st�t�di for the days, dates and ho�urs ind3.cated on each application, be and the sa�ne are hereby granted. St. Paul �agles Aerie #33 Athletic �d ?33 Pierce Butler Rte. 26 Pds. Appn �I 6340 Rsnewal Catholic Athletic Asan. 1�6 W. 9th Street 48 Pds. �' 7320 " Arlingtcan Booster Club 156 W. 9th 3�reet 26 Pds. � 7655 " Friends of the Oblate �7 w. ?th Street 8 Pds. " ?71t]. New St. Paul Lodge #40 LOOt4 1795 E. 7'th Street 1!� Pds. p 771t2 Renewal. E. 0. Per1.t Post 512 A.L. 862 White Bear Ave. 52 Pds. " 8203 � Rice Lawson 8enior Citizens Rice & La�son 1 Pd. " 8�t'T? Ne�r St. Paul Women's Aux. Z`urners 1�6 W. 9th Str. 51 Pds. " 8733 Renewal St. Peter Claver Church 375 N. Oxford Street 1 Pd. " 9158 " Cat�iolic Order of Foresters, Caurt 9�3 831 R. 5th Street 1 Ad. " 9235 " Yeas CBLitlerLME Na s Requested by Department of: Y -�itnst- Konopatzki � In Favor Levine Meredith Roedler � Against BY � Tedesco Mme.President� Iil]rit �J U L 1 9 1973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifi s ed by Co ry BY By Approve by Ma . Da e Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By pUBLiSHED UL