261705 WHITE^ ..- CITV CLERK • 1 �1'7d�5 � PINK .J�- FINANCE COIII1C11 BLU�RV- MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL�� � File NO. ° � ncil Resolution Presented By _, Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date In the ma.tter of hazardous buildings being that single family frame dwelling at 115 Winter Street in the City of Saint Paul and situated upon those premises legally described as Lot 18, Block 1, Fletcher' s Subdivision of Brewsters Addition to the City of Saint Paul in Ramsey County� and State of Minnesota, according to � the plat on file and of record in the off ice of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey� State of Minnesota. WHEREAS pursuant to resolution� C. F. 261099, approved April 23� 19�/3� a public hearing was scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on Ma.y 3� 1973, before the Council of the City of Saint Paul� said hearing pertaining to the condition .of the structure located at 115 Winter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota; and WHEREAS upon facts presented at said hearing con.sisting ' �' '^'" of photograp�.s, inspection reports and the recommendation of the Building Department, it is found and determined by the �� City Council that according to the records and files in the office of the Register of Deeds� the last record owners of the above described property are Herman Hiding� fee owner; Helen Hagens� contract purchaser, and Ralph Bravo,' Jr. and that there are no lien holders of record; and that it is further determined tha.t the above described building constitutes- a hazardous building within the definition of Minnesota Statutes Section 463.15 for the following reasons: , a. The building is standing vacant abandoned and is subject to being entered by unaut�iorized persons; COUNCILMEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY x�� Roedler Te esco Mme.President Butler Form prove Cit ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary B By A Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Coun il By BY °:� . , f ` ����(,� :�, � b. The exterior condition of the building is as follows: The two chimneys above the roof line require tuck pointing due to eroded mortar joints. Pieces of the asbestos sid�ing are broken and missing. Roofing is weathered and in poor condition. The roof cornice and trim have dry rot and have pieces missing. There is dry rot in the structural members of the back porch causing settling of the porch. Some of the window glass has been l�roken; c. The interior condition of the building is as follows : The first floor has f ive rooms and a bath. The floors are sagging due to ' excessive deflection and settlement. Plaster on the walls and ceilings is cracked and in sorne areas has fallen off. The bathroom is without a tub �or shower. Doors are poor fitting du� to excessive settlement. 'The attic is littered with debris. There are holes in the roof. The electric wiring is inadequate and has been disconnected. There is no central heating. There is- a partial basement with a dirt floor. The foundation walls have eroded mortar joints. Floor joists have dry rot at the east side of the dwelling. Posts which are used to support the floor joist are resting on blocks of wood instead of a proper concrete flooring; d. The building in the above condition is beyonc� reasonable repair.; e. The building is unfit for human habitation in its present condition and the above corrections must be made in compliance with the Building Code and the Housing Code of the City of Saint Paul in order 'to ma.ke the same habitable; - f. The building constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare because of its physical dama.ge, dilapidation and inadequa.te maintena.nce; w � � � � ���,�1+�� now, therefore, be it- RESOLVED, That in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 463.15 through 463.26, and based upon the foregoing findings of the City Council, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby ma.ke the following Order; ORDER 1. The owners of the above described building shall make the same safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare by having the said building razed and the ma.terials the�efrom removed from the premises within thirty (30) days from the date of the service of this Order; 2. Unless such corrective action is taken to compiy with this Order or an answer served upon the City of Saint Paul and filed in the Office of the Clerk of District Court of Ramsey County, Minnesota within twenty (20) days from the date of the service of this Order, a Motion for Sununary Enforcement of this Order to raze and remove the said building will be made to the Ramse� County District Court; 3. In the event that the building is to be razed by the City of Saint Paul pursuant to judgment of the District Court, all personal property or fixtures which ma.y unreasonabl�r interfere with the razing and removal of this building shall be removed within ten (10) days from the entry of judgment; and if not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such personal property and fixtures as provided by law; WHI7�E - CITY CLERK � COIIIICll PINK .� PINAMCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL BLUERY.• MqypRTMENT File NO. 261'7(�5 f � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4. If the City of Saint Paul is compelled to take any corrective action herein, all necessary costs ex�ended by the City will be assessed against the above described real estate and collected as other taxes; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� that a certified copy of this reso- lution and incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record owners of the above described property in the manner provided by law. COUNCILMEN Yeas �tler Nays Requested by Department of: Herrt- Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith �_ Against BY x��fi� Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �eeHer AltxTlt ��� � g 1973 Form Approved by City Attorney ' Adopted by Council: Date Certi ' a sed by C 1 tary BY By Appro d y r: Date u� O 7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By PUBLISHEb J U L 2 8 1913 .� � 261� �� . C1TY OF SAINT PAUL OFFlCE aF THE CiTY ATTORNEY � July Y3, �973� � R. SCOTT DAVIES I�1r. Albert_ B. Olson - Council Recording Secretary � � City Clerk' s Office Re: 115 Winter Street - Dear Mr. 01son: Attached hereto is resolution/order pertaining to the above hazardous buiZding. Upon passage of the same by the City Council, please for�vard �� certified copies to n_e. Yours truly, � PAUL F. MC CLOSKEY, JR. . � Assistant City Attorney PFM:j r Enc. CertiFied capies sent 7-20-73 �mw City Hali, Saint Pau(, ivtinnesota 551U:. 612 223-5��. .F p� t m y t _ ��6 �. l�.�'� �,���I�5��� et� �� � �� "0� ��� ��� :��� �.� : �M� �fi �;� � .��,r �` Y ; . � � �� '�b ;t'�„ '"f" �����Fu��.:.� ����� ���� - 'l '+iii �j�, I 4� I` .d� :`M� � {� �n''�5�i � �,. , ��., � y , ., _,' _ . ���.._ � .� ' r.�-. d; �.� ' .:. , , . � i, � , . . � . .;,- .. � .-`^' .' � ;"wr��Fw Fr� '�x .�1 . ,.. �'4� . a= , , * � — °pUxi ; u�.' .,�� ,W, = � .. �~ .. . , }' 'hF�� y� IuG �„ � *�:§z- i' y,.W. _ � � � �r,�...",�n J'"�"= . '��'"ra�'"� {.�a'e�s'�T` _ a i * �{ `b�' �'"�� � 1 � � m v Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement 445 City Hall, 55102 298•4212 May l, 1973 Madam President and Members of the City Council Re: 115 Winter Street File #2192 Honorable Council: The Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the structure at the location referred to above. The owners of record are Herman Hiding - fee owner, Aelen Hagens contract purchaser and Ralph Bravo Jr. The legal description of the property is Lot 18, Block 1, Fletcher`s Sub. of Brewster's Addition. The building is a single family frame dwelling 22 ' x 54 ` . The two chimneys above the roof line require tuck-pointing due to eroded mortar joints. Pieces of the asbestos siding are broken and missing. Roofing is weathered and in poor condition. The roof cornice and trim have dry rot and have pieces missing. There is dry rot in the structural members of the back porch causing settling of the porch. Some of the window glass has been broken. There is a partial basement with a dirt floor. The foundation walls have eroded mortar joints. Floor joists have dry rot at the east side of the dwelling. Posts which are used to support the floor joist are resting on blocks of wood instead of a proper concrete footing. The first floor has five rooms and bath. The floors are sagging due to excessive deflection and settlement. Plaster on the walls and ceilings is cracked and in some areas has fallen off. The bathroom is without a tub or shower. Doors are poor fitting due to excessive settlement. y�� �`°���. , � 1 +� ��� 55 / � .. Q�4. V � , . . . . . �,' . t� 4 p � �-. • Madam Pres.ident and ' � Members o� the City Council May 1 , 1973 (2? The attic is littered with debris. There are holes in the roof. The electric wiring is inadequate and has been disconnected. There is no central heating. This property is not in an area with which the Housing and Re- development Authority is concerned. The subject property has been boarded up by the city since October 19, 1972. This building has been vacant for over a year and has deteriorated throughout due to lack of maintenance. Inasmuch as the inadequate maintenance, the physical damage and the dilapidated condition outlined above constitute a public hazard and the owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the dam- age despite our warnings, and the continued vacant and boarded up condition contributes a blighting influence on the neighborhood, it is the recommendation of this bureau that this matter be referred to the City Attorney' s office for razing and removal through District Court proceedings. V y truly you s, enn A. Eric son Asst. City Architect GAE/RJP/gd cc: Messrs. Lawrence D. Cohen, Mayor P. McCloskey, City Attorney Office W. Shimek, Fire Marshal F. Staffenson, Housing Code L. Levine Tr`� /�i (`' T � [. i T � ��� wH�x� — c r� c��tK ' � ����� ♦. � f-1NK � _.. f 11'�AiiC� •r1 �1 1 1 V li � ►..7L� 1 ♦\T g I L� lT L Council ���� 1 � � CA'J^RY - �PA�TNENZ ►,1 � � �BLUF -+�CJiYOF�:� , File 1\0. Co�n��l Resolution Presented Py --- — -- ------._— ---- — Refe�r�>ci To _— ---------------- - Cominitt��. Date -- --- �`,:� of Cornmittee BY--------__ ---. � Date ___.__—__ °4__ :����fi�A:� , �z�� �ivisi4� o£ fiOi7S7.rLC� a�d �u:�.l�.i�g t`:�ci� Enforer-.?�ta� '�;:} r:sc�3:��t��a �h: �i*y Ccu��:cil t� ��cZ� a ��:�t.�?i.� ��F���i�ict �.O C�l:5.ttIC�" . ._ �:�;fi.s��i��li��• a��� ztc:c��s.1i��� ca* t���:- �orr�c��c�r. c�r ��r�c:>a,n� an� _ _� ..n;r-�1 of �.i�e �"0�2��-��i.�{� ci���c�i��c� ���z7 l�inq �.�} . ��i� str-�c2cture (s3 . -::Y.. �.rr ;:,���n rc.,�or�E:�i �c} c����.?���t� � r�,ai.�Iie ii�z�ra- . . �"..,'a:� L��1'C�� a.F�'�J�Y�.i�t��.$si.� 1��:: �L uLX�.Z�t�t1�� ._.._. . . .'" .�._„: ._._..�....,.. __...:�...... _ .,.�_., _. 1,:.';i ,-`:I.ri�.E'Z' �iL. ��. 1�.i�, s.�.C7C�: � , F�.��..'�Cii�'l'S S1I2C��.F: �c3..�13�� �:'c�:':F, Sal_=, t�� �:ir�c��tcz's ��-:��'itio.l � �3�aII.?nr� 22 ' x 5� ' t�TZ.:��i.'r?S� �t a�±�e�ar� th��: �«v ;.��� ��c�?�_ re�rci o.rners il`: :i�l�.�. b'11.�..C�1M�; f�3 3X'E c��; �0�.�.C7tT.�'a: �� :T�r^:�n .��icii.�:; .. :��� ��r�:er �'L�.e3� F'aq�:�� - c��tr�.c� �u�c���er ral>>ii �r:3vo -Tr. ii:�::P.F:�`OR��:3 �3� IT ���r;L�':�'�S ��i�#� � ��tt�;l.ir i��ar. i:�c� ��e :�e:.�? � 4- ��,� �����re t.�� C,�u�c�.l ti�' t':� Ci��T c�f ���.nt� F°�u.2 i� �<��� Cour.cil �' �1 :":`J�3' v:L '�.�"!� E.'�II�"� Y�,'}llaf�' :LI"! .*3.?31.C� C�.z:�.' c"1� �.�_! ; �?�.� i.���I. OTI f�ZI 3 t �.�I� �:� c��.�ir��i th� �;�visa�ilit:�� �.:��� z����c��it�� �f �r��rinc� thc� cflrr�c�:i�r �r r�r��L:.in� an�:i rc��.c�v�3l. o�' s�i:� �t�ur��u�-� (�y �;� ���e �hs�vc 3�ser�.��c? �;.: :r�,, f r:�sznuc�� �� �.�i� ��?-a����: (�j �.r-:, r��z<�r�c:� t�.� �c�n�`i�tat� ,.�a�:�rr� i-4 ncY:�Ii.c ii� :�.��:� �.���4�� ����. _:�:l�'�dr� i�� i.t _ �'�`�.`"i:.t�'tr�. 's��."='{�u�Ji::<l,� �ici� ��a.3 :`.�Z�T1.S:�.��: t:`-f �irJll.�31:� r:t�aCl '�.;�}.li..,�?.'�3rr .`^- . _ ..:l:fa:�'"c"z�;:�'_''1'�,� ^.:`. .�t;.�y.�i.�: ':i �:�E:: �'�-F:J C.�::SL'.t:�3.�r ?`:C3'�3.�'°�f {"3��� "?c7�:»�. . .2:, ;'E�rll"l.! !7.'7.'sE:x'S t1,� �.'.t' >>�'�?�?L:C�:?l L�"1 {_'ijF•3f::TC:':1 �3f: t!1E: �.�2`"i r���:!`¢t'�Z _�i?'t.'U'S . :1;: E••'?1.� caS Ui'ii�'x" 1�1'�t:3.:�'-iE�;.�.:. Ttnvv`-C:U:iS �'?!' 2"E?G:f�t1s C7� hF�� r.'','3w':.' c ; - . .a..i 2�.�.�:':. `�1�, �.��.� iieC.��.�is� '�nt.t�3 . . CO[ `�CII.MEI�1 �e uested b- De artment of: Yeas �'!�'s��'�r` Nays q � P ��+�.: Cca�unity Services .i��:��u,�*zki � � =� _ [n Favor -- _ _ —.__ t�� 5leredith . 4�ait�st �Y ---- -- �� �.f�t�: Roed�er �_�"_ . �, � — 'JY. �i� Tecesco aa,��P:�sideiit B�e�,. a��`Sa�.t� pPR 1 9 19�► _ Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ____. � � Gertified Passed by Council Secr,etary I BY --- ?' By � � ° �-; -- 1 Approved by ;�layof� Date Approved by Mayor for Submission ta Cduncil F — �. ; � BY --- - BY -_ , I , „ . . . , . �__ . . • . � ,�.a��i;.r ��i°"'N �:; �`��� - � 1 ��I��� , � ;: . �: July 5, 1973 Mr. R. Scott Davies City Attorney Dear Sir: �he Council requests that you prepare a resolution ordering the correction or wrecking and removal of a building at 115 Winter St. Very truly yours, City Clerk ABO:ml �,v 3, 1973 Nir. Glcnn Er3.ckson As�i�t�,nt C3.ty Architect Rt�n �5, City Ha].l St. Paul, Minnesote Dear Sir: The City Couneil laid over to July 5, 1973 a he�rin� to consider the advf�ability and nec��sity of the correctian or wrecking an8. removal of a bu3.lding �,t 115 Winter St. Yours very truly, City Clerk ABO:�mw