261700 WHI7E — CITY CLERK -
BLU�'c�-~NrA�ORTMENT File �O.- • �^��■-� -_
�" ` ' R�olution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: - Date
Out of Committee By Date
:,��,;�, -
In the matter of hazardous
buildings being that 12 story fraine
three-plex at 632 N. Western in the
City of Saint Paul and situated upon
those premises legally described as
the North part of Lot 8, Block 25,
Kui�n.s Subdivis ion of a part of La.f onds
Additi.on to Saint Paul, according to
the plat on file and of record in the
office of the Register of Deeds in and
for the County of Ramsey, State of
WHEREAS, pursua.nt to resolution, C. F. 26126�� approved
Ma.y 14, 1973. a public hearing was scheduled for 10:00 a.m. .
0n Ma.y 31, 1�73� before the Council of the City o,f Saint Paul,
said hearing perta�ning to the condition of the structure
located at 632 North Western� Saint Paul� Minnesota; and
WHEREAS upon facts presented at said heaxing.. �onsisting
of photograp�is, inspection reports and the recommendation of
the Building Department, it is found and determined by the City
Council that according to the records and f iles in the office of
the Register of Deeds, the last record owners of the above
described property are Theresa Klauser and Delores Ginberli�.g
and that there are no lien holders of record; and that it is
further determined that the above described building consti-
tutes a hazardous building within the definition of Minnesota
Statutes Section 463.15 for the following reasons:
a. The building is standing vacant� abandoned
and is subject to being entered by unauthorized persans;
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Konopatzki [n Favor
Meredith Agalnst BY
�Te�.des o Roedler
Mme.President Butler
Form Cit ge
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to ouncil
_ \
. � �
� ' �����
b. The exterior condition of the building is
as follows: The exterior walls are covered with an
asphalt siding which has some area open to the old
siding underneath. The roof is deteriorated, rain
gutters are rusted and hanging loose. The chimney
is cracked near the roof line. Windows and screens
are broken and some sashes have been removed;
c. The interi:c�r condition of the building is
as follows: The foundation walls in the basement
are crumbling and the concrete floor is broken and
settled. Floor joists have been cut off without
providing proper support. The exterior entrance to
the basement has retaining walls which are falling.
The interior floors in the rooms are sagging, plaster
is loose and falling and vandals have torn some of the
partitions down. Bathrooms have been illegally in-
stalled with no means of ventilation. Handrails and
guardrails for the stairway to second floor are missing.
the roof is supported by 2' x 4' rafters which are
d. The building" in' the above condition is beyond
e. The building is unfit for hu.man habitat�.on
in its present condition and the above corrections
must be made in compliance with the Building Cod'e
and the Housing Cocl.e of the City of Saint Paul in
orde�r to make the same habitable;
f. The building constitutes a nuisance and a
hazard to the public health, safety and welfare
because of its physical c3.amage, dilapidation and
inadequate ma.intenance;
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section
463.15 through 463.25, and based upon the foregoing findings of
the City Council, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby make the following Order:
1. The owner of the above described building shall make the
same safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety
and welfare by having the said building razed and the materials
therefrom removed from the premises within thirty (30) days from
the date of the service of this Order;
PINK —�'INANCE CO1111C11 /�(� �
BLUE�••—Jv1A^oR � File �0. ��� �e y� •
" Council Resolution ��
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
_ 2. Unless such corrective action is taken to comply �
with this Order or an answer served upon the City of Saint
Paul and filed in the Office of the Clerk of District Court
of Ramsey County� Minnesota within twenty (20) days from
the date of the service of this Order� a Motion for Summa.ry
Enforcement of this Order to raze and remove the said
building will be made to the Ramsey County District Court;
3. In the event that the building is to be razed by
the City of Saint Paul pursua.nt to judgment of the District
Court, all persona.l property or f ix�ures which may unreason-
ably interfere with the razing and removal of thi:s building
shall be removed within ten (10) days from the entry of
judgment; and if not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall
remove and dispose of such personal property and fixtures
as provided by law;
4-.-- Ff t�-�tg�-vf-�-�`�:int-_�ti�-_is compe��e-c�- to,: take _any .
corrective action herein� all necessary costs expended by
the City will be assessed against the above described real
estate and collected as other taxes; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution
and incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record
owners of the above described property in the manner provided
by law.
Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of:
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith .�o_ Against BY
x�i�3�cx Roedler
Mme.President B�rt�e�r- H tiri�
JUL 1 9 19 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certif' a ed by C c' cretary BY
Approve Ma r: te � 3 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
gy By
- ' P�BLt�HED JUL 2 8 1973
� , ' - �sl'��0
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, .
July 13, 1973� R. SCOTT DAVIES
14Ir. Albert B. Olson
Council Recording Secretarg
City Clerk' s Office .
Re: 632 N. Western �
Dear Mr. 01son:
Attached hereto is resolution/order pertaining to the
above hazardous building.
Upon passage of the same by the City Co�ncil, pleas�
fortivard 6 certified copies to me.
Yours truly,
� � ,
Assistant Ci,ty Attorney
PFM:j r -
Enc. .
Certified copies sent 7-20-73 ��
City Hal{, Saint Pau(, Mi�nesota 55102
612 223--5�2 i
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Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement 445 City Hall, 55102 298=4212
May 29 , 1973
Madam President and ��embers
of the City Council
Re : 632 N. Western
File #2385
Honorable Council:
The Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement is hereby
submitting its report on the condition of the structure at the
location referred to above .
The owner of record is Delores Ginberlin and Theresa Klauser.
The legal description of the property is N. part of Lot 8 , Block
25, Kuhn's Sub. of Lafonds Addition.
The building is a 12 story frame 3 plex. This building has been u�ed
as a 3 plex on property which is zoned B residential.
The exterior walls are covered with an ashpalt siding which has some
area open to the old siding underneath. The roof is deteriorated,
rai:n gutters rusted and hanging loose, and the chimney is cracked
near the roof line. Windows and screens are broken and some sash
have been removed.
The foundation walls in the basement are crumbling, concrete floor;
is broken and settled. Floor joist have been cut off without providing
proper support. The exterior entrance to the basement has retaining
walls which are failing.
The interior floors in the rooms are sagging, plaster is loose and
falling, and vandals have torn some of the partitions down. Bathrooms
have been illegaly installed with no means of ventilation. Handrails
and guardrails for the stairway to second floor are missing. The
roof is supported by 2 'x4 ' rafters which are overstressed.
The Housing and Redevelopment Authority does not intend to acquire
this property.
�� ��.
�adam President and
' Members of the City Council May 29 , 1973
The subject property is in the process of being boarded by the city.
Inasmuch as the physical damage and dilapidated conditions outlined above
constitute a public hazard and the owner has made no attempt to
satisfactorily repair the damage despite our warnings , and the
continued vacant and boarded up condition contributes a blighting
influence on the neighborhood, it is the recommendation of this
bureau that this matter be referred to the City Attorney`s office
for razing and removal through District Court procee 'ngs.
Ver ruly yours, �
lenn A. Erickson
Asst. City Architect
cc: Messrs. Lawrence D. Cohen, Mayor
P. McCloskey, City Attorney's Office
W. Shimek, Fire Marshal
L. Levine, Councilman
F. Staffenson, Housing Code
. . _ . ,. :
, .
.� . ;� 4 _
��' WHI7E — CITY CLERK � � � � � � � . � � � '� - A^ �
� .-PINK — �!NA'N�CE�- . . . i.... � . _ �a.,;.7. ., . . . . _),{,� � ^ �;<
CANARV — DE�PARTM�NT - : . COU11C11 - �/f�.����"I qj�l
�� BLUE — MAVOR .,:_ . , GITY . OF SAINT F�`AITL � � File. ,NO. "~" �-�
r .
� . V . ; C�ou�cil �esolu�ion1 s
. �
Presented By .� .; ' . _ ,
Referred`'��o`l" Committee: Date `��
� �
,, �
Ou; of Com ittee By Date
� - _
"�_. �s�IE�E?�.� , txie '�a.vi�ion o� �iousinG a�c? �3?3i.Idir:<r ��3e �forc�:�nt
'�c�s re�tu��t�c� the Cit� Couric�.I �o �iolc� � �•,2L1ic h�ar�.��r to consi�er_
\` ��� ac?visa��lity an:� n�c�ssity o� th� correction �r wr.�cking
1n� s�.-�va1 �� t�e falla�ring c:es��i�aec3 �uil�in�(s) f ;�dl+-'� structure(s)
'?a•�rin� b�e�r_ r�z�ort�c? fic� c.onst�.tut� � �uL•�lic ��a��rd :
� "��'dress L��aI���scr3ptzor Ty�� of Struc�uz�
- - -----• _...:�,,..._.._____ �._� �_._ _._�.
�3? :Z�rt'z 'S�3t�r� N.�zth �art Lot 8 '"� I�C--gtc���� ¢r�me
�lo�b 25, Cr�on's �hre�--ple�:
, Sub of L��or.?'s �?;3c��-
. j�IL�^.�.�,.�, it z�����xs '�clt �YI@ ��L�tt �F3�TLI T�4"t�x'C� C�S�.*t1��8
:�' s�;}ic� :U�.lciir�cr�s) �rc� a. �43Iov��s . �
�::a���re� t�ini�erl,�n � ��rPS� ��.�u�er �
��iE^.EF�.��; �?^ IT �5�3�:����, +hat � ��hlic hearin� 3�� �
:�:eld ay and before �the �'our3ci�. c�f tiae Cit� o� �uint ?�au? in �bY�
�°: `= E.�u�zcil C��a.�ber a� ���� Caurt ��.c��se �.r_ s3i� city �t I�?:4�? a.n. �
t an �av 31, 2973. �a cc�ns�.de� the ��v���bi�.it�_ a�zic3 �ece�sf.t-� o£ `
��r.c3erir�c� �.h� carr�etz�►� or wreck.inc� �nr� r�a�c�v�l of; �a��.r� ±�trnc�eirQ ts}
c�. z.he al�r�vv� c�e�cri�� r��o�erty �..na��sch aa saic� strsct*�r${s) `
�r� r�;;.,ar-��� tc+ canstitu�� a h��ar� �� �u�?.ic �:�alth, s�fetv
�*�:�; w�*.�fare: 1�� it
R[3R.�i�:� fi'�:��1?','��. ti��at �he Diviaion ��' �'QUS�n:� :�n�? `
_ ��;.�.l�in=.r C�dz Tnfor��e�en,t, ��3I `v����lf fl� t?�e vitv CQUncil, �ta�i�y
'��� r:ai.l the r�cord c�mer� c.�: �:h� r��c�xs�rtv in �ue�s�ioz� at t�:� ' :�
? �s,� J�nc3�� a�����t��, a� ��.3 �s ��:xi�r i�t�r��t�d ���sans o� x��corc�, �
o� t��e dat� and �$r:.e oi: th� hearin�,
. � � . A:�:� . . .
COUNCILb4EN Requested by Department of:
Yeas ����µ Nays �
�:O�IIf�► SQ2V�.Cetl�3 .
K'on°op'atzki �'"_ In Favor dz , �
Levine � �
Meredith ,�u,�,�_ Agaitlst BY �'
�S rafka �
Mme.Prezide��.tler . `
....,..,. �t `'�. ' ,-
MAY 1 1 197� A Form Approved by C'ity At�tirney - �- � ''-
Adopted by Gouncil: Date :� '
Certified��assed b Counc�-�e�re ar , '�`� r �. ��±� _
y r l,t�,y ` ,,�, �Y
gy f.� _ �:` �..�''i '' .-- 9' �
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, ,,r . . ; , ,
Approved by May� Date � Approved by TVlayt'1�'�'.'fur�5'u�,.�on`ta�ou�tCil
� � � r►
� i °...'e s+c'S `"�. f' ._::.d �:'s�': "s's�'�Aw -
By ' , BY ,. =..,..�.___ -
, " ..;
� 31, 1973
Mr. Glenn Erick�on
A��istant City Architeat
Room �+�, City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota
Deax Sir:
The Ci�y Counc3.1 laid over to J°u],y 5, �.973, a heaxing to consider
the advi�ability and necesaity of the correction or wreckin� and
removal of a building at 632 N4. Western Av�.
Youra very trulY,
Ctty Clerk
� t {,,
f:�� �
.,� „�
� �:�
July 5, 1973
Mr. R. Scott Davies
City Attorney
Dear Sir:
The Council requests that you prepare a resolution ordering
the correction or wrecking and removal of a building at
632 N. Western.
Vary truly yours,
City Clerk
� , . ' � .,
• There�a Meckel
3949 36th Ave. So.
Mp1s.,Minnegota, 55�
Condeanation of 63o R. Western &
632 N, Western
Laid o�er to July 5, 1973
��s�e-NDP°are°�• Loan from