261691 WH17E - CI�fV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL COUIICII BLUE�Y - MAYORTMENT File �0. 2�1691 _ Cou ' ' n . Presented By Leonard W. Levine Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREA5, on June 30, 1973, Mr. Marti.n Companion • completed a long and successful term as citizen representative of the City of St. Paul on the Metropolita.n Airports Commission; and WHEREAS, Mr. Companion served the Metropolita,n Airports Commission with dedication and repeatedly promoted the needs of modern aviati.on in the metropolita,n area and in St. Paul; and WHEREAS, Mr. Companion deserves our thanks for his conscientious efforts to develop and mainta.in the finest publicly.-owned, commercial airport system in the country; so, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Council, on behalf of itself and the people of St. Paul, expresses its sincere appreciation and gratitude for Mr. Companion's long years of service on the Metropolitan Airports Commission. � ',� \ COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas $ut,Zgr Nays fK�o opatzki � In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �[ HUY1t Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ,�..0��7 '��.��- Certif' s ed by Coc�e BY By Approve Ma�o : D te Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �'UBLISHED JUL 21 1��3 WHITE - C.TV CLERK � ������ PINK - FINANCE C011nCll BLUE�v - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALIL File NO. � Council Resolution � Presented By Leonard �t. Levine � ,- . � - � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - . '4YHEREAS,` on June 30, I9T3, Mr. Mart%a� Companioa c�mpleted a long aad succcasful t�rm. as citiz�n repreaentative of th� City of St. t'�aul on the Metropviitan Airporta Commission; and WHE�EAS, Mr. Cornpanioa aerved the Metropc�litan Airport� Comn�.is�sion with dedication a�d repeatedly promoted the Qe�da of modern avistion in the �a:etr�polit,�.n area and in St. Paul; and WHEREA5, Mr. Go�zpaaion deserves our thznks for his conscieatiaus effarts to develop and maiatai� the fiaeet publicly-owned, commercial airport ffiqstern in the couat�y; so, therefore. be it RESOLVED� that this Gc��a.ncil, on behalf of itself and the peopie of St. Paul, expresses it: sincere appreciation and gratitude foz �x. Compatzioe�'s Iong years af aervice oa the Metra�aolitan Airports Commiaeion. COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �g� Nays Konopatzki � [n Favor Levine Meredith � Against By �cac ROed�.�.T Tedesco Mme.President � Hti�t'� 1973 J U L '� �( Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _r Certifie8`F�s�ed by Co��"5e ' > By � � (�, ,,`-�,�'��' �--'f ��,,,� �,.� �`'�...... By .. Approved by Maya�F Date ''���' �' � j�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ��� �� �� . r � July 23� 1973 Mr. Marttn Companion 16k6 Middleton Ave. St. Pau�., Min�nesota Dear Sir: Enclosed is a copy oi' a resolution o�' appreci.ation and gratitude of the C��y Council and the peapl� oF St. Paul for y�ur long years af serv�r_e on the Metropolttan Air- ports Oommission. Very t:ruly yours, City Clerk AO�ng