261681 WHI7E - Et:TV CLERK ��1 S�1 PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 �� j BLUERY-MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By i� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ; ELECTRIC B RESOLVED, That the Northern S�ates Power Company be given permission to install and thereafter maintain two poles on Marion Street, 90 feet from the N & S property lines between Cook Avenue and Lawson Avenue, as per attached and approved application and plans, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 15319, approved Febru- ary 7, 1973. � COUI�TCILMEN Requested by Department of: Y as Nays f•fA, � Hunt (°�r,IJ/ Konopatzki In Favor �' Levine Meredith � Against BY �x Roedler Tedesco « Mme.President Butler JUL 17 19 Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifie Pa ed by Co tl S ry BY By Approve Ma Date L 19� Appro by o ion ncil gy BY PUBLISNED JUL 21 197� w � , �� �- , NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY .j6'� � � Date 6-22-73 Co. No. N-Pro,� .# Office Engineer D�partment of Publie Works City of St. Paul 23� City Hall and Court House St. Paul, M3nnesota 55102 Dear Sir: Applicati�n is her�by made for permission to (abandon / con�truct and thereafter maintain) : 2 street light poles mid-block on Marion between Cook and Lawson Streets in accordance wi e s e c a tac e ere o; wor o � ar on or a er �-�-�3 and to b� completed on or before lo-i-73 , The applicant, in carrying on any and all of th� work ref°�rred te� in this application9 sha12 a�rictly conform to th� term� of such applie�tion as approved to�ether with any special provisions which are mad.e a p�,r^t thereof. The applicant specifically a�rees to be bound ther�by. TYie applicant shall also comply with the regulations of° a.11 e�ther gover°nment�.1 agencies for the proteetion of the publ3c. The work sha11 be aecompli�hed in full complianee with all applicable portions of the City �f Sto Pau]L Specifications f'or Street and Sewer Constructiono Application submi.tted by: City of St. Paul NOR'i�HERN S�I'A'I'E� POWEF� COMFAN�' Dept. of Public Works Requested Light. R. L. Vannelli ELECTRIC DIS3'R UTION DEP R3'°N�ENT 360 Wabasha Stx°eet St o Paul, Miruzesota 55102 Resolution Council File # Adopted , 19 Appr^�vecl , 19 DISTRIBUTION �OMMENTS: 13 Copies and 13 sketches 12 Copies and 12 sketches �o Public Work� 1 copy and 1 sketch for NSP file (Public Works will retu�n 1 approved copy to NSP) Date Received in Electric Distribution Department: , 19 • � � � _�_ REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS Application Approved (Sub,�ect to $bove requirements and speeial provisions) : ce ng neer a e oca mpro�*ernen s ng neer ,e Public Works Public Works Ma n enance ngineer �a.�— av ng Eng neer a�— Public Works Public Works Tra ic Opera ons �— Br ge ng neer Da�e Engineer-Publie Works Public Worka Sewer Engineer �e 0 ice EMgineer D�.te Publie Works Water Department L g ng gineer a e "— uperin en en o Par s Da�— Public Works Parks Department :.�. — __ lYle No.�61Q�0--�;BY Lamard W. i r" ►—.� �t l ;� �!lion ot ��den � :: e :�i;�`+ �f� `���r�, �i `f,� l ' ��*� k �t: $ ��n_ , �I �ble ■llned 2. �i y the � ` vide emount of �t, _.- ,� �lhe A�Ftal bY the Coua�ll Jul� 17, 187�. Approved J 18 1 c�r si, ir�s� � ;