261675 WHI7E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE � GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council 26�s�5 G,�fSA Y - b'EPARTMENT BL� - MA,�oR � File NO. ` Cou c 'l Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Saint Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Advisory Committee has provided its time, assistance and sponsorship to a pre-trial diversion program to be known as Project Remand, and WHEREAS, Project Remand has announced its intention to complete incorporation procedures pursuant to Chapter 317, Minnesota Statutes, known as the Minnesota Non Pxofit Corporation Act to further its purpose of assisting the administration of justice in the Ramsey County District Court and the Municipal Courts of Ramsey County by providing a social service to citizens of Saint Paul and Ramsey County, and WHEREAS, Project Remand, Inc. wi11 lend its best efforts in providing such service to oversee the diversion of individuals charged with certain selected criminal offenses from the usual processes of the criminal law to Project Remand staff inembers who sha11 provide counseling and individualized problem resolution as an alternative to traditional correctional services in the further- ance of the dual goals of crime rate reduction and decreased recidivism, and WHEREAS, the concept of pre-trial diversion or pre-trial intervention has been implemented i�n several major cities, has been found to enhance the potential for rehabilitation of selected offenders, contribute to a substantially reduced recidivism rate for those selected offenders and has in such ju�isdictions met with the acceptance and approval of police officers; prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges and other officials, and WHEREAS, the services of Project Remand, Inc. , would be as diverse and far-reaching as individualized rehabilitation efforts demand and would be based on the successful performance of an COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � Butler Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY xfa�c Roedler Tedesco ` Mme.President�Qt�' HUrit Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date • Certified Passed by Council Secretary By /l��e c9 ���/�%D.� _ By Approved by Mayor: Date Appro by a 'on uncil By BY ~ • ����� ' , .� �age 2. accused �ndi�V�,dua1 under a contxact statzng his spsci£ic rehaba;l�.tation goals and perfoxmance: cxa;tera:a, and WHEREA,S, such contract wauld requixe formal consent by the �,nd�:v�i,dual judge, prosecut.aing attorney, defense attorney, the accused and �roject Remand, and WHEREI�S, the �overnor�s CQmm�ssion on Crime Preventa.on and Contxal has not��ied the Saint �aul Ramsey County Cr�minal Justice Adv�.soxy Commi��ee tFiat the City of Sai;nt �aul has been awarded the sum qf $156,979 �ox the purposes stated in the Project Remand grant appli;catzon, and WHEREAS� the Czty has approved as available matching funds fax the Project a.n i,ts 1973 budget (Account No. 09115) in the amount o� $31.,862 , and WHEREAS, the programs of Pxoject Remand, Znc. will be of d�xect bene£it to the citizens o£ the Ci.ty o� Saint Paul due to the pxela:mi:nary emphasi,s o� the pragram on pexsans charged with o��enses comm�tted within the l�mzts o£ the City o� Saa�nt Paul , NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOL'VED, that the Council of the City o£ Saint Pau1 hereby authorizesand di,rects the appxopriate City o�ficials, upon �^ece�pt £rom the Governor �s Comma�ssion on Cxime Pxeventa.on and Control o� a statement of gxant award and contxact, to take such measuxe� and ex:ecute such documents as axe necessary to make the C�.ty o� Sa�;nt �'aul a full partici.pant a.n the purposes o� �x'Qject Remand, �nc. , and be �t FURTHER RESOLV'ED, that the Counci,l o� the City of Sai,nt Paul £�.nds that the G3tyls 3nv�olv�ement and participation in Project Rem,and, Inc, �•s progxams are: (1) For a publ3.c purpose , (2) That the undertaking by Project Remand, Inc. is, considex3ng the entixe scope of their planned oper�tions and programs, a proper governmental function but because o£ its a11�,ance wi.th vaxious gavexnmental agencies may we11 create juri.sda.ctional impedi;ments to the City�s £ull participation and there�ore i;ts �ntegration into the City� s govern- mental structure would be an obstacle to the £u1�i11ment o£ thealx operations and programs . WHI7{ - CLTY CLERK COUI1C31 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANAFjY - DEPARTMENT BLUE-� - MA.�OR File �O• ���� � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3, (3) That the low percentage of matching funds contributed by the City in relation to the total .amount of money allocated for Project Remand, Inc. indicates that no city funds wi11 be used for other than city purposes. (4) That the share of money contributed by the City to Project Remand, Inc, will be substantially less than the value of benefits it receives as expenditures £or city purposes . (5) That it would be administratively and economically infeasible to establish the entire project within the structure o£ the government of the City of Saint Paul because of projected plans to later move and integrate the undertakings of Project Remand, Inc. into the governmental structure of Ramsey County, _„ which is the announced inter�t`�on of Project Remand, Inc. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: t�nc Butler Konopatzki � [n Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY �§t�x Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �l�r HUIlt ,JUL 1 ? 1973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . Certif' ed by CouCn�eil S BY/�'`'O� c� � By � �-�=-�� Appro d by Ma Da JUL 1 g t973 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED JUL 2 � 1973 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI July 16, 1973 r , p� �� T0: Ma.yor Lawrence D. Cohen /. FR: Frank D. Marzitelli � RE: Project Remand, Inc. I have reviewed the above referenced resolution and find myself in agreement with same. I recommend your approval and its early submission to the City Council for action. FDM/ca Attach. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 55 r • � ,�6 PROJECT REMAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS �V� C l. Senator John Milton representing St. Paul-Ramsey County CJAC 2. Eugene Burns representing Ramsey County Court Services 3. The Honorable Sidney Abramso� representing the Second Judicial District Court Judges 1�. Warren Peterson regresenting the Public Defender•s Office 5. Daniel Hollihan representing the Ramsey County Attorney's Office b. Councilman William Konopatski representing the St. Paul City Council ?. Deputy Chief Donald Blakely representing the St. Paul Police Department $. Captain Donald Johnson representing the Ramsey County Sheriff's Uffice 9. Michael Fetsch representing the Legal Assistance Office of Ramsey County 10. John Wylde representing private attorneys ,engaged in Criminal practice 11. Rick Carter representing community-at-large 12. Arnold Hopkins representing the American Bar Association Commission on Correctional Facilities and Services 13. Frank Johnson representing community-at-large� . 11�. Brother Phil Klees representing. community-at-large i 15. Scott Metcalf representing community-at-large 16. Rosemary Rockenbach representing the community-at-large 17. The Honorable Roland Faricy representing St. Paul Municipal Court Judges 1$. Keith Hanzel representing the St. Paul City Attorney's Office 19. Commissioner Anthony Danna representing the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners � 20. Richard Leonard, Jr. representing the Ramsey County Bar Association 21.- 25. Allowed for Board expansion as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors