261672 WH17L'•� - CITY CLERK ' ^^� w PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 °�aL' �' ' BLUERV- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL �`lle NO. Vv �'�2 Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED' by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , that Chapter 538, Laws of Minnesota for 1973, approved the 22nd day of May, 1973, entitled: "An act relating to the city of Saint Paul ; providing for the contracting out to a private party of the operation and management of the parking ramps and other parking facilities owned by the city which are located within or adjacent to the city' s civic center and auditorium; amending Laws 1967, Chapter 459, � Section 4, as amended. " a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; RESOLVED F`URTHEft� that the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul , shall forthwith file with the Secretaxy of State a certificate' in fQrm prescribed by the 'Attorney General .stating t}a.e -�ssential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and � including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act . COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: i�na� Butler Konopatzki � In Favor Levine /�'� Meredith �L1 Against By 9�cx5tx Roedler Tedesco Mme.President ���X xUrit �U L 13 19� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �� � . Certif' d by Coun ' c By e� �_q����� ' By � Approv by Ma�o Date �- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLlSHED JUL 21 1973� � �� � �� r Harr�t,E. Manhall Albert B. Of�oa Cdty Clerk and ��,"TY °F Council Recorder CommiBioner of Registration `� ' % � ;�I's sc�:_'s ,, �;s ^ ,�e OFFICE OF T'HE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 486 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 July 16, 1973 Mr. Arlen I. Erdahl Secretary of State 18d State Office Bldg. �7t. Paul, Minnesota i.,;r:.':_;: .. . Dear Sir: Attached for f3ling in your office is a certificate of the City of Saint Paul approving Chapter 538, Laws of Minnesota for 1973. Will you please �ime stamp the enclosed copy of this letter and the certificate and return them to me? Very truly . �� �%' ;�'/t �' �.�,.�, ��j � ,�, : � A / , ' � ����,--�Gi����`,�1���= �, � C,i�y Clerk �� / Enes. STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF STATE FILED J U L 1 71973 G�:�,. �- s�.L;c�:�r�; of �tate :; � A . �,,� �O : � i . . � . CER7IFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW BY GOVERNIN� BODY � � ' ' (Pursuant to Minne�ota Statutes, 645.02 and 845.021) � STATE OF 1J[IP�INESOTA . County of R�ey � • TO TF�: SECRETARY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA: ' � PLEAS� TAI� NOTICE, That the undersi.�ned chief clerical officer of the Cit of Saint Paul � luame of governmeotal uuitl DOES fiEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions o£ Laws, 197�, Chap�er �_ requirin� approval by a * majority vote o: the gove'rning body of said local gove.•-r.,ental unit before it becomes effective, the _ City Council - (deaignate governiag body) • at a meeting duly held on the �- th day of -_ J�3* , 1973 , by resolution , Council File Nm. 261672 did apprave said Laws, 197�, Chapter 53$ (Ii other t6an resolution, apecifyl by a majority vote of all of the members thereof � _ � (Ayes .�_; 1Voes � ; Absent or not voting ) and 'the following additional steps, if any, required by statute or charter were taker.: . Resolution to be published in the St. Paul vfficial newspaper on July 21, 7.973• . A copy c�.f the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by referenee. � � i �� /% � / � � � � Signed: � '� � S�� � it Clerk � � ( fficial deaignation oi oSficer) (This form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by the Secretary of State as required in PJtinnesota Statutes 645.021) � �- `2'}' extraordinary majority is required 6y the special law inseYt .fraction or- percent- age here. � , . � ' ' STATE OF MINNESOTA :' - � DEPARTMEN? 0�' STATE; . , . FtL�D . . JUL 1 71973 , ' . G�,�. � ` � Secr�t�r�r of State WHI� - C�TY CLEkK ' 7 : . ,�.- � - ;�� �. CFNAR\ C'EPARTn.tENT �J1 Jt �. tJl' ►.�)L�11V li 1 L��TII COl1I1C11 +�n� ... ._ ^ � ':BLUE - r.��AV;?R � . � Fll@� . �+V. � �..._._..._��. . �'���,���� �'�������t���,� � Presented By �f�� �----'y'--. — — /i' P.eferrcd To _.—___ __—__—_—_—__ ____-- Committee: Date Out of �'omru�tee, �y— -----__ _ __ �� Date — - — RI:SOLVED, by� the Gouneil of ttie City of Sa.int �'aul , th��t �hapter >j� , L�ws of ��Ii.nn�sota �or 1g'73 , approved the 22nd � �iay of MaS-, 19��3 , ei2t.i�Ied : � "_�n act relatin��� to the eit;� of Sair�t Pa�il ; �rovi_din� �or tlie ccrl�i,r�c t�_t�� o�.t to a pri�va�te par�;�� of �t��e �peratic��� �,i��l �r�anaff��nent of trie � parkirig r�mi�s �.n�l cther parking �'a:�il�tia;> � owtled by�� �}�e c�tv w�iicY� ar�e located jaithin or � � � adjaceiat to the �ity' s civic center aYld aud:itoriuin; �,men�'�i�,g La�,�s 1�u7 , Cha�,tei 47� , � Section 1�, as ar.ienuer�, " :� �ertifi_ed co�y c�� wYiiela i� �'�iec? hereh� th, slial� 1,:4� an� sa�i� : .�ci here�` is i�: all ti�ix��s ap�z�v�a ; �� � � � R�;SOL,VED FI.T�,�ri,E�., �t���,t t�l� Ci�t;y Clex�:s� , �s the chief � �� lerieal o�fieer c�' saic: (,ity e�' ��i��i na��� . s?�a:►1 �'c���trc,7i�L.h i'�.7:e. witr� the Secr,e�,�.r�� ��i S�;a�e a c�,-z• 4;ii�i;�,�e iti fo:c.�� - _ � � � � ��r���scribed by -the Atto�!�e5- C�e�aeray �t�tifi� �E7� essexitial � � facts neees�ar3% t� s�.id apprav��l of said �� t he�•eur.aer �r��i including a co�,y of this resol�2t�on of appro��.l c� s�id Act . STATE OF MINNESOT�A DEPART�i L E D STATE JUI. l 71973 ��� � f State Secreta.ry o - -- --- --- -- -- -------- -- —-- _ - — -- !_'��r ,� iL1tEN -------- � — _ —.. Yeas Nas�s ii ??eyuesteu by Department of: Bt.�t 1 e r /�� I�] , �G�a+zki _� In �+ � -- ------------ --- — �. C .a`v'O: I _ I_<, :: � '� c',th _ � a -- --- — — �"' �:,1.^,S t BY .�..�:x Roedl.er — � Tedesco � Mme .Pr�sicier.t ���:K Hu[]_t J�1� � � 1C��� � �r Form Apprc;�ed by City Attorney Adopted b� Cour.c:l: Date _ _ _ i � � • � Certif��}'�s��c' by Cou�}� 5:�' � /j .7 � BY_���_`` ' �'-�.--���','.z��---^ --�-- --��-�-- TJy���-1'�i.-s � ���"r✓��,.� II `,,-,--+._.�„��,� A R ~f'o ; 1 AP�'-o�'�, by �':cyo Date — �-�-^�_���°�°�;�'���� e��'�o� ' P.pprov�c by PllaS�cr for Slibnis to^ 4c �:.: -:� � BY ~ \��f+°�`�y�^�.r���:�-'"-,^.~„j`�,�y�.�e•- �� _- -�-- —-------___ - ----•,,�, v,�.•"_m, _,. _"_— �i�� . y" / / �'f A°'"d -� j ::� � ,. �..� r."���..._.. r ,Tuly 16, 1973 Mr. Arlen I. Erdahl. Secretary of State 180 State O�f1ee Bldg. St. FRUI, Minnesota �ear Sir: Attacbed for filing in your c�ffice i� a� c�rtif icate of the City of Saint Paul upprovirYg C2'w,pt�r 53$, Lswe of Minnesota for �.973.. Will you please tim� �tamp th� enclo�+�d. capy o#' this lettier arid the certi�'3cate and re�turn them to mg? Yeary' trul,y, City Glerk �� Enc�.