261640 � WH17E - CITV CLERK ^��A�� PINK �- FlNANCE COUIICII 8����Y- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. r U ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , that Chapter 287 , Laws of Minnesota for 1973, approved the 16th day of May, 1973, entitled: "An act relating to the firemen' s relief association in the city of Saint Paul ; amending Laws 1955 , Chapter 375 , Section 22. " a certi�ied copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; RESOLVED FURTHER� that the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act. 0 COUI�TCILMEN Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nays � �ti�rix Bu t 1 e r Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY a�af�cacx Rcedler Tedesco Mme.President �€�r HUrit JUL 1 1 1973 ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date • l Certif' a sed by C retary BY �`��� - � By Appr d by Ma . Date 9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By VUBLlSHED ��� 14 1973 Harry E. Marshalt �� ` �� D . Alberf B. Olson City Clerk and "`" °F Couneil Recorder � ':��mmisioner of Repistration �° ; � � w ,��� � '---�'a- ,� �rn �= OFFICE OF TNE CITY, CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 July 16, 1973 Mr. Arlen I. Erdahl - � Secretary of State � ` 180 State Office Building � St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Attached for filing in your office is a certificate of the City of Saint PauZ approving C12apter 287, LaWS of MinnESOta for 1973. Will you please time sta� the enclosed co�iy of this letter and the certifieate and return them to me? �.---.` Yours very truly, , : ----- , � --��' j �'� �,; '��� r � � � . !t`i�.?z—; <_�-���/���''��.,,/'�� Cit�Clerk J� E�cs. S7AT`E OF N1INNESOTA UEPARTMENT OF STATE FILED J U L 1 71�73 G� � S�cr�e#at�+ ci# State , . . .... ... . � � F. � f . . ��O . .. .. � . ;�I . � yi , ,, . , . �� � , CER7IFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW � BY GOYERNINC BODY (Pursuant to Pdinne�ota Statutes, 645.02 and �45.021) STATE Or �.4INNESOTA ' . � � County of RamseY ' I TO TFII: SECRETARY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA: i i PLEAS� TAKE NOTICE, That the undersi.�ned chief clerical officer of the � City af Saint Pau1 ' (name ot governmental unit) DOES f�REBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 197�, Chap�er � �equiring approval by a * majority vote of the governing body of said local gove �-w,ental unit �before it becomes effective, the City Council • Ideaignate governing body) • at a meeting duly held on the llth day of _. July , 19�, by resolutior. , Go �n _�i �1 . No. 261644 did approve saict Laws, 197�, Chapter �87 (If other thaa resolutien, apecifql by a majority vote of all of the members thereof � ' (Ayes ,.Z_; Noes � ; Absent or not vo�ing ) and the following additional steps, if a��y, required by statute or charter were taken: Resolution to be .published in the St. Paul official newspaper on July 14, 1973. �+ copy o.f the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by rp.�ere.~�ce. � � � '� Signed• -� SEAL � it Clerk ' � ( fficial deaigaatioa of officerl (This form prescribed by the Attorney Gene:al and furnished by . the Secretary of State as required in tJ[innesota Statutes 645,021) - ' `rf extraordinary majority is required by the s�ecial 1aw insert ,fraction or �ercent- . � age here. . • STATE OF MINNESOTA • . � pEPA�TMENT OF STATE , � :FILE� - ,1 U 1. 1; '71973 . ;��2�X�- �'• t2ite y . . Secretary,of � . . . �l. , . • � =, WHI7E 1 - CITY' CLERK 1 P!NK - PkNAt�CE G I TY OF \lA I�TT �,A 11 L C01111C11 / B;UERV - MAYp�TMENT File NO. � �1�� , Council �Zesolution Presented By /��✓� _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By_— _ Date RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , that Chapter 287 , Laws of Minnesota for 1973 , approved the 16th day of May, 1973, entitled : "An act relating to the firemen' s relief association in the city of Saint Paul ; amending Laws 1955 , Chapter 375 , Sert? on 22 , �� a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved ; RESOLVED FURTHERa that the City Clerk , as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul , shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form ��rescribed by the Attorney General statin� the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act here��nder and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act. STAT R�EM�pF STOATE DEPA F'��D ' J U L 1 7197�3 ` � - �� � Secretary ot State COt'NCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays e�.rt�x �utler Ronopatzki In Favor L,�V'1 Il Z /"� 1leredith �" Against BY — �x Rcecil.er 11me.Presade i��€�r HUrit J U L 1 1 1973 Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attomey + Certif a sed by C c' retary j� BY � G�� ��Q� � J� By � 4 Appr • d by Ma . Date � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ' By- By _ �� C.:i � �° July 16, 1973 Mr, Arlen I. Erc'�ahl Secretary of State 1F30 State Offic� Building St. Paul, Minnesota Dear S�r: Attaehed for filin� Sn your office is � certi�'3cate o�' the City oY Saint Pau]. appmving Chapter 287, Lavrs of Minnesata for �.973• Will you please time atamp the er�clo���3 copy of this letter and the certif'icate and retwrn them to m�e? Yo�ar6 very truly, City C1.erk �� Encfa. , ' � f. � � So � � �T",�,-" �:. - -V--� �� --� ( , - � - - - _ _ - � � � , � / /� �� � `�y,s�n e ou � oR� �_ _-- �� � � – , �.a� � - �II % — --� � -/� �li `;.� ,,,.-...:. � �li ij�- ��_._ _- -- __– i�� 1 -� � l, Arlen l. Erdahl, Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota, do hereby certify thot I have compared the annexed co�y with record of the origfnol - Acts - fn my office of H. F. No. 15$0, being Chapter 287, La.ws of Minnesota for 1973, approved May 16, 1973 as filed in this office May 16, 1973 - - - - and that said co�y is a true and correct transcri9t of said - Acts - and of the mhole thereof 1 ► . _ lN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hond ond affixed the 6reat Seal of the State, at the Ca�itol in St. Paul, this / Sth day of A. D. 19-Z3- L.-G��c.?t-Ls � �- t..,E�c���L� Secretary of State � I ! ' �_-�� ���� q�,a d . w i J •' ' !� �. � • � � Fi.F.No. 15II0 T• `� � C::AP'f'E�2 No. ��. � \� �.� _.i '.� -� �� :+�:.�>`-% �:. _ _�clai:±ng to the firemen � s relief � association in �he city ot Sain� Paul ; : �:;aending Laws 1955, Chap�er 375, Section � 22� . 5 B� :.� c^,i;r.C=:.'D $Y THE LEGTSLAlURE OF ^iHE STATE OF 1+1II�iN�SOTAi , 7 Sec�:or. 1 , Laws 1955, Chapter 375, Sertion 22, is � a:;�e:d�d to readt ; Sec , 22. [RETIR�M�NT BENEFITSa] A member of such 10 association who has conpleted � period, or periods o� il s��:vice on �he fir� deparL'nen� equal tio 20 years or nore, ' 1? s:^.�;il, a�tier he has arrived a� th� aqe ot- 50 years, or more, 5� ar.c: :zs :et�red from the payroll of the fire departiment, be :.: �::•;.:.•;:.�cd to a b�sic pension of not le�s than 20 units a;�d i� no�c mor� z'r.an 33 units �er non�h for his natural life fn i6 cc,.�ormi�y to the by-lax�s of such assoclationo Any and all �7 l::�v�s o�_ absence of more �han 90 days, excepic such as are ::; C:.:r.•c�d Lo a member because oz h2s d�.sability due �o _9 :,-_c:�:.ess oY accidenti, sriall be excluded 3n computir�g said _ 20 ;:.�ioc o� s�rvice; and aIl periods of tine during which � 2; :::�.,,a�: r�c�ived a d9,sabili�y p�nsion shall be excluded �f� � 22 suc:� compu�ationo 1do deduc�ion shal,l be made for a leave of 2� �i�s�nc� ��4n�ed to a member �o enable him to accep�� �,r� • �=� ��po�_�•�_vc posi�ion in said rire depar�ment. No menb2r 25 s���i b� er.�itled �o draw bo�h a disability and a service 2o pens{ona ' �i ��:c'r. r,onthlY basic paynents may be increased by adding 2� ':.o �,:.:c casic pension 1 uni� pe.r mon�h, or any por�ion 29 ��:<:.�::o::, �or each y�ar of ac�S.ve duty oVer 20 and not nore ::� L:::.n �5 y��rsa Provided further, however, that for a membeY .r_.._ ..._N r......_�.�_. . 1 • , . F . ._ . � ' ,i j ' � 1i.r.r�ao. 1580 i �,:c :;����es af;:er July ? , 1973 , such monthly basic p�ymenCs ---_ ___._._ _ �_.�_.__..r._.___---- --_�,.._..._.. 2 :�,�:�� �� i�crezsed by �he addi'cion of 2 units per mon�h, or � � �.._.... _.�..._ _� �._... -- ---- 3 ::ny �or�ion �heceo� , Eor each year of 2c�ive duty ove?� 20 — �, � �...._..�......._._r. � '_ Vc:� "`` . - u 5 �"r:e by-��aws of such association may provide for tnese 5 i::crcas�s , o: any po�tion thereof : provided, tha� in no "1 cv::n� ���:� �otal pension exceed the sum o� 40 units pe� U :iV::,.�p , . ; Sccq yy This ac� shail b�come e�rec�ive onlY after it� � ..�.___�_._._._...._.,....._... �._._�_.._. .., 5 0 �;�:��ovu� by G ma�ox�i�y of tihe governing body of- �th� c�i�y of _.... _ .. _...�r.w. _ _..._.�.. 11 Szi::•c P�ul and upan compliance vrith Minnesota Statuteso w w�.w�r++r�un��� ��� M ����1�w 12 S::c;;�on Sr-5 , 021 , ...Y_.�.�_�..._._,.. • I . � ' 2 . . l j , � M ~ t � ' . I . � / ' • H.F.No. 15 8 0 � C�� , :�J� 2��� � :Viartin O. Sabo . Speakcr of the House of Re�resentatives. . -,.,7 � �./' / �.r— Alec G. Olson . President o f the Senase. Pusse.: ti:e House oi Representazives this 2 7 t h day of Ap ri l in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy-three. . � • !��r� � /'_%�;* .Cu�1� � ' �ward A. Burdick Chief Clerk,Houseof Representative.r. i':�s�::�l ui� 5::�::i�e this 7tn day of �'�aY i.� the year of Our Lord one .thousand nine iiu:d:e:d ar.d seventy-three. • / �� ;.�_. ��,�� , . Patrick E.Flahaven ' � Secretary of thc Senate. �, Approved �✓::�i ��� Z973 � ���-� � � ��.�'"/,� �.�.� `endell R. Anderson Governor of the State of Minncsota. � � � �,_.� J � Filed ✓'✓;�:=-�.':.'-.�„ .�:� z973 � ✓ 4 � � � ��:., �� �:_�.,.,� Arlen I. Erdahl Secretary o f Stasc. 3