261639 �- 2��� 9 WHI7E -.1CITV CLEPK PINK - FINANCE � COUI1C11 • BLUERY - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. `� ` Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of' the City of Saint Paul hereby ratifies that certain amendment to the By-laws of the St. Paul Fire Department Relief Association, approved by the membership on June 2g, 1973, amending Article VIII, Section 1 of said By-laws to provide �or an increase in pension bene�its for certain members retiring after July 1 , 1973, a copy o� said amended Section being attached hereto , marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof by reference . COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � M� Butler Konopatzki Iu Favor Levine Meredith _�� Against BY �� Roedler Tedesco Mme.President BA�t�E� xunt JV�, i1 1�13 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � !' Certifi s ed by Cou ' S ary By �� ��--- � .-� � By Appro by May_ : Da �-' ' " Kpproved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By , pust�sN�� J U L 141973 THOM�CS, a. GSLH�FANN.Prte3�o:Nr � ALBERT HARTM4NN.ViCe•Pnae�otNr � . � � � ANOREW�MA.RGL.TR[asUREw . - ' � � � � . ���,�E�•'�� . . _. ' � � . � �. . � . � ��. ����� .���� ���������� ������ �.�����. JOSEPH A.THlLL,ScCRETARY F1RE STAT�07+1 N�.22-225 FROf�iT AVE. ST.PAUL,MINN�SOTA 55117 . :��^?rdir.g.ArticlQ VITT Section i oi tha �r-laws of tha S-t, Pau3 Fire Departr�ent n����z' �ssac�ation bg addition of the following underlineci la oQuagP. Sec, i. �',ny msnber of the Asaxiation as herein defined •�ho nas completed a Fericci, or per�ods af servi.ce on ths fire department equal to 20 veara or more, ; „ 3Z'L°3' he haa arrived at tha aga of 5ti yeara or more, :ar_d has retired fro�n tha payroll of the Yire department, shall upon making appliaation therefor in the ma�er hereiaaftar pravided receive from tha Assaciation as a Ssr�cs Pensiast the su� of 3�,.9 units per month during his lif8, to bs paid out of the Sp$cial Fur_d; prrnridad, hoaretrer, that ths amvuat of �aonth].y peasion which s�all h�re.. af�ar be paid to said retired fiz�+s fight�r shall be �.�cre�sed by adding tv fihs � a�ova amouz�t the sn� of .9 units per manth for each coamle�e g�ar of acti�ra du� a�r�r and abaqa t*.�enicy► yeara of acti�e servics blfom retirer�ent. P,:c.,v�ded further. hos�evar, that for a member aho retirea afta Ju v f, 1�, such znt�n.�hl� basic pav�anta shall be inareased b� � units ver mon�h f,�r, aach ca�mlete srear of acti4e dn� ovsr ��rent�r v�`ar3, Prov;ded, haraevar, that �rre�p- ecv�qe af the length a� servi�ce vr duiy, said pen�ioner shall not b� ent�tled to. nar shall t�a Reliaf �sexiation at, a�p titne pay to a�r mem�er thereof a ,reatar am�unt as arx� for a p�nsi.vn, paid from- all sources, than tha �um of 3�,9 uni�� � per r�or_th; and provic3ed further, that the Association sh2I1 at aIl times have =�r.� d�es hav�s ths rignt to reduae the amount of sazd peasion, Said pension s!�all r.ot bs pa�d �o ang per�on �ahile he remains a merrtber oi the fir� d3�rt�ea�; � ��d no person recsiving said psnsian shaZl rsceiv� or be enti�Iea to receiva ar�g � � o;'r.ar or �urt'ner rs��� frorn tne Snecial s�.4rd. EXHIBIT A . . . . . � . - ° ' ��. ����� ��'��� ���������� ������ ,���'�. s � JOSEPH A.THI LL,SCCRETARY F�ftE S7AT{ON NO.22 —2?5 FROi iT AVE. ' ST.PAU�., MINNESOTA 55117 ,�Tay 22, 1�?3. Transmitted herewith is the amendment to ths Constitativn & By Ia�s af the S�. Paul Fire Lepartment Relief Associati�on as required b� �i.innesota Statute�, the Ciui.dalirses Act o� 1969. � . : . _ ' . 1 _ _ . THO!aI.S A. GEL3?AANN.PResID-eNp . A�LBERT HART�uaNN,Vtce-Prt[s�oaHr - � c I . . �. � A�`lDR..W MAr?GL„TaFSSUaSr+� t i ��+ ��;����. �' ���� �.�;�������� �����:�� ,..���'�. �OSFPH A.TN I LL,SECR ETAR Y , ` ^.'"'�'� �-�.�^-y'f'�" �'.�' � ... ._.. •.L��.....� �at� G. FIRE STAT�ON NO.22 —225 FROi�;T AVE. ST. PAUL, Pl{INNESOTA 5�T17 �� , ,4 �t�f� �J:.. :, �.�, Ju1.� 3, �973. . 1�Ir. John Conrielly Pesearch Director, City Council of St. Paul Rm. �06 City Hall and Courthouse � st. Paul, r�.. 55�0� ` This is to inform �rou that thz referendwn vote of the St. Paul Fire Department Relief Association to chan.ge the B�r-laws relative to the 25 yz'. service full pension was approved by the razmbership on �une 29, 1�7j. This will compl� with the state Iaw. ti�1e look for.,rard to co-�ci1 - a�proval in the near future, of the }3�-law c�an�s and thus makin.g this change in chapter 375 �ffecti�re. sincerely, , v �• � � � Jos p �9.. Thill, secreta.r�, . . . , _