261634 � ���
By . �` ' • �` '� -
In the Matter of
4�_._.�a__. ._._w._._.�T. ,. _...
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Constructing and reconstructing sidewalks and by doing all other work which is
necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, except where it is determined
that good and sufficient poured sidewalks now exist:
Finance �
File No, Description
S9864 � BELLO�WS ST. , east side from Sidney St. to Page St.
S9865 �( .HAMLINE AVE. , both sides from Grand Ave, to Summit Ave.
S9866 � SNE�LING AVE. , east side from Sargent Ave, south to the alley 128 feet. '
. 59867 � SNELLING AVE. , east side from Sargent Ave. to Osceola Ave.
59868 1 SNELLING AVE. , west side from Jefferson Ave. to the north to the alley
I28 feet. .,. :
S9869 �� BELLOWS ST. , b.ot�;sides from Baker St. to Robie.;St.�
, _ _; _.,
under Preliminary Order �_..�°�T° ; . ,_. _approved` ,- ..-_°.�,.-�--�yr--�.�_ .._ _ :
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has f�lly considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COLINCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date JUL 11 19�
Yeas -�,,;_�-,. Nays
, _ Certifi d P sed by Cou il S etaryJ u L 19
�,,, In Favor y
Qt�BLISf�ED J U L 14 1973
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wnit.� -�citv ci:►k � � �� ��i I T��'; OF; �.� ��:;�pA�I'�.,' '� �.
Ptok -� Finance Dept. NO:
Csnery— ��pL _
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�•�"ADMII�ISTRATIVE ORDER, � �� � � � � � �k�� � '��� � fi��
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„�ra,t the Directoz of the Deps�rtaent of Public i�rks i,s hereby a�athori,r�d aad ' �.
� '���tad to pre�sre glans� obtata s�rveys, pr�psre esti�stes snd iav+es�i;ste i�r,�;' : ` `' .•� �
'y�tit�► to caastnut andl�r tecanstxuct the sidet+alks on the #allwing streeta�: , •�;
aai do all other �nrk which Is necessary and iacide�ttel. to com�let� said fu�►zav�nt: �
Y�l'�/ y 8ast aide of Be11aWS St. from Sidgey 8t. ta Page St. �
q��5 9oth sides of Hamline Ave. fron Grand Ave. to Summit Ave. �% ''
�l��0 �► 8�st side o£ Suelliag Ave. from Sarg�.t:-Ave. *outh to alley - 128' '� '
���� 8a:t side of�Sae3ling Ave. fron Sargent Ave. ta Osaeola A�e. �
��6� West side of Saelliug Ave. froB def�er�on Ave. to the north to alley - 128• ,`� :
/�6/ Both sfdes of Bello�s 3t. fzo� Bakez St. ta 8obie St. v
The Dirtcto� of Ffnaace is hereby di�r+�cted to pr�pa,re the prel3�iaar� ozder aud
a+�hedule this mstter for public heariteg.
nt Ci At C pr Department Head
Daniel J. rd .
��� � Walter �nrtl.+e��
Date 3 ' �3 ""�`�--'4-- ,--�-�..;�.,
_ Administrative Assistant to Mayor
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Capital of Minnesota
234 City Hall & Court House 55102
�_ �.._ k, ,�
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March 26, 1973
� Mr. Robert �J. Trudeau
Director of Finance
Room 109 City �iall
ATTN: Paul Desch
Re: Construct and/or reconstruct sidewalks.
Dear Sira
Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction and/or
reconstruction of the sidewallcs listed on the attached Administrative
The estimated cost tiiereof is $5.50 per lin. ft. for standard
sidewalk 5 ft. o�ide and $6.50 per lin. ft. for standard sidewallc 6 ft.
AtCached hereiaith are the follocaing:
1. Administrative Order D-501
2. Advisability & DesirabiliCy Report
Yours very truly,
Daniel J. Du ford
Acting Director of Public �Jorks
WH/HT/gh J��,�
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�.$. Bc��.lows St. - Sidney St. to Pa�e St.
� This order was initiated by tiie Director of Pt:blic [dorks as public necessity on the
"basis of inspection of the coallc. �
Th.is walk is old ti�e witn tree li��aves, bro:cen tile, high joints, tripning hazards,
w�ter pocl,ets, Iioles in tile, missin�, tile, of£�rade, asphalt patches, and
disintegrated tile.
The Engineering :.ecommendation is for anproval of th� order.
(K�duce frori a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk)
� � .
�_, c1�� s
Dist. ido. 2
B.S, �Iar.:line E�ve. - Grand Ave. to Surunit Ave.
Tnis order was initi�.ted by the llirector of Public idorks as public necessity on
��e basis of inspection of the walk.
1'his whl:c zs old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken tile, high ✓
joints, tripping t�azards, c,�ater pockets, holes in tile, missing tile, disinte;rated,
cracki�l, tipped gar.els, and settled panels.
The Eri�ineerin� recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Construct to width designated an plat)
/� �_
�� -- �� (Y � Dist. No. 2
E.S. Sne].ling Ave. - Sargent A��e. to So, to Al1ey 128' at 1576 Sargent �ve.
Ti2is order was initiated by ttie Director of Public Works as public necessity on
ti�e basi:: of in5pe.t�on of the wal:c. ` /
This .v:31k is old tile with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards,
Missin�, L-�le, offgrade, and asphalt patches.
The En;i.n�erzrg recornr.ic.ndation is for approval of the order.
(C�nstruct to c�idth designated on plat)
� Ci H3 RP
�; f
• , ;o
S - 9�� 7
` Dist. No. 2
- E.S. Snelling Ave. - Sargent Ave. to Osceola Ave.
This order was initiated by the Director o� Public G7orks as public n�cessiC� on the
basis of inspection oi the �aalk. .
This wallc is old tile with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints, tripping hazards "
water pockets, holes in tile, missing �ile, and asphalt patches. �
The Engir.eeriiig recom.r,eadat=ion is for apnroval of the order.
(Construct to width designated on plat)
Sl ���O� f�
n�st. �zo. 2
W.S. Snelling �Lve. - Jefferson Ave. to nortn to alley - 128'
This order was initiated by the Director of Public [Jorks as a public necessity �
on ti:e basis o� iraspection of the walk.
Th:is �valk is old tile ��itli Lree heaves, broken tile, high jcints, tripping hazards,
���ater paci�:ets, holes in tile.
The Engineering rec�r.uneiidati.on is for approval of the order.
(Construct to wicitn designated on plat)
CT �iJ p,P r
�s G/j � �� '
B.S. ��llows St.> - I3alcer St. to Robie St. Dist. ,Io. 2
i'hia order was i.nitiated by the Uirector of Public Works as public necessity
on the: basis of inspection of the walk. /
T:is �ial% is old tile ��ith tree heaves, broken tile, high j�ints, tripping nazards,
c����er pocl;ets, holes in tile, missing tile, offgrade, asnhalt patches and
disinte�rated til�.
Tne '::ng�neering recor.i.n2ndation is for approval of t1�a order.
(Reduce from a 6 ft. t� a 5 ft. walk.
GT i�J �p �
. !���
uncil File No. 881478—B9 PatrieY J.
reconstreii�g si�ak��d�
all other work wh2ch fs nece� an
incfdenbal to ce►mP1Cte aaid imPr4ve-
ment, exc�pY whese it is d�etermined
that good and sugici�ent poured side-
waUcs aow ex3st:
F`inance File No. 89864: DescriDtios,
SELLOWS ST., eaat s4de,from Sidney
3t. to PaBe 3t. �
�n �c_e �ile Na, g88g5� Description,
FiAMLI�TE AVE. �oth• stdee ffiom
Gran�d AVe. to Summit AvC.
F aace File Nv. 59868;o Descr'3Ption,'
g (3� 11VE.. e� lside iroxi� Sar-
gent Ave., aouth to th�a11eY 1�6 #�eet:
Finance PYYe.NQ. 5968T; Desc�'iption,I
SNELLING ELVE.. east side from Sar-�
'gent Ave.,to Osveola Ave.
Finance Fi1e Nb. 5988y Deecription,
SNELLING AVE., weet s�de frosY► Jei-
�ferson Ave. to'the north to tlie alley
128 feet.
Finance FYle No..38889; Dee�eriptt�on,
BELIAWS ST., both sid�s from Baker
St. to Robie St., unde� Administrative
Order D�+SOl,approved A2arch 23,1973.
The Councll of the City of Saint�aul
having received tkie report o4- the
Mayor upo n the above improvement.
and havitig coneidered aaid report,
hereby resolves:
1. That the eaid report and the
same is hereby approved with na
alternat�veis,and tt►at the eatimated
cmat ther8of fs�4.00 Per lia ft 4or 5',
wide walk �(Residential) #5.30 Per i
4t�!ro 6r wfd dw�(���e�ialj�'
2.-That a p�blic hearing :be had
on sa iti imDrnvetnent on the
1tt � �f �+v 1973. at 10:00
�l�y� �,�, Council
'Ch�mbers oY' the City Ha11 arid
Court House 8uildin8 in tlie City
of 3aint Paul:
8. That notiee of said public hearing',
be given to the pereuns and ia'
the manner providBd bY the
Charter, etating the, time and
place' of heariag, the natm'e of
ttxe improvement and the total
cost theroo3 as estimated.
Ad� og�t����1�)un�18.19�.