261633 .
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FINAL ORDER `" '� '�" � �
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By .�..,,_.-
r' .
File No.
in the Matter ot' x�o�saia�iss th� siiMw►!k oa #�e � si�M if t�retsoa A�w
tran ��saa�t � i�slt�s�jr � "�t �rs os t�ss i�iudia� �ta a�L�r� t13l�
tt�a�rt Annt�rwe), � 1►! �►i� ,ttl +Mt'h�r �as�ic �dtiaM ir��sass�► wo� in�3ata+nl�atl �a► �ewr
tiNr� s,�i� L+rv�rt, s� �sr� �!� is +t��r�#,�1 tb� �ooi �a�el ��'l�.r��.� ��
sidtwallu aa�r s�dYsE,
under Administrative Order �""�'Z� approved ��� �� ���
under Preliminary Order �1475 approved Ju23e l�� 1973
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
�Ul 11 �
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas ., ;. -� Nays
. _, :; :atski Certified Passed by Co cil S retaryJVL �973
+w: •:'ne
t�`:e;,�dith �In Favor
Fi0':.Ci�! J
Te;;i sc0 Against
��.. ,, Mayor
euausHEO JUL 14 1973
.,a, ..��,P�. ..� i i tr t� ��11:\1' t-'t'� LT L � `� �//'�j
Ca�ary — pe i. �°----�--;--
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� � OE�`rICI; pl' TFIE .IAYU12 �V����
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Taat the Dir�ctor of tt�c iienartr;eizt o[ publi� :,or.'-.s i3 hereby authoriie3
directcd to pr�:p�re �33as, obtaiZ s<.�rveys � �. ��d
the nece;;sit• to re� > > r�P3re e�tir.�-ites and investi^ate
I o:sCruct 3itl�;�a1:� ou t.:e nortn sirle of E:atson tive, fro;�
Plea;;ant ��.ve. casicriq 1���'-i- Zlliludi.i; the allcy, (,I�1J i lea.,znt ��ve. �
alI o�ii�r �:�r� Tv:iic:� �s ��CE�JJ� " � )� anc. do
ry• an1 i..cicic�ntal ta co:,zalete said i�prove�i�nt.
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t:, pre�are t;�e prrlir�ia.; c,r�� � ,`-." ._.�.: �`-`:=z �.=•�ic�s is �iereby ciirecced
ry e: and ,,ciiec�ule tiii,; ...3ttsr for public iiearinfi.
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� Department Head ,
D����l J. liu:;Ford
LJaI��r tiurtlep
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� � � �.t' ,, �� ,��^-/ , 234 City Hell & Court House 55102
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April 3, 1973
� Mr. Robert �d. Trudeau
Director of Finance
Room 109 City ilall
ATTi1: Paul llesch
e: onstruct and/or reconstruct sidewalks.
Dear Sira
Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction and/or
reconstruction of the sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative
Order. P1,�,p, AREA Petition. Property ocaaer agrees to full assessment.
The estimated cost tizereof is $�.50 per lin. ft. for standard
sidewallc 5 ft. wide and $6.50 per lin. ft. for standard sidewall: 6 ft.
Attached here�pieh are the followinG:
1. Administrative Order ll-521
2. Advisability & Desirability Report
Yours verq truly,
' t�
�GGi� .
Daniel J. D ford
Actin� Director of Public tiJorks
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1 h � � � �
�S� � �].St. iJO. 2
, i`i.5. tti'atson Ave. - Pleasant �ve. to East to alley 150' (1310 Pleasant Ave.)
This oruer �ti�as initiaCecl Uy the Dircctor of Public idorks on tne basis of •a petition
witn 1 signer representin� l0U% of the assessable frontage aad inspection of the walk.
�his walri is old tile wit� tree hc:aves, broi,en tile, high joints, .tripping hazards,
water pocl:ets, iioles in tile, r.iissing tile, high longitudinal joints, offgrade, and
asp�ia.lt patches.
T;ie Isngineerin� recoi:imeadatio.l is for apnroval of the orcier.
Remarl;s: i�1.D.P. Area. See petition. Property o«ier agrees to full assessment.
(P.educe fror� a 6 ft. to a S ft. ���allc)
C� i�J RE'
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, �
, ,
tfarch 19�- ------------19_73---
St. Paul, Minn.��----�--.._-- --�---�---- -
To The Iiunorablc, The Council,
City uf St. Paul, Minn. �
We, the undcrsigned pruperty uwners, hcreby petition yuur Honorable Bo�ly to cause
the following improvement to be made: . /
Reconstruct the sidewalk on the ;lorth side of Watson Ave. �
�----------- --�----- � -- - --� - -�- --� . � -- ------- ------ � - - - - ----------------�- �- ----------------------St. Ave.
frum ---Pleasa:�t___..-- - - -- - --- ----------_--��i Ave. t�i.�-- -�a�t..to._the__alley-----�-- ---- ----•------
--`-...--- �------ �-- -._._....._ - -�- ---- St. Ave.
George i-i. Bill 1 1 ltardin�s Enlargement of Ca�e's
------ -- ------ - ----
Sub. of. i31k 1 (Side lot of
1310 Pleasant Ave.)
----- --- ---- --/ f— � ----
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Couneil File�No. $6147,5—BY Patrick J.I
Rctedler— i
In ti�e Matber oi reconstructing the
sid�ewalk on the no�th side o! WatYOn
Avenue from Pieasaat Avenue FJaaterly
i50 feet more or less including the all�eyg
a71 other�k which i�s n e b�ry�and
incidental ta complete said improve-
ment, e�ccept where it is dttermined
't2tat,Bood and su$icfent g��ured a9de-
wslks now exfst, wbder Admi,nistrative
Q1de;D-SZi,approved i9,grf1 8,1973. .
The Councfl oi the City of Saint Paul,
1il�ving .rec�i�8d the repurt af the
Mayor upogn the .s6ove.imgrovement,
herebyarc�lves naidered aaid report,
1. Th�t ttie eaid ;eDOrt and t,he
eame ie.hereby approved with no
alternatives.and that the estluzated
cost thereoi is�4.00pg r�Iin fG for 8'
i wide ytalk �(Residentl;l) �.50 �er
lin ft for!Y wl+de wslk�6.80 per lin
'ft for 8'wide (Commercial).
2. .That a putalic hearing be had
on said improvemen� on the
17.5� o! Julv, 187$:_ at 10:00
Chb�+sbers oP� tht �Cfty Halt and
Court 8ouae Buildliig in the City
of Saint Paul,
3. That notice oP�Ld publie hearing
be given to the Dersons and in
the, mann r provfded liy the
Charter, y�atiT►�' the time and
place of heatiAB, tt►e nature of
the frnprovement and the total
cost,thereof a� estimated.
File No. 598�0.
� t1d.a�ted bp��u �.�il Jtxne 15, 1973.