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D00948�. . a • _ - City Clerk _ - Finance Dept. , - DepL Accounting (Civic Center) _ - Engineet (HGA) - Conu'actor _ - Project Manager (CPMn , �!� : i. - `� R��j1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP .1 . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, R'hereas, additions wluch proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center Expa�sion CP-3 Tempor Pacilities known as Contract L City Project No.014440 Frerichs Construction Company Contractor, is composed of the following: 1. Provide shafr wall @ Popcom Hood ductwork. Reroute VAV and electrical. Reason: Code Requirement. 2. Revise e�aust ductwork in Room 109 per Request for Proposal MC3.11. Reason: E�aust duct required for air circulation. 3. Demolish wall and relocate utilities for Generaror Room, provide bulkhead per per CP/CCD #C3.19. Reason: Field condition. 4. Provide iwo pillboxes for telephone conduit per CPICCD NC3.5. Reason: Owner request. 5. Provide additional footinglrebar for Aistriet Energy heat lice pec CPlCCD qC3.10. Reason: Field condition. 6. Provide new screeds and dooe hinges for existing coolers. Reason: Existing parts rusted and broken. 7. Credit to Owner for power disconnection ro electronic message center from 12 June 1995 to 5 July 1995. Reason: Contractot cut through power lines and disconnected. (Poor soils responsible for balance of down time). 8. Credit to Owner for miscellaneous cleaning per Invoice N017612-00. Reason: 9. Contract Schedule Milestones changed to reflect dates work was actually completed. Substantial completion of project is established as 3 November 1995. No change in Contract Sum for schedule per both Owner and Contractor. 10. Provide rated ceiling in Elevator Equipment Room 114 m lieu of F-4 �ated shaftwall per CP/CCD NC314. Reason: Code requirement. 11. 12. 13. Provide masonry wall @ Elevator Press Box Level per CP/CCD #C314. Reason: Field Condition. Credit for flashing �t installed ( Detail A7.5fCP-3). Reason: Not installed per Concract Docuznents. Revise Press Box fence (make smaller openings). Reason: Safety issue. Total • $4,092.00 786.00 3,392.00 502.70 1,330.00 863.10 (986.40) (6,762.98) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (9Q0.00) 195.00 $2,511.42 17c[tl�iC�7�7 �, . ����♦ � ) L J CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP3.15 ORDERED, That the Ciry of Saint Paul, through iu Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 2.511.42 . said amount to be added to the lump sum considerauon named in the contract, Imown as contract L- 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. Expans' n rd� [ing Committee • Director of Civic Center /�,�°°���J Arclutect � and which amount is to be financed from: -�-3o i9� 19_ Fr�richs Construction Companv Contractor By 1 r Y \� �_� �9- �����:��/����,���.�.f U Head of Department of Finance Q��o,_�i�� 30 �9� �2t �.��� Administrative Assistant to the Mayor !��"— �r �7 '�3�' %03d0� 08���'D'CX�oIJ PAGE 2 OF 2 (1!/ � !� OEPARTMENVOFFICE/COUNdL °"�'"m"'�° .GREEN SHEE v � 34924 „ . �; a ; c, C�.r�. r _ _ . - - CONTACf PEFiSON & PHONE DEPARiMENT �IRE CTOP N � A � CITY COUNCIL INRIAUDA7E S J�ibY\ (��CS ��'1����� ASSIGN �CT'ATfORNEV �C(TVGLEflK NweEn rroa � UST BE ON CpUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) p�M� O DGEf D�RECTOP FIN. & MGf. SERVICES DIR. ' UROER MAYOA(OAASS75 afiJ�:�cc, ` TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �'o r � �an ' ACfION PEQUE5iED_ �+- C Fhar��, O r�4r � ls � � �o.,��-: ac,�- ��-�sc�l1 �cer: L��.S d C� s:� Cc�` R RECOMMENOAZIONS:Apprwe(A)orRaject(R) PEFiSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTXEFOLLOWMGQUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSIpN _ CIViI, SEFVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked untler a contract for this departmeM? � , _CIBCOMMfiTEE ._.& (E�1at15.n_r_ YES �NO " — �� F 2. Has fhis personfirm ever been a city employee? "t — YES NO �" _ DISTRICTCOUfiT 9 — 3. Does this parsonPorm possess a skill �rot normally possessetl by any current city employee. SUPPOqTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE7 VES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sha0t and atteeh to green sheet � INITIATINO PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (Wlro, What When, Where. Why): - 5�� a-1-�F�a-eG.� t�4.�a� � �. E �„ c.. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: , : RECEiVEb �������� J U N- 6 1996 (�AY 3� 1996 CITY CLERK _ _,, �� 4� � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED� TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S a S i t `�� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO FUNDIHGSOURCE C�� .3����^dX GRa�T.I BR,. CfR�✓q4C71VITYNUMBEH ����� � o85a'O�X�V FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � e � l? _ !1� � C J' • - eotsTRacr sTa PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota GONTRACTOR Frerichs Construction Company 1410 Energy Park Drive Suite 4 Saint Paul, MN 55108 Original ContractAmount: $ 1,480,OOO.DO CO No. C3.1 C32 C3.3 C3.4 C3.5 C3.6 C3.7 C3.8 C3.9 C3.10 C3.11 C3.12 C3.13 C3.14 C3.15 Deduct Add 19,697.00 11,3�3.50 97,951.00 18,814.00 11,563.00 21,450.00 18,417.00 24,209.00 23,270.00 14,894.00 3,344.Q0 75,382.00 27,330.00 16,368.00 2, 517.42 Total .00 .$ 386 503.92 DATEISSUED: CONTR.4CT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: 29 March � 996 CP-3 Temporary Facilities 1 May 1995 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $1,866,503.92 � � � f -. �-�_-. � � • � P��I«� � � �� i11I�i1tlLG1Yl�_�1III4 r C�y ia � ��� � � � 1. It is requcsted Ihe completion date be ( 1 extended, ( E decreased, ( y unchanged by _ calend�3r days, The ad�usted campletian date wilt be . Submittedby: RQl' Date: 1'`�,.�`�� 2. Description o( the change: �Refer ro drawinc�s, specifieations, addenda, if appiicnblel. (Reterence RFP No.: � CCD No.: 3.� 4 � FO No.: I �r��o� t�c� �t.�+-�� 3. Basis of payment: (Check one� 1) Firm price ior pertormin� this change is ...........�.,, ........................ ...-_. .. �—. — Adequate supporting details and information ' must be attached to allow Owner to evaivate. {) Time and material per contract, hut not to exceed S (� Actual cast at completion of work S sC � y D 6 � ` � Contrac[or � �j,�� ��i Convactor Signa[ure CPMI USE � Act�on Recommended: ICheck one� O Chanc�e will not be made, Explain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 `�,Proceed on the fotlowing basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptabie. �Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptaUle. '�Basis of payment shall be S g-�f192, -�j�J�S �U�j{j�3 E�O N �7" ( 1 The fol(owing moditication is recommended: ����. ���-�� �v�� ( 1 Change in completioq date is accepted. p���� ��� (! Chanc�e is acceptable with no change in price. �� O Change is acceQtable wi[h no change in comp(etion date, Reasonfor Change: ( 1 Oesign Chanc�e (� Client Request ( 1 Field Condi[ion O Suggested by Contractor �esign Omission or Other (expiain) �pQ� }�Q(J/�EN`T` 3. Is this a part ot the originaal contract scopc? O YES �NO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? ,�YES ( � NO 5. AIE consulted. �YES ( � NO Date: � �O, Datc: Oate: Ap pr o ved by: (Owner Oate: cc: Chris Hansen '�0ake Eiaker Mike Pedz�son D�ck Zct��in9 � Eri�,s Ludins 3225- 3225- f3L Prepared by: �_ CPMq Approved by 1`^' " HGA� Approvcd hy ��_ ,. � o l�(Ownerl -- �� ��� u�i4Y ..A1� 2 6 I�°� PnGE 5-5 sn�NT n�i!i r,ivir. r�•rvrr fxonn�c�nN A chan<7e in ti�e scope of the work is requestetl as indicated below: . f3itEAKDOWN SNEET C�NTRACTOR'S PRONOSAL SAINT PAUL CIVIC C[NTER EXPANSION L::L+GIi, N1A7LIilAL � EQUIP(�AENI OIfiE�T CMPLOYEE LA�OR P.�Al ERIAL5 & EQUIPI�1ENT Vh�COfiPakAT[C 1"O f:.L L%,C� � PAACLFiIF.L & EQUIPIv1ENT l5`:L F�L TO7AL LACiOR, MATEftIAL, EQUIP., & FEE suucor�� itnc��oits 6�;s F�r TOil�L �UI�COIdTRACTUflS & FEE OT F1ER CO5 f S 7ItAVLL .°. SUl3SISlENCE h1ATtHIHLS & LQUIPM[NT NOT INCORFOftATED HL'tJTHLS 1A�LS P�(1tti11T5 E. ��CCNSE FEES U71LI1 It:S, FUCL, ( ACILI1lGS AT SITG IfJCIDLNTl1L [XPE L30ND & ftlSURJat�CE Pf�OVtS10tyS TOTAI. �TF4CR COSI S TOTAL Of- C1iANGE PROPOSAL . qy��o 5 -- � �Cf.(9D � ly.Go ; �zY�l o0 $ �� �. J 5 5 $ S S S S PAGE 5 G SAINT PAUL GVIC CENTCft EXPANSI�N u�-t �� ;, f �S,�O ; �S�G.C�b � Y�-_- --- S__s2Sz�--�-=� �/ GENERAL ESTIMATE FORM � j�Q FRERICHS CONSTRUCTION � LOCATION ARCN — SUBJEf`S`�L_` � ' �^' � ITEM OVANTITY � �� � ESTIMATEWo SNEET No OF ESTIMATOR BONDSMAN 9 Eii1MAT[e A�O `i h-- .�^ . \L EiT1YI�T[D �� TOT�L EiTIMAT[C MAi(RI�L SUS COMTR�GT T� � - ` i � 3 i � _ —__ «�-' � __ _ , _. ._j iJ �� : ` ". . :► Cr ;i ; : _ Y� "- -�__- � Frerichs Cotis[ruction Co. � 10 Energy Park Drive, SuRe #4 Frerichs Construction u1,Minnesota 55�08 ne:672-644-5063 FROM � D ' P_.t. i�+�.11 WORK ORDER NO �q �g WORK ORDER REPORT: 2143 JOBNAME C�_6�llt Ca /�rS� JOBNO. y�.2, BILL TO � `-��tT' REPORT DATE � � �' �� WORK ORDERED BY S i7��.1�� ,�O T�� S DETAILOFWORK: ��mM�� Ci hc� Y� F"P�}iPt'� �t�Y (3LV� � 1�IVA C MAN DA7E HOURS _ MAN DATE HOURS MAN DATE HOURS MAN DATE HOURS J+-4 er auu�mn � roureRVa f eosr I I exr. 1 ounrrmv I r.ureav� i cosr I exr. � APPROVED BY: • �� :� i � , :i � ,:1 i �I ..;1 � �• • °� , � :� eli23i96 13:41 CUSTOM DRYWALL 3 7870467 849 WE57ERN AVENUE N�RTH • Mr. Marv Kotek Frerichs Construction Company 3550 7.abore Road, Suite 10 St. Paul, M'innesota 55110 Re: St P�ui Civic Center - CP3 Popcorn Room Duct Enciosure Deax Marv, N�.682 P064 ��� i 5T. PAUt-. MtNNE507A $51 17 • (612) 488-0533 FAX(612)688-8432 The extra costs for Custom to build the rated shaft enclosure azounQ the popcorn room exhaust duct, is as fallows: 209 sq.ft. x $7.50 / sq.ft .:...................................................................................$1,568.00 � If you should ha�e aay questions, please feel free to call. z�- x 1Z ��� 5��, al!L �— �3 [�o —''-� 7 ) Z��� Sincerely � Custom Drywail, Inc. �� � � Bavid W. Qstet�nan P�'oject 1lgflnager Z► � X �O' �(M = �-1 D [.�° ��� . [ y h • 3anuary 23, 1496 � CONSTRUCTION oWNER � � C � 2 -. CHANGE `'R�HITECT �i (,�� CONTRACTOR '�l DIRECTIVE OTHER �j CPM! A/A DOCUMENT G714 (/ratructions on ret�erse side, 77�rs documen( replaces A/A Lbcument G713, Corutraci:on Cbange Authonzation J PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center DIAECTIVE NO: CCD-C3.24 (name, address) 143 West 4th Street 11 September 1995 Saint Paul, MN 55102 DnTE: TO CONTRACTOR: (name, address) Frerichs Gonstruction 1410 Energy Park Drive, Suite 4 Saint Paul, MN 55108 You are hereby directed to make the following change(s) in this Contract: ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: CONTRACT DATE: 1 May 1995 CONTRACT FOR: CP-3 Temporary Facilities 1. Shaft wait for Popcorn Hood. 2. Provide sfiaft wall per HGA Request for Proposal No. 31, dated 7 September 1995. 3. Reroute or shield electrical conduit in Corridor X05 as required by code to avoid shaft wall. 4. Reroute or shield water lines in Corridor XOS as required by code to avoid shaR wall. 5. Vvork must be complete by 25 September 1995. Owner will be occupying space-coordinate installation with their schedule. Reason: Code Requirement LJ PROPOSED ADJUSTMENTS L The proposed basis of adjustment ro the Contract Sum or Guazanteed Ma�cimum Price is: ❑ Lump Sum (�ncrease) (decrease) of ❑ Unit Price of per ❑ as provided in Subparagraph 7.3.6 of AIA Daanxient AZOI, 1987 edition. ❑ as fottows: Time and Material. Turn in timesheets daily. • 2. The Con[rac[ Time is proposed [a{�a�jysteA} (remain unchanged). The proposed adjustmen[, if any, is (an increase of 0 days) (a decrease of 0 days). When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Con[rac[or, [his documen[ becomes effective IMMEDIATELY as a Cons[[vttion Change Direc[ive (CCD), and the Contracror shall proceed wi[h [he change(s) described above. Nammef Green Abrahamson, Inc. ARCHITECT 1201 Harmon Piace Address --Dt1iAn2aQali / BY � DATE ��1 v / � Saint Paul Civic Center Authority OWNER 143 West 4th Street .,iT'iSi7' .,in u � L • 1 � : S'[_��% � � • Signature by the Con[rzctor indicates the Con- tractor's agreement wrth rhe proposed adjuso- mrnu in Convatt Sum and Conuatt Time set forth in this Cons[nic[ion Change Directive Frerichs Construction CONTRACCOR 1410 Energy Park Drive, Suite 4 Address $aint Paul MN F.ri10R sr / V b�- GM J �SII—� DATE � `��" ��_ �� CAUTION: You should sign an original AIA document which has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AIA COCUMENT G714 � CONSTRUCTION C[{ANGE DIRECTNE • 19&7 EDIT[ON � AIA� � O 1987 � THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, I735 NEW YORK AVENOE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 G7�4'�987 WARNING: Unike�seA nhotorpwina violafes U.S. cowriaht laws aM Is subiect to leaal omsecudo�. G1:pHAR1' ELECTRtC �!� ' . TO: Frerichs Construction Co. ATTN: �yrv itotek DATE: October 2, 1995 RE: St. Paul Civic Center The following are costs f C CD No_ C3.24: PAGE 1 OF 2 1. Material Cost (Include Tax of 6.50): ...... 2. Labor: 29 Hrs @ $ 44.57/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Boreman: 5 Hrs @ $ 2.41/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . 4. General Foreman: Hrs @ $ /Hr . . . . . . . . . 5. Overtime (1" X Regular Rate): Hrs @$/Hr ... 6. Overtime (2 X Regular Rate): Hrs @$/Hr ... 7. Project Management: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . _ . . . . 8. Labor Inefficiency: % of Labor (Line #27 • . • • 9. Lost Time: Hrs @ $ /Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. Field Design{Drafting: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . . 11. As Built Drawings: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . . . . 12. Delivery: Hrs C $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. Clean up: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. TeSting: Hrs C $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. Warranty: ° s of Material & Labor (Lines #1 & 2) . 16. Parking: Days @ $/Day . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. Dryage, Handling Charge, Miscellaneous: ... 18. Temporary Wiring : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. Large Tool & Equipment Rental: . . . . . . . . 20. Small Tools & Consumables: a of Labor (Line #2) _ $ 172 _ $ 1,293 _ $ 12 _ $ = S = S _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ = S _ $ _ $ 3600 LaBore Road, St. Paul, Minnesota 55110 •(612) 484-4900 � �;COQ�}� PAGE 2 OF 2 . • 21. Travel Time : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 22. Wage Increase: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . _ . . . . _ . . . � _ $ 23. Limited Workspace, Interruptions: % of Labor (Line #2) $_ 24. Storage Trailers_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ 25. Gas & Oil: • - - - - - • . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 26. Utility Cost : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 27. Insurance : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 28. Subcontracts : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 29. Subsistence : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 30. TelephonefFax Machine : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 31. Dumpsters : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 32. Safety: 4% of Labor {Line #2) • - • • • • • • • - _ $ 33. Permits & Inspection : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = S 6 34. Interest on Retention : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 35. Painting & Patching : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 36. Subtotal : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 1, 483 37. Overhead: 150 of Subtotal (Line #36) . . . . . . . _ $ 223 38. Profit: % of (Lines #36 and 37) . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 39 . Unit Prices : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 40. Subtotal: (Total of Lines #36, 37, 38, & 39) ... _ $ 41 . Bond : o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = S 42. Total This Change: (Total of Lines #40 & 41) ... _$ 1,706 43. A Time Extension of 0 Days Will Be Required. 44. This Quotation is Valid Until 0 For Written Acceptance. 45. Should this C.O. Request be acceptable, an authorized signature of the Architect, Owner, Construction Manager or General Contractor is required to proceed until a written change order is received. If a formal change order is not received by , work described above shall stop. ACCEPTANCE TITLE CHANGE ORDER/PROPOSAL REQUEST N0. . !1� : ��IEET 1 October 02, 1995 ESTIMATE WORKSHEET Job Description: CIVIC CENTER CCD C3.24 Estimate Number: CCDC3-24 Estimator Name : LARRY Page Name/Location: ALL Estimate Page: i of 1 LN PHASE DB# MA`I`ERIAL DESCRIPTION QTY PRICE U T-PRICE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 �5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 , 15:44:�' I�:'.iT=i�IDil.\: �5� 0 L DAN NERBY 24.00 0 L JERRY GAHM S.00 1 1842 EM-1/2 EMI'-CONDUIT 60.00 15.60 C 9.36 C 1 1980 EM-1/2 SEI' SCREW COUP 7.00 37.00 C 2.59 C 1 2000 EM-1/2 SE1' SCREW CONN 6.00 29.00 C 1.74 C 1 3866 HA-1/2 MINERALLAC 12.00 16.70 C 2.00 C 0 F AI3CHORS 12.00 30.00 C 3.60 E 1 1844 EM-3/4 EMf-CONDUIT 2�.�0 24.00 C 4.80 C 1 1982 EM-3/4 SET SCREW COtJP 2.00 57.00 C 1.14 C 1 2002 EM-3/4 SE1' SCREW CONN 2.00 46.00 C 0.92 C 1 3868 HA-3/4 MINF.RALLAC 4.00 19.35 C 0.79 C 0 F ANCHORS 4.00• 30.00 C 1.20 E 0 F 1900 BOX 4.00 115.00 C 4.b0 E 0 F BLANK 4.00 33.00 C 1.32 E 0 F ANCHORS 8. DO 30 .OQ E -�49r@8 •� E 0 F 1 EXTENSION RING 1.00 262.00 C 2.62 E 0 F 1 1/2 1G MK 1.00 168.00 C 1.6$ E 1 3078 FL-1/2 FLEX STEEL 10.00 33.00 C 3.30 C 1 3110 FL-1/2 FLEX 90 CONN 2.00 1.95 E 3.90 C 0 F FIXIURE CHAIN 10.00 180.00 M 1.80 E 3 8176 WC-'IS�FIN-SOLID #14 800.00 43.00 M 34.40 M 3 8178 WC-TfIIIN-SOLID #12 1200.00 56.00 M 67.20 M 0 F MISC. SC1tEWS/WIRIIV[TP/ET 1.00 10.00 E 10.00 E ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE Multiplier = 1.00 T�OTAL = '" "`- 29.0( l�o�.3C� � OCT-30-95 �ON 1�;00 DOODY/UNITED FAX N0, 612 48� 2637 P.01 ��C? � �� � - -- -- -- - ---- ___- __ -.- � ___ -- -- . NiECHA1IPlCAL INC. (672) 487-1061 520 FRON'T AVENUE F.vt 487-2637 ST. PAUL. MN 5�117 October i9, 1995 Frerichs Construction Com�any 1410 Enerqy Paric Drive - Suite 4 St. Paul, MN 551Q8 Attention: Marv Rotek Re: St_ Paul Civic Center Dear Marv: • Lzsted below is pricing tor CCA-C3.24 move VA�1 to avoid sha£t wa12. United Sheet Metal Fie1d labar - 12 hrs. at $38.60/hr. Shop labor - 3 hrs. at $38.60/hr. biaterial Tax 15$ Profit and ov�rhead To�a2 5$ �oody profit and averhead �i�ota 1 Ed Anderson Insuletion Labor - 6 hrs Mac.erial Total 5g Doody Total at $4�.50/hr. Landis ar.d Gyr Pocvers Labos 5� Doody pro£it and ovezhead Total • MEGNANICAL CONTRAGTDA COMMEApAt' INDll5TR7AL • INST17UTtONAL $463.20 $1'15.80 S 90.00 $ 6.30 101.29 $776.59 38.82 $s15.41 $285.C10 S 53.65 $338.65 16_93 $355.58 $150.00 7.50 $157.50 OCT-30-95 MON 17:00 DOODYlUNITED � Doody i4echanical, Inc. *?ate=ial �abor - 11 ars. at $L2.�4/hr. i5$ Profit and avernedd ^otal • Tota: �or CCD 3.2� FFX N0. 612 487 2637 S 90.59 5466,8� S 83.61 $641.Oa $i,969.53 P, 02 � � (7 Ff yau nave any questions, please do rot hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, Doody biechanical, Inc. �� % -�. _--� � �% Timath J. Daly Estimator/Project Manager • T.TD/Ya ����._ . . • t�.t��� �"�' =�3, �� �n��l� �,-� `� �- �iin;�..� %n ��z�l t s\ ���" G�C� c/fa�Ct�j�1� (r� �J��� �.��°�/ ���/� ���� ���� - I i m e 4 sken� �P�.Z. - .���, lS rrtz.� ~ �f, 59�°a , .J C/vor 23� �I� _ _ � - - - - __ �Q�h � I 0 t-}�..5 — �7 � Z°o _ - _ ��oT 29� � �� _ . _ _ --_ Z, 32q _ /7 � __ , . ...�t ��rrt —� ��� � � -- __ - �--- - � �� � � � _ � °�- ��4 r� �; �� ;_ _ , � a ��.. --- - - -- _ _ __. --- _.� �--- -- -}-� � � r�r M�-r� _ _ �u8mt� �ir���r�-:� - ; , , , __ _ _ _--- � � , r _, - - _.. _. - -- - _. _ . _---- . - ._ . .___ .. - , . .. ..-__ .. _ ._. ' _ ' . Y _�_ � . . ;_.._ __._.._ ._ . _ _ v_ ... .__ i . . ._ _ _ __ _ ..._ _ ... ___..__ . . _.. _.._.__.+_.._ .. � - ' , ' . • � � • ' -� . t .�_ -.._.-� _.. _.._ , . . ' _ � ..___ ... ._�__ __�..___� ...__... _ ..., -_ � .r.__. _ _ _ _ . T __ ' _ �___ _ . , � . . . . , . . I r __._. ._�.. __. � ..__._._._ �-.__. • _ .._ • ___ _ .__i _ . . _._ . __ . ' - " i ' i, _ ._ . . __ . � ' : ' i e _,: '� , � i t � � � . i __'"_'__— ' u.—__ . _....______' _ _ _ '_. ___�_�...__, _._ _— _ _._ 1 .. _— .w....— �__:.—,_ .�_-- ..—_ ..._ . __ L � ' , � . ` ,. , ' s. . , � : ( � � ; I I ' � i ; i . — i . r T__—�._ � � . 4 . , . . �._. . _f_`______. . � . . _____._—.� . ._._..... ._ i_ � ".._.._�,. — . i ! . . . . . � i � ' ` i • �� C� �Oq'�� ( � M , 2 CQ(+iTfiACT�R' S PR� PO SAL Contractor Proposa! No.: Oate: 1� - 7� 1- �t ' Proj�ct: S;,int Paul Civic Ccntcr Contrac[ No_: L' I� A chany� i�� the scope o( the woik is teyuestutl as fndfcated below: 1 � tt u reque�i�d lhu compieiion date be (�T extended, t) de reased, ( 1 unchangad by _ cuVund�r d�ys. The adjusted compl�tron date wdl be �. Description of the chane�e: IRe(er to drawin9s, specifications, addenda, if applicaule�. (fl�ler�nca RFP No.: � 3•/ I • CCD No.: • FO No.: 1 3. E3asls of payment: lCheck onel � Fum price for performing this chnnge is .................................. Adequate supporting details and in(o�mation must ba attached m allow Ownar [o evalua[e. ( 1 Tim� and matoriai per contract, but not to exceed O Acwel cos[ at cpmple[ion of work S Int� (In D�ducq S S Submitt�� by: �I-R rR �c �t Dnte: � � .� ! � �lS Co��tractor ` Y� �l"�)�� Contr�c Si�nature --- - — - — ---- ------ -- ------- - — ---- - fOfl CPMI USE 1. Acuon Recommended: (Check onel 1) Chan�o will not bc mada. Explain: 2. CPMI Job No.: 3225 �Proceed on the following basis: (� As indicated a�ova, changu uad basis of psyment is accep[able. �Chango is acceptaUla, basis of payment is no[ accep[abie. �Ddsis of paymont shail he 5�.� (n1pp� DOAI� F��I6� 7a O Th�s following modificacion is recommended: /}bR�EME�1T, �� �`� �p t 1 Chan�o in compiation dato is accepted. tl1(�t{ Q�j }�}25, �}�J�p 7tj �� i 1 Chango is acceptabfa with no chanc�a in price. /y�, ��� (� Change is acceptabt� wich no change in complc[io� tlato. Reasonfor Change: ( J Dnsign Chanpe �lient ftequest ( j Field Condition (� Sugges[ed by Contractor O Design Om�ssion or Other (expiain) 3. Is [his a part oi the originaal contract scope7 ( 1 YES �NO 4. Ss Contractor's Estimate atiached7 �'YES O NO 5. A!E consulted. �YES ( ) NO Prepared by: _ �� CPMI� - �. Approved Uy HGAI /� o Appcov�rd Uy ��� 10wnorl Oate: � � Date: Approvud by: IOwiwrl Qatu: [c: ChdS Han>un BaAu Bokot Mdu Pudotbo�l U�ck Zuh�u�� Eriks Lutlms 3215- 3225• BL SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER El(PANSION ♦ AXE �.�►.E�.T � , Y S $ BREAKDOWN SHEET CONTRACTOR'S PftOPOSAL SAINT PAUL C�VIC CENTER EXPANSION L.4tiOR, MA7C & EQU(PMENT OIRECT EMPLOYEE LABOfl MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT INCO(tPORATEO T07AL LAt3 tL MATLft1AL & LQUIPMLNT 15°�� PEE T07AL LABOR, MATERIAL, E & FE-E •BCONTRAGTORS � .� r=tt TOTAL SUE3C�NTRACTORS & FkE OTHER COSTS TRAVEI t� SUBSISTENCE MATEflIALS & EQUiPMENT NOT INCORPORATED HENrA�s TAXES PERMITS & UCENSE FEES UTiLITlES, FUEL, FACILITIES AT SITE INCIOENTAI EXPENSES • aOND & INSURANCE PROVISIONS 70TAL OTHER COSTS TOTAL OF CHANGG PHQPOSAL ����' � � S �TU� s ��-� S S s $ S S S S C� $ ! 7 S� C �� 5 _ �o�y. � • CP REQ-UE Saint Paul Civic Center Er CP-3 Temporary Facilities OWNER: Saint Paul Civic Center Authority I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 TO: Frerichs Construction Marv Kotek � DATE ISSUED: ��g : � iT NO.: C3.11 6 June 1995 CPMI PROJECT NO.: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT: CONTRACT DATE: 3225 CP-3 Temporary Facilities 1 May 1995 1410 Energy Park Drive Suite 4 Saint Pau1, Mh! 55108 Please submit an itemized quotation for changes in the Contract Sum and(or Time incidental to proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. Division of responsibility shall be consistent with the Contract Documents or as specifically enumerated below. THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER NOR A DIRECTION TU PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED HEREIN. DESCRIPTION: NOTES: Room 109 Mechanical Work Provide revisions to Room 109 per attached information from HGA dated, 1 June 1995. ATTACHMENTS: HGA Request for Proposal Number 11, dated 1 June 1995. Submit response in form of standard Contractor's Proposal reterencing this document immediately. If response is not received within 15 working days from date issued, an order may be issued directing you to proceed with the above described work at no cost and no time change. COST, PLANNiNG AND MANAGEMENT fNTERNATIONAL, INC. �� Susan C.Jones�� Project Manager • cc: Chris Hansen Bake Baker Dick Zehring Mike Pederson 3225-403.6 CPMI, INC., c/o Saint Paul Civic Center, I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza, 143 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 .S U td_— -- --� F P_ I 1 4 ] 2 8 • • the o`ener. On Mechanical 1. Sheet MI71: In lieu of capping the existing exhaust duct at the south end of Room 109, provide an additional 24 x 24 7ype 61 ceiling grSlle in new cei3ing and connect existing exhaust duct branch (30 x 12J to new ceiling gr911e. Provide votume damper in new branch duct and transitian from 30 x 12 to 24 X 15 for connection to new gril3e. Balance to exhaust 800 CFM. 2. Sheet M173: Rebalance exhaust fan E-1 to 4080 CFM in lieu of 21$0 CFM. Attachments: None Requested By: Owner • COMMENTS: � �{J� F'_6`L LV \ REQUESF FOR PROP4SI�L HAMMEL GREEN AND ABRANAMSON, INC., ARCHITECTS ANO ENGINEfRS PROJECT: OWNER: SAINT pAUL CIVIC CENTER EXFANSION SAINT PAUL CiVIC CENTER AUTHORITY CONTRACTOR: FRERICHS GONS7RUCTION COMPANY 14IO Energy Park Drive, Sutte 4 St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 RFP N0. 11 PAG£ 1 Of 1 pATE: 1 June 1995 HGA Commission Number 769.003.00 Contractor Pro,�ect No.t Type Contract: CP-3 COFY T0: S. JONES, CPMI Piease provide a cosc areaKaoun in accorasnce xicn cne �uticrac� uac..�K,��> aM a..���.�...�, and on the attachments�{If Any) Iteted. This is not an euthortzation to proeeed uith the uork described herein untess and unxiL appreval this change wit[ be inctuded in a Change Order, which uill provfde the formal DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK� A/E s/ 6 ��` y �' - H�t�c� _ .___ _S U H- 2 3_- 9� F R I 1 6= 3 6 D U O D Y M E C H p N 2 C A L P, 0 1 Nv`'' I�� , ��_-�.��� � xr - �- -- � 7�C-����l�f�t�. . �•-.:},.' � r_- ` . - ;6T2i+=8i-b�;o1 520 r,�.ia: v,��P Jc. r:r. 487-263? ST P;�� �;_ �.qN i5t ! 7 1ti�iz ?3, IUV; F2c.�ic4�s �ocutiuctioa�o. i41u E,ie:�' Yatk I}�tve, Suite � St. Fant_ R�iu�ue 75I�s Ai1ti: h4at.• Kot�k lie: St_ Faul CiviL CeiLter Exgansioit Isto��osa1 Rer�uzst No. C311 T)?ar I�'Ian : P+_a�»�al ior re�ts;a,is ta F�avzi11�3� �2._ ut�_tnai;c�-�; fro�tL FiCrA ctated June 1, 199` as follows: • Iat�cn: 13 ��ts. at �1. :=�;Iu Tvfaterial: duct, grille, ciasnpez r1is� balanc€ LFitite�i Stieet IvTztal I}c�o�' Afe�hanizai- .%anaz�-up Tvtai pxcr�+osal �nvu��t Y JtS.Vs�. �L.l.�n �I� 1{1Cr.p� DF— $ 358.42 � �.92 g aCil.3=1 lf vou ha�•e any auesti�iLS oz need mor? i�uo, ��IPase a1I ane. �i�2cer?Iy, I3����� IVfe�satiicaf Iac. �naa � f�l/ Tntt I?al� � Estitt:3tor;`Fxojec# IV3atiager � Mecria�+�;::. ComTancroa _�_"'—_'___ '_ �.OMld�AG1At. s ;. ;,.. �___ _ ...�$+H:4:_• lJS7'ITUi:Gt:AL — -_ ____'___ - -.� ���_ -- � ; �P1� • �� -�,19 --G����:�,� r�f� �4� ��� 3 , 2 �-9� - -- — %. J� S�PF,f?-F� �aGJ��G?�� �/'��'JSk�S �%!�il7T�n _ ��TIN6 7D �}9� % - - ----- -- -- - - - - - I-o�9r�f�_ _ �3,0_�Q� Gf�G� Qemo-'� �/��rs'c�..� �t%�Lc-. - - - -- lt flo�9-�--�`- —2�.5Q�- - #`i.v�lo-c.a�'¢._ - /t'reGhm-r�r�� -Uf' lE`_�72a-� � - � — �/�-3�9�— �� — �y� �Sv_�fi'�' --- - -- -- � �� ��5_ - , _ _ _- o�. �'�' lSSC+�cP i 2� ��.s.�'.__�. _w�: �ma_'` `�� �t`�-. _ . , , � � l, 2at.� ����t, __G�.�f _su.b���t�� �n �. _�f�rn5__ e� � a,c�� - .. __ _G_� _ � s.�� �L _.__ �_I.�.Qm'ia_ __. �/ 90a' � /�k�tv'�.C�P_ � .. _. _ _ � .� . �� _._ -.__���� . . _ ., .- .. � .. . �.. _ ___ _.. 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'. '_ ' � ^ W � I t i I . ___ , � __ . ��__ �- . — .' '. ...j. _ 1 i �>__�_r�_ � _ 4 ._.. _ —._. ._... _ ?�t{'�i� 4 . � . � � � � ., °i�@u�5cd PFticl� � c� �c� Na� ��u-ow o-� /iN �(��Tr���z( Uw�,�/ lo-�.qs �����1����cD -- OCT i 0 1�95 _ _ _ CONTRqCTOR'S PROPO SA�Le'��� �s -_-`-- __------ Con�ractor Propo,al No.: Proj e c t:..� �illt_P"si t!l.SS1YLG�.4IlIC r �cv�s��� Contract No.: C A- 7 � A choiige in ihe scope of the work is requested as indicated below: /-}��� � 1. It is requested the completion date be (} extended, O decreased, �) unchanged by _ 1C r � calendar days. The adjusted compietion date wiil bQ '� Z. pescription of the change: (Refer Co drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). (Reference RFP No.: • CCD No.: 3, 19 .• FO No.: � Rcu�ero� __ �y 3. ! �� r � r .� �� [3asis of payment (Check onel ; 1 �irm price (or pertormin� this chan�e is ..........,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , Adequate supporting details and information ' must be attached to allow �wner to evalaate. f) Time and material per contract, but no[ to exceed b4 Actual cost at completion of work Submittcd by: _ �R(`0.ity�,� ��, Contractor ` vIL�(d.Lt�� - �� Contra Signawre CPMI _. � _ � _� 2 _� 3. y 4. � 5. Ac[ion Recommended: {Check oneS ( 1 Chango will not be mado. Explain: 3��Q��� ! uCRC�yr S S Datc: �D _ q � S CPMf Job No.: 3225 () Proceed on the following basis: t 1 As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. I) Chan�e is acceptable, basis of paymen[ is not acceptable. () E3asis of payment shall be S ( 1 The (oitowing moditication is recommended: ( 1 Change in completion date is accepted. f 1 Change is accepta6le with no change in price. ( � Chan ���� � ge �s acceptable wrth no chanc�o in co euon dat��i� _�` Reason for Change: �/ (� Design Change ( y Client Reques[ ( j Field ndition � O Suggested by Contractor (! Design Omission ther Iexplain) �. f �� Is this a part ot the originaal contract scope> J YES {) NO Is Coneractor's Estimate attachedl � y YES 1) NO A/E consuited. ( � YES O NO � Prepared Approved �• � — Approved by__ � (Owner) cc: :d by Chris Hansen gake I Eriks Ludins 3225- 3225- Bl Da[ �a Date: Uick Z I � PAGE 5-5 SAiNT PAUI CIV1C CENTER EXPANSION BREAKDOWN SHEET CONTRACTOR'SPROPOSAL SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION LABOR, MATER{AL & EQUIPMENT DIRECT EMPLOYEE LABOR MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT 15% FEE TOTAL LA80R, MATERIAL, EQUIP., & FEE SUBCONTRACTORS 5% FEE TOTALSUBCONTRACTORS&FE OTHER COSTS TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE MATERIALS & EnUIPMENT NOT INCORPORATED RENTALS TAXES PERMITS & LICENSE FEES UTfL1TIES, FUEL, FACtLITIES AT SITE INCIDENTALEXPENSES BOND & INSURANCE PROVISIONS TOTAL OTHER COSTS 70TAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAL pAGE 5-6 SAINT PAUI CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION ee�p c3.{� �cu�s�J ��4g $?0.0r7 � g�O��� S $ �39b. $ �„c�q,vo s 13$2•�D S �q. r�d S S S S S S S S S t5�9•o0 $ IyS/,00 s 5 3oso. �a ..�.. �.. ,, .. � _.,N^^- i e..f ,_. .r� l ^" . _. . _, ..��.., � t.. ..R '<AS:. . .j'uf� 'A' ..y _, Ar. . � - e -u1+,x•.. F'�riChs Construc[io� Co. � Energy Park Drive. Suite �4 ul, Minnesota 55108 � Phone:612-644-5063 . Frerichs Construction �� v i'. FROM �I� 'r'I��L'`;C�L� WOR4C ORDER y�� �� D 2165 WORK ORDER REPORT: JOB NAME BILL TO WORK ORDERED BY S �S R''� 7�� rv r5 JOB NO. �S�)� REPORT DATE C �`�� � �r� DETAILOFWORK: I�"ef1'a/> ��l�.�. U�,�u_ F=�2. S 26 �=�N ���;7,a�c.�7�n� C�� � C3•19 MAN DATE MOURS MAN DATE HOUFS MAN DATE HOURS MAN DATE HOURS •� ' c-- -_l� N "i 3 S a C '� 7? C � Y.. � --, 5' `( 42 (,� I'1 ;. G i3 �r.�n�1 - =n,i �_l�_9` � :� i '�� U � � 1 =; �.„ - � �` ��.Z ( 7 i'a(�.3�; Quanrm � MATERIAL COST EXT. QUANTITY G� f.�Y -.- li�fh� �Jo 3� �G �; •��;�c.� _. �.� �:f� 1 GC 1 � . �. � i ���° APPROVED MATERIAL COST � EX7. brY IUC lb�4b UUWY/U�lICU hHX NU� biZ 4tll LbJI N,UI � ���Y -- - . � � � � MEGHAN/CAL ��C. (612) 487-10fi1 520 FRQNT AVENUE ' FF+x 487-2637 ST. PqUL, AAN 55117 �oFz _ .. .Sr f �T �.5�. /_ ��s - ----- ----- .. rh'N2���s .--- ..G'r.�_s�-; --�� - ---- - --- _._. /.YrQ -EL11��2Ca�'�..�1�.-. �Scl.rr�'--'�r�--.. �% . /pAl - ./�d._ .. �.S`J�L� .. ---- s��T!'!' • ---- ---- ..�'J..s� r/. /�r. c �C.. _ /� -- --- ___ .. _ _ . /G SJ. l�PaL--.Ci«%%C_. ---� . _. - -,.. . L��i4�z . _._��if-Gzfr � __ _ . -•-- — - ----- ___. . . ---- - ---- - ---- - ---- _- ---- ._ TL�C�. � Llo�elt•�lG---.�.sV..�-- �' , e�.v.�A�H..u....EZ.F_ _ ..._..._.. ._ ,G-Q�o_�2 ��9.•��_.. /.?'�Sr.�/,�G- -�'-s�:e .--.�r.- - - _. . -� - - .�P_����-��G _-Z`o.---- -�-�" . ._Ei���c� _ G����.�s?�r_. --- - 1/GL1.El �L..�..r'_7G2�_. . . - --- - �----- _ ._...-- - -- - - ---=-- ��r __�.���rs.��----�,v _,�..C�c.� _�r/.��/__t_`)�'/1:�'�.-A------ --- - - --_ .B-� -- G� _�`._ C_.�.,. r_� ..------ - . .. . -..---- - -- -- ---- --- �_... .. __._..._ . ____ _---- _--- --- ----._. ...�1�y�-T_. C�..__3�Z`�_°_°,--� - — - ---_—.....--- • .� -l+�-YO �z_T _... �--�L'". r� D_._�2c��� _�ir1�22�c��.r'--- - - - -- _ _ ._._ . G�i��!��2�_.._z_'a�./yLv�cG.__.r�1�__ �/_'�tE.��.�vG,�oov+�----.. _..._ ---_.._..f �r___...SI�.! ----i f,�-�•,%-7Lt�_.._�'�9 .__.__—__ - - ---���!- �--�OV_!La._.. �vo7'__ .f.l..�.�...�o�.v� . fl.-✓ . �,_._ .n-i w�� ���. i��'+� vv�vii unt i�.V rnn tYV. UiC 401 CW f C. UC � � �1�►� ��$ , �'s�tE�HANICAL, 1NC. 1s,2)aa�-,os� 52pFRON�q�tN�E • ' FAX 487-�637 ST. PAUL, tvitJ 557t7 Z D F Z, __ - - - -- - �%sf�,. -- _ _ _ -- -- - -- - - - - �L� L�--- -- -_- -----�� y0,_a o - -- - - -- - -- -- — . . C]' /1 � � r . _� v.c•i _.�!o T . ..., .Z_ -�tll�� _ G�/f/!_c .h! . -- - f�1i9 _. ,��.:L.0 Z^�� .._.._.z"rc._/_. C'C..l� �" .. . �. � 9_......_ -.__. .��.QL.Gi � p,_roo� _ ... _. . � - ----- - -- - - - - �S�b To r��.-- --- -�-� _ `�130. °" .. _ --- - �- --- ----- _....-.--_ • ... �?ovct Y �S' `�o - �; f' - - - � _ so -- . . 7."oT.4 C. .._..�.��' ._i}'L?D.... _ '�I ,.�Co. S !� -- ---�- _-- _.... . __ ------ . .- --- __ .�XCli1S. o..z/S_= . ..._.. .. .�� . �YE,�tf��Di.v�lG.- -t�:F.' . _... . - -- _. . _._. __ _._.—..T�: .__l.,c. , -- - -�- - - - ---. ^./���oc/L✓I�_ � .�'t2_�uriw�, _.�?..F_--- ---:- ..---- --- - --�i -�.PC:— �P� _ .�rr. T6'.�r ^_ GT_— . ---.. .----- — _ - - --- - /��' ._.Q�_?... ftE�FCG7'"--��� . Cv!N� c.h' -r' --- --.. G c%__. ._- - .._...- - ..° -- --_. _._l�!�.'e._ ��. i------ �"�t/ ` i 9 �`_ _Q� _ - ---- -----. ..---- �_._ ,.. --- --- -- • ------ ---..._ r'C i=c , �. i � �u • � • E L E C TR I C TO: C_�l�l RE: Frerichs Construction Co. 1410 Energy Park Dr. Ste. 4 St. Paul, MN 55108 Marv Rotek St. Paul Civic Centes !` .' � ��� V .✓J � -�'� ..:Y:_.��.J�! vt` ��� DATE: October 4, 1995 The following are costs f or C CD No. C3.19: 1. Material Cost (Include Tax of 6.50): ...._ 2. Labor: 22 Ars @ $ 44.57/Hr . . . . . . . . . . 3. Foreman: 2 Hrs @ $ 2.41/Hr . . . . . . . . . . 4. General Foreman: Hrs C� $ /Hr . . . . . . . . 5. Overtime (1� X Reqular Rate): Hrs c� $/Hr .. 6. Overtime (2 X Regular Rate): Hrs @$/Hr .. 7. Project Management: Hrs @ S{Hr . . . . . . . 8. Labor Inefficiency: % of Labor (Line #2) ••• ` 9. Lost Time: Hrs @ $ /Hr . . . . . . . . . . . 10. Field Design/Drafting: Ars @ $/Ar . . . . . . li. As Built Drawings: Hrs Q $/Hr . . . . . . . . 12. Delivery: .5 Hrs @ $30/Hr . . . . . . . . . . 13. Clean up: .5 Ars C� $44.57/Hr . . . . . . . . . 14. Testing: Hrs C� $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. Warranty: $ of Material & Labor (Lines #1 & 2) 16. Parking: Days @ $/Day . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. Dryage, Handling Charge, Miscellaneous: ... 18. Temporary Wiring : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. Large Tool & Equipment Rental: . . . . . . . . 20. Small Tools & Consumables: °s of Labor (Line #2) PAGE 1 OF 2 $ 58 $ 981 $ 5 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ / $ 23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3600 LaBore Road, St. Paul, Minnesota 55110 • (612) 484-4900 l�. ,��-f� � . PAGE 2 OF 2 21 . Travel Time : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 22. Wage Increase: Hrs c� $/Ar . . . . . . . . . _ . _ � _ $ � 23. Limited Workspace, Interruptions: ° s of Labor (Line #2) $_ 24. Storage Trailers : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 25. Gas & Oil : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 26. Utility Cost : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 27 _ Insurance : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 28. Subcontracts : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 29. Subsistence : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 30. TelephonejFax Machine : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 31_ llumpsters : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 32. Safety: 4% of Labor (Line #2) • • . . . . . . . . _ $ 33. Permits & Inspection : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 34. Interest on Retention : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 35. Painting & Patching : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 36 . Subtotal : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 1, 082 37. Overhead: 15 of Subtotal (Line #36) . . . . . . . _ $ 163 38. Profit: ° s of (Lines #36 and 37) . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ • 39. Unit Prices : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : : _ $ � 40. Subtotal: (Total of Lines #36, 37, 38, & 39) $ 41 . Bond : % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 42. Total This Change: (TOtal of Lines #40 & 41) ... _$ 1,295 43. A Time Extension of o Days Will Be Required. 44. This Quotation is Valid Until o For Written Acceptance. 45. Should this C.O. Request be acceptable, an authorized signature of the Architect, Owner, Construction Manager or General Contractor is required to proc�ed until a written change order i5 re�eived. If a formal change order is not received by , work described above shall stop. ACCEPiANCE CHANGE ORDER/PROPOSAL REQUEST N0. � ��� i . •'1._ c r i October 04, 1995 ESiIMAIE WOftKSHEET Jab Uescription: CZVIC CENTGR-CCD C3.19 E>timate Number: CCOC3-19 Estimator Name _ LARRY Page Name/Location: ALL Estimate Page: 1 ofi 1 15:��t3:4S LN PHASE OB# HATERIFIL DESCRIPiION 9TY PRIC[ U T LABOR U T-LA30F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 • �� 5 16 17 18 19 ------------------------------------------------------------ 0 FOLLOWING IS OESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORHED 0 TO ACCO�fUDATE INSTALI.ATION OF FAN S-26 0 WORr INCLUDED: OISCONNECT/RECONNECT 2 MOTORS, REROUT 0 GENERATOR CONTROL WIRING,R£POSITIONING NANGERS, 0 AND REROUTIMG MISC. BRANCH CIRCUITS. 0 L pAN NERBY 10.00 0_L GENE WITTE 10.00 0 L 7ERRY GAHM 2 QQ 1 1842 Ehi-1/2 EMT 80.00 15.60 C 12.48 C 1 1980 EH-1/2 SET SCREW COUP 12.00 37.00 C 4.44 C 1 2000 EM-1/2 SET SCREW CONN 6.00 29.00 C 1.74 C 1 3366 HA MINERALLAC 10.�0 16.70 C 1_67 C 0 F ANCHORS 10.00 30.00 C 3_00 E 3 8188 WC #12 200.00 56.00 H 11.20 M 0 F 1900 BOX 3.00 115.00 C 3.A5 E 0 F BLANK 3.00 33.00 C 0.99 E 0 F ANCHORS 6.00 36.00 C 1.80 E 0 A 881 TPZ 36IN,-3 FT. 1.00 8.69 E 8.64 E 0 F MISC i1AT ET 1_OQ 5.0� E 5.p0 E ---------------- --_=________=___=_=_ --------------------------_--_______=______________-- PAGE Multiplier = 1.00 70TAL 54.46 22_OC • � CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE • AIA DOCUMENT G714 OWNER �7 ARCHITECT �] CONTR.ACTOR xJ F[ELD �] OTHER �] CPMI ��� •� (Iranucaons on reUerse side 77�u documen! replaces A!A �cument G713, Consr.uctio.l Char�ge qurbonzarion.J PROJECT: SaiOt PBUI CiVic C2flt0� DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-C3.19 (name, address) 143 West 4th Street 25 August 1995 Saint Paul, MN 55102 DATE: TO CONTRACTOR: (name, address) Frerichs Construction ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 1410 Energy Park Drive, Suite 4 CONTRACT DATE: 1 May 1995 Saint Paul, MN 55108 CONTRnCT FOR: CP-3 Temporary Facilities You are hereby directed to make che fotlowing change(s) in chis Conaacr. Per response to RFI #M-25, install S-26 as indicated on drawing R1/M173. This will inciude demolition of the block wall and buiiding a gypboard bulkhead. Reason: Field Condition/Coordination with CP-4 • PROPOSED ADJUSTMENTS 1. The proposed basis of adjusunent to the Contract Sum or Guaranceed Maximum price is: O Lump Sssm (increase) (decrease) of ❑ Unit Price of per ❑ as provided in Subparagraph 7.3.6 of AIA Docucnent A201, 1987 edition. ❑ as eoltows: Time and Material. Tum in timesheets daily. Not to exceed $1200. 2. The Con[ract Time is proposed [e{b�a�juste,�) (remain nnchanged). The proposed adjustment, if any, is (an increase of 0 days) (a decrease of 0 days). When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Contractor, [his document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY as a Coastrucuon Change Direccive (CCD), and the Con[racror shall proceed with the change(s) described above. Hammel Green Abrahamson, Inc. ARCHITECT 1201 Harmon Place Address nn���Aa �r _N 5F40� BY —7 /`�'l�/�C/ — %tNs'7�'rr •DATE _/C/P �^' �p ___ AIA Saint Paul Civic Center Authority OWNER 143 West 4th Street Address BY /� DATE / � C3� — / � Signamre by the Con�rzecor md�ptu ehe Con- tractor's agreemenc wich che proposed adjust- menLS in Con[rac[ Sum and Con[ract Time set forfi in [his Cons[euc[ion Change Direcnve. Frerichs Construction CONTRACTOR 1410 Energy Park Drive Suite 4 Address Saint Pan MN 551pR BY j�1 c.�.v, } � DATE _ I � � ' '"1 � CAUTION: You shouid sign an originai AIA document which has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes w(II not be obscured as may occur when documents are ceproduced. AIN DOCUMENT G774 � CONSTRUCCION CHANGE DIRECTNE � 1987 ED[770N • AIAm � OO 1987 � THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENpE, N.W., WA$NINGTON, D.C. 2000fi G7141987 -- — � � CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL �'[� � � ���� � �4G � : Contractor Proposal No.: Date: ��-��Q�� L Project: St. Paul Civic Center Contract No. 1� ' `. , _ A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: 1. It is requested the completion date be ()extended, ( )decreased, ( )unchanged by _calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be • • 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). (Reference RFP No.: , CCD No. , FO No. .) ^ � { T i r, -, �� .J :I�:(.11:�' )�-Tr.. � � t; �i+ti-j s l ��}�� � �_ 3. Basis of payment ( chec� one ) E� t�t � � C^� "t% ()Firm price for performing this change. .$ Adequate supporting details and information (_Increased_ Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. ()Time and material per contract, but not to exceed $ (�Actual cost at completion of wor $:� 5(?',�-z`"�[� Submitted by: �� 'r1,(,��''1 l�� %r./� Date: f_�- (� -� Contractor - ��/� �,� � ���� Contrac Si nature ---------------------------------- --- FOR CPMI USE l. Action recommended: (Check one) CPMI Job No. 3225 () Change will not be made: Explain: 2 () Proceed on the following basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of pa nt is acceptable. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment s not acceptable. ()Basis of payment shall by $ a' ��'� � () The following modification is rec ended: ��„s�� O Change in completion date ' accepted. � e � O Change is acceptable wit no change in price. () Change is acceptable va' no change in complet' � date. Reason for Change: �,� () Design Change () Cl' t Request () Field Condition � () Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of origin contractor scope? (; Yes () No 4. Is Contractor's Estima attached? () Yes () No 5. A/E consulted. () Yes () No Prepared by: Approved by: Approved by: Approved b cc: Chris Eriks Hansen Ludins Page Bake Baker CPMI Date: HGA Date: Owner Date• Owner Date• Mike Pederson 5-5 ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER Dick Zehring � ! `�. � � `�- / C? � �` E. �- t f; � l,' � l h s�_ '(— (,`` -� _3 � 7 /�� `• � 1 it,� � 1!}� �- �) -2-(: �/�-�,�' BREAKDOWN SHEET CONTRACTOR"S PROPOSAL SAINT PAUL CIVIC CEN7ER EXPANSION LA60fl, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT DIRECT EMPLOYEE LABOR MATERIALS & EQUIPMEN7 INCORPORATED T07AL LAB & MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT 15% FEE TOTAL LABOR, MA7EFtlAL, EQUIP., & FEE SUE3CONTRACTORS 5% FEE TOTAL SUl3CONTRACTORS & FC OTF1EVi COSTS TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE MATEft1ALS & EQUIPMENT NOT INCORFOflATED RENTALS TAXCS PERMITS & LICENS[ FEES UTILITIES, FUEL, fACltIT4ES AT StTE INCIO[NTAL EXPENSES 60ND & INSURANCE PROVISIONS TOTAL OTH[R COSTS S S 5 __--- ' V/ IM/ I � V . S 5 ,��.� L` :� 5_.—J ` #--- S ��� � S S 5 S S S S S 5--�--- S�l"= TOTAL O� CHANGE PROPOSAL PAGE 5 G SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION , ... _ ... _. . .. ... . ......... . ....... ....:.« ;.ic�:w.i}.au�<aa&r+Yi:»+'. ._ � C T— 1 9 9 S T H U 1 6 7 0 8 D � O D Y M E C H A N I C A L t Ff z._� �� �s f �� � j s i 3-. �- �� E.';: .� .;,� ;a � ?'3`i> '�.���re.!'F,' ii>fi+. '__ ` � ;ic�ob.�; i5, i995� � - ,� =6�2� ag?' "GGy ca• �o7-^b37 rrc.'rc^� ::enstruction Compar.y '%t I 0 r:nergy Pa�'k DYive - Su i.te 4 St. -'aui, h5?d 55i0$ �t.-,e,��n: Marv Kotek Re: �t. Pzu1 Civic Center Dear. Marv: • i„ �;:c..: below is pricing fo�' CCD - C3. 19 wr: er ar:ci c�as sugply to exitting equipm � �_. Jl0 F� �A1T �i1���':i:C S"i i=:=. ti_ LxN �:�'i? : i ��� . .��' �� �-� � . � �. ��. ���� \ ��� �� `-' \ ��.Y�+ ( � C �l � - � �f and reinst,al: 'P1::_ :.r<;�k required us to renove and reinstal= several times nec4_:>e ot evening events. bfac.:��. ia�: - C�._^ (I} 4" blind iianga. - '?'wo (2) �" gaskets. - tir.e �' } 3" gasket. -`P�s� ("L) 4" slip on weid flanres. -- c:lre (i} 1-1/1." ball valve apollo. -- '1`��eaty feet of 1-1{4" type °L" copper pipe. - ;:ix �6) i--1/4" copper 90's. - Cr.� (1) 1-1/2 x 1--1/4 reducer. -- U:;e (7) Z-1/2 x 1/2 copper tee. - o:�� (1} 1/2" ball valve. P _ 0 1 �-� � , Material Total � Labor -��hrs, at $42.44/hr. Sub-total lloody profit and overhead Total • $ 205.1a � �-@'0 $2, 07?.. 18 �_ 310 _82 $2,383.00 1 . G �? �, �..Za �f yvu have any questions, pleace do not hesitate to cal3 me. Very truiy yours, Mechanical, Tnc. s- � . �.-�*r� . ,,.:.-� F i �i: �r:-Cs- i f T1i�c�t%iy �t . Daly E�±.imator/Project Manager Me�:.s���,:.�: Cu�. a.cror, � ---- - '-..�.{_...:.. , � , : - - -- -- ..., .._ «.,..� �:st. - � I (� hr� �{ ni �'e� /n � W � p00�� • . CPMI PROJECT: ADDRESS: PROJECT MGR CONTRACTOR• F I E L D R E P O R T PROJECT NUMBER: 3225 Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion DATE: 10/16/95 CP �(�f�(��(�� ���f�� 143 West 4th Street )�1.�)`��� () � Saint Paul, MN 55102 WEATHER_�unny Susan Jones TEMP: 60 Frerichs Construction Company . . .- ,- . , -. . . . . . . .- . . - - . -.. . . . . -. .. - . . _, . . . - . . .- -. . . . • -. - . -. . ... . .. .-. . • -_. -.. �.. - - . - -. . . , _ , _, . . . - •. .. .•.. - . . . . - .. �... .. . .- . . . ... . �. - . . . - • .. .- . - , _ ,_. � ,. _� -� . .. . - - i ... ._ .• . �. .- �. � � '�� .l• •- •• � • � � "tt � " �. � � ' � • � � - � • •� •• � � � � •' • � , • '�• • � ��• � .�� �" • •. � � � � � . �' • � � � � ' ��. �. - • " � .� • •11 �► ♦- • � ' •" � � . � . � � � �� •� • �. � • '�� • � • •�. " � � • • • •• '1t� .�" ' • � �• •�• • • .� . � "�• �� "! � '�"� � " 1�' • . �" ♦ � ' • . " . � � • • � ' • • • • � • " • ' " • � � � � . I � � � '1 � r�r �r •� . •• • � •- • •• ' -• ' • • ♦ •� �" r� • - •• . • •• � � ' � . . � � � - �'.��• -� • � �♦ ��� • �" � � �•• •••♦�. •' �� � �• � "� �. � • �' " • �•�. t " '� • -• • l' • �• . 11 • � � . • � • • � ' � • � • . � �'�. �•• . •� . �1 • � ���• • "� •�� � � . •• . � - � � - . • ' � . � � " � � ' � � • • � � � � .� � �-• • • •' "� • ���� 1I" •,•� �• •�. • .�� � � . • •-�� " r - • � �' ' •-�.� � � . �f -�• � � - • r � � � � � • . 1 � • . � . - . .. ' ' ' �--- - CPMI PROJECT: � ADDRESS: • PROJECT MGR. CONTRACTOR: p,�� �� � �g u�.5 • • FIELD REPORT PROJECT NUMBER: 3225 Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion DATE: 70/9/95-10/13/95 CP-3 Temporary Facilities �(1 �(} � (�1 (_ 143 West 4th Street ��.U��� 1) Saint Paul, MN 55102 WEATHER: Sunny Susan Jones TEMP: 70 Frerichs Construction Company Elevator Shaft• Insoector did not show uo all week for final inspgction as far as CPMI is aware The elev�r floorinq and caging_at thP Press Box level ha not yer begun CPMI moved their trailers in this week The area around the trailers still needs to be cl an d�_ . . . . . .. � . . -. - .1 - .. r ' � �• •� �. � �' • ' �� • �. .- �- -. . .. . -. - .. . . --. . .- - . -. -. -- . . . .. . . . . . . - ..�,- . ... -- - .. .. . .- . . . .... .. . ..... ... .-. - . . . .- ..� ,- .. .. = . - -• -� • .�� . �. • -� ���� \/" ■. • " � ' 1 " ," , � • l 1 East Entry• No visible work in Wilkins Lobbv area L v lor iling,still needs to be renlacP� CCD's and RFP's were just issued for the vinyf ba and th arirlir'nnai cealc f r th door .- .■ -. . . . - - . . � . • . � -. - .. � . . -. . .-. . . ... . . - . . . . ... -� .�. - . . . �. -. . r . •� .- .. . .-.- . . � . �- �. • • • LL. �"• � �" � . • � � . � � • ' � i�� �• • • � � •"• "�. .� . "� r �' •�" " • r � " � • • - � • � � ' u ' u � . � ' � � � . � • � " � • • -� • � � � • !" • �• �• " .� " � •" '� •� � -��t � � .� Temnorary Vestibute• No additionaf work this week Str t raf r vision r main to b om *P� Volume Services Deck• FCC Mark Price and Jones agreed on orica tor the temoora�y deck The deck will not extend to the temporary vestibulP for the storaae of the kegs This reduced the '�c� to an acceotable amount The deck was finished Friday . . •. . .- . . . .�-. �� - - . � -� . . 3225-247 �J 11� � C O N T R A C T O H' S P R O P O S A L Comractor Proposal No.: Date: Projec[:�ciillLL'au.L�i�iS.�s:Il[cr Con[ract No.: A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: � ' ��'�"- = �JA�v 2 6 1996 it is requested the completion date be 1) ex[ended, O decreased, ( � unchanc�ed by _ c.icndar days. The ad�usted completion date wili be 2. Duscription of the change: (Refer to drawin9s, specifications, addenda, if appllcablel. (Re(erence RFP N � C o.: FO No.: f �u����c1d �� P7cc �RtC�vd� 3. 6asis of payment: (Check one) ( 1 Firm price (or performing [his change is ...........�.,, .................�....,...- _,. ,. y —• — Adequate supporting details and in(ormation ' must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. ( 1 Time and material per contract, bu[ not to exceed S ��9.Acwal cast at completion of work 5 s� 3� D Suhmitted by: tJ� �G�wt�C Date: �� ? Contractor �!� ���1 �il��+f [ • _ Contractor Signawre __ POR CPMIUSE Action Recommended: (Check one� �) Chanye will not be made. Explain: 2. CPMI Job No.: 3225 ( 1 Procced on the toifowing basis: 1 1 As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. ( 1 Change is accepta�le, 6asis of payment is not accepta�te. ( 1 aasis o( payment shall be S C � 1) Ttie following modification is recommended: 1) Chanc�e in completion date is accepted. \� O Change �s acceptabie with no change ' price. �.,, / 4 1 Cftiange is acceptabte with no cha e in completion dat�,/� � Reason far Chanye: ^ ��p ; O Design Change ( 1 Clicnt Request Field Condition ��f �/� (� Su�gested by Contractor 1 I Design ission or Other (explainl �t v 3. Is U�is a part of the originaa{ contr 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attachgd' 5. A/E consulted. / Prepared by: Approved by • Approved by Approved by: _. cc: Chns Hansen Cri}'s Wdins f3ake Baker Mike Pederson 3225- 3225- EL PAGE 5�5 C/�[:.iT rin�li f�1�)f/�! f��Tft� ['V`]nn�. il�n� Date: Da1c: scope? ( } YES ( y NO ( I YES ( 1 NO ( ) YES ( � NO �,1q • ; � � � _� � �� �. � � -r� I G EiH[AKDOWN SHLET CONTRACTOR"S PftOPOSAI. SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSIUN L:.UGR. tA�+TkR1AL & [QUlYI�1ENl OI(iGCT CMPLOYEE LAE30R MA1 ERIALS & EQUIf'Iv1ENT INCORPO(tAT[ lO7Al LAC3 & P✓lAT[HIAL & EQUIPMEN7 15°� FLE TO7AL LACSOSt, h1ATEftIAL, C-QUIP., & FEE �u�cu�, t itnC� o�js J f [I- TOTA� SUGCONTflACTOHS & fEE p711[R COS7S (HAVLL & �U6JIJTCNCE tv1ATEHiALS & EQUIPML'NT NOT INCORPORATED HCfJTHLS L�riL:i Pl4ltiltl5 :. UCCNS[ fCGS UTILII If:S, FULL, PACILITIES A7 SITE INCIDENTF�L EXPENSES t30fJD & II�SUfiANCE PflOVISIONS TOIAL OTiIER CO:iIS T07l�t OF CViANGE PROPOSAL 5 — 5 5 ----- ; �{98.aa s—� S �0 5�3-OC> J $ 0 � S $ � J S � J - rncE s c SAINT PAUI CIVIC C[NTCR LXPANSION �,� � < Y s Sz 3 a� V _� s �.2 3 l�� ��i }. 848 WESTEFLN AYENUE IVORTH • Mr. Marv Kotek Frerichs Construction Company 3550 Labore Road, Suite 10 SL Paul, Minnesata 55110 Re: S�. P�lil Civic Center - CP3 Bulklie�d @ lst I.evei Elec. Room • �°;� i 1 : 0123i96 13:41 CUSTOM DRYWqLL � 78704e7 Dear Marv, N0.682 P0�1 tJl�� \ ST. PAUL, MINNE507A 551 I7 • (6121 488-�833 FAX (6 F 2) 488-8432 The e�tra cosis for Custom to huild an additional bulktiead between the electricai room an@ the standby generator mum, is as fallows: Lxbor:.......................�......._.........................................................,.........................$368.00 Material :............................................... ........... .................... ..... .. .... ........................ $90.04 Totai:.................................................................................................................... �458.00 If you shouid have any questions, please feel free to cali. i' --:� � Sincerely CusEOm DrywalE, Inc. �CJ��-� David W. Osterman Project Manager .,, :�� -:� � January 23, I94b . : ������� �E L E CTRIC Jezne 30, 1995 Frerichs Construction Co. I.410 Energy Park Dr. St. Pdul, MN 55108 Attn: Marv Kotek Re: Civic Center PR C3.2 (T & �'i) Dear N1arv, �o��.s Attack�ed is Time anfl Material pricing for PR C3.2 per direction to proceed issued on 6-1-95. This prxcing contains the (2) additional pullboxes requested by the Owner and eransmitted in your �ax of 6-16-95; tkzis will account Eor the overage, it is not r�ecessazy to issue a CCD for this portion of the work. Please contac� me with any questions r�garding this information. T h� ��G� ����� tc�� � T�la ���� � � ��� � ( 7 �- � i� 4g . . �� . . ������ F �` � �- i��kJ C7 � t �s 7 'F213GTiQ�7 � C, � ��3 � � 71 �l��� ���� ��` �� ����f '� �3� �t1-�'�� ��k �� �.��� � �:�� �f�� ! � ��� ���� 1►� c.. ��.d� C��-��•�c° � �.P3� I ���-3�-(�L� �$��a.r�a � � � � ��u.�x � �� � /� ���,. � �,,,....'_" r��J/ 13F�.8� �, ��.85 � 2� 7. `]� �oo. �c� !�'s . ' r � + ��' ��� b � �V� —�._ �� 3600 LaBOre Road, St. paut, Minnesoia 55170 •(612J 48a-a9oo ____ .. _ ._..,... ..�...r.��.� � -��.�r r-c ...r -�nr iE �ON ��� • � • <ENT G714 ; on rei'�se side. This dotument replates A/A Lkxume+�7 G7l3. Cwssbuction rliange Autborization.) JECT: Saint Paul Civic Center DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-C3.5 7 July 1995 rine, address) 143 West 4th Street DATE: Saint Paul, MN 55102 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: TO CONTRACTOR: (name, addcess) F�erichs Construction Company CONTRACT DATE: 1 May 1995 1410 Energy park Drive, Suite 4 CP-3 Temporary Facilities Saint Paul, MN 55337 CONTRACT FOR: You are hereby directed [o make che following change(s) in this Contrac�_.. � ---,------_---'`"—� `.�- -- ----�_ �. Provide two additional pull boxes for te(ephone conduit per attached plan. Reason: Owner request for easier ull. �_ Provide additional 4' x 8' fire-rated plywood in Telephone Room 11'I per attached pian. Reason: Required or telephone equipment. 3. Revise East Eniry X08 as follows: 3.1 Provide studs & drywall wall to 6" above ceiling at south wall. 3.2 Provide lath & drywall at north and west walls. 3.3 Provide will gyp around steei at door frames. Edges of door frames will be 1-3/8" wide (not 2")• 3.4 Fireproof beam which was exposed when east til�e X an� olumn which was exposed when east tile OWNER � A42GHTTECT �7 CONTRACTOR � FIELD � CpMI OTHER 3.5 Provide 1-hour rated wall at northeast corner to 0 wall was removed. • NOTE: items 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 are no additionai cost to Owner. PROPOSED AWUSTMENTS I. The proposed buu of adjusunenc [o the Contract Sum or Guardnceed Maxinmm Price is: ❑ Lump Sum (increase) (decrease) of O Unic Price of C� Pe� ❑ as proviaed in subparagcaph 73.6 of nU+�ociunenc A2o1�.ime an Provide timesheets daify. ❑ as follows: 2. The Contract Tune is pr000sed co (be�+ewri� (remtin unchanged). The proposed adjustmenc, if any, is (an increase of days) (a decrease of � aar5). �-rs� �vT �'� O N U 1 Concraaor shatl proceed wich the change(s) described above. Saint Paui Civic Center Authority W hen signed by the Owner and Architec[ and received by rhe Contracror, [his documen[ bemmes effeaive IMMEDIATELY as a Construction Change Directive (CCD), and the AR ��'�armo� Place ° ��Nest 4th Street naaress Ad � a in t P MN 55102 M'inneapolis, MiS 55403 Hammel Green Abrahamson, inc. BY DATE � DATE B Signacure by the Contaaor indica[a the Con- [rac[or's agreement with the propoxd adjuso mrncs in Concact Sum and Contratt Time sec forth in chis Consnuc�ion Change Daective. Frerichs ConsWCtion �jQ��ie�gy park Drive Suite 4 Address Saint Paui, MN 55108 s� / r��'Vi � DATE � r � Y � i CAUTION: You should sign an orlginal AIA document which has this caution printed in red. An orfginal assures that changes wiil not be obscured as may occut when documents are reproduced. /Uq pOCUMENT G716 � CONSTRUCfION CHANGE DIRfiC77VE � lse� �mox • �u° • o iv�� • n+E ('a7141987 pMERIGN INSTITUTE OF MCF117'ECTS. »35 NEW Y��` �V��E' N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 2W W �� C�.�.��.i�M Ir �M M ady�� M lanal �sa��wi�� �li�Mxu�.����� � ���..��.n��...�������. _ _ _ _ ,�i , �,�«�- � _-- - �� CO2STRACTOR' S PROPOSAL `J� `r 1� � 2 6 i9°� ...J- tc`�^ :J J A. r: ,, u,v� �-t (� Certractor Proposal No.: Date: �i--� 4' . Project: St. Paul Civic Center Contract No. � A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: 1. It is requested the completion date be ()extended, ( )decreased, ( )unchanged by _calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be • No.�_�___, FO No. , ) I���- . - � �- �a: �.�<�-. ��„" 3. Basis of paymerit�(check one) 2. ➢escription of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). (Reference RFP No.: , CCD ( )Firm price £or performing this change. . $ Adequate supporting details and information (_Increased� Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. ()Time and material per contract, but not to exceed $ (y�)ACtual cost at completion of work $ ;:� �� j(� _._ Submittedby: �rl�f��c�� ����t�� Date:_ -�'-`��,- Contractor � l ,�� ; V i , Y�'�l ��,r--.) �7t,:': Contractor Signature ---------------------- ---- — ---- FOR CPMI USE 1. Action recommended: (Check one) CPP�I Job No. 3225 O Change will not be made: Exp�lain: 2 ,�;,�. ,: :.��� � tIIY � � Proceed on the following basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. �..Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. �iG.Basis of payment shall by $�, �3('�,°c? �7Y3q ,q.m0[7N7" O The following modification is recommended: � W�_ /ItOj" O Change in completion date is accepted. �Q����'f F`f{pj'jj () Change is acceptable with no change in price .�/d j��/�� () Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. Reason for Change: () Design Change () Client Request �,ym}�Fie1d Condition () Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of original contractor scope: () Yes � No 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? j� Yes () No 5. A/E consulted. � Yes () No Prepared by: _ CPMI Date: ,�-f- 9f� Approved by: HGA Date• • Approved by: � � � �/ �` Owner Date: Approved by:d`°"" Owner Date: — ------- — -- -------_________________________________________' cc: Chris Hansen Bake Baker Mike Pederson Dick Zehring Eriks Ludins Page 5-S ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSIQN � ♦ �� f p � i ` J � BREAKDOWN SHEET CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL SAINT PAUL CIV1C CENTER EXPANSION LABOR, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT DtRECT EMPLOYEE LABOR MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT 15% FEE TOTAL LABOR, MATERIAL, EQUIP., & FEE SUBCONTRACTORS 5% FEE TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS & FEE s ��� �D S ��'' � (/ =�'' �� G � S 5�! $ " (i' � s ��� � �J S ��5� . --� s � 1 5 ��D7�i OTHER COSTS TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT NOT INCaRPORATED RENTALS TAXES PERMITS & LICENSE FEES UTIIITIES, FUEL, FACILITIES AT SITE INCIDENTAL EXPENSES BOND & Vt�4SUftANCE PROVlS10NS TOTAL OTHER COSTS TOTAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAL S S S S S S & S s )7G���� .�G�I�L � � ���0, SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION GENERAL ESTIMATE FORM FRERICHS CONSTRUCTIO � •t l^ �f��, � LOCATION ARGIirENGR SUBJEGT �,� � ^ rv ��-= •.. � : t l T E M ouwNr�rr ' E 6:3 � I 17l i�¢�; i�! i i !f _�� '; � ' � ; ;, i: � � j ._�_1. ' _ i _ __ _<_ � ; . y _ _'i' ; ' - , i�. Ii ,I �� I � � ,��� N �/UV`� `C� EST�MATE�No SMEET No OF ESTIMATOR DAT ' � � IC M� h� �TOiAL EtT1MAT[D ��fOTAL E/TIYAT[D �� TOT�L EHIMpTCO NM i YNI. �l�C ' LA�OR ;; MATCMat SY� CON1wACT ^ G �� . � : I ' . ; : : —_ ��—��� " .� I J��: ' � l —•-.._� :i � � . _ ' "__'__ i.. ! u� '(n . i _ "'_'__ � ; { � ii ; i � -_ �i {�:'1 � . �� , i � � . . . ' '_ NEECK C �� Frerichs Construction Company 1410 Energy Park Drive Suite 4 St. Paul, MN 55108 644-5063 644-6809 Fax August I1, 1995 � Material: Rebarete A.5 Cubic Yards ..........................................B�fZ)� X 2�-2"x �`= a��� �Z � ............ . .. sa Concrete Brick ........................................................... 12.00 Form Material ............................................................15.00 :UCTION INC. Concrete & Masonry :3 . Vt � ;y; , � i:: ������ Invoice/Statement Request For Payment: CCD 3.10 �"'� /oxs71NG = f� C�-�'���� ; Saint Paul Civic Center CP-3 / y District Energy Pipe C. � �'� � �� ' Labor: g � Cement Mason 1�',hours @ $40.79 ........................ $134:3z �j2-(�, Laborer�hours (� $35.88 ........................................�SYt� 7/ 7� f Equipment: Truck Tri I NLL 1 N O�� �,,,� p ..................................... ........................�,,,qv S 58 SUBTOTAL ......................................................................................................_� Overhead(15%) ..........................................................� �G� 6 � ` NET DUE ........................................................................................................... �• � ' / �„�00 rp ��� q � '�-�' 8321 Knollwood Drive • Mounds View, MN 55112 •(612) 789-2250 C P M I F I E L D R E P O R T PROJECT NUMBER: 3225 PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion DATE: 14-76 August 7995 , CP-3 Temporary Facilities � � g \ . ADDRESS: 143 West 4th Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 WEATHER: Sunnv PROJECT MGR.: Susan Jones TEMP: 85 CONTRACTOR: Frerichs Construction Company Work Force• 1 suoerintendent 2 carpenters 8 electricians 2 drywailers 2 iron warkers 2 mason 3 tinners. 2 elevator oeo Ip e• 2 painters. Handicao Ram�• Footings have been ooured FCC still needs some direction to continue rb wali y �� �� Meeting Rooms• Light fixtures are in olace at the X06 Corridor Meetin�Rooms X07 X02 X03 are substantially comolete with the exce�tion of miscellaneous ciean-u ao nd soeakers VolumP Services area has been p�inted and Geohart is finishing electrical work The ice machine and coolers are u� and running The pqocorn hood was removed from the oremises Istolen or demoedl Mark Price will coordinate with CPMI to get a new stainless hood fabbed The diffucers in the Uooer Arena Lo6qy a�d Corridor Xo6 mav need to be reconnected until CP-4 work i com�lete • � Lunchroom/Commissar� A tem�enclosure is needed Cal the south door and north Qpening �djacent to the coolers to prevent ongoing theft RFP C3 6 should be a�proved this week to oroceed with the batance of the Commissary work. Lower Level• S&C switchgear delivery has been e�edited Idirect shi�mentl and should arrive 8/18 or /21. Electrical work in ongoing. Wilkins Forum• The black iron ductwork is comglete un to the Wilkins roof The kitchen hood is in ooeration for this weekend. A sr�rinkler line will be needed in the shaft wall at the Concessions level The temp shaft enclosure at Wilkins concessions should be reduced to allow for mor customer space The wing wall between the two booths should be com I�te by 8/18 New Elevator• Activities have been limited until Minnesota Elevator comoletes the cab and suyt� steel Masonry and shaft wall will need to be completed ASAP A temp barrier will be needed for a concert this weekend. NOTES: 8/16 Braun Intertec was out: Asbestos in Wilkins Mechanical Mezzanine level. Will contact EnviroBate RE: oermit. i 3225-247 Ticketmaster/East Entrv• Access �anels and exterior brick are Still needed Brick should be on site this week The Texture 1-71 wall and waterproofing �hould be cufficient to kePO water out of the Wilkins Lobby�luring demolition. - ` r�:: � �: , -� < �,�'� t;;�� ' �r �� �� '����� _ .,s'.��. '"�., ' ,_ = � �� �� r � � d '- � ���� " _ � _ �� � -.� ( � _ � ` _� _ = 1r-�� .�°�„ - � .�''' - ' �.; ��:� �s s ���� , - -�� � . �l�'�- "�'� � - =— . ( �� - � 3� fr ( + Y �;f ---G : - _ s � . - �„ . � . ., : _�. � � ., � a �.� � . . t � , '- y . _ e ;�� -� - . > �_ . _ \ I�. _ s ��� � ; f� , �. { .�- ��:�. `�� . - j - `� �. r `o� �� � ��:- . - . ,°��.\ �:t. � `'a . �.. � -t � �.% ° -, . � . c, . �.. . . � s ..^ -.. � � . � _E-. _ _._.. �.�,> _.-�-- -_ . . ... _� - � � .. ___ . . _.. . . _ �.' . '. ._ ' .. ..�_...._..,.- _ � � .. .. -. ___ _ ,.. - _ ._ ...—_—�- : ..:._.� �:..h� �.a�.; a�• .; � � / � � �._ 'C C t' . I� `:. . a� z�Y; � �2 � � � . [ '. �� �r ' � - � � � . ' ._'�'i� '��.��_�_� � ' �� _ ..- '� i,� —.— - t ' � " � � A [+a4 Z ' �Ya>/ . y '%��[CC: _rs i,z' <- "+x..r.. �� - ��r y ; ' .:. _ s �vv�ca�>. -:.�= _ _ .. v -'^ -� � �,- •��� 1 •_ -- . ��`: r � �� � " � ��� ��� ,.�'4�, � > � � .n.a� \�.+4 i1� 1 � �� ^�`== 1 �".�� � v k. _.;-rt_„z.�--a � � - '•-�' ---_�-- —�� :�=-J'._ W ' ' _ _ / �-r 'nm� ..... � > � � � � �, C O N 7 R A C T O R' S P R O P O S A L Contractor Proposal No.. Date: J! � Projeci:��jnF P.1� Civic fc�nt�r Contract Na: A chanc�e In the scope of the work is requested as indieated belnvr. � � � � � � OCT 2� "��_1S?31 FRERICHS CONST� 6a4E,�55 '�l/� L�{,-./ P.2 U 1. It is requested thfl completion date be i 1 extended, (} �ecreased, { � unchanged by _ calentlar days. 7he adjusted completlon date wifi be __, 2. Descrip[ion of the chanpe: (Refer to drawin9s, specificaiions, addenda, if applic��ble). 4fteference RFP Na.: • CCD No.:_ ��O No.: t K1Fl1K IrJ �tca<�r� won..1Z 3• Basis of payment: (Check vnel 1�J,Firm price fOr pQrforming this change is .............,.,,....,.,, ��„� �,�` /j Ade uate su ...., "., ,.• "-• • ,- -� q pporting dctails and informatio� � nsczic3y�, must bo attaChed to allpw Owner to evaluate. f 1 Time and material per contract, but not to excaed s ( 1 ACtual cost at completion of work $ Su6miited by: d� �� D � tJ "' �C� l Contracto� ate. S —L1S�'Q�I�{ � 1��1 � 1 Co ntrnccor Signasure - � �, 11 � � EJ FQR CPMI USE 1. Accion Recommended: (Check one} Ci'MI Job No,: 3225 (} Chanye wilt not be made. Explain: �Proceed on the following basis: t! As indicated abovo, change and basis oi payment is aceeptable. �hange is accep2able, basis of payment is not acceptable. �Basis of payment shail be S C°�-� �,� ,/� ( 1 Tho following modification is recommended: � � S (! Chango in completion date is accepted. ✓ r� r�e�'�' (�JC,C.� () Change is acceptable with n h � L o c anga in pnce. 1) Chanye is acceptable with no change in complecion date. 2. Rea�on tor Change: ( 1�esign Chanye f Y Client Request �pield Condition 1 1 Suyyested 4y Contractar 4 1 Qesign 4mission or Other {�xplain) 3. ts this a paa vf the originaai contract scope? O YES j(4-NO 4. ls Contractor's EstimAte attached? YES i{ NO 5. A!E consulted. �-XES ( y NO Prepared by: " CPMI) l� • Approved by (ffGA) ApPfoved by -� . C_.�' `-'� -- �� IOwner) �`�� Approved by �. _ cc: Chris Hanse Eriks ludins 3225- 3225. BL Oate: w � r aato: D'ate: Oate: �. s � _ � h_� • �_�, ��'= '�1� S �_.�'_;° ��'� . ,.""�'JF^+�"' r �, :�J ,L�L-G" ✓ / �..2', �, � t : /1� . 1` i l ��f/ , ( ,�� i; , /�� 1 � i / �!� ; _ �,, � G� _. J �e f %� �/�� .�JG-� ,, r�< �/�;; ii� r,.uca --����� /..Pi��,%9�i,�., � —�G� �r, c�,:/7'ry�� � ru�r�/�i�,� 7)r�a� �sv/' G'� i��z.2y. �, °G�f'�b,"�r� -_ ��?���.�n;.,.t �JG,i:a/.�- i i � � -�/ 5.'n�✓t1�r /V.2l,�ov� VPf "Ifl � .' �� �I�`6��C.eV'" � GLc�� rr,a1' `.%✓%�- cc.' Q�ii':�5p�" �J � 1 (� 1 [ ��.,( 7 77/'I� �/'!�/'O-:� .�1GY. %i�� ���.�?i'"r%FC'.�J-�t"a� d�?�-- „� �,�-� <�� �; � � — /� e��w: f — r:�,' � � rr: �.s� �.`% u;z `;'w'�r % � ��z , /i2y.r��i�✓Pmv�n� �r, �re+� �A�`?��.v< ���i �.�r'��f=�—^�. lJ : :, L — SJ—, i0 / %✓� �``L.G,' G �' — � > � • • L � � � � � � � .� _� .� .� ri .� ..� OCT 2F, '95 15�32 FRERICHS CONST• 644-68��9 6REAKDOWN SFfEET CONTRACTOR"S PROPdSAL SAINT PAUL CiVIC CENTER EXPAf3S10N I�AOOR, MATER3AL & EQUIPMENT DlREC7 EMPLOYEE LABOR MATERtALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORA 7pTAL LAe & MA7ERIAL & EQU1PMlENT 15% FEE TOTAL LABOR, MAT�AIAL, EQUIP., & FEE Sl1000NTRACTORS 5% FEE T07AL SUE3CON7RAC70RS & PEE O7xE�t COSTS 7RAVE� & SUBSISTENCE MAFERIALS & EaUIPMENT NOT lNCORPORATED FiEN7Al.S TAXES PERMI7S & LICENSE FEES UTILflIES, FU@L, FAC{LlT1ES AT S17E fNClDENTAL EXPENSES HONO & INSURANCE PROVfSFONS TOTAL07NER COSTS TOTAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAI aAGE 5•6 `.hJ.7 1� U P.3 � G�I��C �� V lJ O F��� S $ S s �3�z.�o $ i G�-�b S 5 S S S S S S � $ 3 S �l I . C`I !� S s ��di-_v !� nrT zE '�� 15�33 FRERICHS COPIST• 644-E869 _. _--- - - - - .- -- -- -.--- - _-----'- - _ ' 4 ____-__ � - � ��g � .6121877-2727 � Y n2) s1i-at�o ++�� ��. a��I, �,! kf.h� INCLUpE THiS NUNIBER �� WI7H REPdl77ANCE. t` ���� � $PeClAitj!$1NRES7:URAN7EOWr'MtN7A1�OJC$lG:+ANCe]Y1J ��dur: NG_ . 2�27 NICOLLET AVE. • MiNNEAPOLIS. MN 55408 ?.I.:'.I, o � ' in,vOii:E NO : G7:Jb:: : RT i• r� O.:i.... q,:� �`S�'lLJ� C.,�.� i`n.tq:.i0-9::� vi� �J � ���� ac�..��.; n�o ,, - �ar)ty':' so�� ro r�,s:: t��xi�s �:., f.;f:)hk:5'1"Ft1.1C`T :tClh�i 7.��:1 J L•i:l•iL:litiiY I°'Pd�ZI< t)R.I:VI::- ;37.. S='fil.Sl.. I*A�I F;'i:: - ':�rt3 co:vs��;iucr� SHIPPED 70 SI„ f f,UL C:1.'J:L(.: C:"T(: f;i'T . P''F1t 1L. Sl��p V�a Saw�percon I...F11�':RY F'F::7Ei�fiSG1;�: _ O.,t� S n�pp � a Ier �ns 141... f 10 Y}(1`( -----. .. ---•---- - _�..__—._ ...---• � �. ----- --- ----�..----•------ --�- !:�'TY L7F�1*1 hlt:l.. ,>i:.ii(:'!<J:P'T':l:t:)I�l k'(<:{:f';lii. fl!'t(Jll{ Y t . • . . ........... _......... ._...._. � `..� 7. t- i. , I. 1. � J. G�n �r.� i..nzscar< rc:l �1'e:nr•� s�cawi�t rwc� F,F,�+. �,,� WAI...1<- :CI�lEi GdhEt> i"�k::Chli'rf11J_. Cll�l@:: L.JT,L_I< :7:PI F33' '7'�-IF (:;:fV;C[: t:.t=h1T'li�f't r,;:; Y)7:�t:cJ>:3L;p Tt•Il�: Uhil<hll:JWI�1::i wl�F.l:: C:iJhl:i;:1:Di6�fihEs�,.[: qfH 'T'I-IIf:; F^ti(:1:Jiii:L'"r Fll�lY> i°lA1dY F'I`<CJI31._l:::1•IF3 W�:::I:E: [::14(.'E7U1�f11:=Fil•::T). f:i.f� /Ci..T,� l..i,tsCJi't 'i'l:l hC - _Tl ��:��rn�..{... �r�fic: :s�ca 7'%�'�.QO wn�...x �:i�t r..'ui�i_r'_�:rt ❑i� n t���:w .�c;r�t::i:::�> F�;i;Sl?;:1'II31...Y 1'.P, %Llf...l:s t._F1ItL;i't 1(:J :G�I::3'C'f�l�l... 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Pioneer Press Meino To: From: Date: SuUject: • Bob Gra'uiger C}lris Osluksta 25 September 1995 Creclit at the Sauit Paul Ci�'ic Center Accord'uig to our records, tha electronic niessaEe center et the Sau►t p C�'x'ic�Center «�es �a��'lt from J�►Q 12 U'r°°�h August 6, 1995, a tofal � o�uecuti�'e da)•s. r8te of pur cot►tract calls for pa�•nient of $15,000 per year or a��Y $41.10. VVe �'ill expect a credit of not less llian $2,301.60 on our a1utuel vi�tg �rluch is due ui Jalluary 1996. j expect that this «'ill meet �'i8� your approvaL Please contact me d'uectly with any questions or concerns• Thanks! ��: Frantzen Botltwt l��12�q5 �� ��l���A1,uf pvE Ts �cx�t et�. �-�, � � �I L'.� . � 7���q 5 - �GC. ,�a-ys c� �-110 � � qSt� �= CoNTT��L- u9n1 N C�r � ��5�y5- ovE l� �C � September 26, 1995 322�- /32 322s - a�o ��� ► _ .- � �, i'. __. �: , . .J Cluis Hausen, Executive Director Saint Paul Civic Center I.A. O'Shaugluiessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul MN 55102-1299 Dear Clu�is, r� � SEP 2 8 2gg5 :' ��: : sl We are ui receipt of the enclosed correspondeuce from the St. Paul Pioneer Press wluch I would like to discuss widi you at your convenience. Following our conversation of two weeks ago regarding the total signage package and your proposed direction, hopefully we can satisfy the credit request ui a way fliat satisfies all parties. Please cail wifli thouglits aud/or a conveuieut time to meet. Best regards, r w� �• I'.ot�ert I�. G:QiziDer Enclosure •• . � Adams Outdoor Advertising C�� : � �` - l '� S u.a�. � -�1. t vr�lt /Z. �� d30013akcr Road. Carriagc Housc. �•tinnctonka. MN 55343, Phonc (G12191(� 9SG7. FAX (G12) 93G �)GOS Sainc Pau! Civic Cen�er LA. O'Shaughnezsy Plaza • l43 Wesv Fourzh Smeea � Sam� paul, Minneso[a, 55102-1299 CY (612i??�-7i61 • fax 224-1143 SO �� � . CC S �g� O � t � C ��S �C F �_F�R Ft2ERICN ; COtdSTRUCT70N 1�ilf� ENERGY PARK DR #4 S'f PfiUL Mhl 551Ufl A1-N: t�iARV KOTEK Invoic�,_,�12-00 `�pq�� r-ncE• i � Date of Invoice: / ��J� � 1(�/27/95 Contract Number: Uf�6 Eveat Dace: io/zT/�F Terms: Net on receipt of invoice • Make che<ks payable �o Saint Paul C�vic Cencer • Thank you. t �� � ISC.CLFANINu—SPCC EXPANSION 676�.98 TOTAL $67t�.98 : . ..:... ., �-, r ; JAN 2 Z 1996 Saint Paul Civic Center • I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza • 143 Wesc Pourch S�rcec • Saint Paul, Minnesoca, 55102-1299 (6l2) 224-7361 • Fax 224-1142 • \ J �� ���� Wo Samt Paui Ci��� Center I A. 0"Shaughne55y Plaza 163 West Fourth Stteet Sa�nt Paul. MN 55102-1299 612/298-5409 7 March 1996 Mr. Marv Kotek Frerichs Construction Company 3550 LaBore Road, Suite #10 Saint Paul, MN 55110 RE: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Dear Marv: � '�ll� Attached is backup information for the clean-up at the Saint Paul Civic Center. The Civic Center Staff coded timesheets when work was done which pertained to the project. They have provided a breakdown by date with the total cost. They did not get specific tasks for each area, but most of this was for cleaning floors due to dust, cleaning Arena seating due to elevator work, etc. We reviewed and provided our comme�ts on what CPMI thought occurred on the dates listed. CPMI reviewed and broke it out by eve�ts and areas per the attached. During construction, your superintendents asked the Owner to cleanup areas prior to Owner events. The Owner, in a good faith effort and spirit of cooperation, provided clean-up to you to keep the facility presentable for events. They expect to be compensated for their effort. We wilf include this on the last change order. Please review and comment immediately. Thank you. Sincerely, �S� � Susan C. Jone Project Manager cc: Chris Hansen 3225-403.2 C J • • FRERICH'S EXPANSION LABOR BREAKDOWN DATE HOURS TOTALS 7/26/95 4 87J8 7l27/95 3 5828 9/28/95 325 63.14 10/5/95 4.5 $7.42 7/27/95 5 66.80 9/27/95 4 53.44 9/28/95 2 26.72 10/5/95 3.5 46.76 7/26/95 1.75 23.88 7128/95 2.5 34.14 9/27/95 6.5 88.75 9/28/95 6 81.92 10/3/95 3 40.96 10/5/95 3.75 5�.19 7/27/95 2 35.84 7/28/95 4.5 80.65 10/5/95 2 28.85 7/28/95 4 57.71 9/27195 8 115.42 7/26/95 1.5 24-77 7/27l95 2 33.20 7/28/95 6 99.59 7/27/95 1.5 24.90 7126/95 2.5 32.30 9/27/95 6.5 83.96 9/28/95 6 77.50 10/3/95 3.5 45.21 10/5/95 4.25 `�•$9 7/26/95 1 t9.95 7/27/95 3 59.80 10l5l95 2 39.88 7/28/95 4 57.70 CLEANING ARENA: 6!5/95 3 65.84 7/20/95 4 57.70 7/20/95 4 71.67 7/21/95 2 35.83 8/3l95 2 35.83 8/4/95 0.5 $- 8/18/95 1.5 26.89 8/22/95 1 17.92 9/20/95 0.5 $-97 7/21/95 2 28.85 7/21/95 1.5 24-9� 7/26/95 2 49.30 6/21/95 2 28.85 E 3aa5-( 3�-- l �`i`� { L� FEB 12 139c 1,783.30 � . • 7/17/95 0.5 OTHER ARENA WORK: 5/17/95 7/21 /95 8/11/95 8116/95 5/17/95 8/18/95 7/21 /95 9/21/95 6!2/95 6/8/95 6/9/95 6/15/95 6/19/95 7/20/95 7/21 /95 8/10/95 8/11/95 8/12/95 8/26/95 9/11/95 5/31I95 8/26/95 8/11/95 l0l10/95 10/11/95 5/17/95 6/21 /95 6/29/95 7/19/95 8/5/95 8110/95 8/11l95 8/25/95 9/13/95 10/11/95 6/1/95 6/13/95 6129�95 7/10/95 8l11l95 9/21 /95 10/13/95 10l6/95 6/28/95 8/14/95 8/17/95 1 2 1 4 3 1 6.5 4 1.5 0.5 0.5 1 2 1.5 3.5 7.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 7 6 2.5 2.5 2 4.5 3 2.5 2.5 1.5 0.5 125 2.5 1.5 1.5 1 8 1 1 2.5 3 5 2.5 1 2 2.5 1.5 �.2� 21.95 43.89 21.95 87.78 25.72 8.89 93.78 57.71 19.43 9.72 9.72 19.43 38.86 29.15 60.01 145.73 29.15 9.72 9.72 136.02 90.91 37.88 33.40 26.72 60.12 21.34 34.14 34.14 20.49 6.83 17.07 34.14 20.49 20.49 13.65 115.42 14.43 14.43 36.07 43.28 72.14 36.07 17.92 28.85 36.07 14.43 $ 468.72 �.� 'JW ,�� r� � . • 1!� . 5/�9/95 1.5 6/29/95 1 _ 5 8/1/95 1.5 7/21 /95 3 8/10/95 4 7/16/95 1.5 8/5/95 0.5 8/19/95 1 8/24/95 0.5 8/25/95 125 6/21/95 2.5 7/19/95 1.5 8I25/95 2 9/13/95 1.5 9/21/95 1.5 10/5/95 2 6/1 /95 1 6/6/95 4.5 6I7/95 2 6/29/95 1 7/5/95 1 7/6t95 1 7/11/95 1 8/4/95 3 8/8/95 1 8/9/95 1 8/10/95 2.5 8/10/95 325 8/16/95 2 9/11/95 7 5/19/95 1.5 6/1/95 7 8l10/95 3.5 8/11/95 4 CLEANING AUDITORIUM: 5/30/95 1 LOADlUNLOAD AUDITORIUM 6/21/95 1 6I28/95 4.5 6/20/95 6 8/23/95 0.5 8/23l95 1.5 6/21/95 1 8/23/95 1.5 6/20/95 6 OTHER BALLROOM WORK 14.43 14.43 14.43 49.80 66.40 24.90 8.30 16.60 8.30 20.75 32.29 19.38 25.83 19.38 19.38 25.83 19.94 89.73 39.88 19.94 19.94 19.94 19.94 59.82 19.94 19.94 49.85 46.87 39.88 138.58 21.64 100.99 50.50 57.71 $ 2,994.71 14.43 $ 14.43 21.93 120.08 86.55 10.97 21.64 16.60 24.90 86.56 $ 389.23 ! • . � 5/30/95 1 LOADIUNLOAD BLLRMS: 9/8/95 1 LOADIUNLOAD LOBBY 5/17/95 1 6/15/95 1 6/30/95 4 �mss � 6/9/95 0.5 6!9/95 0.75 6/15/95 1 6l13/95 0.5 6/30/95 2 6/13/95 1.5 5/25/95 2 6/13/95 1 6/26/95 1 6/30/95 3 5/25/95 3.5 6/26/95 1 6/15/95 0.5 6/16/95 0.5 5/22/95 1 5l11/95 1 5/16/95 12 5118/95 1.5 5/23/95 2 6/8/95 1 6/15l95 1 6/29/95 1.5 CLEANING LOBBY: 6/26/95 4 6/26/95 1.5 6/30/95 2 6/21/95 1 6/30/95 2 5/25/95 1 6/26/95 7 6/30/95 3 6/30/95 2 5/25/95 1 6/30/95 1 6/26l95 5 OTHER LOBBY WORK: 14.43 $ 14.43 $ 21.94 21.94 57.71 14.42 s.�z 11.37 21.94 8.97 35.84 21.64 28.85 14.42 14.42 4328 58.10 16.60 8.30 8.30 19.94 7.10 28.85 21.64 28.84 14.42 14.42 21.64 57.71 32.92 43.89 14.42 28.85 17.92 125.44 53.76 28.85 16.60 16.60 72.16 GRAND TOTAL: \ 1�t/ 1 ( u 3 14.43 14.43 574.61 $ 509.12 $ 6,762.98 ,. SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER CP-3 CLEANUP • CLEANING ARENA Date Event Comments 7/26 - 7/28/95 Nelson Family Reunion Cleanup Seats around Elevator 9/27 -9/28/95 Marian Conference Clean up around Box Ofc. after masons 10/3/95 Job Fair Clean up in Box Office Area 10/5/95 Snowmobile'96 Clean up in Box O�ce Area OTHER ARENA WORK 6/5/95 Graduation 6/21/95 Graduation 7/17/96 7/20- 7/21/95 7/26/95 8/3 - 8/4/95 Concert 8/22/95 Quilt Sale 9/20/95 3M Banquet CLEANING AUDITORIUM 5/17/95 Opticians • 5/19, 5/31/95 Graduations 6/1, 6/2, 616, 617, 6/9, 6/13, 6/15, 6/19, 6/28, 6/29 Graduations 6/21/95 Evangelicai Church 7/5 - 7/6/95 7/10 - 7/11/1995 7/19 - 7/21/95 Dog Show 8/1/95 Nelson Family Reunion 8/4 - 8/5/1995 8/8 - 8!9/1995 8/10 - 8/12/95 Weapons show 8/14 - 8119/95 Quilt Show 8/25/95 Winnebago Show 9/11, 9l13/95 Realtors Convention 9/21/95 3m Banquet 10/5, 10/6/1995 Snowmobile'96 10/10 - 10/13/95 AEYC Conference • CLEAN LOBBY 5/11l95 5/16 - 5/18l95 5/22 - 5/25/95 6/8, 6/9, 6/13 6/15/95 6/25 - 6/26/1995 6/29, 6/30/95 ' 1! � : Cleanup Seats around Elevator Cleanup Seats around Elevator Clean up in Eievator Lobby Clean up in Elevator Lobby Clean up in Arena Lobby Cleanup Seats around Elevator Cleanup around Commissary Cleanup Demo Dust Clean up Demo dust, mop floors and seats due to dust (Demo @ X06, duct shaft, etc.) Cleanup near X06 Ciean up seating by duct shaft holes Clean up seating by duct shaft holes Ciean up seating by duct shaft holes Clean up seating by duct shaft holes Clean up seating by duct shaft holes Clean up seating by duct shaft holes Clean up seating by duct shaft holes Ciean up seating by duct shaft hofes Clean up seats around shaft wall Clean stairs near Mech. Room Ciean stairs near Mech. Room Clean up near Lobby Duct shaft Clean up Wiikins Concessions Area Concert Ciean Lobby due to demo dust NurseslClB Meetings Clean Lobby due to demo dust CIB Meetings Clean Lobby due to demo dust Graduations Ciean Lobby due to demo dust Opficians Clean Lobby due to demo dust Evangelical Church Clean Lobby due to East Entry construction Graduations Ciean Lobby due to East Entry construction Page 1 � 1, 783.30 $468.72 $2,994.71 $574.61 • SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER CP-3 CLEANUP OTHER LOBBY WORK Date 5/25/95 6121 - 6/26/1995 6/30/95 Event CIB Meetings Evangelical Church Art Exhibit OTHER BALLROOM WORK 6/20, 6/21, 6l28/95 Graduations 8/23/95 LOAD/UNLOAD BALLROOM � ��� $509 12 Comments Clean Lobby due to demo dust Clean Lobby due to East Entry construction Clean Lobby due to East Entry construction Clean up by offices Clean up where door installed $38923 Move FCC materials/equipment in back hall $43 29 TOTAL $6,762.98 l J C J Page 2 . , Y O r O vd � A7.15 � CP-3 � � � EL. 174'-0" +/— � � T. 0. MET. STUD WALL RUNNER 4 � �� . u PRE�INISHED METAL COPING �'�/ ` EXTEND ROOF FLASHING OVER 70P OF PARAPET BEHIND MET. COPING FAS. ROOF MEMBRANE W/ CONT. " FASTENER BAR TO PLYWOOD LINING 6" MET. STUQ PARAPET STUDS — t6" O.C. —WELD TO FACE OF JOISTS 0 N MET. ROOF JOISTS W/CONT L—CLOSURE AT OUTSIDE EDGE —SEE STRUCTURAL DET. 56.1/CP-3 6" MET. S7UD BRG. WALL WITH— MET. RUNNER AT JOIST BEARING & BRIDGING —SEE STRUCTURA� DET. 56.7/CP-3 . • 5/8" GYP. 8D. CEI�ING FASTEN TO JOfSTS E.I.f.S. --' 7 REMOVE SECTION OF EXISTING- METAL RAILING AT TEMPORARY VFCSJ.R!-4LF _RF7e�n� cncz nwnici /`l o'r' I N �si�l.t.�f7 : PREFINISHED METAL FLASHING- c�. iw —u �vtrcir T� T. 0. EXISTING CONC. SLAB EXISTING CONCOURSE SLAB e � Q � u�� s c � , ,�� z ,�_0, 0� u?uH�aou� u� csou ss� `� �, ��� 801 SECOHD AVFMIE, S1JIlE 501 u � SEATR£, WASHINGTON 9810! . � � G � ti � tJ A7.13 CP-3 }(7.9 CP-3 A T1 5/8" GYP. BD. VINYL BASE �'� ►� ► 2 - �75 LF Ca � 12` - � � �,�,,, � E "��''�"°� SAINT PAUI, CIVIC CENTER �4�1_� �`'"�"'� EX�'ANSION � ,.. � � ,M. N�" 0`�" ` SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA C� __ �TGG/l�TlilfA