261608 WH17E - Ci.)TY CLERK � /���Y'�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAIN� PAITL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT �� BLU� - MAYOR , File NO. � � ` OrGliZn�nCP, Ordinance N 0. / �� •Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. \ TF3E COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Sair�t Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height District� and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "C" Residence District to Fieavy Industrial District, to-wit: All of Lots 1 through 10,, inclusive, and all of Lots 31 through 40, in- clusive, lying Southea'sterly of the Southeasterly right-of-way line of the Chicago, Saint Pau1, Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad in Block 28, Sub- division of Blocks 28 and 29 in Stinson Brown and Ramseys Addition to Saint Paul, together with vacated Palace Avenue, vacated Western Avenue and vacated Richmond Avenue adjoining thereto, said property being all that ;�` COUNCILMEIV Yeas $titler Nays � Requested by Department of: �b Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY 8�Roedler Tedesco Mme.President B�rt�er— F�1Ytt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ^ , Certified Passed by Council Secretary By 11 By Approved by Mayor: Date A ed b M�yt�r for Submission to Council A / �� /(/ By , �. WH17E — CYTY CLERK / s ; Q{���[� � PINK — FINANCE CO1111C11 ����■■J� CANARY — DEPARTM;NT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ��� ll" BLUY — MAYOR , • ✓ / Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. •Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2 part of Block 28, Subdivision of Blocks 28 and 29 in Stinson Brown and Ramseys Addition to 3aint Paul, bounded by the North line of vacated Palace Avenue, the East line of vacated Western Avenue, the North line of James Avenue and the South- easterly right-of-way line of the Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad; situate on property located on the south side of Palace Avenue between Duke and Western in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. C�UIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �---- Nays �Ix��• Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY �c Roedler '�e�esc�-� Mme.President B�tses A�� Ju` a 5 �9� Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certi d ed by Co ec BY By Approve by Mayo Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLISHfD ; 261 � •°.BOAR� OF ZONING CITY OF �AI�T PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT VINCENT M. COUGHLIN PLANNING COORDINATOR June 5, 1973 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the petition of the Union Oil Company of California to rezone from "C" Residence to Heavy Industrial property located on the south side of Palace between Duke and Western, and further described by the legal description on file. This matter was heard at the May 3, 1973, Zoning Board public hearing. The staff noted factors favoring the petition and read a letter from the Traffic and Accident Section of the Police Department concerning it. Board members discussed the proposal with representatives of Union Oil Company. Subsequently, the Board passed a motion to reco�nend approval of the petition. Very truly yours, ��L� 4/• /'�CGZGL� v PETER J. MAIETTA �f�' Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:PLR:mb Zoning File 7476 Encl: Traffic and Accident letter y��` ,� �, �� � 421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 298-4151 B�ARD OF �0\ING REPORT AND ACTIOV May 3, 1973 , � Plat Map ��7 � Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7476 ' 1, APPLICANT'S NAME . Union Oil Company of California , 2, CLASSIFICATION . ❑X Amendment � Appeal � PermiC � Other 3. PURPOSE . Rezone from "C" Residence to Heavy Industrial 4. LOCATION . South side of Palace between Duke and Western 5, I,EGAL DESCRIPTION : See File 6, PRESENT ZONINGo "C" Residence 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: .06 Paragraph: 8, STAFF INVESTICATION & REPORT: Date: April 27, 1973 By: PLR A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated April 3, 1973, the Department of Finance and Management Services declared the petition sufficient with the owners of 8 or 72.7% of the 11 eligible parcels having signed the petition. B. HISTORY: There is no zoning history for this site. The existing zoning in the area north of Randolph is generally the same as originally mapped in 1922. C. PROPOSED USE: The petition declares the proposed use to be "Office, warehouse and storage tanks for compounding of chemicals." D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The subject site has a frontage of 633 feet along James Avenue and a depth of 342 feet for an area of 190,308 sq. ft. E. AF�EA ZONING: The general area northeast of the site between the bluff and the river is zoned Heavy Industrial as is a large area southwest of the site from West 7th Street to the river. The block adjacent west to the subject site is "C" Residential as is the general area northwest of it above the bluff line. F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The comprehensive plar_ called for "general" (heavy) industrial use of the general area between the bltiff line and the river, with a bluff line arterial route running northwesterly from the intersection of Randolph and Shepard Road. G. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is vscant and very flat. It appears to have been graded level at one time. There is evidence of prior use; such as the existence of a concrete slab. The James Avenue frontage is lined with a steei chain Iink fence. H. AREA CONDITIONS: The site is joined on its east side by Union Oil's existing tank farm. The Northwestern Railroad yard exists to the north, west of ���hich is the tree-lined bluff. Above the bluff are residences and some light industrial uses. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend Q Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated: Yeas Nays Moved by . McPartlin X Maietta June 5, 1973 X Benshoof Date of Seconded by: Maietta X McPartlin Hearing• X Cochrane Secretary's remarks : June 7, 1973 Council Action• 4 � P•i�NUT;:s �u:�' :�'It� Fii�LIC HF.ARI►�G B�F(3RE T�iE BOARD t�F ZONZNs C�i�1 7�?iiRS13,�Y, MM�AAY 3, 1973, �t 2:OQ PoM, P�S�AiT: 2�.me. ��chr,�,nr:; i�essa~so lYiaiet�a, Bens4�oo� �nd McPar�I.in �f f:he Baard; Airo �=•ic�s�*z, IYi�o Rosecce� unci Mrs. Barriault of ch� St��fo iltd:f(�I�I C3:CL COMPAIIY L7!�7.5`; : � pe�tiz��n t� aezone from "C°: �e�idence i:c� Light �ndust�-ia? pra�ed cy Loc��:ed o:� i�he soatiz sid� o€ I'alace bet-wee� E1uke �n� t,les�ern, Nf�-o Ro�et�er re«d ttze s�.a�i �e�or:. �n t�is matrce�. He said tta��#: t[7e :z��in facLor ir. zavo� of �r�:i� �:ro7csa' �s i:h�t it adjoins heavy indsstrial use aizd is an ��;te.�sia� oz an e�r�_s�.i:*; �.sea �'t is separated £?�om �esidenti�j cises by rai�.�:o�d �L��2ca ��d �h�. n_��o�- residen�ia3 uses z:� this geztera3 �,tea ar.e on top of Lhe t�iufi u�z(3 Lhzs �s aba�:: tk�e oni.y place �e?ow E.h.e b�.*�xff_ �ha� �.s tzot zan�d inci��si:�Lala �ie ;.�te�? ;:c2d ��e repori: frt�� the �'ra�fzc afzd �icczdent Ss�c�:.o�tn �;hich s�.�,eec; ��;� c�hjeci:�.oi? wi.�h th� px�3�risi.o�, that afl LYai£�c �novetnent exii.in� tne ���ap��.°��y e•:��_��.d have �o �.�in �z;ht. �i?�� T•i��.�i�;_a aslc�d �t.cuf� v��� rua�criais �torec� in th� tt���cs, �^d t�.zs was expla��ed t� hiren i�i�� L�rrg ��T�:��.n, r��:�,:c:�;��.t:�_n� Ur�:�an Oz?_ e�n�ain�d that th�; �.s x�ot �::actly �a� exs���.s�.oi�. o� ;;?ie �:.�ar��: �:�:e� �ACause it :aon`L be stor?rg gas a��ci ai'o He saiu tt?-.�r� ��o���.� :�<� n.:� r,:,��?�:r<,c%;u.-i.n� or �he �remi_ses, ht�� a:i.lii�i� ancl stori.ng �f CCII��1_:lE?'3�, �Y'c E43� �r`3G?i�13.C@� '1:��(? C:+^f7.2�L1i�::i� P_11�3.C�.E@L"y 8�50 ex�iazned c� �C?GI ��I3_C4yS ShOtl� '.'�12 I9�0�3S35E?G� L28E..', rS�a �lc�'a�-t19_tt mr�i-��� �I��>> Y�cc�,Fr:�rzci appzava� o�' �he r��zonii�g, .�� .;�a� seco�.ded L-y 2��� i�`.j:.�=.�t� �;r_� �ne r:t��s.cn ca�r�.ed ��.nan:_;r�us3.y, S�?bm��ted by: r��ro�aeri by: Pau? Lo I'€�:�e�:�c:- �i�s a Carolyr �ochd�n� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI June 27, 1973 T0: Ma.yor Lawrence D. Cohen and Philip Lee .�� FR: Frank D. Ma.rzitelli i I have reviewed and approved the attached ordinance and recommend its early submission to the City Council. FDM/ca Attach. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 55 � v . • • , k'�"�q-=�� , ��. �_�_`. Wi ': ,.t....v:i .�'y F It� �-' � ay ri;'. t �. _._. _._ :aa. . . ,. �;: � Cityr Clerk � ' . . r . r� V CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ' ASSESSMENT DIVISION 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 May 18, 1973 File X1329, Page You are hereby notified that a public +hearing will be held 'in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a,m, on June 7, 1973 on the petition of The Union Oil Company of California to rezone from a "C" Residential District to a "Heavy Industry" District the property described as follows: All of Lots 1 through 10, inclusive, and all of Lots 31 through 40, inclusive, lying Southeasterly of the Southeasterly right-of-way line of the Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad in Block 28, Subdivision of Blocks 28 and 29 in Stinson Brown and Ramseys Addition to Saint Paul, together with vacated Palace Avenue, vacated Western Avenue and vacated Richmond Avenue adjoining thereto, said property being all that part of Block 28, Subdivision of Blocks 28 and 29 in Stinson Brown and Ramseys Addition to Saint Paul, bounded by the North line of vacated Palace Avenue, the East line of vacated Wes�ern Avenue, the north line of James Avenue and the Southeasterly right-of-way line of the Chicago, Saint Pau1, Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad. The property is North of James Avenue, East of vacated Richmond Avenue, part of aad South of vacated Palace Avenue and part of and West of vacated Western Avenue. For further information, contact the Planning Board, 421 Wabasha Street, or telephone 298-4151. To canply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged with informiag you of this public hearing. If you have any questions, it is recommended that you attend thfs public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. ROBERT W. TRUDEAU Director - , . . � �, � ,` CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � D , ' � « • PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE � Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- ' fication before aigning this petitior�. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. � �� �riease type or prini) � Date: December 7, 1972 ` TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the �ity C:lerk, Room 386 ('.ity Hall , r _ �. � Vll.� Ul jQ1111. Y'c1U1� iY11l1116�(J�l.d � Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%, or more of the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- tng described property:�(legal descri�tion and street address.��T , ; ,- - - . . _ . _ .- �-.. _t-, . All of Lots l .tl�ss� 10, incluaive, and all of Lote 31 through 40, _.- - � _ __ _ inclusiv��' - - ""' lying south��►terlg af E� -�- -4 Southeasterly right-of-way line of the Chicago, Saint Paul, Minn- eapolis and Omaha Railroad in Block 28, Subdivision of Blocks 28 and 29 in Stinson Brown & Ramseys Addition to St. Pau1, together with vec.Palace Ave. , ' vacated Western Avenue and vacated Richmond Avenue adjoining thereto, said property being all that part of Block 28, Subdivision of Blocks 28 and 29 in Stinson Brown & Ramseys Addition to St. Paul, bounded by the North line of vacated Palace Avenue, the East line of vacated Western Avenue, the North line of James Avenue, and the Southeasterly riRht-of-way line of the Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad; ,�, Company under Agreement o Merger effective July 16, - u ivision o B ocks 28 1965 recorded 9/22/65 - �L � 30-40 28 29 Stinson,Brown & Book 1988, Page 108 mseys Addition to t. Faul. W. H. Barber Com an � � Gen. Assignment of Assets ��. to Pure 0i1 Co. Nov. 0 See L a1 Att ched. 1960. 11 & Subdivision of Blocks 28 Chica o St. Paul M Is. 2� 2 & - part �f 10,12 Ramseys Addition to State of Minnesota ( County of � � ss Hennepin Glenn E. Hubbard being first duly sworn, deposes and states ti�at he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of �,�,o pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true aZ3 c�rrect signatures of each and a11 of the parties so �ribed. SubScribed a�d sworn to before me �� �= 1�' _ this �_day of �� �. �,�/d'��z�' �+.- -CC 2e� _� Address; U�ion Oil Co. of California `� �,�� Tele�hone No. 4940 Viking Drive Notary Pu ic, � �� �Cou y, M' RSEN Minneapolis, Minn. 55435 835-7676 My commission �xp'�� BP�.�NESOZA APProved as to form 1/4/65 r1K P'B��G•�'���y'C� fia Office of the Corporation Counsel r'lil If5%bS �;�' ��N�N���EpCO'pct•��'lg �'A� � m;ss�0 . _ ;� � My.�at� ''�••. - : -, -.. <:� , . (:,,,..�.-�;.�,..:a.�:�..-��.-,f----3... - . _ _ ,_ .,-�- -. _ � _ . . _ �.::,��..�:-. -�. , .= .•�.,-�. . � � . . �` . •� _ . CITY OF SAIIr"I' PAUL, t�iI�v';v'ESOTA ' _ - , �c • PETITION TO AhiEND CFiAF'TERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- •' fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezonipg of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. . (Pleas,e type or print) Date; December 7, 1972 �` TO THE HONORABLE it1AY0R AIVD CITY COUNCIL =1� ri,� �i';r .._�r�� p.,::^: ..�6 „_�y ::ail - � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � � � pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50qo or more of the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- describe ropert�; (legal description and street' address) , _ .________.�..�P---. All of Lots 1 •through 10, inclusive, and all of Lots 31 throu�h 40, � inclusive, lying southeaste�ly of the , $outheesterly right-of-way line of the Chicago, Saint Paul, Minn- eapolis and Omaha Railroad in Block 28, Subdivision of Blocks 28 and� 29 in' Stinson Brown � Ramseys Addition to St. Paul, together with vac.Palace Ave. , � vacated Western Avenue and vacated Richmond Avenue ad,joining thereto, said property being all that part of Block 28, Subdivision of Blocks 28 and 29. in Stinson Brown & Ramseys Addition to St. Paul, bounded ' by the ,Nort� line of vacated Palace Avenue, the East line of vacated Wes[ern Avenue, the North line of James Avenue, and t4�e Southeasterly riqht-of-way line of the Chica�o, Saint Paul, Minne�polis and Omaha Railroad; 5uccessor to '1'he rure Uit - ' Company under P.greement o Merger effective July 16, - ub ivision o Blocks 28 1965, reccrded 9/22/65 30-40 28 29 Stinson,Brown & Book 1988, Page 108 amseys Addition to t. Paul. W. H. Barber Comnanv r_�r n� ; „ ,,,,� „� n,. „`., - - _ . �d.w..... . . . . ._._ . _. to PurevOil Co. vNov.V30J� �See L � al Att�ched. 1960. C j�G'R�FsU A-�D A%o21"rl u�EST 11 & Subdivision of Blcacks 2 z - sz.,,. ' p & 2 8 & 2 S ' r n & T�Q�ciS'PoKTl�T�'D�v Ec��'�1�/��y part f 10,12, Ramseys Addition to � 29 59 28 - State of Minnesota ( SS Gounty of itams� `( Hennepin r_1a^n_�_ ���,hbard being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of �„�o pages; : that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed - �immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said awners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true • and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so �„escribed. �� Subscribed ahd sworn ta before me - C �� this �� day of �� �. : _ ���'� . �°�t-� . . _ _ ����?� . Address; Un�on Oil Co. of Califoraia � �`����� .-��% Telephone No. 4940 Viking Drive Notary blic, 1 �o� .y, hZinn: Minneapolis, Minn. 55435 $35-7676 My commission ��` �F'`r �M� pZre �ERSEr► Approved as to form 1/4/65 NKA„�`��N�(� Office of the Corporatian Cc�unsel �( �CpE1K�• � FGI l.✓5/65 1�1� It+l 12. . i918 . - � t{gtyii��Oct� . ; MY�mmtss�" . __. _ . _ .. . . . _.,�. __,:._ o� . . _ -- - . _ � _ �•.. _ -�„��.� r_'� _—.-: at �`� . _e-�— ' �� '-�-�� - _�s� _v�, _ --_ _--_-_- —_ _ - �'M_.__, ,�� -�-r.--� — ,-- - � - -- - . — _ �/ i � �t- `• a' • + �'► ,yo - -M��.A.��....i`Y " " ' . � l ' ._. . .. .��� - . . . _.. '._.. - . '.r . . 4"( . . . . _ . . . . . � ' ' ' ' ' _ . ��' -• . , y' . . ._. " . . � _ . � . .. . . ' . t� � . . . . . _ ... . . . � - . � . _ .. . • .. • - . ... � . � . .. Lots 1 to 1 ! inclus? ve , and Lots 30 to 40 inclusive , Block 28, Sub- division of Blocks 28 & 29 in Stinson , Brown and Ramseys addi �ion to Saint Paul : Parcel A : Lots 1 through 10 both inclusive ; and Lots 31 t�;rough 37 both inclusive ; nn�+ that part of Lot 30 lying E ' ly of the Railraad rig��t-of- way, all ir� 31ocic 28 in Su�division of Blocks 28 and 29 in Stinae� , Srown and Ramsey ' s Addition to the City of St . Paul , Minnesota ; ana Parcel B : ;hat part of Lots 38, 39 and 40, Block 28 , Subdivision of Blocks 28 & 29 in Stinson , Brown and Ramseys addition to Saint Paul , lying N ' ly of a line c'•rasvn from the S+�1 corner of sa�d Lot 38 to a pairt � on the E . line of Lot 40 which is 40 feet �J. of the original SE cornQr , : of said Lot 40; and �� Parcel C > All th�t n�rfi of the N . 1 /2 of vac.a,�e,,�, Palar.�,,,Stt-Pet ?� 61a�!: [8, Subdivision of Blocks� 28 & 29,�Stinson; Brown `& Rar�sey' s A�c�'it�ion to St. _Paul , Minn . bounded on the W. by a line drawn parallel wi �h a�d 'is��t'ar�t 5Q feet SE '�Iy of, as measured radially from the center iire o� the most SE ' ly tracic of the Chicago , Saint Paul , t�linneap�lis and Omaha Railway Company and Chicago , P�lilwaukee and Saint Paul 4ailv�ay Cnmpany , as now locatPd and established , said track also known as Spur Track I . C . : number 46 of s�id Railway Companies , as now located and established, and bounded on the E. by a line drawn at right anglQS from the N. line of ' said vacated Palace Street , from a ooint dis�ant 431 . 72 feet IJ, of, as measured along the N . line af said Stree� .from the E. line of '.�:�ster� Avenue (havi ng a wi dth -�f 33 feet���t;�erPO f} : That part of vacated:,.Ri'ct�.��rcnd Str��t� in -�1oc'� 2a , SuSc�i vi s i �n of Sl ocks _ ._ ... _ : 28 & 29 , Stins,on , Bro�•�n �& Ramsey' s �dditian to St. Paul , f�inn . , t�ounded and described as : fnlic±��s : gag�innina at t�a '� nnir�t nf' i �t�r,Q.�l-inn nf th� center line of said v�cated' R�ct�;s�on-�- 5tr��t :w.itn ti�e t . Exte�::>ion of th•� N. line of Lot 34 in B3ock 2� in said Sut�division ; thence 4J. alor�� thP extension o� the N . line of said Lot 30 �:o a point distant 5G fee; SE` ? ;; as neasured radially, from the center line of the most SE ' ;�� track af . the Chicago , Saint Paul , Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Cumpany an�+ Chicago , Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railway Company as now iocated �nd established , said track also knowr� as Spur Track I . C. C. n±�mber 54 of sai . Railway ComFanies ; thence NE ' 1y a7ong a line distant 50 feet 5E ' ly from and parallei with tt�e center line of said Spur Track to the center Zine ' of� said vacated Richmond Street ; thence S . along the center � ine of sai4 vacated Street to the point of beginning. _ Apparent record �wners : Tne Fure Qi1 Company, a:� Ohio �ara . Parcel d. : That part of !ot li lying E ' ly of .the Rai1 ;�o3d right-of-way running through Block 28, Subdivision of Blocks 28 & 29 of Stinson , Brown & Ramsey ' s Addition to St. Paul , Minn . Apparent record owner: State of Minnesot * +�r * * � � The ST. PAUL ABSTRACT Af�D TITLE GUr��iRt�T�E C��ft°.4tJY does t�e�^eby� certi fy that i t t�as searched th� rECOrds ��n tP,e �.�ai Estate Di vj�ion i n th�e office of the Regisfier af Dceds �nd/or Reg�s�tl�r of Tit� es , iri and for the County of Ramsey and St�te �f Mi�nesata, �rid. � t a���ars from such search that the last apparen� owner or owners of the pro�erty within . a radius of 100 feet of the a�aove pr�pert,y are as follows : 1 . All that port;on cf the v'pper Levee lyiny anc� being in Sec. 1 ? , T. 28, R. 23 , lying SE ' ly of a iire SE ' ly fr�� �rr; parallel to the NLJ' ly line of the Levee and distant 80 fFet �here=rom, 5ounded on the ��4 by a line � drawn at right angles to the �V,� ' ly line :� r the �evee , comnencing at a point on the said NW ' ly line of said Leve� i;;0 feet South�resterly (Over) I ^ _ _-_ _ _ _� _ _ _�.},� � . . . . .,, . s. ;' , . - - -- . �Y•�� 1 I ` . " - . _ . . . � . � . . d • � . •. . . . . . . . .. . .. lGn,r;tj n�:�:i� � from the intersection of said NW ' ly line of said Levee and the E ' ly line o�f Lot 14 , Partition Plat , and bounded on the E. by the E' ly line of Lot 14, Partition Plat , extended S ' ly, together with vacated streets and alleys within the described area , together with all riparian rights , accretions and relictions accruing to and pertinent to said land , subject to an easement hereby reserved to the City of Saint Paul for slopes , cuts and fills , which may be ne�cessary in the construction and maintenance of a highway lying NW' ly of the above described property , and further sub- : ject to the requirement that . the lateral support of the area lying NW' ly of` the above described property be not disturbed by any excavation or other improvement made by the party of the second part on the property herein conveyed to it. � Apparent record owners : W. H. Barbew Company (successor to Purbar -0i1 ; Corporation , a Delaware Corp. ) ----------------- 2. That part of Western Avenue in the NW 1 /4 of Sec . 12 , T. 28,, R. 23 W. of the Fourth Principal Meridian , bounded and described as follows , to- wit: Beginning at the SE corner of Block 16 in Stinson , Brown and Ramsey ' Addition to St . Pavl , Minn . ; thence N. along the E. line of said Block 16 , which also has a bearing of North 0° 00 ' E. , to be used as a base for the following described courses , a distance of 461 .46 feet ;� thence N. 40° 59' E. , a distance of 50. 32 feet to the E. line of said l /4 section ; thence S . 0° 00 ' W. along the E . line of said 1 /4 section , a distance of 499. 66 feet to the S. line of said Block 16 extended E. ; thence N. 89° 38' W. , a distance : of 33 feet ta� the-� Point ^of beginning. � : .; : ,. . , ; , Apparent record .flwners ., _W. H, �Ba.rber _Oi1 Company , (Ohio Corp. ) . . - - --W.�_ �_ 3. Those portions of Lots ,8, 14,-- 11-; 12, - 13' and�14 , Parti tion Plat, an Addition to St. Pau1 , Minn . , being a subdivision of the NW 1 /4 of the NE 1 /4 and Government Lot 2, Sec . 12 , T. 28, R. 23 W. of the Fourth Principal Meridian , and that part of Biock 16 , Stinson , Brown and Ramsey ' s Addition to St . Paul , bounded and described as follows : Begin- ning at the intersection of the W. line of Lot 8 in said Partition Plat, the same being the N. and S. 1 /4 line of Sec . 12, T. 28 , R. 23 , in the City of St. Paul , Ramsey County, Minnesota , with the N' ly levee line as established by Order of Common Council , dated Aprfil �2 , 1886, filed June 27, 1888 in Book 4 of Street Openings , Page 22 ; thence N. along said W. line of said Lot 8 , or said 1 /4 section line , 326. 66 feet to an iron monument, said monument being the intersection of the E' ly extension of the S. line of Block 16 of said Stinson , Brown and Ramsey ' s Addition ; thence N. 89° 38 ' W. along the said S. line of Block 16, and said line extended E. a distance of 431 .72 feet to an iron monument; thence N. _ 40°59 ' E . , a distance of 1748.05 feet to an iron monument, said iron monument being 65 feet W. of (measured at right angles ) and paraliel with the E. � 7!?P of !�t 14 ih sa�d Partit�o� P?at, sai�+ p��n* b�ir� � �, � . �' feet N. of the said levee line , measured along said parallel iine; thence due S. along said line 65 feet W. of and parallel with said E. l � ne of Lot 14 a distance of 836 feet to an iron monument ; thence due. E. at right angles 35 feet to an iron monument ; thence S, parallel with said E . iine of Lot 14 to the N ' ly levee line hereinbefore described ; thence SW' ly along said N' ly levee line 826 . 71 feet, more or less , to the point of beginning , SAVING AND EXCEPTING Western Avenue . Apparent record owners : W. H. Barber Oil Campany , (Ohio Corp . ) 4 . That part of Lots 11 and 30 lying W' ly of the E' ly right-of-way line of The Chicago, St. Pau1 and Minneapo] is and Omaha Railway Company. Apparent recvrd owner: Chicago, Saint Paul , Minneapolis and Omaha . Railway Company. �.:. ,..,� NOTE : This report is_ not to be construed as�� a legal opinion of title. , - . . - .�.�.�..---.,.e,..�.�...�,.� - _ - : _ � �-�-_�_ . .__ y , . _ ______ � c � .� � ^ • , .. . � ' ,. , . � ' _ � . _ ° �`'w`� ,�.a. , a. � . — . . - . . . � . . ! � • . � � � � � . . . . ' - . . . . - . _.. ., Taxes , Assessments and Judgments , not examined. Witness the signature of an authorized officer of the said Company this 4th day of December 1972 , at 8 o 'clock A. M. ST. PAUL ABSTRACT AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY .-. �� g Y /. '%'� ,_ `'' r . An Authorized Signature #20931 - " r' "� ' ,�=`�-, -`'�� ; ; ;z� ` i i � �: , � For: Union °76" - � .� '-. U _ , ' � L . ` `� 4940 Vi k� ng ,.Qri ve. �, -,,,�, ��.- , , , -.�, Mi nneapoi i s , rii nn. a�4.s� ;= ;�: , �,, ; Attenti on : Mr. Hubbard - `�` JJ "`` ` ` ��,'J:' , �. � � � .� �'�`""r _ .. . ;. ' � _ _ � . _�"._u_.. .. _ _ � . ���-:—�-�— — -- s�.s: - — • , � �� ������ : : � � � : ; ,� , �;� , � . �, /''� f���,r►r�, �` � � i c , I � /J � l.. `1 r` �n Y i �. / �l / 1 ,: � ` . ' ,T /, �If f ��� � J� �lf.� �:,.�� I I I � ♦ �f� � � � � � ' ' � � � � . � � -� � ;� � , , :... � �- �^ ,� � � � I ;' � �{ f � � ,� ' � � l' ;�� I � � � �# ! x� f � r- �./' I � I /� I � ¢� r ��,�< F;.� ' i � � � � f }� ) ;- " �.^ � � � � '� � . ���� /� �' �.... ����5. / .,_� . , � � . 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