261607 . 2szs�� . CITY OF ST.PAUL COUN�I FILE NO. t FINAL ORDER � ! BY �� In the Matter of . , . _ , :, ' Constructing and r.econstructing sidewalks and by do'ing all other work which is � ' necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, except where it is determined" -?, � that good and sufficient poured sidewalks now exist: I j } >Finance , � Fi1e, No. Description 3 59852 1 LAUREL AVE. , north side from Syndicate St. to Scheunemann Ave. ' � �:., : S9853 ' � HAGUE AVE. , both sides from Albert St, to Pascal St. � � � � � � � �! � . S9854 � SYNDICATE ST.; both sides from Ashland Ave, to Laurel Ave. � - S9855 �l DUNLAP ST. , both sides from Selby Ave, to Marshall Ave. ` i S9856 ,�` SYNDICATE ST. , west side from Laurel Ave, to Hague Ave. ' i S9857 �O CHARLTON ST. , both sides from W. Morton St, to W. George St. - S9858 � GEORGE ST. ;•-south side from Smith Ave, to the �e'st 152` teet. (543 Smith Avenue. ) ; S9859 � SIDNEY ST. , south side from Delaware Ave, to Chippewa Ave. S9860 � CURTICE ST. , north side from Manomin Ave, to Smith Ave. S9861 i � ROBERT ST. , west side from Curtice St. to Morton St. S9862 i Nfr. HOPE ST. , both sides from Page St. to Prescott St. S9863 �� WINSLOW AVE. , east side from King St. to Stevens St. FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City o�'ficers-sfiaII-calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. J U�L 1 � 1973 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas B'�tler Nays JUL 1 �9 Konopatsk� Certified Passed by Council c ry Levine Meredith �In Favor Roedler J T�descCn Against '-'u nt ayor �U6LISHED J U L 14 19'�� �/ o��-F'I C N: o��• r�r�s :►i:��o x .��- ,�--� / � . Date: � , ,,, � AD�IINISTIi.�'I'IVE ORDLR � _ --__� � 2616(�`7 � �'��1� � . - �� AD;�RINiSTRAxIVE ORDLR, . T:!:at tlie Dirx.ctor of F._ . ' � � � t,�'-' p2i?Srt:'.tii� Uf i'!1:J.i�.0 :y0?i�u �3 :lt'_rG�Sf 3LI�:10r�...EC� �Zitl �i.r<.ctt.�: to •�r�^are „ � ' � � p�..:_,, ob tai�i s�:��,��-,,s �rc�re e� IlE'.:;E;:5�t�1 t{j C��-:Str��CCf i:CO;i.iL�:Cti �i�t.C«� � T t1T13[tS �2I1C1 �.I1VE'_Si��Q�i[�' �.'IS oLia�r >.�rk cr:2ic:z is i1�C4S33Z`� <i,:,u incicieriLsZ to con�letl�s�ia j.;7pFOY�CeI1C:ciU a11 ���5 °1' :orth szc?c o� I.aLr�I �,J�. iro� Sqndicate 5t. to Sc`�eur_ L� ✓ � c� Ave. 5�'�s'3 ��tn sid�:. �f i;.��ue fra.s �;?bert St. to Patica3 SL. i ' ytrlsY s��;i sic��s oF S�.ac�;.cate St. fro� �nland �1v�. to Laurel t��re. '� � ��SS�EoCii JJ.�S�J a;: D�r.-�lap St. �ro� Seib• . ,� Ave. to ::�rshal3 11ve. �' y�'S� '�'e�t side of Syndicaee St, r:c� l..aurel Ave. to I;a�ue Ave. `� 9�'S� u�oth sic�es o° C;i:zZto:t St. f:or !', �t � . - _ �.orto� St. to ii. �eor�e 5t. �'�.S� Sou��z :iie af G�oti�� St, fr�� St��t?� ,AJe. to *.zest 152' (543 S:�,i�z Ave. � �. ��'�5 y Saut� s�dc of ���u;i�y S�.. fro� �e.i�Eaare AvA. to C:�ia�e�,;a At�. � . ���v ;,r;rtn sici� t,f C�rtic4 5t. fro� .iano:.,in ��e. to Sr�ith Ave. c-' ��� � si�;� �id� o� :.a;�4rt S�. fr�n Curtice S ,. � . . . " t. to �.�rton S�. ✓ `��� � 1:0�:3 ��.C.t?:i O'F ii�. �ic?'J:.°. .5�. �r'JL: P -� ► aL� SL. to Prescatt St. � /a �� i:,;st s�4e ox �i°�:,I.ot� Ave. rro�� i�in S r �• � t. o •te�ens SL. ✓ i`z� ;�-r`'�*QL �z :�.^ar.ce ia �;Lr�3y �irecteci to ;�r�nare L�e prelinin,�ry orcler an� 5�..�.;lti::IiZc' �Li15 1'.3LiE� i0r �I2.��.J.0 i1C31"lA�. f� �� ��� . �r�"� �.,,y,.�� _. �-�'= � J � r ,i ' lr'-Z'�� � . ' � . L`� ,� �' �'��'i. � :�VED �S T�0 rOR?�1 � � � ` � �� � � ' � � -- --- \.. ` ,�t!� %f�: -� f /�� /1 r . t .l . i rLssistant City�;ttorney � " � ' % <'!�-•. ,`/ ��` —�u_'��g r Departmerit }pead ^� .\� ' � Aa:�ie1 .J. Duu�o:d r" Nalter liurtley _ �,. . . . - ,, Da t e----- " ' �{, - . _ Administrative Assis[ant to htayor ' ��r. � , a� °8 . •, � • � t • o ~ � a9 ` e �m � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Capita) of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �I G� 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 �1 � � � April 3, 1973 . Mr. Robert W. Trudeau Director of Finance , Room 109 City iiall ATiid: Paul Desci� , P.e: Construct and/or reconstruct side��allcs. Dear Sir; Please pre.pare the Preliminary Order for the construction and/or reconstruction of the sidewaltcs listed on the attached Administrative Order. The estimated cosC thereof is $5.50 per lin. fte for standard sidewalk 5 ft. wide and $6.50 per lin. ft. for standard sidewall; 6 ft. wide. Attached here��ith are the following: 1. Administrative Order n_5iq 2. Advisability & Desirability Report Yours verq truly, � � Daniel J. D ford Acting Director of Public tiJorks �JH/HT/gh '�'��5 � �8� , �: � �`a� � „� ��R �s '�, � � IV'Et� �i ��...� ?E�'�(", f��' c s'�, tNANCE �,� �'���,�,�� ������,� „ Z[Z . .. 55 � : r5, _ y'�'s �-- � � Dist. i1o. 2 • FI.S. �aur.el Ave. - Syndicate Ave. to Scheunemann Ave. , lnis order tvas initiated by the Director of Public j•7orlcs as public necessity on tne basis of itisnection of the :•lallc. ✓ This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, b.rol:en tile, high joints, trippin�; hazards, missing tile, cr��cked concrete panels, scaled and tipped panels. . �iie Lngineerin� recoi�unendation is for approvai of the order. (R.educe from a 6 ft. to a S ft. �aalic.) C"l iiJ RP ��l 9�s^� nisc. .�o. 2 E.S. riague Ave, - Albert St. to Pascal St. This arcter u�as initiated by the Director of Public tdorks as public necessity on the basis of iuspection 'of the walk. � . Tnis �aall: is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, i�rolcen tile, high jointsj tripping hazards, c��ater pockets, r�Lissinb tile, offgrade, aspnalt patches, disintegrated, � cracicec concrete panels, scaled, tippecl pa�els, settled paneis and wallc is dangerous: '1"ne Etibineering recommendation is for approval of the order. R�c:�arks: Walk on S.S. all 6' I�iono removal--No permit record. (Reduce fro� a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. wallc) CT c�J RF' ��� ��.S�y Dist. No. 2 B.S. :,yncl�cate St. - Ashland Ave. to Laurel Ave. Tiii.s or�ter �.Tas initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the� basis o� insnection of the walk. v i Tnis �aalk is old tile with tree heaves,. broken tile, high joints, tripping hararc?s, i•iatt;: poc�ets, holes iil tile, mi�sin� tile, offgrade, asplialt patches. Tiie Engineering recomnendation is for approval of the order. . (�;�uuce fron a 6 ft. to a S ft. �•�alk) CT HJ RP � �- �o � � . Dis t. Iro. 2 � �'s' D�n1�P SZ• - Se1by Ave, to i•farshall Ave. This order �;�as it�itiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis oF ins�ection of t:�e walk. Thzs c•�a?k i_s o1d tile and poured concrete witii tree heaves, brolcen tile, Yllf''(1 'oi � tri�p�no hazards. water pocicets, noles in tile, missin� J nts, F, ti.le, off�;raue, asphalt patches clisintegrated, cracl�;ed co.icrete panels, scalEU, tipneci panels, settled panels. iaal'tc is dan�;erous. The Engineering recor,unendation is for approval oF ttie order. (Construci. to �•�idCh desionated on plat) � ��T tiJ P.P � s --q�-s� G:.S. Synclicate St. - Laurel Ave. to Hague Ave, Dist. No, Z Ti�is order i�as initiat-ed by ttie Director of Public ��lorks on the basis of ir_srection of ii�e ��al:{, Tizis w�alk is old tile witti tree heaves, bro%en tile, high joints, tri in _ haz�rds ` F�at�r pockets, holes in tile, r.iissing tile, and high langitudinal joints. � � � T►ie En�ir.eerinp recomnendation is for approval of the order. . (Recluce fron a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. wali:) CT _ tiJ F�P . � � �S -- 9�� ''l li.S. Charlton St. - tid, ylorton St. to ld. George St. Dist. No. 2 Tnis order was initiated by the Director of Public Worl:s on the basis of 2 comnlaints an�l a petition ��ith 1 signer. Tiiis �-�ill be net� construction, lLll wal% to be 5 ft. wide. Z'iie En�ineering recomnendation is for approval of the order. ✓ Rer.izrlcs: See etition at 2/-►4 t,1. �3aker.,�,}�:D.� I'ittorf�_.Cherokee _Heights Sc_ho_ol.,area,,,_ �.� �....e........__.,_ ' �^�'��Q ro?�t_ e_exclusi����. S : . . (Construct to c•�idth designatecl oa plat) CT iiJ I'LP � ' /� ✓ Dist. ito. 2 �.5. Geor�;e St. - Smitl: Ave. to iJest 152 t�/3 ' (5�+8 Smith Ave.) ' Titis order taas initiated by the Director of Public lv�orks as public necessity on the basis c,f inspection of the �valk. 1'tiis �t�allc is old tile ��itii tree iieaves, broken tile, hi��h joints, trippin� hazards, V water poc�.ets, i�oles in tile, nissin� L-ile, high lon�ituuinal joints, ancl ofF�rade. T�i.°- En€ineerin� reconu;;euclation is For approval of the order. (�:educe fron a 6 ft. to a S ft. �aall:) CT HJ RP � � S`� 9�s�' S.S. Sidney St. - Delac��are Ave. to Chippe�,�a Ave. bist. No. 2 T:zis order was initiaZed by the llirector of Public j.Jor�cs as public. necessity an the basis of inspection of the wa1k. ✓ Tltis walk is old poured concrete with tree heaves, craced concrete panels, scaled, tipped pa.nels and settled panels. The Eiigineerina recomnendation is for approval of the order. (Peduce from a 6 ft. to a S ft. walk) CT HJ RP � C� � 0 � S / � N.S. Curtice St. - i�ianor�in Ave. to Srni�th Ave. Dist. i1o, Z Tl�is order caas iuitiated by the Director of Public Worlcs as public necessity on the basis of insnectio^ of tiie walk. � 1z�is tiaali: is old tile and poured concrete witti tree heaves, brokent tile, nigh joints, �r'p�in; h�zards, water pockets, holes in tile, missing tiie, off�;rade, asplialt patches, disiate;ratE�d, cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped panels and settlecl panels. Tne En;ineering recommer,dation is for approval of tne order. (reduce from a G ft, to a S ft. walk) CT tIJ P,P . ,. . , _ . _ -► � :s , q�� l � . Dt,t. �10. z �4•l.5. Rol�ert ST. - Ctirtice St. to iforton St. Tiii.s order ��ras initiatecl by tiie llirector of Public LJorics as public necessity on the ba�;i,s oi ins�ection of the walic. / V 'T�i i.s ;aalic is o1d tii< <aitti trce heaves, bro'�e,i tile, ni�ti joints, trippinfi tiazards, �aaL;�,- poct:ets, lioles i�i tile, nissing tile, high lon�ituciinal joints, off�rade, aild aspiial� Pa�ciies. Tiie i�n�,ineering reco:nmettaation is for apnroval of the order. (P.educe from a G ft. *o a 5 ft. caalk) ' CT HJ P.P � . � � ��� � Dist. cto. 2. i3.S. �It. riope St. - Pa�e St. to Prescott SC. Tilis orcler was initiatecl by the Director of Public iJorks as public necessity on tiie basis of inspection of the �aalk. Tlii� walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, brol;en tile, high joints, trippin� hazards, i•�ater pocl�ets, holes in tile, missing tile, offgrade, asplialt patches uisintegrated, craciced concrete panels, scaled, tipped panels, set�led panels anci is very da;;erous. Ti�e En�ineering recormendation is for ap�,roval of the order. ✓ R��na�ics: G1alk to be 4.5' wide. See tree renioval. (Construct� to wiclth designated on plat) CT tiJ RP • �S - ���3 E.S. �dinslow Ave. - King St. to Stevens St. This order ;aas initiated by the Director of Public Worlcs as public necessity on the /' ba.:,i; u_E insnection c,f the �aalk. �� 1hi.s T.�aL': is o1�1 tile and poiired concrete with tree neaves, broken tile, hi�n jaints, tri.ppin� �iaZar�ls, caater pocicets, holes ia tile, r.iissing tile, hi�h lon�itudinal joints, of�gr:�dc, aspnalt paeches, disintegrated, cracked concrete panels and scaled panels. The Engineering recon�enuation is for approval of the order. (i;a_;iuce from a n ft. to a S ft. walt.) CT HJ P.I' . ,���� � . Councll File.No, �1473->By p�tsick J. Raedler— In the Mattsr of Cqtpptructing and reconstructing sidew�llca 8nd bq doing all other work vshivh in neceseary ahd incidental 'to comp�ete sald improve- ment, except where it is determined that good and auffieient poured side- walks aow exiat: F'lnance Fi1e No. 39BSa; Deecri�p�tion, LAUliEL AVE.,north a4de from Syndi- cate 3t.to Scheunetna�a Ave. Flnance File No. 89869; Description, Ha�GUE AVE. both side� from Albert St. to Paroal bft. Finaace �'Sle No. 59854• Descr3ptian,.'� $YNDICAT�ST.,both sic�e6 from Ash-I land Ave.�to Laurei Ave. Fiaance Fi1e No. S98B3; 7]egcription,' DUNLAP SiT.. both-sidea from 3elby Ave.t'o Mar�hall Ave. , $YNDICATE STNWest dde trom i aure� Ave.to Fiague Ave. Finance File No. 59857• Deacription, CHARLTON' ST., both s�des �rnm W. Morton St.to w.George st. ' PYnance File No. �800• neacription, i GEORGE ST., aouth side irom Smith 'Ave. to the Weet iSS i�eet (54S 9snfth Avenu+e.> I Finattce FSe No: 39ADY• Deacri NEY ST.,souCh side fiom Del� . to Chippe W A�e. oe F11e �o. 59880; 'Descrl' TICE 9T., north tide lrom A� Ave. to S�nith�Ave.e inance Fiie No. 98861; Descrip'�,i BERT ST,. wESE side fl^om Cu�' to Morton 9t. 1+'inance File Mo. 3�85 �'i.���w� , ----- �-' . .. .. fT - . � A . � I; The Council o!the CitY o!Saint Pea1 having received the report o3 the Brlayor upon the above iiaprovement,� aY�d having ooneidered said report,, hereby re�lvea: I ''1. That the aaid reyoth and the I same ii hereby approved with no alternativee and that the estimated cost thereo� is ;#.00 ge r lfri ft S' wide�(IYesidential) �8.50 per lin ft 8' wide waIIc ,(Commercial} gg,gp c al)lin it 8' wide.walk (Comueer- 2. That a public hearing be had oa seid improvement on the F T..l.. 107p �^�rYr at 10� OC[ �A.2T1., 111 '�!e CO11IIC�1 Chambers of the City Hall and Court 8ouye Bu1Ie11ng fn the City of i5aint Paul. 8. That notice of eaid put�llc hasring be given to the pereons anti in the a�anner provided by the Charter. statlag the time end place of hearing, the natyre of the �[npYOVea�nt and the�total cost thereof As estimated. iAdopted.by;yt�he Cy�ounc3l June 15,19T3: �(7�MM#�.� . To Ci�t.T Clerk - Fo-r Council Mee c in.. July 10, 1973 at 10 a,m. �:�� . _ � sso� ' �u7.y 9, 1973 Honorable Gouncilmen F�LED of the � 21 �M�13 Cit y of St. Paul, Minnesota �u�, ta � GITY C�EftK'S 4FFICE File S9852, page 1 SZ pp,��,MIKN. Subject; Administrative Order ]�-519 approved April 2, 1973 Sidewalk - North side Laurel Av. from Syndicate S', to Scheunemann Av. Gentlemen; June 22 a letter was mailed to the residents on the above des- cribed area. Except for the �wo homes a� 12B3 an.d 1287 Laurel, WE DO NOT NEED NEW �UDEWALKS. THEY AR.E LARGE BLOGKS AND ALL IN GOOD CONDITION. On June 25, I phoned the Sidewalk Depc and told �hem we do not need new sidewalks. I was told cha Order D519 covered only new sidewalks at 1283 and 1287 Laurel. I asked why notices were sen� to all the residencs in our block as it would 'mean that we all would have to appear ��efore your Counc$L to object. I was assured tha� only 1283 and 1287 would be reconstructed. I told this to our neigh:�or who then also phoned the sidewalk dept, but she was told if she want-s to object she had becter appear before L�,e Council on July 10. I then phoned Walter Huxtley of ihe sidewalk dept. ar}d he again assured me that only 1283 and 128? Laurel were scneduled for reconstruction and thati we at 1307 Laurel would not have to appear. Our neighbor is 80 yrs old so I told her again tha� Mr. Huriley assured me only 1283 and 1287 Laurel would be reconstructed and tha� we would not have to appear. I understand that whenever there is such reconstruction or new construction is scheduled that letters are ma.iled to all the residents in the area and that those who o�_:ject must appear before th� Council at �he scneduled time. I ha.ve learned tha� even those where recon- struction is not meant for certain residences, the people must come down to o�ject. It seems to me that this is a waste of money for the secretarial services co send out the letters, for the postages anc� then time of che residents to go dpwn to t'�e Council, using gasoline which seems to be scarce, polluting the air, paying pa.rking fees f�or parking, etc. I believe it is cime that this procedure be changed so that time and money will not be wasted. In view of Mr. Hurleyts telephone information man;r of us WILL NOT appear before the Council July 10 as he definitely said we are no� � scheduled for new sidewalks. Please let me hear someone�s answer to this.� Thank you very much. �"��-�°� Sincerely, (° `1��e�✓ Q. Helen A. Schroe er (formerly employed in City & Count; Purch. Office 1952..1966) 130? Laurel Av please excuse t.r Macb.ine not workin� ro erl�� Sc.Pa ul MN 5�104 ��• P P • . � ., t �.. � �61��7 ���.�Q �u�. 3 � 24 �� '�3 June 28, 1973 ���'Y ��ERK'S DF�i�E ��' P�A13�.,M1Mfd. City Clerk Room 386 City Hall & Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Gentlemen: Re: File S9853, Page 4 Your letter of June 22, 1973 giving notice of constructing new sidewalk on Hague Avenue from Albert to Pascal has been duly noted by the writer. There may be many advantages to having this work done, but with the cost of living as high as it is right now, I feel it will prove a hardship for me to have to assume this additional expense, My neighbors on either side agree with me - that is at 1450 and 1442 Hague Avenue. I am curious as to how this action ever started and is there anything one can do to get out of this expense. I might say however, that what we need on that street is a curb moreso than sidewalk. However, I am not knowledgeable in this area and so perhaps am not the best judge of what should be done. Inasmuch as I work, I thought it wise to write this note to explain my feelings on this entire matter. Sincerely, � ,� J �� �• , y'��C����-vL�'� � Miss agny J. Sailand 1446 Hague Avenue Saint Paul,Minnesota 55104 . r, � r ;, . ��: � $' ��i `� �6�.6� �� !, 2087 St. C��r _ �� 2087 St. Clair Ave. St. Paul, N:inn. 55105 7/6/73 City of St. Paul Dept. of Finance and l�iana�ement 5ervices , � Assesement Diviaion, 113 City Hall � � St. Paul, ��:inn. 55102 � �� ,� „l /� �.;�, � Attn: Robert �r1. Trudeau, Director �;. � �` � �yr „r�r� `' , Re : file 59855 - Page 3 Sidewalks , Sel��r to Marshall on Dunlap Gentlemen: We owr� the four-plex at 218 N. Dunlap. Th�re are six squares of s�ood concrete sidewalk in front of our property. The south square is tilted, and should be re-set if posaible. If not, t'nen the south square on:ly should be done over. s;de would apprec iate your c�..ns ider�t'!�n in keepin� the city 's expense an� our assessment to a min3mum. Flease sub�it t�is informa.tion at the public hearing on July_ 10. We shall not �e a�le to attend. Thank ycu. � � D��� John D. Healy, Jr. . 1307 Laurel Av. —�� .�- - ;� ,�.`�5�„ �,�,r � St. Paul MN 55104 :� � „� , � °� — � , �; =,l - - - ;-:�„� , 9 JUL � 1 � � �"j� � � oE18Elqi0WER•USA w � �� �� '°� p z W N N� --� � �C J �, �� tu.� J� �1 V 1'_ �� J � � �' � IMPORTANT City of St. Pau1 � City Clexk's Office For Council Meeting Room 3B6 City Hall July 10,1973 10a,m, gt, Paul MN 55102 � ,� > :` �' �P�,S Eh�,/� ,� � -� o`' �".r` '' � � � From: 1446 Hague Avenue �,; �� � Z ��� � ' � �=�. ., � St.Paul, Minn. 55104 � . 2 .1u! o �"'i� � ;a � �973 J '�- � ��'°�rs us , City Clerk Room 386 City Ha.11 & Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102