261576 WH 7E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL � Council ��'1�'7� CANARY -DEPARTMENT � �.LUE - MAYOR File NO. Co cil Resolution Presented By (�/�/ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Council ' s Finance Subcommittee , the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the proposed Ramsey County Welfare Board Budget pertaining to the social service budget allocations for the period July 1, i973 through December 31, 1g73, for the social service programs as set forth in the attached Exhibit A; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� that the Council does hereby direct the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services to determine what portion o�' the social service budget allocations shall be paid by City funds as a match to the Ramsey County share and to notify the City Council forthwith as to the amount of City funds required therefor. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler Konopatzki In Favor r . J.evine ��� Roedler � Against BY Tedesco Mme.President $��eX Hunt ��! � '9� Form Approved by y Att ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certi ed P ed by Co L%G�q'C ��� By By �� App e y Maxo . Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , By BY PUBLISHED �U� 141973 t ! r � .�,+' � r' _ h _ s� 26��� e^ ��r �� , � � a IKpid�'f0 � Y�fCa.M � C�ITY OI' ►�S'AINT PAU�. OFFiCE UF 'rFIE CITY COUNCIL C[TY HALL AND COURT HOUSE tiYILLIAM KONOPATZKI SAINT PAUL. �IINNESOTA 55102 TRUDY JENSEN Councilman PHONE 612/298-5476 Legislative Aide July 3, 1973 Madam President Aunt and Members of the City Council: Chairman Konopatzki called a special meeting of the Finance Co�ittee to consider a letter of the Ramsey County � Welfare Board transmitting a revised budget for Social Services programs and requesting that funds in the amount of $3Q0,000 for the City's share be authori.zed. After a brief discussion a motion was rnade by Mrs. Hunt, and approved unanimously by the Finance Committee, � authorizing appropriation of the sum of $300,000 to the Ramsey County Welfare Department to meet the City's share of the budget expenditures for Social Service programs. The Finance Committee requests this matter be placed on the agenda for City Council action Thursday, July 5, 1973 and recoffinends approval of said allocation. a �� ., � ��. William Konopat ki, n air n Finance Committee �r°cc: City Clerk ����,� .__.... . �,�� � ,...,.. < . ; , ..•_.,. .. . , �',T:' �� S:.�N' PF;Ui. Aiti;O COUN7Y OF RF.'dac^! O:R:CiQR , .; � � 476 SAINT PETE� S7R_ET ,�rnes tiv. �cmir `.r Dsnna. Cho���n SAINT PAUL. Z1iINI�cSOTA 5�102 `a:� ".1.DeCourcy. V ice{hai►rr:n 2�15'7s Car�son. .Jr. • Jutte 25, 1973 �'. ;ei,ce Cchen ' •� n �'. Finley . � . ' paia�as Knaak �w�rd Salvarda � j- The Honorable Lawrence'Cohen, Mayor � � � City of Saint t aul . . The Honorable :I°mbers of the ' . : � Board of County Commissioners � . � - _. The `lionorable Mrs. Ruby Hunt, President � Saint Paul City Council :� , . : : - Tne Honorable Members of the � � �aint Paul City Council . 4 � rir. Frank Marzitelli . ; �ity Administrator : � � �""" � ; Court House Saint Paul, Minnesata 55102 . :� . _ _ ; .. Lsdies and Gentlemea: : . e Rams�y County Welfare Board, in its meeting of Ji:ne 25, 1973, - � rar!1s tor approved a budget �f $1,205,913.00ls�rthraugh DecVer�ber 31,g1973. A tt,� remainder of 1973, i.e. , July ' copy of that budget is attached. � ' b e Ramse County ��Telfare Board requests that the funds in the amount 6 Th y g be a ro- ' � of $300,000.00 ��hic� the Le�islature authorized borrocoin , , � v Coun ��'eltare Department to meet the City's � „ �� � priated to the RamSe_ tY . . . share of the budgeted e:c�enditures. . � - - -- - rs very truly, . W . . es jd. Edmunds � ; �. D rector '. . � � v*E/�r . _ encl. � ' . � a �►v:�,�, � o�� ; . . ti •M�:� .;�\ ., . ,. � _ ,q� �� •, �i:' � . � � .. �.� ,' �,� _�� i � 1 � � .�. � . �t,�: _ � _ _ � � �� � �. � � � ,� � � _ . . \ ,: _ _ � � _ r � , � - . . �. _ . - . �. . _ � . . __._ __ _. ._ ._ _ __ __ . _ ._ . _. . _ _ _ __ � . . .: _ ._. _. ._ . . . . ��`'�Bfi SO�IAL SERVICES Bi1DGET ALLOC�TIut�iS �f JUGY 1, 1973 through DECE�IBER 31, 1973 �`, �6�� � �� !� ,� EXISTING PROGR���IS • , f, Ramsey County 6?elfare Departmen*_ � - Child Protectian (Dependent, Neglected) - Adult Protection - Services� to r�entally I11 � - Services to Mentally Retarded � . - Services to Cher�ically Deaen3ent � � � - Services to Unmarried Mothers � . - Adoptions . ' - Foster Care $336,233.00 . � . . , Chemical Dependency Treatment' Center;Residences . _� - 'D�Y Drop-In - DEY Halfway House - - Detox Center � � - G*:anville House •• Griffith House, Team House �:. - 565 Dayton - Shoreview Treatment C�nter - 606 Selby . $I99 ,000 .d0 . Elderly Programs ' . _ - Catholic Social Service: In-Home Suppor:.ive Services � - Ramsey Action Program: Congregate Dining � •- - -- Human Resources Planning CoLncil; Comprehensive : � Service Program for Elderly • � , $ 41,14I.00 Cay Care . . (Data supplied �y� G�eater St. Paul Council � for Coordinated Child Care) $136 ,000 .00 Summer Youth EmployT�znt - - -- $220 ,000.00 ... Neighborhood Service Centers S 33,000 .00 / . Family Service Programs • (Licensed, non-profit, voluntary ageneies) $ 25,000.00 Information and Referral � $ 25,00� .OQ Community Action Programs . . -- � Ramsey Action Program Co�snunity Organization � . • • - Oneida Ccm►-nunity College . - ' _ . : • - RAP Plannin� and Administration . . ` " _ - Housing and Redevelopment Authority , ' aj Family Services (Capitol and r•ierri�:k - � � � Community Centers) . � " b) Comprehensive Service Program for • �. . • EZderly low income $ � 83,539 .00- : - -- __ . _ __.__ _ ___ _ _ _ ___-----._._____.._._ ----__. ------------ -. � - - . _ -. . -� � - : . ' - � , Mental Healtii � - H.T. Jacobson Halfway House - Berglund Residence -- Hewitt House . $�107,000 .00 �` TOTAL PROJECTED ADDITIO?�1AL COUNTY ALLOC?�TIO?�?S REQUIRED FOR EXISTING PROGRAMS-------- ' , $1 ,205,9I3.00 � Note: Sufficient calendar year 1973 funding is projected as available for Day Activity Centers for Retarded and Neighborhood Health Clinics . . , _ . � . �,� ;ra.� . . �. ��. � .... ... .:. .. ' . � � - ' �.. .. � ��' �-' �-�: . . . . . . . . . . ` . :. ... :-; . ... . .... , . ��. . . . . . . . . � • . . . ... . . . .. . .:. - � . , . •, :. .�. '. : .... . :.... .. . ... � . ... . . . ' . . .. . .� �!. . . . . . � . . . . .� � . . �� rw...�- � _.. . ._ '� ... . .. . . �_ . ' , - � � :- , . � . �� ' . ..� . . . . � . . � . . . . . ' . . -� ' . . ' . . ' ; .'.. . , � . � � f : . . , _ � . . ' . . . . � : .- . � _ . . � - . .. r} . � � . . . . . . . . . � . . . � � . , � *y ' � . . � . . . - � - . . . - .. � �` � . ' � . :..: \ , � . . * . . :.I ... � � . .. .. . ' . - , . � .. ti.. . . : �� . � . . . . . . . . . _ . . . : , . - ,/� .. . � • , . ,. � . � . .a�. _ n� . • . ' ` . � . •. / ' . . J�' .. � . . ' . ' • 7 . . . , . - � . - � .. � . . . , .. . _ � .��- . . — . . . ' . � � . . � �_ . � .. � . . .. . .. , . _ .� � �� . � -�,�� -��s�cry E. Marshall f� Albert B. Otson � G°it�Clerk and ���1Ty �'D�, �'V���� Council Kecorder "Com-m�:sioner of Reqistration � ��� �% `��:,;�� � `"�P h�` OFFICE OF T'HE CITY CLER !( �IT'Y O� SAINT P.�UL Bt1REAU OIF RECORDS �386 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 June 27, 1973 Councilman Will.iam Konopatzki - Chairman, Finance Coz�anittee � Room 716, City Hall . St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: The Council referred to the Finance Co�ttee a letter of the Ramsey County Welfaxe Board transmitting a revised budget �or social service pro�rams and requesting that ftiuids in the amaunt o� $300,000 for the City's share be authorized. Yours very tru].y, I � �� �� � � � C ty C erk � ABO:jaiw Attach. �O WH17E� —�CITY CL'ri -------`—'-^.' C01111L'll � .y��.��� . . pINK . — ��NANa:� GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NE}: � — �� CANAR�i-0.'-�d.RTME � 9LLE .� —�b1AYOR � �ouncil Resolution . � � . . � � � - Presented By � Referred To Committee: � Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Council' s ' Finance Subcommittee , the Council of the City of Saint Paul - does hereby approve the pr�posed Ramsey County Welfare Board Budget pertaining to the social serv�yce budget allocationa _ for the period July 1, 1g73 through .Deeember 31, 1973, �or the social service programs as set forth in the attaehed . Exhibit A; and be it � _ � FURTHER RESOLVED�' that the Council does hereby direct the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services to determine what portion of the social �er'viee . budget allocations shall be paid by City funds as a ma�ch to the Ramsey County share and to notify the City Council forthwith as to the amount of City funds required therefor. � . . � . : . � � �� . - . _ . \ . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department �: Yeas NaYs i� Buticr In Favor - Konopatzki Levine � Meredith Against By ��� Roedler . Tedesco Mme.President 8�2�eX HUnt go� ppproved by City Attorneq ; Adopted by Council: Date C�rtified Passed by CounciI Secretary By ` � By � Approved by Mayor for Submissioa to Couacil Approved by MaXo�: Date — By ' BY � , �J.�.�v���s�.. - ----- � CiTY 0� SAINT PAUL AND COUNTY 0� RAMSEY D1A�CTt3R ' t3CHRt3 ��1=�SERS d76 S.411�:T PETER STR�c`�1' ,)ames:�1. Edrnun �{� � ,nomr .��Danna, Chairman SAINT PAUL, MINNcSOTA 55102 ���„�� ,�1rs. Dorzid M.DsCourcy, Vice-Chairrr;n � Y/illiam Carison, Jr. ' ,J'L17�e 25, I973 Lan�rar.ce Cohen . Jchn T. Fin1eY Detoras K�aak Edward Salvarda The Honorable Lawrence Cohen, Mayor ; City of Sain.t Paul ! The Honor�.ble M�mbers of the s Baard of County Commissioners 1 � The lIonorable 1�Irs. Ruby Hunt, Presiden� ; Saint Paul City Council The Honorable Members of the ; Saint Paul City Council � Mr. �'ran�c Marzitelli � City Administrator ; - . '; Court House � Sa:�.nt Paul, Minnesota 551(]2 Ladies and Gentlemez: The Ramsey County Welfare Bcard, in its meeting of JL:ne �o�r��3�or apgroved a budget �f $1,205,91�.00 for Social Service� .p g / �� the remainder of 1973 , i.e. , July lst throuoh December 31, 1973- A � /l , � co � of that budget is attached. , � PS � - � t the funds in the �mount �'���r �C}' Thn Ramsey County �delfare Board requests tha _ b of $300,OOO.he �sPVtCot:ntyyG^Teltar� Department tormeetnthe CityPso- � �� � priated to t _ /� share of the budgeted e.t�enditui^es. `-� Y rs very truly, ( ` ,�'' • 1� � • es �V. Edmunds D rector � ti'E/�r encl. p NV?+MAai J�2` � , � , W . . `� 3�. ��'°;� \ ` � � � � Q4 �4i3 �i / � . � ` . (�'`". � ``�$-�y� �'�' � � y �� "t r�- "���;b�� " l,�Z ��'�� .cso�"�' _ -. _ _ _. ____ . , � SOCIAL SERVICES BJDGET ALLOC�TIONS ` „ JULY 1, 1973 through DECEMBER 3i, 1973 ,��'� ��� EXISTING PROGR.�MS Ramsey County ��?elfare Departmnnt - Child Protection (Dependent, Neglected) - Adult Protection - Services to rlen_tally Ill - Services to Mentally Retarded - Services to Chemically Deaendent - Services to Unmarried Mothers - Adoptions - Foster Care $336 , 233 .00 Chemical Dependency Treatment� Center;ResidencAs - D�Y Drop-In - DEY Halfway House - Detox Center - Granviile House - GLa.ffith House, Team House - 565 Dayton - Shoreview Treatment Center - 606 Selby $199 ,QOQ .00 F:lderly Proqrams - Catholic Social Service : In-Home Suppor�cive Services - Ramsey Action Program: Congregate Dining - ---- - Human Resources Planning CoLncil: Compreher.sive Service Program for Elderly • $ 4I,14I.00 Lay Care (Data supplied by Greater St. Paul Council for Coordinated Child Care) $135 ,000 .00 Summer Youth Employ;r�ent $220 ,000 .00 Neighborhood Service Cen1�rs $ 33,000 .00~� Family Service Programs (Licensed, non-profit, voluntary ageneies) $ 25 ,OJO .CO i Information and Referral $ 25 ,OOQ .00 � i Community Action Programs i , i - Ramsey Action Program Cor��.munity Organization � - Oneida Cc�-nunity College - RAP Planning and Administration ' ' �- Housing and Redevelopment Authority a) Family Services {Capitol ana r�terrick � Community Centers) � b) Comprehensive Service Program for � Elderly .low income $ 83,539 .Q0- C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ! _ __ _ F". • - z - Mental Health - H.T. Jacobson Halfway House - Berglund Residence - Hewitt House $107,0OO .OQ TOTAL PROJECTED ADDITIONAL COUNTY ALLOC?�TIO�?S REQUIRED FOR EXISTING PROGRAMS--------------- $I, 205 ,913 .00 Note: Sufficient calendar year 1973 funding is projected as available for Day Activity Centers for Retarded and Neighborhood Health Clinics ---. �