261567 WHITE - CITY CLERK ��`�� �(1���� PINK - FINANCE � h CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COUT1C11 �) BLUE - MAVOR File NO.� ouncil Resolution Presented By , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, By Final Orders, Council File Nos. 261353 and 26135�+ approvad on May 29, 1973, tha Councii of the City of St. Paul did authariae and direct the proper �ity officers to proceed with the i�rovement of TRANS- FER ROAD from University Avenue to Prior Avenue and ELLIS AVENUE from Vandalia Street to �ransfer Road (City Proj ects P-0547A and P-0547R), VANDALIA STREET fran Ellis Avenue to Capp Road (City Pro,j•ct P-�OSA), CAPP RQAD (inciuding Wycliff Street) from Vandalia Stroet to Hersey Street and HERSEY STREET fran Endicott Street to Capp Road (City Pro,jects P-0555R snd R-O555) and the con�tructio� of a public storm sa�+sr in por- tion� of Transfer Road, Ellis Av�nue, Hampden Avenue, Hers�y Street, Van- da11.a Strset, Capp Road, Endicott Street and Bradford Avenue, all to be kno�m as the Capp Road Sew�r System, (S-0460G1), and � WN�REAS, These public street improve�nents will neceasitate acquisltion of r�ew City �es�ments for street, highway, bridge, sewer and construction purposes a�d further will require construction of both at-grade and grade se�aration highway crossings of railroad tracks, as well as the retirement a�d relocation of existing at-grade tracks crossing highway rights-of-way, and ; W�t�1tF.AS, The Depa rtment of Pub 1 i c Works, i n con,j unct i on w i th the Depa rt- ment o� Finance and Management Services, has negotiated a proposed Agr�e- ment (copy attached) with the Minnesota Traasfer Railway Co�any setting forth the terms and provisions involved in the easement scquisitions, track removal a�d construction, and public street irt�rove�nts; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City Council does hereby approve the proposed agrees- ment between the City and the Minnesota T�ansfer Railway Company and does hereby i�dicate its particular approval of the track crossings, retire- ments and relocations and the easament acquisitions as detailed and pro- vided for in said agreement. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays • � Butler � � onopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith �� Against BY x�c� Roedler � Tedesco Mme.President�$�7c Hunt Form Approved by Cit Attor y Adopted by Council: Date �� 3 ��- Certif' as d by Cou e BY By Approve MaX . Date Appro by Mayor for ubmission to Council ��]��� BY � fT�. �uau�+�o L