261543 WHITf� - CITY CLERK COUI1C11 2s1�.�� PINK - FINANCE � GITY OF �SAINT PALTL � CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE -�MAVOR File NO. . '� u cil Res lution Presented By �ICENSE CO�IITT 1 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Imperial Verding e/o Metro Waste �later Treatment P1t. 2l�00 Child� Rd. 1 M App.7851 Renew�l u n �i 3 Add'1. n n n " c/o Baptist Hospital Fund, Inc. 17�0 University 1 M App. ?852 ftenewal " " • " 3 Add�1. M �� " M " " Midway Machine Co. 232l� Un3.versity 1 M " 78�3 � n n u t� 1 Add�1� N n n �� " Mid�est Sprir� Mfg. �O6 N. Dale 1 M n 7855 " " u Minnesota Ed�cational Ac�sn. �tl S. Sherburne 1 M " 78�6 " " " Minnesota Fabrico 1800 Como 1 M " 7g57 " { p � I�Iinnesota �abrics 209? Hudson Rd. 1 M '� 7858 " " " Monomelt Printing 2233 Un3.versit�r 1 M „ 7861 " " " Mueller-Bi�s �lineral Home (East) 6�0 N. Dale 1 M " 7g63 N �� " Noel Transfer Co. 1907 Charles l M " 7866 " i� a a �� 2 Ad� �1. n u u �t 't N. Central Insurance Co. 275 E. 1�th 1 M p 7867 �� N a n � 1 Add�1 n u �� -.,=---._ �+ � J C. Per.mey Co. 1lt�l E. Magnolia 1 M " 78b8 q �� n n n 3 Add�l. M " 78Ei8 �+ �� '� PleaSant Hill N�ars. Home 391 Pleasant 1 M " ?869 " " �' August Post� Jr. 131�5 Grand 1 M �� 7870 �� " " Ramsey Action Program� Inc. 509 Sibley 1 � " 7872 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E - CITV CLERK CO1111C11 2615�`3 .. PINK - FINANCE BLUERY- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. t , �� Council Resolution Presented By �CPNSE CONlMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Fage 2 - Con't. Imperial Vending c/o Leef Bros., Inc. 506 Kenny 1M App.7873 Renewal " c/o St. Paul Police Relief Assn. 101 E, lOth 1� Add�1. � " 787lt " 11 N 11 1 M tt tl N �� � Sam;� Spector 1251 Arundel 1 � " 7877 " " � " " 1 Add�1 M '� � �� '� '� Speeialty Mfg. Co. 2356 Un�v�ersity 1 M " 7880 " " �� Kenneth Bailey 1200 White Bear 1 M " 7881 " " '� 013.ver Thein Sch. of �3eauty, Inc. 5 E. 7th St. 1 M " 7882 " a n a n � add�1. n n r� " p Tranvelodge Corp. 11�9 E. Uniaersity 1 M " 7883 " " �� West Minnehaha Pl�ygrourrds 685 W. Minnehaha 1 M " ?88� �� • '! et Union Oil Co. 7�.7 Shepard Rd. 1 M �� 7885 " �� " " " 1 Add�1. M �� " �� " '� Texaco, Inc. 17l�2 W. 7th St. 1 M '� 7886 " " " Wi�er public Baths 37.9 Eao1e 1 M '� ?889 " i� '� n u 1 Add'1. M H n r� �� " Wilder Residence Infirmary 512 Humboldt 1 M " 7890 " William A. �Ior�e 538 St. Peter 1 M " 7891 " Minn. Mining &Mf'g. Co. 367 Grove Rest. C-2 " 789l� " COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki [n Favor Levine Meredith Agalnst BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: •Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Gouncil By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK t .. PINK - FINANCE CO1111C11 2615�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PALTL � r � BLUE - MAYOR File� NO. , �� Council Resolution Presented By ISCENSE COP�Il+�RTTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3 - Con�t. Kieffer Bros. (Montcalm Est.) 5z5-35-1�5 s. Lexrngton, Swimmin� Pool App.7896 Renewa] Kenneth Schrobilgen 25 4d. 9th Rest. C-2 App. 789? Renewal Henry d. Breem's !�6 State Office Bldg. Barber— " 7899 " Rayuond �Zrner 16l� No. Dale Pool Hall 6 T. " ?901 Renewal n '� Orig. Cont. N " � " '� �igarette " " " Edward 0. Spexet 606 N. Hamline 1 M '� 7902 Re�wal Pedro's Luggage Co. 501 N. Robert 1 M " 790l� " �� a 5 Add�1. M. n �� �� Canteen Co. of Minn. c/o Agriculture Life Ins. Co., 2700 Univ. 1 P� App. 7908 Renewal �� c/o American Bakeries Co. 97 E. 12th 1 M App. 7909 Renewal " " Bethesda Lutheran Hosp. 559 �pitol Blvd. 1 M " ?910 " �� n �� �� 6 Add'1. M. " " '� '� Bethesda ATurses Home 570 Capitol Blvd. 1 M App� 7911 Renewal " " " Lutheran Infirmary �60 �� " 1 M '� ?912 " �� �� Burlington Northern 379 Como 1 M '� ?913 " u �� �� 700 Jackson 1 1K " 7915 '� �� N �� 8q2 Mississippi 1 � " 7916 " �� �t �► �► 2 Add�1. M " '� COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki [n Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E - CI TV CLERK COLl11C11 /V���� PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIIL �� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . � Council Resolution Presented By �CENSE COI�IITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page !� - Con't. Canteen Co. c/o Burlington Northern 1082 N. Hamline V.M. Loc.1 M App. 7917 Renewal n u �� 3 Add'1. M. n �� n N r' Chicago Northwestern R.R. 799 Payne 1 M " 7918 " t� �i �� 2 Add�1. M. a n it " c/o Central Warehou�e 739 Vandalia 1 M �� 7920 " a a n n 10 Add'1. M " n u �� �� Ford Motor Co. 966 S. Mississippi R. Blvd. 1 M �� 7921 " '� '� '� " 58 Add'1. M " '� " " Globe Business College 236 E. 5th 1 M " 7922 �� n n n H 3 Add'1. M. n n n �� " Hoener Waldorf Paper Co. 2218 Un3.versity 1 M '� ?925 " " '� I. B. M. Corp. 69U N. Rober� 1 M " 7927 " n n u n 3 Add'1. M. 'r u n �� �� Lowry Garage 3�t9 Wabasha 1 M « 7928 w �� �� Minn. Transfer Ry.Co. 2071 University 1 I� " ?929 " n �� Minn, Mutual Life Ins. Co. 31�5 Cedar 1 1� " 7930 " u n u a 27 Add�l. M n n u n " C.M. St.P. & P. Ry. Roundhouse 1000 3hop Rd. 1 M '� ?931 n " �� C.M. St. P. & P. Ry. Yard Office '� 1 M " ?932 " n u i� �+ 13 Add�1. M. n n n � �' Mounds Park Hospital. 200 Ear1 1 M '� 7933 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against By Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By WHI7ES - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �����s� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE' -MAYOR File NO. �� , � Council Resolution Presented By L�CENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 5 - Con�t, Canteen Co.� c/o John Morrell & Co. 2523 Wabash 1 M App.7934 Renewal n n � N 6 Add�1. M« u a u " c/o John Morrell & Co. 2103 Wabash 1 M " 7935 " n n n tt J;� Add'1. M a a �r " f� Northern States Power Co. 825 Rice St. 1 M " 7936 n u �� n a 2 Add'1. M. 't �� '� " �� Pearson Candy Co. 211�0 W. 7th 1 � " 7937 " t� n n n 6 Add�1. M. a n n " " Quality Park =Envelope 2520-22 Como 1 �I " 7938 " tt n n �t 12 Add�1.M. '� �� '{ �� " Schmi.dt Brewery 882 W. 7th V.M. Loc. " 7939 " , �i u a tt 11 Add�1.M. �� " �t �� �� S. Joseph�s Hospital 69 W. Ezchange 1 M " 791t1 " n a n �� 9 Add�1. M. n u u �� �t H.M. S�{yth Co., Inc. 1085 N. Snelling 1 M " 79l�2 '� n n n n �, A.dd�1. M. « n n '� u St. Paul Public Libra�r 90 W. Ltth 1 M " 791t4 " n �� n n 2 Add'1. M. n u n �� H st. Agnes scnool 525 Tnomas 1 � �� 791�5 " �� n �� a L� Add'1. M. u �� '� " " Thermal Co., Inc. 939 Hersey 1 M " 79lt6 " �� �� M.T.C. `Transit Systems 1t00 N. Snelling 1 M �� 79�7 'e u n �� a r u n n COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7� - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council ���C2.�s� CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. �� �� BLUE - MAVOR , � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COM�YITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 5 - Con't. Canteen Co. c/o T.C. Hardwood I,umber Co. �09 N. Cleveland 1 �I App.79}�8 Renewal Dewitts' Hair Design, Inc. 873 Grand Beauty Shop 't 7964 " St. Marie Cigar & News Co.� Inc. 337 Wabasha 1 M " ?965 '� '� '� 1 Add�1. M. u n n C. G. Rein Co. 1362 Wynne Swimmf.ng Pool " 7967 " American Auto Trim, Inc. 680 N. 3ne113.ng 1 M '� 7969 '� LeRoy Runion 63� N. Snelling Barber �� ?972 e� College of St. Catherine 200lt Rar�dolph Swirnming Pool " 7973 '� Hillcrest Country Club� Inc. 2200 E. Larpenteur Rest.C-2 " ?975 " n n Pri. Gas Putnp n n n Clara A. Balk�uena 221� N. Western Ave. Grocery A-2 " 79?7 p " " Off-Sale Malt " " " `� " Cigarette " n �► Thomas Dumont 636 N. Snel].ing Beauty Shop " ?981 " Onega Corp. 454 Onega 1 P4 a ?982 " �� n � a 1 Add t 1. M. rt n H James Ryan c/o Webb P�blishirig Co., 1999 Shepard Rd. 1 M " 7988 " n n � 2 Ad.d�Z. M. �e n �� N " Capitol Squax� 555 eeaar 1 M "' ?989 " �� " Miru�esota Highwa9 Dept. b25 N. Robert I M. " ?991 " COULVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17'� - CITV CLERK COUIICll 2615��3 PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAYOR File NO. . �� �� Council Resolution Presented By �CENSE COMMITTTE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 7 - Con't. �Tame� Ryan, c/o Minnesota Highway Dept. 12l�6 Un3.versity I M App.7992 Renewal �� " 3tate Office Bldg. Annex 117 University 1 M " 7993 " n "State Dept. of Taxation 1276 University 1 M " 799� " Lerner Shop 1536 University 1 M " ?999 " Milk Incorporated 500 N. Grotto Grocery A..1 " 837� '� Donald L�rans 591 N. Western Mtr. Veh. Dr. " 8971t " C MEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Konopatzki � In Favor Levine � Meredith Against BY TdescoEkrt�+cr+E� PL� . Mme.President L 31973 pp y y y JU Form A roved b Cit Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified P sed by Co il tary BY By - Approve Ma r: ate Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By PUBLISHED ��� 71973