261530 WH17EiR - CITV CLERK . CO1111C11 2jV1c�U0 PINK -- FINANCE ��LUERY �MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIIL File NO. �� . Council e olutio� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Section 10.07.4 of the Saint Paul City Charter authorizes the Mayor to transfer part or all of any unencumbered appropriation balances within a department, office or agency, except balances from appropriations for purposes exempt from taxing limi- tations under this charter or statute without any further limitations; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council seeks to be informed by the Mayor of any transfer of an amount or amounts in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) in one fiscal year from any line item of any unencumbered appropriation balances within a department� office or agency to another line item within a department, office o 'r agency, except balances for appropriations for purposes exempt from taxing limitations under this charter or statute; now� therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby requests the Ma.yor of the City of a' t Paul to notify the Saint Paul City Council in writin�?�e�t�y and all transfers of.._an amount or amounts in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) in one fiscal year from any line item of any unencumbered appro- priation balances within a department� office or agency to another line item within a department, office or agency� exce�t balances for appropriations for purposes exempt from taxing limitations under the charter or statute; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Mayor of the City of Saint Paul for his considerati on. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas , BLit1CT Nays � Konopatzki � In FSVOi Levine Meredith � Against By �e Roedler Tedesco Mme.President � Fj�t ,J U N 2 61973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , Certif' sed by C il S ry BY By Approv by M or: ate � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLISHED ,JUL 719�3 � �.-r, a�i s�, . . _ .. _ 7-3-�� �,:- � .,,� ,� �� I'i'Y O1� �A I .\'T 1��11; 7. i i ; �'` "•?� ` Olrl''7(il; OF T7IE �I.1Yl)I� �� . ,::I '. 1` i "`.'�,__n,i , �; _ � _ , � ,, �� . . June 28, 1973 I••\N'It1:N(ili 1). (iOIIEN DlnvoN -� Council President Ruby Hunt Honorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Council President and Members : Enclosed are reports on intra-departmental fund transfers for two periods : June 6 , 1972 through December 31, 1972 , and January l, 1973 through June 30 , 1973 . There were 82 separate mayor's transfers made for the 1972 period, and 46 for the 1973 period. Of these, there were 9 transfers in 1972 amounting to $25 ,000 or more and 9 similar transfers in 1973 . The majority of the 1973 transfers resulted from administra- tive realignment of the Police Department personnel from three to four divisions and represent transfer of personal service salaries and related expenditures but in no case any additional expenditures for purposes other than those budgeted originally. Respectfully submitted, . , __.:__ Philip Lee Communications � Programs Director PL: lmp enclosures r _ �,, _. '�'�►•2'L . ' � �.. - � TRANSFERS FOR PERIOD of June 6 , 1972 through December 31, 1972 Transfer No. Date Amount From/To and Justification PUBLIC WORKS 00015 8-28-72 $143,500 All within snow accounts to balance snow-removal deficits for 1971-72 winter. 00033 10-13-72 $ 44,900 Prev. transfers made in error for salary adjustments. ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PARKS - 000�6 10-26-72 $ 66 ,990 Various to utilities to cover utility rate increases and shortages carried over from 1971. 00075 12-26-73 64,022 Housekeeping line items to balance year end lines. PLANNING 00055 12-13-72 $ 43,500 From personnel (unfilled jobs) to "other charges" , $37 ,500 for city share of 701 grant, $6 ,000 for capital outlay, equipment. POLICE 00022' 9-21-72 $118,140 From uniform personal services to Housing Liaison program, to assign salaries properly of inen working on HELP program. 00043 11-10-72 55 ,250 From uniform to detective division, promotion and transfer of various officers. 00047 11-16-72 29 ,107 Uniform salaries to "other charges ," to reimburse federal govt for community services program which was extended 8 mos. (to Feb 1972) beyond authorized time. 00067 12-26-72 33 ,775 Various housekeeping transfers . r I � �� .. ♦ i TRANSFERS FOR PERIOD of January 1, 1973 through June 30 , 1973 Transfer , No. Date Amount From/To ar�d Justification P 0 LI CE 00089 1-2-73 $ 164,790 Various lines in police services , to same lines in police administrati�n; adjust books in line with reorganization of department from three to four divisions , eff. 1-1-73. 00090 1-2-73 1,068,783 Same as above; salaries of officers , clerical transferred to proper division . 00091 1-2-73 187,759 Same as above; code number changes only; responsibility for building maintenance switcned divisions. 00097 2-1-73 26 ,640 Within divisions , to effect promotions in rank authorized in October 1972 . 00117 6-11-73 62 ,981 From uniform to detective and services ; transfer and promotion of personnel in February 1973. FI RE 00093 1-30-73 $ 274,461 From administration to fire-fighting , for transfer of salary funds for 16 district chiefs assigned from admin. to fighting. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PUBLIC WORKS 00102 2-2-73 $ 56 ,057 All within snow accounts to cover credit- due balances . OOZ16 5-16-73 30 ,053 From traffic design to traffic operations budgeted in wrong account for proper payment control. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GENERAL GOVERNt7ENT 00099 2-2-73 $ 300,000 From contin�ent reserve ( 1972) to restricted use; balance of old budget fun� �'une 29, 1973 Honorable Lawrence Coher� Mayor Huilding Dear Sir: The City Cauncil directed me ta �'ar�rd to you a copy oF C.F. I�n. 2b153�, reque�tir�g the Mayor to not3f'y the City Cot�eil o! bn�dget tran��er�. Yaurs very truly, City Clerk 3�► Attacb. WHITE - CITV CLEFtK��� t PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 ��NARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT - PAITL File NO. �� j ���� B:..UE - MAVOR Council Re olutio� �,: . ;�...�.�..� Presented By - �.- � � __ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 6�3ERE�S, Sectioax �.4.07.� �►f �he S�t:int Pattl �itg� Ch�rter a�thc�rizes tl� Mapt�� to tr�fer p�rt ar all �of sny u�;e�cv�t�x+�d aFP��F�'fati+an tu�saces �3.th�� � degart�nt, r�f f ic+� t�r ag��*, e�ept hsl�a�ce� f rcam _.. appro��.st i�ns f or paxrpase� e�mpt f rom t�d.ng I iaai- tatians und�er tt�is cl�arter �r statute wi.thou� sny fur�h�x 3imitaticros; �d WHEREAS, ti� Ssi�� 3��1 G#.ty Ct�v�cil s�k� to b� informed � �he M�.y►or of as�y tr�tsf�r �� a3n �t rnr �nts 3.�t excess of tw�:ty-£ive Lh�n.asa�ad d�l1a=s ($25,{3flt}.44�� �.�t +c�r fi5cal y f� y �3.�c �,t:�m c�f sac� u�enc:t�bered �pprtrprfst�.an b�a�e� �.�tbi� a deps�t�m+e�.t, a�ffi�+� �r ag+��cp ta s�other ��ne item �ithi� $ d�p�artment, of f ice ar ;$g�tcy, �x�ep� b�$.l�nces fcrr agprvg�iati8ns fc�s �v�pa��s e�t fra�n t�is�g lim;�tations under thi� chart�r c�r s���t�; �,� t�i�re€ar�e,, be it RESOL'�tED, t�� tk�e �3.gt P�sI �ity�:`Catnacil �erehy r�quests the Mayor af t2�ee Cit9 P� tv �oxif� the Saint Paul City Cov�il ia� �rit ������. as�d alI tr�sf�ers s�f �n a�emt ar �m+�cmts ia exc�s� +� �v�a�y-€�ve th�c�saad dallar� {$2�,UOtJ.40) in �n� f isc�sl �ear fram an�r ii�e �teuE af �y unenc.�ered aPP�' gri�tic� b�1.�� w�..tl�� a deparrtmeat, c�f€i�ce ar age�y to another li�e ite� wi��.� s �paartmeut, office c►� ,�g�cy, +exre�t balances for appr�pris�icn�s fo� ���e� �t £r�e taxing Iimitations v�tcl�� th� �hs�ter crr statute; s�d,, be i� �R.TIIiER �tESOLVED, that a rcc�xy t�f t�i� ace��Iuti�n he forsaard�:d to �he Mayar of �►� C3tq �f Ssint Paul f ctr hi� ��iderati on. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas ;F.1�1�],�" Nays Ko�nopatzki � In Favor Levine Meredith � Against By � ROe�d�.�r Tedesco � Mme.President �� x�� JUN 2 6 t973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date '�! -`�; Certif� sed by C�2u�ci1 S� ry BY�� �-�' ~ ` ���1��'�� { r/� f' d B �' � �'�`'�/ Y ' . A' 7 Approved by Ma r: Date ��'v � � ��r� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By