261529 WH17E - CITY CLERK CO1111C11 261��9 PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL � BLU� - MT.YOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE C TTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVEDr That Licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresaes stated be and the same are hereby granted. Fred Hager�trQm � Socony Mobil Oil Co.606 Varydalia V. M. Loc.1M App. 7365 Renewal " n 2 Add'1. M a u n �� � Speed-O-Lac Products Co.970 Raymorx� V.H. Loc.1M N 7366 " u n n 2pDd�1 p� n ii u . . � � N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 1�26 No. Fairview ].M " ?3b7 '� u u �t 1 Add.�1. M n n n �� � Continer�tal Freight Forwardi�g 895 No. Prior 1 M " 7369 r' �� �� " 1 Add�1. M '+ n n Mutual Service In�. Co. 1919 Unrl..versity Rest. C.»2 " 7372 '� N a �ig� �� �� n Canteer� Corp. 2250 W�bash Rest. C-2 " 7371t " Butler 1000 Berry Cig. " ?375 " Richard L. Todd 1�28 W. 7th St. Cig. " 738l� " St. Francis De Sales Church 426 S. Osceola 1 M " 7385 " n " 1 Add�l M N u n Raymor�d G. Olchefske 623 Como 1 M " 7386 " n n lAcH �1M u a p Reaney Heights, Inc. 905 E. 7th St. 1 I� " 738?-" n n 1 A�d�1 M �� u n Walman Optical Co.� Inc. l�83 Med. Arts B1dg.(I,owry) 1 M " 7391 " COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki ? In Favor Levine Meredith `' Sprafka Against BY Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E - CITY CLERK COLlI]Cll 2s1�� J PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL ~ .BLU� - MdYOR File �0. Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CO�TTEE . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date pag� 2 Con�t. SWeeney Cleaners, Inc. 1802-•!� St. Cla3.r V.M. Loc.1M App.7392 Renewal �iarry Mohney 626 University �' " 7398 " " " 1 Add�1. M ►� n a Scott I,e�is, Inc. 2lt87 W. 7th 1 I� " 7399 '� T.C. Testing & Engineering Lab. 662 CromNell 1 M '� 71�00 " Pat I�ik, Inc.% Ron Saxon Ford 225 University 1 M " 71�02 " u n �� 5 Add'1. M. n n � Pepsi Col.a Bo�tling Co.� Murphy Fre3.ght Co�nputer, }�08 St. Peter 1M " 7lt09 " " � Phillips Petroleum, Inc. 15lt0 Randalph 1M n 74i1� " Pepsi Co1a Bottling Co., Inc. 1625 Rice 1M " 71�16 '� �� � Super-�America Stat., Inc. 29� E� 7th 1M " ?1�17 " " � St. P�ul Iiealth Center 555 ceaar zM " 7418 " " % Farm House Fraternity 1s05 N. Cleveland 1M � 7l�1.9 " �� � Li�tle Sisters of the Poor QO Wilkin 1M " 71�20 " u a n ]. Add�1. M n a n " " United Hospitals, Inc. Charles T. M3.11er Hospital 125 W. College 1 M �� 7l�21 '� it n a 1 Add.�l. �. n �t n " � St. Thomas College 2115 Summ3.t 1 M " 7l�22 " n n �► 2 Add�1. M '� " " COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Fav�r Levine `-�� Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco �, Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E — CITY CLERK PINK — FINANCE (jITY OF sAINT PAITL Council 261�29 CANqRV — DEPARTMENT BLU�E — MTaYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By LTCENSE G�MMTTTEF Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3 �on't. Sherrianne Langar 1125 Payne Beauty 3hop App.7l�21t Renexal Court House, 8th F7oor 15 W. Kellogg Ciga.rette �' ?�.30 " H.T. Jacobson, Inc. 673-9 Lincolr� V.M. Loc.1M " ?�.31 " Jewish �orrun. Ctr. of St. Paul 1375 St. Paul Ave. Swirnming Pool " 7�35 " Canteen Corp.�Cap. Sq. Bldg. s,50 Cedax-Lower I�evel Rest.C-2 " 7lt36 � Metropolitan Vending Corp.� Amer. Bakeries, Inc. 97 E.12th St. 1M " ?�t1�0 " y �� �� 3 Adct�1. M n " �� �� � �arry Cartage 812 Berry St. 1 M " ?�tl " " � Bailder� Exchange 1tl�5 Farrington 1 M " 7�t2 " �� � For�ter-Johnson, Inc. 636-.5� Univergity 2 Add�1. M. " 71�1�5 '� n n u 1 M n u n �' � Catholic Guild Hall 286 Marsha.11 1 M '� 71�? " N � Haskon Mfg. Co. 2285 University 1 M " 7!�l18 " �� n te 8 Add�1. M. n u �r " � Kitty Claver Co. 1880 Como 1 M " 71�53 " Riehard T. Kill 718 Sherbnrne Fdstf. V.M. Oper n 7454 " Metropolitian Verriing Corp.�Johnson Bros.Wholesale I,iq. 23l�1 Univ. 1 M " 7452 '� " N " 1 Add�1.M�� �� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY V,, WH17E - CITV CLERK C011nCll 261��� PINK � - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL ��+il CANARY - DFPARTMENT BLU�E - MAYOR File N O. Council Resolution 5 Presented By LICENSE CQMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 4 Con't. Richard T. Kill � St.Paul Barber 5ehool 211 W.7th 1 M App.7l�55 Renewal n u n u a a �� � Capitol Rent-All 168 Co r�cord V.M. Loc.1M " 71�56 " " % Reed's Sa1es & Service 1260 Payne 1 M " 7�5g u " � St. Paul Dept. Public Works 877 N. Dale 1 � " ?J�59 " " � Richard A. Voss & Jerris Torgerson, 2103 Ford Pkwy. 1 M " 7l�61 " " � Richard Snow 1200 Arcade 1 M '� 7l�62 n " � Richard W. Reetor & George Organ 1205 Homer 1 M �� 7l�63 " " � Robert E. Stevens 1000-10 W.7th 1 M �t 746l� " Applebaum's Food Market, Snc. l�27.�9 St. Peter Groc. A-2 '� 7lt65 " 0 �� " Off�Sale Malt " '� �' " " Cigarette " " " Herbert R. Irwin 63b E. Montana 1M �� 71�66 " " " 1 Add�l. M �+ u m Nalpak Coffee Shop, Inc. 333 Sibley 1 M " 71t70 " '� '� 1 Add�1 M '� " '� Peter Manders 1221 Pierce Butler Rte. Gen, Rep.Gar. " 7lt71 " Patrick M. Murray 2!t W. 9th Barber " ?Lt72 " Grace Chicone 1�.06 White Bear Ave. Rest. C-2 '+ 71�73 " COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki [n Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY .. WHI7E - GITV CLERK CDUnCll /V���� PINK - FINANCE TT BLUERY - MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl.1L File NO. f`/ Council Resolution Presented By LICER�SE COMMITTE� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 5 Con�t. Grace Chicone 1l�06 White Bear Ave. Cigarette App.71�73 Renewal Gulf Oil Corp. 58lt N. Fairview V.M. Loc. 1M '� 7�.76 " Wing�s, inc. Mur�ipal Airport " �' 7477 " Willard L. Whitcomb 2Lt6 S. Snelling 1 M �' 71�78 " n �� t� Add�1. M n N n Joseph Anderson Cleaners, Inc. 912 Payne 1 M " ?�t79 " Wilder Public Baths 319 �gle 1 M " 71�80 " ftieck Realty Co. 1lt59 University 1 M " 7?�82 " Elizabeth Kogl & 7i�83 Betty M�.genheiraer 170 Ramsey Grocery A-2 " � " n N Off-Sale Malt n k Ec �� �� Cigaxette " " " Peter A. Phillips 1570 Randolph Ba.rber " 7lt85 " �� �� Beauty Shop '� " �� Ronald Lindquist 223-.29 E. 8th 1 M " ?1�90 " Joseph Sekoora 1031� S. Cleveland 1 M '� 7�t91 r' Charles A. Rauschnot 868 ftice St. 1 M " 7�9� " Gerald Krummel 666 Arcade 1 M " 7l�93 " Arie Lancman 1071 S. Cleveland 1 M " 71�9� " D E r� n COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By WHI7E - CITY CLERK COUI1C11 2s1�Ty^" PINK - FINANCE GITY OF �SAINT PAUL CAN(�,RY - DFPARTMENT BLUE -MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By I�ICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 6 Con't. Oliver Corp. 255t� co►�o �.M. Loc. 1M App.7lt96 Renewal �� " 1 Add'1. M � " �' Simonson Lumber Co. 665 Ra�mond 1 M " ?�t97 " n r� 1 Add�1. M �� �� '� �arl Allen Mork 991 Front Ge n. Rep. Gar. " 71t9� " Country Club Mtt., Inc. 633 w. 7th Grocery A-2 '� 7500 �' " " F'lorist/Nursery " " " �� �� Off-Sa1.e Malt� " �� �� " 't Cigarette ee u a " 1165 Arcade Grocery A-2 " 7502 't �� �� Florist�NurBery " �' " +� �� Of f Sale Malt " " y �� « Cigarette �� �� � E. W. Beck�an & H.D. K].onecky 119 �. 6th Beauty Shop " 7503 " Ebelyn Swanson 737 N. 3nelling Beauty Shop " 750lt �� Luther Henderson, Sr. 631�2 Selby Rest. C-1 " 75�5 " �� h On-Sale Malt �� �i �� �► " Off-Sale Malt " M �' ►� n Cigarette '� " a Stanley Brettin 1180 Arcade Barber " 75�d " T.C. Novelty Co.� Adolph & Robt. Rosen 618 W.Minnehaha 1 M " 7,�08 " " � Ma.r�rin Sinn 2559 �1. 7th 1M " 7509 " �� d E C A u " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Councii: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHlTE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALIL Council {��) BLUERY-MAYORTMEN T Flle N O. ��-+•��+�• Council Resolution Presented By �CENSE COP�MI'PTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 7 Con't. T.C. Novelty Co. � Coca Cola Bottling Midwest, Inc. 8!t S. Wabasha App. 7511 Rene�wal �� �� B.L. OiNeill 720 N. Hamline 1 M �� ?�12 " N � Falcon Oil Co. 7s6 N. Sne113.ng 1 M " 7513 " " � Douglas H. Leach 202l� Marshall 1 M " 7�].!t "` '� � R. S. Enterprises, Inc. 1369 E. Maryland 1 M " 75i5 " �� � Redeemer Arms, Zne. 3i3 No. Da1e 1 M " 7516 " ►� � Harvey W. RuhnoW 1202 N. Dale 1 M '� 7517 " " % William Dees 1137 W. 7th 1 M " 7518 " '� � L�gene C. Larson 1100 (�rand Ave. 1 M " 7519 " �� � Donald Bateman 520 White Bear 1 M " 7520 " n n n . 2 Add�1. M a u �� Lodge Cech #51 381 Mi�higan On-Sale Malt " 7522 " " " i3ance Hall " " �� Wa1 ter M. Schreiber 1829 University 1 M '� 7523 " Gold Medal Beverage Co. �53 N. Fa3.rview Fds�f. V.M. Oper." 7�2l� �� " � International Harvester Co. ?7� Rice St. 1 M " 7525 " " � Krer�er Spring & Alignment Co.,Inc. 379 Webster 1 M " 7526 " �� � Carl J. Seebeck 62 W, �Tinifred 1 M " ?527 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E - CITY CLERK COU11C11 261��9 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL CANARY - D�PARTMENT . BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CO1�+Il�IITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 8 Con�t. Gold Medal Beverage Co.�% Anth�ny Podgorski 619 Van Buren V.M.Loc.1M App.7530 Renewal " � Mobil Oil Co. 1�20 Adrian 1 M '� ?',�,�/ " " � Kenneth N. Dickinson 15lt0 White Bear Ave. 1 M " ?532 n " � Paul�s Cycle Serv., Inc. 81t1 Hudson Rd. 1 M " 7533 " " � Kenneth D3.ckinson 2179 xudson Rd. 1 M " ?531� " '� � Red OW1 Stores, Inc. 2020 Ford Pkwy. 1 M " 7535 " �� � " 2117 Hudson Rd. i M " 7536 " " � St. 1'aul Packaged Furniture lt59 E. $th 1 M " ?538 " " � Jexish HoYne for the Aged, Inc. 155lt Midway Pkwy. 1 M " ?5Lt0 " '� � Vincerrt Straus & Paul l�,idolph 1036 Grand Ave. 1 M " 754� " �� % Dan J. Larson 1510 Ur�i.versity 1 M " 75l�6 " " � Falco n Oil Co. 756 N. Snelli ng 1 M " 751�7 " u � Fred�s Tire Co.,Ir�c. 519 Ur�3.versity 1 M " 75�.8 " �� � Garrick Ramp, Inc. 3$�.-6.»9� St. Peter St. 1 M " 75�59 " �� % John Stuart l�00 W� 7th 1 M " 75�� " �� � Gateway Trarsportation Co. 2230 Kasota 1 M " 7�1 " r� % Hazel Park Pl�ygrounds Ca�e & Van Dyke 1 M " 755� " COUIVCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butier Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E — CITY CLERK 1 �^�� ^� PINK — FINANCE COIIIlCll L � � CAN(aRY — DE,PARTMENT . GITY OF SAINT PAZTL � File NO. � ��` BLUE — MAYOR Council Resolution Presented By ���� ��TT� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 9 Con�t. - Gold Medal Be�. Co. � Horst of Austria, Inc. 2169 Ford Pkwy. V.Nl.Loe.1M App.7553 Renewal " � Lawrence J. Anthor� !�7? S. Cleveland 1 M " 75��t " '� � Ruben Zamangky lt85 S. Snelling 1 M " 7555 " " � cYrua Tho�ae 17�t5 ararxi Ave. I M " 7556 " " � T.C. Erigine Rebuildera, Inc. 1751� Univer�ity 1 M F1 7557 r� " � Kapla n Paper Box Co. 126.•!�6 S. Wabasha 1 M " 7559 " " � Aeme Line� — 2E)0 University 1 M '� 7,� �� " � Appleba�ua's� Inc. 3l�2 Fulton 1 M �� 7561 " " � Applebaum's Food Mkt., Inc. 2I9� Hud�on Rd. i M �t 7562 " �� � Automotive Mer�handise 709 Univer�ity Ave. 1 M �� 7563 �t " � Bartusch Packin� Co. 567 N. Cleveland 1 M �� 7�6�, N �� � Civic Center Chrysler Plyr�outh 239 W. Kellogg 1 M " 7565 " " � Cre�cent Creamery Co. 226 N. 3mith 1 M �� 7566 �� �� � Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. 183 �.5th 1 M " 7,�67 �� " � First State Baric 1000 ��,yne Ave. 1 M �' 7568 " �' � Higrilarri. Chateau, Inc. 2319 �. 7th 1 M „ 7569 �+ " � H. s. xaplan 3lt5 snepara. Rd.� 1 M " 7570 " COUIVCILMEI�1 Requested by Department of: ' Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favo[ Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By WHI7E - CITY CLERK COl1�1C11 2�1�29 PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DFPARTMENT GITY OF � SA.INT PAITL BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By LICEPJSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 10 Con�t. Gold Medal Heverage Co. � Lax Elec�ric Co. �12 Sibley St. V.M. Loc.1M App.7571 Renewal " � Long Cad3,Ilac, Inc. 121 W, 7th 3t. 1 M n ?572 r� �� $ Mounds Park Re�t Home, Inc. 908 Mound� St. 1 M " 7573 " '� % National Food Store�� Inc. 30 S. Fa3.rvie� 1 M " ?57�t " " � Paula�s, Inc. 3?6 Maria 1 M " 7575 " " � Phillips Petroleum 1015 Rice 1 M " 7579 p " � " 1600 W. 7th 1 M '� ?580 " �t � '+ I81? Randolph 1 M " 7581 '� � E� ;� " 2245 surns 1 M �� 7�g2 n f� � Red Owl Stores, Inc. 2020 Ford Pkwy. 1 M " 7583 '� " � Royal Oldsmobile Co. ?3�t Grand 1 M " 7�8l� " " � " 1It69 University 1 M " ?�g5 n „ % Schoonover Auto Repair Corp. 571 N. Snelling 1 M " 7586 " " � Richard Tood 1.l�28 W. 7th St. 1 M " 7587 '� �� % United Freight ForWarding 812 Berry 1 M " 7588 " " � Whitaker Buick Co. 1205-45 University 1 M " 7589 " N � Y.M.C.A. �7� Cedar 1 M �� 7590 " COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka , Tedesco Mme.President Butler Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By WH17E - CITY CLERK COIIIICII �V_.(,�yj�j/9 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CAN(�RY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution LICENSE C�IMTTTEE Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pag� 11 Con�t. Elverna Kezar 316 N. Robert-6th F'1. Orig. Cont.D App.7592 ReneWal Hiram Peterson 872 E. 7th Barber " 7594 " Donald R. �iskovsky 1560 W. 7th " '� 7595 '� Theodore A. Heroff 1�39 xudso� Rd. B - Bakery " 7596 " John M. Seott � Three Sisters, Inc. 33 $.7th 1 M " 7600 " " � Houaing Authority ?85 DayGoM 1 M " 7601 " Bonald B. Trent 301� E. Wheeloek Pls�y. 1 M " 7603 " a �r 1 Add'Z. M. x � �� Atomik Motor Parts Co. 1865 University 1 M " ?6Qlt " n u 1 Add�!'.,1. M. n u u (3ustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church 1669 Arcade 1 M 'f ?605 " a u 1 Ac�i�1. M. n n u Max Beare�an� Jeffery & David Bearman, Trust 171 N. Snelling Orig. Cont.D " 7b08 �� �� " Flori�t/�iursery " " '� n " Hardware n u N �� " Off-Sale Malt r� a rt " " Cigarette '� " " Jimmy's Food Serv.� Inc. � Court House 15 W. Kellogg 1 M � 7610 " N t� � A��1• � tl H N Ralph & James Utecht 1668 Selby ldy/D,�C,� 1'�ant " ?612 " Northern Vending Serv., Inc. 1}s81 Mar�hall �'dst�f. V.M• Oper. " 7616 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco • Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY. WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE � GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARY - DF�PARTMENT File NO. 261�29 BLUE - MAYOR Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CONIl+ZLTTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 12 Con't. IJortherrz Vending Serv3ce, Tnc.� James Hamm 1lt7 N. Snelling 1 M App.7619 Renewal �� � Soe Delise Fruit Co., Tnc. 616 Fi rg �. M " '�dD " " � Luvern Qroodman 2165 U�i.versity 1 M " 7627 n '� � David L. Olson 1347 Un3.ver�ity 1 M " 7629 " „ � Gene ChalfZng 1!�? W. 6th St. 1 M n 7b3p n a � Rene Chalfen, Jack Dugen � Florence xecr,t 555 N. ��elling 1 M � 7631 " M � Royal Olds�nob�le ].1�.69 University 1 M " 7638 " N � Coriti r�ntal Bowling Corp. 2lt17 W. 7th 1 M " 761il� " �� N +� � Add�Rl+ tt H r► " � Grace Hall, St. Paul Seminary 2260 Su�it 1 M " 7645 " n n „ 1 Add�l. M a n u " � MidWay Chevrolet Co., 1389-�99 University 1 M " 7bl�8 " a n �� 3 Add'l. M n N N �� � Bernard J. Harrington 7�t? N. Milton 1 M " 76�0 " k �� �� 2 Add�1. M " " " �� � Minnehaha Bowling Centex, Ina. 955 Seminar3r 1 M " 7651 " N N +� 5 Add�1. M u " �' " � d. J. Er�terpri$ss, Inc. - 18� N. Snelli� 1 �I " 7652 " M H M1 � �C�11• M N N tl �� � st. �nomas coiiege 21i5 sum�.t i M N 7653 " �i n n Add� u k '� COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against Bl� Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E - CITV GLERK COUI1C11 2jjs1�'�9 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANPRY - D�PARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By �C�� ��TTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 13 - Con't. North Stsir Co. ].l�00 Red Rock Raad Cigarette App.7661 Renewat Progress Foundry, Tnc. 1li�7 Marshall Ci,garette " ?662 N Specialty Mfg. Co. 2356 University n �� 766l� �� Y.W.C.A. 65 E. Kello�g S�rimming Pool " ?�5 " Virgir�ia 3chabacker 1338 Bayard Ave. Grocery A-1 " 7667 M " �' Off-Sale Ma1,t �' " �+ �� " Cigarette " p p Phillip R. Hill�a�,n 398 Duke St. Catering -. B �� 7668 " V��11 Bulk oendi� � Gooperative Plating Go. 1l�1lt. Iglehart 1 M " '�671 " " � James J. Verhulst 2060 Randolph 1 M � 7b72 n " % Ha�a�s Brewing Co. 720 Payne 1 M '� 7673 '� " � Clinton J. Arxi�rson 87lt T. Marylarui 1 M '� 767lt " " � Robert D. t�eber 635 S. Snellir� 1 M �� 7675 � " � 8hi.ney Kahler 1089 Prosperity 1 M " 767b M A1.pha Psi (U. of M.) 2077 Cotnrno�w�alth 1 M � 768� n St. Bernard� Rscreation Center 197 �. Geranium Chz-Sale Malt " 7681 " N N BOW1�2]g� 8 A].18�I9 tl tl 11 11 11 Ci�BI,�'�it8 tl d It Interstate United Corp. 1091 P3.erce Butl.er Rd. Fd�tf.V.M. Oper '+ 7687 �� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Agaitlst BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E -- CITY CLERK COUI1C11 261�29 PINK - FINANGE CANARY - D�PARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � BLU�t - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By �CENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 11� Con�t. I.U.C. c/o A�serican Linen 219 W. sth 1 M App. �691 Renewal n a n 3 Add�l� M n u N 't e% American Natior�,1 Bank �.19 Robert St. 1 M � 7692 '� " c/o Brcwn & Bigelow 1286 Uni.veraity 1 M " 7693 " � �� �� 3� Add�l. M n n n N c% Burlington R.R. Yaxd Office Warner Road 1 M n 7b9l� r� n a ►+ 2 Add'1. M. n a u " " Consolidated Tnk lt31 N. Griggs 1 M " 769b " H N p � �� I�• M N 11 M a " D�gre� of Honor 32� Cedar 1 M " 769? �� n n n n 8 Addtl. M. n e u �� �� DeI�ixe Printers, Inc. �30 N. Wheeler 1 M �� 7b98 u " N u " 2 Add�l M. n n h '� " Northern Railrosd 619 W. Minnehaha V.M. Zoc. " 7699 " �� " " " 2 Add�1. M. " '� �� '� " Bethel Missioa 1�1�5 Wacouta 1 M " 7702 " u a n u 1 Add�l. M a u n n n �amm�s Bret�tery ?20 Payne 1 M n 77(� p n n n N 11 Add'1. �'I " N '� " �!� International. Harvester 767 Eustis 1 M +► ?706 y n a x n ].6 Add�l. M a u N " " " �572 Universit�r 1 M " 7707 n N 11 N N � 11 N COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By WHI7E - CITV CLERK C011I1C11 261��t) PINK - FINANCE CAN`4RY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL . BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Council Resolution Presented By bICENSE COI�ITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 15 con�t. I.U.C. c/o Maxson Curp. 500 Como l M App.7708 Rene�al �� " '� 11 Add'1. M p �� � " " 1Amoco Chea�cal Corp. �5 E. Marylaa�d 1 M �� 7?09 M 15 Add�1. M " �t �� " " DTationa7. Hea�er 2l�75 Closwell 1 M " 7710 " n n u n 5 Add'1. M �� a �� " " Pearson Candy Co. 21lt0 W. 7th 1 M p 7712 " n n n y 3 Add'l. M n a �� " '� Ramsey County Jai.l 322 St. Peter 1 M " 7716 t� 11 N M 11 1 Add�1. K '� p n " " Rihm Motor Co. 2108 Univer�ity 1 M " 7717 �� u n n u 2 Add�l. M n �+ n " " 3cPenn. Po�t Office Annex 193 E. Pennsylvania 1 M " 7718 " n n n p 3 Add�1. M u u F� " " St, Paul F3,re & Marine 385 Washington 1 M " ?719 " u n n ►� 13 Add�1. M �� n �t " " St. Paul Struetural Steel 162 Yor�C 1 M �� '�7�p �+ n a n N 3 �dd'l. M p n u " n Whirlpool Corp. 850 Arcade 1 M n 77�3 n n n u n 27 �d il. I� u �i n " " First National Bk. 332 Mir�nesota, bth Fl. 1 M � 772l� �� 11 tl N y 7 Add�l. M �� y �� COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E - CITY CLERK COUnCll ')L����■ . PINK -- FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL CANARY - D�PARTMENT !v y BLUE - MAYOR File NO. r'�� � Council Resolution Presented By �CEAJSE COd�Il�TTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 16 Con't. Hillcrest Wash, Inc. 16�$ l�hhite Bear Ldy/D.C. P1t. App.7727 Renewal . DeI.axia's Kitehen, Inc. 2123 �'ord Pky. Rest. C«.2 " ??�8 " Hamline University c/o A?'�� &ish Student Center 1551 Hewitt S�im�i�g Pool App.7729 Rer�eval Coates TraS.ler & Motor Salss, Tnc. 6U5 Como Ave. 1 M App.77�3 Renewal James L. Steinmetz 661 No. Dale 1 M " ??3� 'r A.�t.A. c% Ac�e Linen 200 University 1 M " 771�9 " n n �� 2 Add�1. M '� �� �� �� " american Ha.keries 97 E. 12th St. 1 M " 77�� " u n u a 1 Add '1. M �R n w �� N Control Data Corp. 995 �niversity 1 M " ?7�2 " a a n r� 8 Add'1 M a �� '� n �� �� 1001 Selby 1 M " 7753 u a n n n 2 Add�1. 1� n n u n 'Y Ellerbe Co., Nalpak Bldg. 333 Sibleq 1 �I " ??5�t �� n N n �+ 20 Add�1. M �' 't " n " Garartl Ave. Ford 850 Grand 1 M " 77�6 " n it u n 2 Add�1. M n a a y �� Gauld Bettery 891 Vandalia 1 l� " 775? " it n �a u 1� Add'1. M. �► �� a �� '� Gould National Bat.�ry Co. 93� vandalia 1 M " 77�8 " �t n n N 12 Add�1. M �� a u COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE — CITY CLERK COUllCll ����i/".� PINK — FINANCE CAN/dRY — DE.PARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL �~ BLUE — MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By �CENSE C0��4ITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 1? Con't. A.R.A. c/o 3-M Co. Bldg. !t2 900 B�sh 1 M 8pp.7760 Re�ewal a a �i tt 21 Add�1. M n a u " '� 3-M Co.� Holman Airport! St. yawrence St. 1 M " 7761 N r� n u a 1 Add �1. M n u n " " p 1210 Uni.versity 1 M " 7762 '� u n u - n 1 Add'1. M. a " " a a 3 H Co. Bldg. �3 900 Bu�h 1 M " ?763 " �� �� �� � 4 Add�1. M. " 7763 '� e� n u Bldg. 20 915 Bush 1 M " 776lt '� n n a n a 28 Add�1. M. �� '� '� „ n n n 78� 1743 Ames 1 � n 7?(5 n n n n H 55? 389 E. 8th 1 M �� 7766 " n n n a n i� 5 Add '1. M n �i N N " 3—M Co.� Bldg. #�21t 1080 N. Hazel 1 M �� 7?67 " n n n n a 29 Add'1. M. a Fr n h N N 21.� 850 Ba�h 1 M r� 77lSg �� n n n n n 22 Add�l. M u n u �i n N �7 881 Bush 1 M �� 776g �� �� a n � F� n 8 Addf i. k!. a n i� I! 11 N `Z �35 Bt1S�'i l. � � �77� N E� u e a �+ 9 Add�1 M. n n � a n n ei 900 B►ZS11 1 M " ?771 �R u u u �� n 2 Add'1. M. �� a u COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki [n Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIlCll BLUERY- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO• •� ���' Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMMLTTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 18 - Con't• A.R.A. c/o/ 3-M Co. B1dg. #98 878 Russell 1 M App1.7772 Rene�al n n K a �t 1.5 Add�1. M. u n n D1. W. State Bank 873 E. Minnehaha Averitie Cigarette N 7??3 " A.R.A. c% 3-M Bldg. #1l�. 900 Bush 1 M " ??7!t " n n n �� 10 Add�1. M. 'f N �� '� " " #27 880 E. Mi.nnehaha 2 Add'1. M. " 7775 F' n n u n i� 1 M n n n �' " Northwestern Bell ?0 W. 1�th St. 1 M " 7776 " u x �� a 2� Add�1. H n q u w a Nstional Bank Bldg. 55 �. 5th 1 I� " 7??7 n n �t tt n u 6 Add'1. M. n n N '� " Northwestern Bell 223 Plato 1 M " 7778 " n t� n �+ 3 Add�1. M. u n a p � St. John�� Hospital lt03 Mar3.a , 1 M " 7779 " a p i� N 15 �d�1. 1�. n n n MidWest Yending a/o ?�t0 River Dr. 1 M " 77$}� TM N n a 2 Add�1. I� n n u N M Jad� Wong 3b? Selby 1 M " ?785 " �� " Hat�I.ine 3tudent Gtr. 1536 He�itt 1 M " 7786 't n n n N � Add�1. M. n �� u u " Ra.y Hessler 80 S. Snelling 1 M " TT87 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E - CITV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE COUIICll 261��9 BLUERY=M6PAOR�TMENT . GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �� Council Resolution Presented By �CENSF COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 19 - Con't. Mid�rest Vending Co. c/o National Can Co. 139 Eva 1 M App.7788 Renew�l n u p � 2 Add�l. M u n n '� '� Maxine Mueller 859 University 1 M �� 7790 " Malcalester Colle�e 1600 Grand Pool Hall 3 Tahles " 7791 '� Se�rs Roeback & Co. �.25 Ri oe St. Carpet Dealer " 7792 " Eva Za.rin 956 Galtier Beauty Shop " 7793 " Elizabeth Hu�pgry'� 525 Kenney Rd. " " 7791� " Joseph Pillis 1187 Arcade 1 M '� 7798 " a �� �2 Add�1. M. n a n Ben Mintz 187 Concord Ldy/D:G: P.U. 5ta. " 780}� " John C. Hoikka 238 Pleasant 1 M " 7806 " e n 2 Add�l. M. a u a Minnesota Knitting Mi.11.� 213 E. l�th �t. 1 M t� 7807 " Laurel Pr�hatAey 908 P�yne Beauty Shop " 78�9 '� Leonard Blo�berg 2310 W. Como Grocery A-1 " 78i0 " �� �� Cigaxette N N � Fred O�Neil Como Park 20o Pav. Rest. C-1 " ?811 " M �� On-Sale Malt 'r '� " �� �� Gigarette '� " �R Adele Rubenstein �95 Cc�mo Ave. Grocery 0••2 " ?813 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council (•�) CANARY -.D�PARTMENT Fll@ NO. ����+�1' BLUE - MAYOR _ Council Resolution Presented By ��SE COI+JNL[TTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 20 - Con�t. Adele Rubenstein �95 Como Ave. Cigarette App.7813 Renewal Ri chard Hernandez� Hamm Bldg, 1�08 St. Peter Barber " 7�14 " Adeline Stawaz�t 128 N. Clevela.nd Rest. C-1 " 7815 p ��� Adeline Stewart 128 No. Cleveland O�-Sale Malt " 781� " �� �� Off-Sale Ma1t " °� � n n Grc�cery A••], H u �� �� �� Cigarette n " �� Gri�wold Ceffee Co. c/o Ada�i.ral Merehan�� 262� Territorial Rd. 1 M App.7818 Renewsl n y H � Add�l. M � N h " Burlington Idorthex� 175 �. Ltth St. 1 M App.7819 " n „ k n 56 Add�l. M u n '� C/0 St. Paul Fire & Marine 38� Washington 1 H App.7820 " p �� �� �.2 Add�l. M. �� n n " " (�ar�don Transport 830 Hampd�n 1 M " 7821 " �� n N �� 1 Add�1. M. n n n M � Webb Publishing i999 snepard Ra. 1 M " 7g22 'r N n M �� 9 Add�l. M n o a " " Twin Town Box 890 Varrialia 1 M " 7823 " u n n u 2 Add�l. M. �� n �� Imperial Verding 3erv., Inc. 832 N. Prior V.M. Operator " ?831 " '� c/o Academy of Ha;Lrdressing 20 W. 6t1� St. 1 M '� 7832 " n Rr ►� 3 Add �1. M. N n n COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki [n Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITY CLERK COl1IlC11 ��1� 'i� PINK - FINANCE BLUERY�A�PAOR�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL �� 1 til � � File N�. Council Resolution LICENS,EE COMMITTEE Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 21 - Con't. Imperial Vending c/o Bell Cold Storage !�0 W. Ke11o�g 1 M App.7833 R.enewal " c/o Don's Towing & Automotive Serv.� 52l� I.�fsyette " ?83�t " �� " Conveyor Speciattg Co. 1003 Corning St. 1M " 783� " u a �� p � Add�1.M u N a " " Indianhead Data Processing 23� Long 1 M �� 7837 '� " " x. B. �4i11er co. 240o xasota 1 M " 783$ " " '� Ga.teway Transport�ation Co. 2230 Kasota 1 M " 7839 " n u a n 1 �dd�1� Pj �i ° n "' " Activities Hall 1��9 Wa�asha 1 M " 7$�p tr u " International Harvester ?75 Rice St. 1 M " 78�1 " " " Kaplan Paper Box Co. 130 S. Wabasha 1 M " 78�.2 " " " " " 2 Add'I.M " '� �t �� '� Kopper�s Co.� Inc. 1000 �. Haraline 1 M " 7843 " �� " I�.thographers & Photsengravers Sch. 1951 University 1 M " 78l�5 " " " Lyngblomsten Nursing Hoaie i298 N. Pascal 1 M " 78�.6 �� n r� Martin Ambulance 255 w. ltb 1 M �� 781�? " �� '� Merchants Cartage 2091 Kasota 1 M " 78lt9 " ` �� �� Northern Air�ot3.roe St. Paul Downtown Airport 1 � " 7850 " '� p " 1 Acid�1. M." " " COUIVCILMEIV Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of: K�onoKpatzki � In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY �ac Roedler Tedesco Mme.President�k� j�jtu�t JUN 2 6 �973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certi ' ed by Co ' S ry BY By Appro by Ma . Da N 97 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED JUI. 7