261517 � � OR161NAL�TO CITY CL6RK ����� w r CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N�E NO. CO LUTION ENE FORM PRESENTED BY j�CII�,SE COMMITT COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVID: That application for Sunday On Sale Liquor license made by the following applicant who is a holder of an On Sale Liquor license at the address shown, be and the same is hereby granted and in compliance with C.F. No. 235531, Ordinance No. 13755, which amends Chapter No. 308 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and Ordinances. Knight Kap Inc. 1318 W. Larpenteur Appn. 8907 New Re-passed by the City Council - Jwne 26� 1973 Yeas Butler Nays • MOAC � In Fa�ror �� Levine n MereditFl V Against � Roedler Tedesco Mme. Presiderlf, �c Hunt . JUN 2� 1�J COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19— Yeas NaYa - C� C�Z�--- Butl r R�,,`<z " Carl on}(onopA� 19� evi e Levine � .�� ered' n Favor M r dit , l Mayor Spr fkaTedescd �--� Ted Mme. Preside[t�.BtltM� - ASaivat Mr. Presid t, McCarty ��S O 1�� PU� � �� � � ' - �� lsl As Chairman of the License Committee, I believe in my opinion the P�ayor's veto has put us all in an untenable position. At this time, ' I would move to override the veto based on the following: (1) Nearly three weeks ago we asked the Corporation Counsel for a state attorney general ' s opinion. As of now, we do not have it. There have been numerous city opinions that have been conflicting on Sunday liquor. (2) Last Friday this City Council agreed to meet with neighbors and applican�t to iron out traffic and �arking problems. The public works committee is meeting tomorrow to discuss whether Huron Street should be made one way to Larpenteur or possib7y putting., in a cul de sac so traffic will not sprawl out into the residential neighborhood. I believe reasonable people should be able to sit down and iron out their problems. The License Committee has had very good cooperation from the applicant. (3) The Ntayor's veto has put in jeopardy about 100 Sunday liquor licenses and between 500 and 1,000 jobs in tf�is city, and I don't believe this is -fair and just. (4) I have been le� to believe the applicant would be willing to stay closed for 4 or 5 Sundays so the entire matter can be worked on. These are problems for the entire city that have to be settled. For t�is reason, I have made the motion to override the P�ayor's veto. " DEAN MEP,EDITH 6-?_6-73 . * . � GITY O�' SAIITT PAITL or-i�•icr or •r7ii: �i�YOiz ". ... neu�a� l��i June 22 , 1973 LAWBENCE D. GOHEN MAYO R Honorable Council President Ruby Hunt Honorable Members of the City Council Mr. Harry Marshall, City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Madam President and Members: I am today returning to you with my veto of disapproval Council File No. 261517 dealing with the Sunday liquor license for Knight Kap, Inc. , for the following reasons : On the basis of an opinion, dated June 5 , 1973 , given me by the City Attorney , I am not satisfied that Patrick' s Lounge has met all the requirements of all pertinent statutes relating to the issu�nce of the Sunday liquor license. In addition to that, Knight Kap, Inc. , doing business as Patrick's Lounge, has been less than cooperative with the residents of our city in the immediate area of the Lounge. Great traffic stress has been placed upon this community during six regular days of operation as a liquor establishment, and until the problems with the citizenry are resolved I can see no reason for the added burden of liquor on Sunday. There is apparent evidence that Patrick' s Lounge has failed to comply with a special use perrait pertaining to its parking lot in that the parking lot has not been constructed and maintained as required by the plans and specifications submitted to the Building Department and the Saint Paul City Council. I have requested the office of the City Attorney to seek clarification of the Sunday liquor law by requesting an opinion of the Attorney General of the State of Minnesota, said opinion relating to whether "the principal part of the business is the serving of food. " It is important that this matter be relayed to Knight Kap, , Inc. , but also that this 4uestion have uniform application throughout the entire State of Minnesota. I do not agree with the requirements of the State law and feel that citizens should be able to have a drink on Sunday whether they eat or not; however, the State law is what governs our issuance of licenses and until that law is changed, we will abide by the rule of law. ely, LDC:lmp NCE D. C Mayor 22 . Y • . , ' As Chairman of the License Committee, I believe in my opinion the Mayor's veto has put us all in an untenable position. At this time, I would move to override the veto based on the foilowing: (1) Nearly three weeks ago we asked the Corporation Counsel for a state attorney general ' s opinion. As of now, we do not have it. There have been numerous city opinions that have been conflicting on Sunday liquor. (2) Last Friday this City Council agreed to meet with neighbors and applicant to iron out traffic and parking problems. The public works committee is meeting tomorrow to discuss whether Huron Street should be made one way to Larpenteur or possibly putting in a cul de sae so traffic will not sprawl out into the residential neighborhood. I believe reasonable people should be able to sit down and iron out their problems. The License Committee has had very good cooperation from the appiicant. (3) The Mayor's veto has put in jeopardy about 100 Sunday liquor licenses and between 500 and 1,000 jobs in this city, and I don't believe this is fair and just. (4) I have been led to believe the applicant would be wilTing to stay closed for 4 or 5 Sundays so the entire matter can be worked on. These are problems for the entire city that have to be settled. For this reason, I have made the motion to override the Mayor's veto. � � DEAN MEREDITH 6-26-73 � zs1� W�LIC�[TO lRINTRR �� . ` CITY OF ST. PAUL �N�� NO OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�.OMMIS�SIONER � � DA� �'If��! � �1i �q� !OT �f� � �1� �ql#0�' � �M � � te1�+Or� i��t �e is a 1al�r vt � t�s A�3� L�o� 3ie�w� at tlM aih�rr �oia�, � �t �w► aw i+r IMreNa► ��i a�t !s aa�,�a�a�� ritl� ii.l. M�. �3�i � �e. 3,3'��, wiieh arra�s CLapt�r l�c. 308 ot t►l� tt• lla�3. L�a3atiN 1'ioV �uii �M. �t fap Iac. 331$ Y. Ls�tt�r A�t. �907' �w► Re-passed by the City Council - June 26� 1973 Yeas Aays � Butler ,�, . ��t ,� In Fa�vcr Konopatzl� ''� Levine ,MeretfitFi - Agaittst � Roedler 7���- Atiint . � JUa a a � Cp�CII,�N Adopted by the Co�an� 19_ Yeas Nayia Butler �� arl n Kor�o�' Approvea 19— tevirae � ``", • e Meredi�H . ,, , { Tr Favor di� ��r Tedescp ��*,. e esco Mrne. I�e�� � AB'ainst Mr. P esid t, McC �' . . . ��� . CF a��s�� - _ 4 ' ' ' �°' � � '7 � WALTER R .HANSON ,�, ; CoMn+irrees: DISTRICT 828 � ti APPROPRIATIONS RAMSEY COUNTY � � DIVISION O�N WELFARE-CORRECTIONS, 1138 HAGUE AVE. VICE-CHAIRMAN ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 - " — ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION AND �....;: '�1 '� _._-_'.... �" 'ir:� � NATURAL RESOURCES �� �F 'y"� ` FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND IN6URANC! #�4 _— - __ �_.:- ' _ HIGHER EDUCATION -...__. .- - _..�.-_ �"- -"- � ` TRANSPORTATION ��a�e o�.�TCtrcrceso�a HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MARTIN OLAV SABO, Speaker October 9, 1973 Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk City - County Offices 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Recently the problems of the Patrick Lounge have come to my attention. I have been reviewing the complaints and the many reports and petitions. The position of the City Attorney, in his letter to Commissioner Meredith, and the questions he raised, have not in m� review of the matter, been met by the Patrick Lounge. My personal belief is that the Council acted ilZegaZly in overriding the Mayor's veto of the Sunday permit. Because of this belief, I wouZd like to request of the Council a reopening and review by them of the whole question. The many complaints the vice squad reports and the petitions can't alI be wrong. If the Council is serious in its goal of making St. Paul a better place to work and live, some positive response must be forth- coming. As a state legislator, it might be necessary to review the legislation with an eye to tightening up so there would be no question of what qualifies as a pZace to be open on Sunday. I would appreciate hearing from you as to what action may be taken. Sincerely yours, G��2�v G/��ti�-�LC��'�/y� �� � Walter R. Hanson �J State Representative �� WRH:es �'� c: Keith Hanzel, City Attorney �.;� Members of the City Council � �'�� ;�°::.;p:i. M�,Y 3: �973 Co�ancilmaxx Dean M�r�dith Chairaian, Lic�nse Comm.tttee Room 70?+, Ci,ty Ha11 St. Pau1., Minnesot�, Dear Sir: At tocls�y's Ci�Gy Council meeting, Mr. Gerry Filla, �pxe�entin� neighbors in th� aree, oP ]Garp�nteur and I�an, r�flerred to the operation of Patrick's Zounge at University and Iiuron and said the requireme�t� of th� p�rking lot permit heve not b�en e�lied w�ith, there are certai.n Yruie��ea 3.n connection wi�h the npere,- tion of the egtabli�sh�nt �usd the City law xegarding Sunclay Qn Sa7,e liquar sa.l.es may be invalid due to a, contlict with State law. The City Council adopted a motion referring the matt�r to the L3c�ns� C�mnitt� for con�rideration. Your� very �ruly, City Clerk AHO:�m�,r ��y 3, �973 Mr. K�ruieth P'itzpatz�3.ck City Attar�ne� Rooan 6�+7, C3.ty H�].1 S�. Paul, N�i1innesot�, ' Dear Sirt At today'� City Cavncil �eeting, Mr. t3erry Filta, dttorney for neighborhaod ra�3den�at appeered and xaised �erta3n queetion� cancerning the rezoning o�" progerty in tltie are�t ot T�arpenteur and Huron St., refex�d ta et restriction c�trenar�t limiting the use o�` �ertein prop�rty, referred ta a.pprova�,7. af a parking lot requ3ring a �r�en �trip along the east side af tlt�e propertY, wh�.ch ht�� not been com�plied with, eind urg�ad that th� eac�.t 3n tl� r�etr�.�te8 are+� be c].oaed. A m�tion af the Coun�il aaa adopteed requQat3r�g t2� City Attorney to in�i�3ate an inve�atigation of the me�tter in di�eu��ion �rith tbe a�tcarney for tl�e� re�sidenta, w�.�h a report b�ck tc� t'�e Caunci2.. (The f'1.1� of infoz�mation pre�ented by Mr» FiLla w�a tur�aed canr�r to the C3ty Attorniey at the City Ccx�n�il me�ting.) Youret very truly, Cfty C1erk ABC3:�mia� -�--- ..---- � ,<� nr��, 3` ° 1 � �� ��afe o�,�I�ircrcesofa ` � � ' . . `�' �� =� � ;:: .�� . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES '°; ` , - - "' 9 OCT� � ' ._. WALTER R.HAN30N ��7'3 DIBTRICT 82B ... �: , . �,., .. �'�_'�' ��[��-�_ _ �' 1188 HA6UE AVE. gT,PAUL, MINNESOTA 88104 14 Mr. Harr� MarshaZl City Clerk City - County Offices � .Z5 West KeZlogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � �