261494 WH17E^ - ITV CLERK � 1 (�(1����,, PINK - �INANCE COU11C11 l� BLUGRY�MAYORTMENT ITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. N�� f ` ' ` ouncil esoluti n Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � �_`�� . ��� WHEREAS, The City Planning staff in conjunction with the Mayor, City Administrator and Budget Director has developed an Overall Program Design setting forth a proposed yearly work program which emphasizes heavily a continuous process of policy formulation and capital improvement planning; the integration of planning and programming through a management team in the Mayorts office consist- ing of the City Administrator, the Planning Coordinator, and the Budget Director; and effective coordination of all the local planning efforts currently taking place in City operating departments , single- purpose public agencies, private agencies and foundations, and neighborhood planning groups, and, WHEREAS, The Mayor of the City of Saint Paul has endorsed this approach and by letter of May 14, 1973, forwarded the Overall Program Design with an application for assistance through June 30, 1974, in the amount of $200, 000 fxom the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and, WHEREAS, The Overall Program Design as developed meets federal directives which require utilization of 701 funds to en� hance the management and decision-making capability of Saint Paul ' s elected officials and has received enthusiastic endorsement by the HUD Area Office, and, WHEREAS, Approval of the application for funding by HUD is subject to a committment by Saint Pau1 to hire from fifteen to twenty additional pro£essional staff by January 1, 1974, and, WHEREAS, The City Council endorses and supports the con- cept that planning and implementation must be closely tied and that all local planning efforts must be closely coordinated, now, COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler For pprov y C' tt ey Adopted by Council: Date ., Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date oved b M or � S bmission o Co cil C�NG+ . By WHITE - CITY CLERK . PINI° � - fMNANCE (jITY OF SAINT PAUL Council 261��4 CAN�RY - dEPARTMENT BLU� _ =MAVOR File NO. ` ' ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 , therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council does hereby indicate its intention of complying with the requirements established by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. This would be accomplished through a combination of transfers of existing qualified city staff to the Planning Department and the hiring of sufficient additional employees so that the professional staff strength of the City Planning Department will be increased by between fifteen and twenty additional positions consistent with the attached charts, explanation of 701 funding, and proposed budget attached hereto and made a part of this resolution. COUIVCILMEIV Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of: �Innt� Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith b Against BY g�c Roedler Tedesco , Mme.President BuLIeL x„�t JUN � 1 � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Cer ied s ed by Co i y BY By Approv by Maxo Date �973 Appr ed by M or fo Submission to Coun '1 �� � By wUbuswEO JUN 2 3 1973 �����r��� ��� c !'i�' � �� ��� ►t��';^-,u! �. ,.I' :•� �-� �� ► �!`c'ci �.r�i�<.G. r.r� � I-�� �{ l Y ./\i�!`fi 1 I`d i� ( !=<,i;�'F'�(!; "'t b��i�;�. ���/'�i`�d[� C�. P.�9,���Z;TE:P �..� June 2�, 1973 i,;.=_ M�a;�ar Lavrrencc T�. Coh.er.. Council Fr,�sident Ruby Iiunt Cotznci.J_�rian RosaLie L. Butlez� Counci�.man ti,lil:tiam Kouop�tzk:i _ Cour;cilmin Lec.�ard �d. Letrine , Caua�ylnaTi :�eai_ i�iere.di�.�.� Cotmcelman. Pai_r.ick Roedler Counci:Lmu,_�. Victor J. Teuesco ' t°� ! /t FR: F'ran�c D. P4a�-.��.te.11i ';`t, � i f�.r i l � i ! ;r-.. k?e are t:rans��:itti:r..� for you,� cansideration and approval var:i:3uc doc:ument:� �Flatir�� t.o the c�ganization and budget oi �l�e C_�t:y P1ar�n:ing De,>a.r.tm�rAt. Ttie; are as follows: , � u,-,.,,�co�� P.���,.i,,+_?_on ., �..,...,..�._ 2) Cx;ani.zatianal Chart 3} i';�;dt e� Cor�parison nr.-3 Proposal 4) Pr.opc>>ed ctaff�ng P1an 5� r,xr?lanation of 701 Funding 5) Le��ters fro�� J��omas reeney� Area Director- HUD `I`riese items are Gein� cietivered to you Loda.y in preparatior. fo�- di�cussi.on by th� City Council at its Thur�day, June 21, meetii}g. � FDM/ca Attach_. � �ity F-9a�i, �aint �ai,{, P��t�r-�r��es:>t��� s5it�z �;'y°,>•,�� 1 ` � ', `, CITY OF SAINT PAUL � OFFICE OF THE MAYQR �61� Y PLANNiNG DEPARTMENT � EN f�1. COUGHLIN VINC T � PLANNING COORDIN.ATOR htEMO RA "1DUM to: "`ayor La��rrence D. Cohen from: Vi ncen t '1. Cou�hl i n subject: !:ork °roaram and ��aff Requirements City ?lannino Depart^�ent, �Jffice of the !'ayor date: hlay 31 , 1973 t�lew demands for areatly increased olannine and �ara�ement capability are beina sir;�ultaneouslv aenerated �y the new City Charter v�ith its attendant structure reorganization and by federal revenue shar;na, particularly corvnunity develop- ment blocl: grant leoislation. It is widely recoanized that such federal assistance, ��ith fe�•� or no strings , t�ri11 drastically alter an�t increase denands uoon runici�al aovernment. l.to to no:v, local discretion in the use of available . federal assistance has been highly lir�ited due to the categorical nature of qrant oroorams. `�:ith tne constraints of cater.orical pronrams removed, it ,•�ill be u� to the Ci*y to �eterr^ine its o;•rn priorities , to analyze its own problems , . and develoo stra�ecies to neet tne�. inis will create ne��r ooport��nities but realiZation o�' th�se ooqortunities ��ill not he °as�i. (a) �t a �inir��.:m, the City could simoly atter�t to arbitrate the �rec+ictable conpetitian for li�!ited doll�rs amon� a�encies alreac�y '�eavily im olved ►•�ith federall�� assistec! nroorams. This 4��ould mean that fun�s ;•�ou1d continue to be allocat°�! for tne �ontin�ance of prograr:s res�ondinr, pri^arily to the sp2ci�ic renui�rerients or �resent cate^oric�l quidelines ratner tnan to locall�� d�terminedCit��� needs and ob�ectives, ard vrould represent a failure to take advantage of the r�st i;�nortant benefits of revenue sharing. (b) Instead, a ne�•r and creative eraqran mix could, an� I believe should, evolve, based on a thorouan-roir� analysis of t�e City's needs and onnort��nities , i�norina neither previous co�nitnents or new opportunities, and intenratino revenue sharing .funds �.�it� a total plan for all capital exoenditureso Under revenue sharinc� it �vill also be necessary to exoand the definition of capital expenditures to incorporate City proorams relative to social services and human resources. Fortunately, the net�� City Charter provides an organizational structure which will support developnent of the management capability needed to utiiize resources 4rith maxir�um effectiveness. The positions of the City Adr�inistrator, the pudaet Oirector, the Grants-in-Aid Coordinator, and the Planning Coordinator in the Office of the 421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 298-4151 � � � �°'ayor Lai�rrence D. Cohen - 2 - ��!ay 3l , 1973 creates a centralized r�anaae�ent team v!ith the potential for effective plannino related directly to community decision-makin� needs. !�Jith adequate staff support and with reaular and extensive citizen participatior. in plannin� activities, the proaram that 1�as been o�itlined can provide elected officials with the necessary frameti•rork wi thi n �•rhi ch probl er�s and opoortuni ti es can be acc;�r�tely pi npoi nted and resources allocated in a nanner �•�hich contrib�ates r^ost effectively to mutually agreed upon city-1•�ide Qoals. The attached floti•r chart (Attach►�ent A) depicts the process and seqiience pr000sed in order to orovide a framewor'r, for decision r�aking. (1 ) In order to identify city needs and make rational resource allocation decisions, it �•�ill first be necessary to develop a reasonably cor�prehensive understandina of the �resent "state of the City." t�l�hat� are the si�nificant oroblems and issues effectin� Saint Paul? t�lhat are the *�resent trends in �opulation change and in develc�ment, and »hat are the ir�plications of these trends for the future? !�Jnat has been the result of exoenditures for pubiic imorovements? and public expenditures for private development over the last several years? t�Jhat are the si Gni fi cant i ssues �-�hi cf� ���e face as one of two core ci ties i n a larqe metropolitan area? 'r�hat v��e are proposinq is that questions such as •these be aooroached throuah a thorou�h analysis of pooulation composition, an updatina of the City's economic and market anal�!sis, and an inventory and re-evaluaiion of all onaoina public policies, both formal and informal , relat- inq to transportation, ho�isina, cor!�unity facilities, retail trade and service, industry and hur�an resources. (2) t-lhen this "inventory" of the City is completed, it will be necessary to establish objectives and identify alternative strateaies for meeting tn6r�. :�ihat options are open to the City ti•rith re4ard to public oolic_v? How can the Citv use the limited financial resources available to it in a ratianal manner to encouraqe tf�ose trends �,�rhich �roduce the Qreatest benefit and discouraqe those which are detrinental? r�Jhat oppor.tunities exist for effective coop�ra- tion bett��een t��e �ublic and private sectors to resol�e orohlens and seize new o�QOrtanities for Saint Pau1 's hetterr�ent? (3) 4nce the strate�ies hav� hpen det?rr±ined, thev nust he transiated into dollar co,�^^�i*nents or resource allocations. I± ��rill not 5e �ifficul* to identify extensive needs for fun�s availahle. �n the cnntrar,v, oiven thA scarcitv of resources relative ±o reecs, it �vill be a challeneina an�! cor-�lex task ±o estahlish priorities: To identify those activities which wi11 orauuce the �reatest overall �enefit and to �rovi�±e a time se�uence for their imple�enta- tion. This is the raison d'2tre of the entire �lannin� oper�tion: Enablina the �-ia��or and Counci 1 to soend ou�l i c �ol l ars and exaer,d e�!�l i c effort i n the manner ��rhich�roc+uces the maximun return in the oua 7tY of 11`e accessible to both St. Pa�,�l 's aresent and future citizens. (�) It is proposed that r�uch of the inventory, analysis and strategy planninc� work will be accomplished by planning department staff workinc with Technical Advisory Committees established for each of severa] specific functional areas such as housing, industry, retail trade and service, corr�nunity facilities, transportation and demogra!�hic anal;�sis. The corn�ittees wi11 consist of representatives of various departr�ents and a�encies involved in develoo;:ient and operation of facilities and/or services as �•�ell as appropriate representa- tives from the private sector. This will heip to ensure that continuina plannino work remains closely related to onnoin!� operations and that the strategies finally arrived at represent a broad consensus rather than a series of isolated and unrelated proposals. t ` - 3 - May 31 ,� 1973 (5) The oraanizational chart (Attachment B) outlines each basic activity area and the staffino required to undertake the work involved in each. The overall olannin� concept is further c+escribed, and the work areas further detailed, in the Overall Pro�rar� Desi�n transmitted to each Council member under separate cover. In addition to the plannina in various functional areas mentioned above for ti�rhich Technical Advisory CorJnittees would be established, activities reflected in tne chart include: (a) Continued zoning administration and continued develoqment of the new ordinance proposed. (b) Developnent of the city-�•ride citizen participation network and involvement of citiiens in �lanning activities. (c) Policy planning coordination--synthesis of develop�ent strategies across all functional areas and development of lonaer range goals and policies for the City. (d) Continued dev2lopnent and refinement of the Ca�ital Improvement Planning process. Tnis process will orovide the basis for the broader ranae of resource allocation decisions which ti�ill� be required in the future. (e) Development of a continuous ti�rorking relationshin with other area olannina agenci es, i ncl udi r a tne t?etronol i tar. Counci 1 , the Ci ty of i ti nneaool i s and Ramsey County. (f) Establishin� the already-initiated coordinated planning for social services on a continuinc; basis, fuller development of olannina for human resources, and intearation o` hur�an resource objectives with physica] and economic developnent oh.iectives. . (�) CarryinR out ±he nu�ero�.is special plannin� studies for Svhich ir�^�ediate needs arise in m�etirg cor!�unity decision-makinq needs. Some of t�ie activities ��rhicn appear on the orQanizational chart and in the Overall Progran �esicn reflect not only local needs but federal requirenents connected evith the plannine assistance Grant. Tnese inciude the housing ele�ent, environmental planning, an� attention to equal or�portunity. The staff requirem�nt for the t,rork as outlined on the orq�nizational chart is a 'tot�l of 33 orofessionals and para�rofessionals, an addition of lg positions to the oresent planning de�a.rtment staff. (See 4ttachr!ent C. ) P, minim��r� of tti�relve to fifteen positions must be created and staffed in the ir�ediate future if we are to conmence the t•rork described in our apolication to FIl10, and to demonstrate signifi- cant progress so as to assure continued federal fundina. Rs indicated previously, to the extent existin� staff ti��ith the requisite skills an�+ backareunds can be transferrec+ to the oianning departmznt, it a1i11 reduce the necessity for outsi�e recruitinc?. . Si erely, �� . `------� �-�-' • C����_ Vt�1C•da ti►i ncent �-1. Couahl i n ' cc• F. "•1arzi tel l i pl anr.i n� Coor�+i nator � o �,1a++cnn y ro b ro ro d � • O r r-+ r� r+ r. . O 9 G :. � � � f�D ri r : � � � � f� G. '`. a. � r ro rT �- , • � �t n K O � > o�' �s w . �"'• H h-I f-I (T . G r-? -, ti C p rJ fD ri rt �n n � r• n r• Q� � tA � N • o r_ M .a w �- c• � w� �, x �, x .� � � n c . �^l f: r, C G p r -n-1 y� `G -� - � n �� 3 m �y . � . .. . A y � n �• _ � a < r. r. rr y � G n � y !� O �^i :.I r�I ^�G' � � V� � C� N N N N �--' C� O " �"a M � r: a � m D � Cl� f� G �"i '� fD r-! r'S < F r• �' V� O .O �'i v z � r i � 0o r a+ �n o� tv O a � . a c. � � , . t ' � c _, . Y,S� — CVTY c�=�r. � . plNi� — F'itVs�,VCF_ �7 {`� T T' . CAi��IARY — DE_F,.RTMt1�T '�� GI1� OF I�J��SN3 ��AITL � Council c"�LUE — MAVnR �I� � _ . u Fi_e N�. �._ �n��� ����l�tZO� �'resented By _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ti9HEREAS, The Cit� Planning staff in conjunction with the l�layor, City Administrator and Budget Director has developed an Overall Program Design setting forth a propased yearly work program which emphasizes heavily a continuous process of policy formulation and capital improvement planning; the integration of planning and programming through a management team in the Mayor' s office consist- ing of the City Administrator , the Planning Coordinator, and the Budget Director; and effective coordination of alI the locai planning efForts currently taking place in City operating departments , single- purpose public agencies, private agencies and foundations, and neighborhood planning groups, and, WHEREAS, The Mayor of the City of Saint Paul has endorsed this approach and by letter of May 14, 1973, forwarded th� Overall Program Design with an application for assistance through June 30, 197�, in the amount of $200, 000 from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and, WHEREAS, The Overall Program Design as developed rrzeets federal directives which require utilization of 701 funds to en- hance the management and decision-making capability of Saint Paul ' s slected officials and has received enthusiastic endorsement by the HUD Area Office, and, WHEREAS, Approval of the application for funding by HUD is subject to a committment by Saint Paul to hire from fifteen to twenty additional professional staff by January 1, 1974, and, WHEREAS, The City Council endorses and supports the con- cept that planning and implementation must be closely tied and that all local planning efforts must be closely coordinated, now, COUVCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Nteredith T Against BY — Sprafka Tedesco b4me .President Butler I I For Approve y� y tt ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary � �Y - � By I :1pi-�;°d 'oy llapor: iJate A oved by Mayor for Submission ±o Council �y , - I � /9<T/�_ �"'NI.T�E .. CITY CL_RY, P�ui� -- F�riANCE. V ITY � '� �.Jt�l .�\ � 1 l.y l} Ii �011riCll C'�F.N.;,F; -�UEPAP,T"dENT File NO. :3i±�F _ nnnvoa C����il �e.�o�u�idn Presented �3v Referred To Committee: IIate Out of Committee By Date Page 2 . therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council does hereby indicate its intention of complying with the requirements established by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. This would be accompli,shed through a combination of transfers of existing qualified city staff to the Planning Department and the hiring of sufficient additional employees so that the professional staff strength of the City Planning Department will be increased by between fifteen and twenty additional positions consistent with the attached charts, explanation of 701 funding, and proposed budget attached hereto and made a part of this resolution. COUNCILI�IEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY � Sprafka Tedesco � l��Ime.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By r'�pproved by ?,ia�or: Date Approved by i�iayor ior Submission to Council BY — - — — BY --- . , . �� �.. � , , . : . _ , . � ;��-_ _r . ,_. _ _._ __ .._ __.__ __ _..__ __ _ _ _, _ __ .. -_ . - - - .. . � _ � _. _ -_ . ,_ _�;. , „ . -�� �� .. . ._, ,,, _ _ , �6�a�Y� '-- CITY c�CRr. . `II°. �-�r1K � Ft�JiwNCE � r7� COIILlCLI � „, CANAR. —OtFARTMENT ��' �I i� �F SAINT PAiTL ♦�J� ���c� ��I�'� �' '. ,.. _ 81uE — t��nroti . f� � . . � - �'11C' � � �IYIi. � . . .�. � .�/ �/ . _ � -w�� s.. � . . . .., , .. ,.�;: ._.. ��2CZ� �e50�Z1 tZD12 = : . �-�---� . Presented By . rt, Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � ti'VHEREAS, The City Planning staff in conjunction with the l�7ayor, City Administrator and Budget Director has deve3vped an Overall Program Design setting forth a propased yearly work program which emphasizes heavily a continuous process of policy formulation and capital improvement planning; the integration of planning and - programming through a manag�ment team in the Mayor� s office consist- ing of the City Administrator , the Planning Coordinator, and the Budget Director; and effective coordination of aII the local planning efforts currentZy taking place in City operating departments, single- purpose public agencies , private agencies and foundations, and neighborhood planning groups, and, � WHEREAS, The Mayor of the City of Saint Paul has endorsed � this approach and by letter of May 14, 1973, forwarded the Overall � Program Design with an application for assistance through June 30, 1974, in the amount of $200, 000 from the Department of Housing and - Urban Development, and, - WHEREAS, The OvQra3.1 Pr�ogram Design as develvped meets federal dzrectives whic� require utilization of 70I funds to en- hanc� the management and decision-making capability of Saint Pau1'' s elected officials and has received enthusiastic endorsement by the �UD Area Offi,ce, and, � tiVHEREAS, Approval of the application for funding by HUD � is subject to a committment by Saint Pau1 to hire from fifteen �o tti,�enty additional professional staff by ,3anuary 1, 1974, and, WHEREAS, The City Council endorses and supports the con- cept that planning and implementation must be closely tied and that all local planning efforts must be closely coordinated, now, COUNCILMEN ` Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: - Hunt ' Konvpatzki In FavOr : � Levine , , _ , hleredith _�_ Against By `� Sprafka _ Y , Tedesco Mme.President Butler For Approve y C' y tt ep � � Adopted by Council: Date . r�� � � . C�c�� ...�-� . Certified Passed by Councit Secretary �y �-l;�--- — � B , �� y . .,,, � ' J � A ved by Mayor for 5ubmissiort to Councii >ApF.;c•�d by ,1layor: Date � :�i'P.�''�. � .:, �. , . `- - ---�►�.,r�.�_ .T.'�_-.,�7G�r•s.ma��.°'�a�.x,rrrrar .__._•a.�___.- . . . _ . . . ... . . . _ . ---'.. ,......,._�._._�.._ . . .. . . . . � ��x e��Ffi-TLr ..^_CITY�CLERK _ . .. . .. . . . -�.� . . . _. . . _.- ' ptNK , r- F:NANCE � � T TT �. COUSLCIl � C,�NA12Y .-�DEPARTMENT. � � �GITY OF SAIN.1 PAl1�L � �r � - .�;,,6LtJ6. ..'-MAYOR . � . . � rll@ NO. ' . �� � C���cil �esol�stian r- a� � =� � ..:� � ,��xesented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. .:� therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council does hereby indicate - � its intention of complying with the requirements established by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. This would be accomplished through a combination of transfers of existing qualified city staff to the Planning Department a�nd the hiring of sufficient additional employees so that the prof�ssionaT staff �, strength of the City Planning Department will be increased by he:�ween fifteen and twenty additional positions consistent with .� t�if� at�tached charts, explanation �t 703 funding, and proposed t:1aug��� attached hereto and m�de a part of this resolution. . �g . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. , . � . ..� . � � �� . . - . , ' . . � . . . . � . . �� � . :. . . ... . COUNCILI�IEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki Iri FaVO[ Levine � Meredith Against By Sprafka Tedesco ' i�1me.President Butler ' ' Form Approved by City Attorney w- '.s Adopted by Council: Date - , :, , Certified Passed by Gouncil Secretary BY — ., � . , - i . , i Hy Approved by 1�Ia�•or:_ Date P Y y ssion to Caunczi Ao roved b Ma or for Submi ; - " -: r _ , ; - � : gy . ° -- By _ ---- 1 � � - � .. ,� � � �� � � � _ �..-:.�.�.�:� CENTRAL M ANOR � '� LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS 26 EAST EXCHANGE STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 222-3178 , June 2�, 3973 To: ,'�iemb�rs of the City Co�.�nciZ Fro�. St.Paul Lea��ae or '�Jo�zn Voters; i�aryl�n Deneen, Chm. P�anning 3� Zonin� Co�aittee. i�ier�yce i�ayne, President. Re: Full st,�.ffing for F.lannin� - Im�le�en�in; 703 �rant. The St.Paul Le�gue of Women Votsrs,for many years ha.s been seeking the adoption of a current co�prehensive �lan for Sz.Pau1, and provision for ade:�uate sta.ff to �aintain a currnnt status. With a new charter.�rovidinb the ser��.ration of the administrative responsibility frora the leoislative - the polic� making - resronsibility, a_nd with the reorgGniz- ation �rocess we21 towarcis acco��I.ish,.�nent, St.Paul is now i� the best of pos3-iions to f-a].ly i�plerent a s�sten of ��annin; which �i.11 not be done sepa.rately and in isolation, by rr:any deFar�ents. The responsibility of decision is in y*our ha.nds. We urge you to support the adjustment required to i.m�lene:�t the 701 planning �,T3Tlti. �e ask you to ya.ke tne neces5ary co:.�-mit�ent to insure an adequate prafessi�n�.l st�.ff and �I.annin4 progra.m t� accomglish these goals. We are �ilewise concerned t:�at the professional Staffing requE:�ted by HffD be su�Forted so that the Works.ble Pr�gran in our urban renewal eiforts :r�Gy c�ntinue; so that the 7 to 9 :nillion dollars of federal fund;.ng for the :�eighborhood De�relopnent Progra.mw Fr3.I1 not be lost. __� __ _ _ _ _- - v:H1;E -- G�Tr CLERK � � � � �'>:k - F�titiNCE �� T /� ('+��-� � T} C011t1C11 C4`�i.R�� - U-RARTMENT �yTY '11�1 �JA�i\T� i?A�T� r ,! 9LJE - �.1AVpF2 L'1�2 1`l0. ���B2�CZ� �����Z����fl�l Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City Planning staff in conjunction with the Mayor, City Administrator and Budget Director has developed an Overall Program Design setting forth a proposed yearly work program which emphasizes heavily a continuous process of policy formula�Cion and capital improvement planning; the integration of planning and programming through a management team in the Mayor' s office consi.st- ing of the City Administratox, the Planning Coordinator, and the Budget Director; and effective coordination of all the local planning efforts currently taking place in City operating departments, single- purpose public agencies , private agencies and foundatians, and neighborhood planning groups, and, WHEREAS, The Mayor of the City of Saint Paul has endorsed this approach and by let�er of May 14, 1973, forwarded the Overall Program Design with an application for assistance through June 30, I974, in the amount of $20Q, 000 from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and, WHEREAS, The Overall Program Design as deveZoped meets federal directives which require utilization of 701 funds to en- hance th.e management and decision-making capability of Saint Paul ' s elected officials and has received enthusiastic endorsement by the HUD Area Office, and, WHEREAS, Approval of the application for funding by HUD is subject to a committment by Saint Paul to hire from fifteen to twenty additional professional staff by January l, 1974, and, WHEREAS, The City Council endorses and suppor�s the con- cept that planning and implementation must be closely tied and that all local planning efforts must be closely coordinated, now, COUNCILI�'IEN Requested by Department of: Yeas N ays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine �4eredith Against By Sprafka Tedesco �Ime.President Eutler For Approve y C'���1tt `ey Adopted by Council: Date C��.�f/� � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY— B;� � <'lppro�.ed b; .'�Iat�or: Date _ �pp�o�'ed by iYlayor for Submission ?o �:ou;cil , i BY II �� --- Yli-f!7C - C!TY CI.ERK t � � Pl*^,K �-� FtNANCE v T� COI1RC11 C�r`iNARY - DEPARTMENT GI� 1 OF ��li7T� P��TL B�ue - n,invo� Fi[e ��. C����i� ������ti�a� Presented By Referred To Commiitee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 , therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council does hereby indicate its intention of complying with the requirements established by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. This would be accomplished through a combination of transfers of existing qualified city staff to the Planning Department and the hiring of sufficient additional employees so that the professional staff strength of the City Planning Department will be increased by between fifteen and twenty additional positions consistent with the attached charts, explanation of 701 funding, and proposed budget attached hereto and made a part of this resolution. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Koncpatzki In Favor Levine bTeredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco hlme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by `?ayor: Date _ Approved by l�iayor for Submission to Council . � S�' — BY —- ---..�. _. / CENTRAL M ANOR +�✓ ���� 26 EAST EXCHANGE STREET G LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS ST. PAUL, MfNNE50TA 55101 222-317H 3une 2i, 1�j73 To: �Ier�bers of the City Co•:�ncil Fro�s St.Pau� Lea.��ae o= '�+o�an Voters; i:�ryljm De�een, Chm. Piannino s� Zoning Com�aittee. P%�ertiyce I�iayne, President. Re: FuZl st,a.ffina for E].anning - I�pler.�en�in�; 70i grant. The St.Pau1 League of Wo�e� Votsrs,�or raany years ha.s been seeking �he �doption oi a c•arrent comprehensive plan for St.Paul, 2nd provision for ade�uate staff to rr_aintain a currnnt sta.tus. With �. new ch�.r�er providino the sep�.ration of the ad�inistrative responsibility fro�a the leoislative - the �olicy making - responsibility, a_nd with the reorganiz- ation process well �ow�,rds acco�plish�.�ne�.t, St.Fau1 is now i� the best of posit3ons ta f►z11y �ple:e:�t a s;;ste� of plannin� which will not be done separately a.nd in isolation, by rcan�� depa.rt,�ents. The responsibility of decision is in your ha.nds. We urge you to s�.z�port the adjusttcent reKUir�d to im�le�ent the 701 pla.nning grant. 6�e ask you to s�ake the necessary co::imitment to insure a,n. adequatQ profesai�nal staff a.nd pla.nnin4 progra� to acc��plish these goa3s. We are lilewise concerned tnat the prafsssional staffing requested by HUD bs suYported so tnat the Workable Proorasa in our urk�� renewal elforts may continue; so t,hat the 7 to 9 million do��la.rs of fede-raI funding fc�r tne �lei6hborhood De;reloF�ent Pro�r�� wiil not bs lost. � •} 4 � �ood n�r��orr:lance �-�i ?1 res�al t i n s�o�i�s h^.i nc� ;rac�e a��ai 7 abl e, a Year I I I �rant �f �1�O,��C (nenc'in7 i75,:)00 loc�l sh�re) has b�en est�ma�ed for bt.idc��t p�arposes. t3er.ause f lUD operates on a fi sca� �>ear �•�hi ch ends June 30, 1973, thei r deci si on on anproving St. P��ul 's Year iI apnlication ►�ust he made before �:hen. Ir order ic� as�ure a nositive decisi�n, the City corr�itment re�a��dinn staff must be made. . i ► . EXPLA.i�lATlOfI t�F 7�{ F(I��DIPlG _ An �anderstancii ng of the fede�al (7�1 ) ri.mciinct s�i t�aafii on i s cor:�;�l i cated by the ��jc�t that the �i ty bud�r�t year and the 701 c�u�lqet year ovPr I an. '!i�i 1� tt�e Ci ty ,-�c;n; o�; a calen<4ar year firQm �)al�t9at^v zhro�tah Uec��nber, the 7(�1 is on a �iscal y��� -`�°ci� Jul_v tV;rouqh Ju��e. Ti�e att3cher� ch?�r�� atte^�pts to shc���� how ��a�i s has, ar;u� ��ci1i, apera��e in ��ela�tir�ri to �e�le�°al r�rant anci l�cal share, 1'h� ori g�nal federal cirant �tas fo� �150 ,�00 to cover ti�e,per�i od from Ju1 y 1 , 1�72 , �hro�acth J�_tne 3� , 1�73 (Year I). Renuireci local matchinn sf�are ti��as >7'5,000. T,3r- City budc!etecl �37 ,500 -from the 1972 budqet anci °`>7�,000 in the 1973 budc��t (the ex.tra �'7,500 in 197:� assumed a C011t111Udti0t1 of the 7�i �ronrarn at the same func�i nq 1 evel t�c�yond the fi rst year, !•rni ch t��olil d requi re tnat amount �s 1 ocal �har� for the f i rst hal f of a Year I I) . I n 1 ate �ctober �IUD i r�di cate�f t}iat a gran.t of �>1?..�,OQJ coul d be made ava�i lable fc�r the Year II , the reducec� ar!lo�nt, r"ram the Yea,° I le�iPl , resuiting fron loarer Conc�ressiona1 a��ro�riations. This ��iould ha.ve rec�uired a local share of �63,000, 537,�00 of ti�:�ich �•ras a1reac�y available ��rom -the 1973 C�tv �uc��nt, � t�!,��n di scussi ons on �he revi sed 701 Year I� app1 i cati on coi?�rn�nced 4vi th kIi.1D i n - /';pri l , ttte Are� Oifi�e i ndi catec! several thin�s : 1 . �r�a� CO'1CP?"11 at �ne 7�c� of }�roq�°ess under �:he Year I nrcar;ram �ue Ln �ncl i n r:i If:Y% rlillilit J �tJ1711� Jn' �Il%JJ 1�ii�i-h i.ij� c�;�t��cl"����*i.iii���.. vl ii��� J7Fi(�(1(1 �����I��1(�(� ���d�ra? , '���,00!? �c�cal ) fro��� ��h� �`225,0�0 a«��i lable, 2.4 En�h+.��iasm alsou� tsie proc�rari and �nproach beinc� develop�d by the Plannir�g �epar�t^�ien� �.�n�Pr i�s nevr leadershS�. 3. Do��bt as �tu ��ai�ether the hroposed n�o�ra� ccul d he carri ed on ti��i th present ::�:a�F c�t° �ven Yrit� thE� limited acidi�ion:tl s��af� proposec� in the a��lica�ion. ��c�xus� o� �hesc� factors tt�e follo��ain� f±andi.n� approach �•dus ?�'('C?t� upon : � � �'�� Ci�ry ,>�-i1 ? he allr�:reci 1 rrar�t o�f�50,0�0 (t�tal l•�ith 1oca1 s�i�r�� .- `Y75,OO�J} t� co�it�r �I��� pt�ri od fr��r� �January i , 1973 (��rf2�n F�7 arrni na benan ut� '!i zi��� 7!�1 - �~�nni es) t'r�rouqh J��rte ?�,� 1�?73. Ti�e rer�a�i ni nn '�1!JO ,��!� of th� �or�c�i r�al er;�nf ti�? '!7 l�� reclair::eG b,y ►�itia. � 2a �=Ur• Year ?I , F!U7 �ai�1 �ca11 ocate th� `�10�,!?r�0 reci air�ec, �;+�ri� Y�a•r• i anu �Y'(:�Vl C;? '> I l�'J,U��1 7 fl rt�4'! (�l0fle,�. t�il i�E' �:iil� ii`;F?«i15 d i u:i5 �?i o��� n�n ���.�;���u11�, �r�t asic!e �t�^ St. Paui , it sti11 r�sial�;s in a �.?.()�,()OC; r�r�,�nt (�:��0,0�0 x:otal r}r�on'r�r,�} for a one-�:�ar peri ocl (Jul y 1 , i 973 - June 30, l f�in�) , �1�1"��ii i s t��uher i;i����rt �����t'� 7e"s�n ;?1"GV'i i�:� '�0 �?��ln°�'�pC11 S O.r ;'!�.r�tJth. i, r;:,!l:aii�('_ tfl? [�Y"^vI�OSE'.t� nY"ili�Y'�f'1 Cdk';ilOf: }Jc^ Cai"Yl(.'.t'; OUf; l'lltil0i.l'!; SitJSt;<�tl'�1d� 111CT"(?c�SE.'S �ir s��f�f {H!'�? estima�:�;; 15`?�) , '�hn �'�rea OF�'ice 1-ii�I not an�r�ve t�;t. Y�a�� Xl nran t; un tz 1 �i�� (,�ty f�as ���t~mal ly cor;�mi tt�d �� th� pr°o�k��i�i on of �,�;�� sta;f. f-'. Z i� til.<' S�lf� 1 S �li r`EyC{ :-iCi� f:�lE.' r�'°C?�tY'ia.il C11"i"3^:� (?i.f� ZS o�,��i n2d? :;!1�_' :�,i��c�. '�1'!�'' i;:�? ,�ji 11 be ar:�e�n;ib�e �c� �;���n d��sc�.a�si n� a Year I I T r,.°.c�nt �a�l�,� i n �'�it��. k?�ra�.�sz l, n ra I-� ' .�l,..t- ���r � t` 't'1 �1 �? '}. f i. i . �. .ti i. 1 t, 1 S ^Xt .C��_.G'' l.rl�t, �.C. !Y°E,SS���c� i ;jl��l''i, Y 7���-1 t1i1S 'I1 �� �°_ Sl!'f�;,�;c�'?: r1l!Ird�'l"� t,11i;t? �u:i`l: l i S^.�� ;`�J::<11" d�1� J,c'C�L!'�r` ��. � �����1;`1T1�l11n '��2�7 ..Y'�i':�'�1�: �'?d5 �_":�t?i',/ 1 i��� �C:�':i;7t1 �:�?��� •� w f:] t�? fV° f-) ,-•.} {\7 tV> N f�� i�:'��> f:.i f\! N �•-1 '--� _.•.� -.' _a � � � 'r.) <..1 C� .�� i V i=J iV) t`..> _ ) C.:�C.3 '.:��� G� � r:a Ul .s+_� .�� �� _..� c� �, Cii �.�J fV Ci C7 C-� <�i�;"f :�N _.,, --� lJ V Cl (V �� 17 CI' � � • c-t- r _., :._7 c.:� _-� c� rn c n n7 n-� r -r_,cn _;�_� � �-. C� cn -:+ ,;-� �`� �� cn -� r'> �9 C:: --� -i� :�'_' .w� SL _. _} {-J ^j :�' C3 fD Sv,. . =� --'`,.S iJ �: i '--' Q c'F �.. � � ti: �R �: '-f� in �� _7 (0 'U �] _�._�, �� -� c'h Gl O Q �� � �� O R) Cn � �S' U' O !D �a cn ��. -�, c+ -�. --�. � .� c, _:,�� ,-;- ra o cr, n --° r.� r+-� --n °5 a� c-r �n v °-h -s I.�.. � ..J C7 Ca Dy C'F ;"'I' O � C'I''�J C'J�S L�+) _� ...a. °' �D d. 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'T'1 � '7'1 � � � O' N ','��'� --i N -�� '� '� �v .p �:V N :O I� p V W -A —' '�.p N �.c-i-u � p fy, ..� �� i C7. � � � �J Z O C1 J "i'! o C7"}i (n J..�J. CD t'4• C7 f��C � , L7 1?O � ..�-h � � c:1 cf� —sy � c—r � � � t ct ...{.� � n- J I V N N i J oa -+ � �7 ...ao _.r.�� I V ,.a fV � C?l :,J N I "{s -=� ;�5 � 1 � I �l ..qy ::� :. • ih� .� �� _..a p i1J "i _3 :'7 _F .-+J f -`r -h 'F i' Su � I� �, � �-j t.i7 I J 01 C.�t Ql N C� � c c_'� N a i . �csr :rt cFr :� ;a cn J � �1 ..� :L W , p N U`� l:� � .� � � � � C� W (� � `G � � �O �D W W O O t 1 1 � _ :.�A- �(1} �'✓} ..� ,...� -.-� �a _h (Sl : v � .._r `J W _;� Ui , L.'1 -'r �-! � •rI ..� �� . � � , . . � . . . . . .. � � ytNT pt s DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT - • ��� ��� � �* *o MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL AREA OFFICE .s�, �����I� e= GRIGGS-MIDWAY BUILOING, 1821 UNIVERSITY AVENUE .b�aA��,� ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 REGION V �1U'1� 9 1973 300 South Wacksr Drlve C61coQo.Illinois 60606 IN RBPLY REFER TO: S.b:PP:RCL Vincent M. Coughlin, Planning Coordinator City Planning Department Office of the Mayor City of St. Paul - , 421 Wabasha St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Coughlin: Subject: Comprehensive Planning and Management Assistance - City of St. Paul This is in response to your letter of April 6, 1973, and our recent meeting with your Planning Department staff. Our planning staff is impressed with your proposals for St. Paul's planning program and believes they represent the direction in which the City should be going. We are, however, very concerned about your ability to success- fully carry this program out without a stronger commitment by the City. Based on the City's limited performance under the existing 701 Contract and the acute lack of adequate staffing and coordinative capability over the various programs in the City, we wonder how the City will be able to achieve what you are proposing. If the City is to be prepared for special revenue sharing one year from now, it must act immediately to support the planning and management' function. One of the current priorities of the Community Planning and Management Assistance Program is to help large city governments, such as St. Paul, prepare for the increased flexibility and local responsibility which will result from enactment of revenue sharing and block grant programs. In particular, revenue sharing will place a much greater responsibility on the planning function for determining city-wide priorities and de- veloping rational approaches for allocating resources. In large part, the responsibility for the use of shared revenue wi11 rest with the Mayor and Ci.ty Council. The need for strengthening .their capacity for decision-making through planning and management is of critical importance. HUD's Community Planning and Managecn�nt Assistance can help to provide the means for St. Paul's decision-makers to coordinate the management of City policies and programs to meet St. Paul's diverse social, physical and economic needs. , _ i � � � -2- Based on evidence of the City's cor�nitment to an effective planning pro- gram, we are prepared to grant an extension on your First .Year Community � Planning and Management Assistance Program to run concurrently with your Second Year Program. In accordance with our regulations we are initially granting a three month extension which may be followed by a review and a possible additional three month extension. It is our understanding that the extension beyond the current planning year (June 30, 1973) will in- volve approximately $100,000 funding, or two-thirds of this year's grant. In addition, we are prepared to make available ,up to $100,000 of new funds to complement this funding during the second year. The new grant would be in effect from July 1, 1973 through June 30, 1974. These actions represent a commitment by HUD of up to $200,000 during the next twelve month period. At this time we are inviting you to submit a 701 application which clearly shows a strong commitment to planning and an Overall Program Design that includes preparation for revenue sharing, a housing element, a program for citizen participation, an affirmative action program for equal opportunity and a plan for addressing enyironmental concerns. To a large extent, continued HUD support and successful local programming for revenue sharing will depend on St. Paul's demonstrated progress in supporting and strengthening Iocal planning. At a time when Cities around the nation are preparing for special revenue sharing, the importance of • local support for St. Paul's program cannot be overemphasized. . We wi21 be glad to provide you with any technical assistance your staff may desire. . Sincerely, ��� � Thomas T. Feeney • Area Director cc: Mayor Lawrence Cohen -----. � • • r �"" . i ♦ � i f{yey�p� . ' I o� �;;;',.��^, y'� DEPARTME:NT OF HOUSI�IG AND Uf�BAN UE".VELOPP�tE�IT � „• �, . • • i � *. ;';' .'t.' f .x, MINNEAPOL_I,-ST. PAUL ARfA OFFiCE f % ' ;'�j;� o GRIGGS-MIDWAY BUILDING 1821 UNIVERSI7Y AVEhUE � 1 �:i;:ll:a p � . 4 °�°�3�_J T;+^' ST, PAUL, IAINNESOTA 55104 ltEr.7?C`. V, • , � 3�0 South 1��;;c';�r�civr (�(i�� � � ��j? • Chicago, Illinni> o060b '��'� �•� � ' . IN REPLY R£FER TO: �. s.6:PP:Tr ; �;anor�ible La��rence D. Coheri • �!=iyor of the City of St. Paul Roo<<i 347 City Hall � St. Pau1, riinnesota 55Z02 � llear r,ayor Cohen; ' . i , ; , Subject: Comprehensive Planning Assistance � � Project No. CP�-R�i-05-46-1008 � � Tnis letter serves to confirm our Jtne 12, 1973 meeting with you in which we discussed St. Paul's 70I planning assistance application � and Workable Program submission. � E 1 Our 701 review revealed that the St. Paul PLanning Department did ` not propose to hire sufficient proie�sional stafF during the pro- ; posed project period from July l, 1973 to June 30, 1974 to warrant � thz level of HUD fundir.g you are requestin�. In order for HUD to ` look nore favorably an your request, the City's Plann.ing Department � r:lust be prepared to hire at least fifteen additional professional � staff by January 1, 197�� with possibly five more professionals to be ! hired by June 30, 1974. If the City's Planning Department cannot i r��et this staffing level, we will reserve the right to reduce our ; allocation of 701 funds to St. Paul's planning program for the coning � year. i IJe t,�ould appreciate a response from the City of St. Paul by June 22, � 1973 in or.der to make a final decision on the appropriate fundin� ! level for St. Paul's 701. application. i If �.'r??1 �?�JE.' 2P.� Ci�,:°_S�lOP.� T"Q r c � ��a di�v this r,atter� �,lease contact T�m _ Fo�ey, niy Assistant Director for Planning and R�locatiou. t Sincer�ly, j / ' � ��(,`�,,:.." ' � , ' i .�-./� _!� �+�.=�� { ✓ `--� i `��'`Thomas T. Feeney � �� Area Director cc.. . � V:incer.t Coughlin n� � 5t. Pau1 Planning DeParL•ment � t' � ' ' .' j �e`� ��., I _ I , _� ; � '!� A 4 5 . . � .... .�'I,� ,.; . � ' " .ki,�.�, � �.,;�,. ,, �� :, .. ?,n;,���,t,, , r � • � �`; � ( � ��+ �.a°'N.' � t.��, r`y �`:°— a � p� . . Ft..,k . t4 � Wc 3�'S. � °'t's wao. �'� �� � t` �+.,/+�� �Tm �... �:.�C';. C, _____ _------ > --_.___. .------ ----__.------_.._ •, _.___._'.____'_._ '�,—__' _.�__ �.__.__.�_ . .',.A L-'� r� � ,>� �.,..� k— � �� � .�:� �-� � � -w.�► _ �e��� ��`� ��^ ��� � Cl �� . u�,_�:�, -°� rc � �-- ��-�� � �� � � --- -�- .C;r.�.� _� __. __ .�.� - G,�} (�''q� : ^^ `J 6' _. `/� `f� � � � l M1` /''`� 1 Y Q �✓� � � !`� � �f � . - � _. � .J � _ -- -- _° � ._ - — L/ � `� � ��:�.✓{ -' V � � _ � U� Ca (? � �7 � ` � � ,�, �:�� ��) _ __ �y�y' _ . �w � ` Y W � a� � �� o / �P ��.e � � _ � \ .._ l./ �� � O � V a O \" L , � •�.,{�- �. �"°- dU � a�/� � t/ `� � (, �'y l.l Wl � � �. e� _ `� �S7 � (}1 �' �'�? �__..�_ — �~ l,� -� 4� C~ �i'? ...��'—" c�� � «, t��:�__ . �- �:�- .,, �:j �._. .r .�— _—__� _ . ,., ,_ , - � _, .� t:� �.__ , ^"--. =t=, ;-__� , l__.._� . ��.•*f�:�� .,� . H . , � ro n � � o �' n � � � i-'• (A hj N . . G O . . '� '� F-I � . . C H ' b F-�' � � � C �o w - n n H f� H C') F-I F--' N hy �d . rt rt � x w � cn - 1 � p rt cn rr � o �-* N m x � � � m o r1 cr H W ' H ri H � . H ro F-' � O � rt (D (D rt � � H O � . H � , H ro . � . W H n �. � � � w ° �� v�o m N• � � rt c� ra o � �' �. � � � � � a � ,-, � ,,� N H � Cy r N j, (p � ( � "� z . H Fd K � 7-. f � _ F-� U] � � H � � � fD � � ri H C , '"d y � N H w c� � m r�-w w N. o � � � �n � a. w K a � � n w n a `C p , H H H � w c� � � � o x' o , x' v~i ci� o o rt � H .7 (D F'• H � n i-1 O N H H H C-t w � c� c� w � � � n � � � � x' w x b n n H � � c� x � � �c ACi rt rnt cn rNt F-� 'b N• � (D f�D �O � O � r-t O rt p H H _ H r . H �. H . • ♦ f � ORGAr�IZATIO'J CNART ADDE"�DUM PLA^!°dI"J� PROGP,A"�1 COORDI"IATIO�� Add: � "1aintain a ���orkina relationship with the private sec�or to ensure coordination of nlanninc� and develoQrnent activities, includina delivery of social services. PUBLIC SYSTE!�S E� CAPITAL EXPE�JDITtfRES Add to Item 4: and special interest groups. LAND USE Add to Item 5: and cor�mercial and industrial groups. These items are being added to the organization chart to clarify that Flanninc� staff will be working with many different groups as determined to be appropriate for any particular issue. L_J � � � � � � I Y���111 N Y N Z 1 M�O M C 1 � JW E L�1- �i0 CI L L�V N q I ^ „ L ` � �"�q' °°q��p .y��N � N V �o d !� w p A C�M MM40�0�0 LN q H � �+a+ C � Vi� 'q CisU O�V Yy L @ Lp�u� Oy� ' ^ �N� M^q�Q�9q �C`O M K C a+M y L N J V S C >�S C C C u I C � � d � 'GG M�6�C wv p� 'O G � � � t �/ ir-�� C Y{.91�O� ~� C C a� q . N �>. � A�9 � U � 4�N G C y� d C C p� . ' L L.�n C C� W�r�-p M 9 � �y G^ C�L i0 y�L� �Y�q C W O�- 10�- N L G p N J Ei+y CV~ CINY QO M� C ✓'r M OV N V » A C C C OLYiO O; p VL C> Y OC � � O ` �Y� n��L�OV ' r �� y� p e 4C � � C CV �q LAp�1► L N O C OCyC �QSC��/p'.0 ~�4�8� . I d P C G�+ �1.W n d � G >L^ ��j t O G� M N f+ .. a� � ppp � W g'Qt8 ga'�y v e^ � °� ` ° ~ ������N �' � .Fd. G mC P�. q� A � ! � v- v� �o n�sN NC � 2 N �n �' I � v 4� o> o��� o q . 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