261493 WH17E - GTY CLERK (����A^ PINK - FIN NCE TT I �J CANARY'►� DE�ARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl.1L CO1111C11 �v BLUE - MAYOR File NO. , • � . . Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. % Presented By "" ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance Amending the 1973 Budget and to Provide for Supplemental Appropriations. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section 1. That pursuant to and in accordance with the procedure set forth in Section 10.07.1, and upon certification of the Mayor that additional revenues are available in excess of the estimates of revenue adopted within the 1973 Budget, as amended, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby revise the 1973 Budget so as to increase the apprppriation in Activity-09075 Legal Aid to Misdemeanants by the sum of $21,517.00 and further that the appropriation in the 1973 Budget for Legal Aid to Misdemeanants is hereby in- creased as follows: General Government Accounts 09075 Legal Aid to Misdemeanants 141 Fees-Legal $21 517.00 � and further that the item in the Financing Summary noted as: General Revenue Fund Balance-Not Dedicated (12/31/72'Unencumbered Balances - Not Dedicated) be increased in the amount of $21,517.00. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas Bttler Nays Requested by Department of: xvrrr Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith _� Against BY Spmai�c Roedler Tedesco Mme.President BxkLex_ �� ,�UL � �� Form Approved by ity ttorne Adopted by Council: Date Certifi a ed by Co�n�l S ary BY � By Approve May r: Date Approv ssion to Council By - BY PUBLISHED JUL 7 �973 . '� C, 1= � � l �/�� . Meoiro�•t�o YAICM RM CI'rY OF SAINT P�LTL OFFICE OF '1`H� CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSF SAINT PAUL. 1�IINNESOTA 5:5102 PHONE Fi12 \ 223-n�7Ei WILLIAM KONOPATZKI Councilman July 3, 1973 T0: Harry Marshall, City Clerk and Council Secretary FROM: William Konopatzki, Chairman Finance Committee At a meeting on June 14, 1973, the Finance Committee recommended approval to the Council of an ordinance providing for supplemental appropria- tions for Legal Aid to misdemeanants in the sum of $21,517.00 which was referred to the Finance Committee on February 21, 1973. f� �� ' '' �'�'�' , �� �.'`;. � C',.� r.-�i �. /�f`�.? � � �. t.r . . weara�*n Y��CM hM CI'rY OF SAINT PAUL OFP`ICE OF '1`RE CPi`Y COUVCIL CITY HALL �1ND COURT AOUSF. SAINT PAUL. 11�IINNF.SOTA :5:i102 PHONE 612 \ 223-:'�47(i WILLIAM KONOPATZKI Councilman June 19, 1973 T0: City Clerk FROM: William Konopatzki, Chairman of Finance Committee RE: A request of legal assistance of Ramsey County for additional budget funds to provide additional staff to handle defense for indigents. Dear Sir: Please be advised the Finance Committee at its meet- ing of June 14, 1973 unanimously approved the ordinance amending the 1973 budget to provide for supplemental appropriations for Legal Aid to misdemeanants in the sum of $21,517.00 which was referred to the Finance Committee 1/24/73. Kindly remove this matter from your agenda for consideration. Thank you. .� �:�-�.�.�...�.�.�.. � _. _ :�� -�� . ?.� � ^..._..._........,_,. �....�. � �3��`. r. ;�c�eptg:d� 3 ._... _ '.��� T�''','��'`� �.�i'T�R KONC9FAm�KI �� 2s���3 r���zTs� ���� � i��scc � � 1� Pk�SIL�i�T (�3