261492-- WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK FINANCE TT CANARY'�- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAI,} L CO11I1C11 �A�� BLUE -MAYOR File NO. � ♦ s � � Or n nce Ordinance N0. �✓ � y Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Section 152.32 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to the applicant requirements for a driver s license on taxicabs. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 152.32 is hereby amended by deleting the entire second paragraph of Subdivision 9 of Section 152.32. Section 2. Section 152.32 of the �aint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by adding the following subsection: 152.32. (10) Must never have been convicted of a felony; provided, however, that any applicant for a driver' s lieense under the provisions of ' this chapter who satisfies the other requirements of this subsection and who Y�.as__been convicted of a felony or felonies, but w�io lias never been con- fined in a pena.l institutio"n for such felony or felonies, or if so confined, has been released from such confinement six months or more prior to the filing by him of an application for a driver' s license, shall be granted a driver' s license by the license inspector upon recommendation of the chief of police. A denial of such license ma.y be appealed by the applicant to the Saint Paul City Council. The Council may grant a license after a hearing held before the License Committee of the Saint -Paul Yeas COUIVCILME Na s Reque�t�d by Department of: Y Hunt - � Konopatzki _ In Favor 4 � Levine , Meredith Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By '� -•�� by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �e • � . , ��� i� � " v � � City Council of which applicant shall be given a notice of at least ten days and at which hearing applicant shall be allowed to introduce evidence, to present witnesses on his or her behalf, to cross-examine witnesses, and to be represented by counsel. Applicant, or his or her counsel, shall be allowed a reasonable oppor- tunity before such a hearing to inspect all documents, papers, records, reports, recommenda- tions, and other written materials to be considered by the License Committee in its recommendation to the City Council whether such a driver' s license is to be issued. The following matters shall be considered in the recommendation and determination whether such a driver' s license is to be issued: A. The nature and seriousness of the felony or felonies of which applicant was . convicted and the reasonable relationship of such felony or felonies to the purposes for regulating tla�;�- l�icens.�.ng of public vehicle drivers and�;;�r'e.applicant' s present fitness or cap�.city to perform the duties of a public vehicle driver; B. All circumstances re�'lative to such con- viction or convictions, including mitigating circumstances or social conditions surrounding the commission of the felony or felonies; C. The age of the applicant at the time the felony or felonies were committed; D. The length of time passed since the felony or felonies were committed; �. Evidence of applicant' s present character, present fitness to be' a�,,'�ublic vehicle driver, and of applicant s rehabilitation; WHI7E - CITY CrLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE �7 CO1111C11 CANAR�- DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA V L BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ., .� • P . . � Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. �� _ Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date F. The report and recotrunendation of the police department as to the character and conduct of said applicant subse- quent to the conviction or convictions. If the issuance of a license is denied under this �ubs'ection, the City Council shall set forth in writing the specific basis, grounds, or reasons for such denial and within ten days following such decision shall provide applicant with a copy of the same. Following the granting of such annual license by the City Council and with the City Council' s full knowledge of the facts, the further renewal of such license ma.y be made in the same manner as other taxi drivers' licenses are renewed, notwiths�anding such conviction. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty .(30) days frorn and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN Yeas$utZgr Nays Requested by Department of: I�mt— Konopatzki '. In Favor � Levine Meredith (5 Against BY~ 9� Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �utlar j�t ��l 3 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Cert' ' a ed by �e+�rl i ary BY By - Approve ^ May : Date �' � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , By BY PUBLISHE 7 �x ,�, J� �d � �7� . �v- --- --.-- 3ra -� __. Adcr���d 3 _... ....� � """r'�.r'�. ' ��� :�'a�y:' Ai.f"�T�Ft i�OTi:�t�i�T.��L �� 2+61��� P5�?�I�'�i RflEAL�R �E�3ES�0 � • � ?r��I�3EilT (F�3�T)