261490 WHI7E - CITY CLERK PINK - FWANCE �7� CO1111C11 q■�- �y� BLUERY- MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAI.jL File NO. ���*'�_ ` Council esol tion , 2614�0 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenees applied for by the following pereona at the addre�ees stated be and the s�e are hereby grated. Country Club Market�, Inc. 688 E. 3rd St. Grocery A-2 App.6328NeneMal n ++ Butcher " " " n ++ FlOS'ist/Ntu`Bery �� �� �� n �� OYf-Sale Malt �� �' �� , u �� Ciga2`ette n u n Sunr�r S�orgaeboard� Inc. 2109 Hudson Rd. Rest. C-2 �t 6348„ Szabo Food Service Lyone� Illinois Fdatf.dM Oper. �' 6402" United Ho�pitals (Miller Di�rn.)1'�.5 Mi• CAllege Re�at. G2 � 6544n Elliot Besudet c% Betty Frances� Inc. 2245 Hudson Rd. 1M " ��" 8t. Paul's (�►urch Home� Inc. 484 S�shland 1M �' 6708" �� �� 2 Add'1 lrl �� �� n Northo�ation 3yate�a Inc. c% North Central Publishing Co. 2'7��. Fillmore 6806" u 2?4 E. Fill�re 2 Add�l App." " Tho�oaa Lo�+e 2013 E. Minnehaha 1M �' 6813�� T.C. Yend. Co. c% United Roapitals Miller Di�t. 125 Y. College 1M " 6851n �r �' 7 Add'1 M " " " �� c% St. Lukes Hos�p. 300 Pleasant 1M " s�" �� �� 4Add'1 M a n n �� c% John Roberte Printing 2200 Univer�ity 11M " g��" �� n 1 Add�1 M n u n �� c% I►�lti Clean Products Inc. 2277 Ford Pkwy. 1M " 6�" n n 9 Add'1 M n n n COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against By Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITY CLERK COl1I1C11 /V���O PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALIL CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAYOR File NO. ,v � Council Resolution Presented By i T�us� rnutMT�'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Pag�e 2 $ir Yend� Inc. c% Minn.Transfer Co. �0?1 Univ. 1M APP•g���� �� n 3 Add'1 Dl +r n u Mercury Dbtor Freight Lines� Inc. 954 Hersey I.M �� 6919�� " t� 1 Add�1 M �' �� �� Interntational Milling Co.Inc. Rice 13t. & I�*ton Pl. 11N �� 6938�� Sir Vend� Inc. c% Municipal Airport Ac�.Bldg. Municipal Airport 11►1 f� 6893�� Coca Cola Bottlina �Iidwest % St. Paul Post Office 6th �C Market 1H �+ ?0535� Old Federal Courts Bldg. Pioneer Systems Inc. % NationalGuard Hangar 1Nnnfcipal Airport 1M �� �229n n c% Capri Hotel� Inc. 7-9 w. 7th 1M n 7233�� " " 1 Add'1 pf n n �r �� c% CYeeenbrier Hoers� Inc. 941 Bir�it�han 1M �� ?236n n n 1 Add�1 M n n �� " c% xfllarest � Borling rmc. 156o irhite sear 11�t �� 7237�� �� „ 2 Add'1 M r� �� n �� c% Je�riah Co�ity Center of St. Paul 1375 St. Paul�ve. 1M n ?93g�� " �� 3 Add�1 M �� �� n �� c% Y.Y.C.A. 65 E. Kello� 1M �� 7239�� " �' 3 Add�1 1N r� �� n '� c% 3t. Paul Councfl Arts & Scfences 30 E. lOth St. 1M �� ?240+� �� �� 4 Add�1 M n f� n COULVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITY CLERK COl1I1C11 /V���O PINK - F�NANGE BLUERY - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. 'VV ��� ` Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COU�IITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Pag�e 3 Pioneer Systeaa� Inc. c% Children's Aospital As�n. ll�l App.7241Re� ++ 311-15 Pleasant 1 4 Add�l M " " " �r c% Y.M.C.A. 4?5 Cedar l.M " 7243" n �� 4 Add�1 Irt �� �� �� �� c% Northern 1H�lleable Iron Co. 867 F'orest l.i�[ " 7�n n �� 5 Add�1 M t1 �� �� +� c% Derha� Hall High School 540 3. Yarwfc�k 1M �� ?245�� n �� 6 Add'1 1N �� u �� Pioneer Syste�s� Inc. c% Mlaterous Co. 80 E. FilLarB 1M " 7246" n �+ 6 Add�1 M n n n �� c% Betty Frances� Ii►c. 2245 Hudson Rd. 1M �� 7247�� n �► 7 Add�1 At �� n n �� c% Nor�thMrest Publication�t 55 E. 4th St. 1M " ��" n i+ 18 Add'1 M n " " �� c% Cretin High 3chool 493 8. Ha�line 11N " 7249" ti n 2 Aad'1 M t+ �� n National C�rliader Gas Co. 965 N. Lexington 1M " 7250" Midwa,y National Bank 1578 tf'iiersity Cigarette �� 7�1�� Vo�ela Co. Inc. 606 Olive 1M " �252" n �� 1 Add�l 1H �+ �� tr The Sibley Co. 184 E. 6th St. 1M " ��" n �� 1 Add�1 P'I n n u COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E - CITY CLERK CO1111C11 2�1��� PINK - �jINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. i � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE C.O�NITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Co�d. Pa6e 4 F'ellowehip Club! Hazeldon Foundation 680 Ste+rart Cigarette App.7?.34Renew Clarence g�penich 185 Univeraity � 1M " �25?�� Field Schlick Co. 14 Ml. Sth St. 1M �� ���� n t� 1 Add�1 1H " �� n David Yahanda 1441 N. Cle�reland Ldy/DC P.U.3ta. " 7�3" r,�.� �0 1090 Ar�ade Barber �' 7264�r Mtho� Kapp 609 N. Dale Barber �� ?2��� Continietal Oil Co. 2121 University Cigarette " '7272n Fred Hageratron c.o Continental Oil Co. 2121 Univ. 1M " ��3" �� % lst Federal Savinga & Loan 360 Cedar uM " �281" �� c% Little Sister� of the Poor 90 Wilkin " �� ���� �� c/o E. M. IroL�an Co• 413-15-1? Sibley " �� ���� �� % Maendler Brush Co. 138 E. 9th 7�M �� ��rr �� C/o Vik1IIg E16Ct2`iC CO. Ss 2 BI08dMfA� �� n 7288r� �, 1071 S. Cleveland " " ��" c% Arie Lancman �� c% Berg�er Auto City� Ine. 1200 W. 7th St. " " ���� �� c% Milliam J. Dunnigan 717 S. Cleveland " �' ?291 " n 2245 Burr� �� n 7294n COU[VCILMEK Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �MHI7E - CITY CLERK C�unCll ('�1��0 PINK -- FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PA lf L , CANARY - DEPARTMENT ry BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ' Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CO1N1�1ITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 5 Fred Hagerstrom c% NW Bell Telephone Co. Garage 1415 Ca�e 1M App.'7297Itene�r �� c% Phillips Petro�eum Co. 1015 Rice IM " 7299�� �t c% Harry Nord 620 F`ront �� �� ?300r� �� c% Phillips Petroleum Co. 299 E. lit►eelock Pkwy. te �� ?301�� " c% Buildertt Exchange 445 Farrington " " 7�" +� c% Nilliam J. Lent 350 Univeraity ': " ?�" �� c% Minn.Fence & Iron Co. 240 UniversitT 1M " '7308" �� c% �i.nn. League of Credit Unions 5�5 U�iv. " " 7�" �� c% Phillips Petroleum Co. 71? N. S�►elling �� +� ?310�� �+ % Mderson 1�Iachine Co. 2631 University �� �� 7312�� �� c% Borchert Ingereoll Co. 2161 Univ. 1M �' 7313�� �� c% McRenaie �I Repairy Inc. ?25 Curfev " �� 7322�� �� c% Mlintz Wsr�hovse 2.550 Iw/abash �r r� �Zg�r r+ c% H. B. F�uller Co. 226? Cowo " " ?331" n c% St. Paul Parks & Recreation Dept. 1100 N. Hamline �� '� ?332�' n C/o Sus�el Lumber Co. 1850 Co�o n u ���� �� c% Jenqy Lee� Inc. 110-146 �. Fairfield �� " 7337" �� c% Novatrnn Corp. 253 State " " 7�" u ��1 1 Add'1 M �� n n COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favo[ Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E - CITY CLERK COl1r1C11 2�1�g0 PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAi7L BLUE = MAYOR File NO. ' Council Resolution Presented By LICEN3E CO�IINIT'PEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 5 Fred Hagerstrow c% A�erican Red Croes 413 Auditori� 1M App.7339Ren�+ n �� 1 Add�l M r+ �� �� '� �/o Firestone Co. 183 Nt. �th St. 1M �� 7340r� n rr 1 Add�1 M +r +� n �� c% Johneon High School 1349 Arcade 1M �� 7342�� " " 1 Add'1 M �� �� �� �� c% Arrnr Pontfac Co.�Iric. 42? N. 3nelling 1M " ?34?�� r� " 1 Add�1 M �' �� �� �� c% Mfnneeota Mfik Co. 370 Univeraity 1M �� ?350�� �r " 1 Add�1 D! ° n �� c% Schneider Lincoln Mercury 1020 University 1M �+ 7353�� �� �� 1 Add�1 M �r n rr �� c% Wilkin� Dodge� Inc. 1013 Univer�ity 1M " 9�5�� n n 2 Add�l M �� �t �r �� % Autoeotive INerchandise� Inc. 709 UniverBity 1M ►� 9357�� " �' 2 Add�1 IN �� �� �+ �� c% G. Bartwsch Packing Co. 56? N. Cleveland l.l�l �� 7358�� " �� 1 Add�1 M '� +� �� " c% Cliff's Gae & Oil Co. 543 N. Cleveland 1M �� 7360�� �� " 1 Add�1 M �� t� �t �� c% Cole Se�+ell Eng. Co. 2288 Univ. 1M �� 7361�� �� n 1 Add�1 M n n n �� c% BUrnell 4ebb Trfr. Co. 2280 en 1M & 2 Add'1 �� ?362+� C�,O[��VerLMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas �til Nays �IR� Konopatzki � In Favor Levine Meredith O` Against BY s�a Roedler Tedesco Mme.President Batler HtiYlt � Adopted by Council: Date ��H 15 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approv d by MaXor Date 1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED JUN � 3 �Q7�