261462 WHI7j� -CI� CLERK PINK -fIt3ANCE TT C�unCll 261�5� CAIfARY -�bEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl1L File NO. BLUE - MAYOR f ' J"3 r �n�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date �n ordinance axnending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum quali.fications for the various classes of positions in the Classi.fied Service of the City, " i approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserti.ng in their proper alphabetical order the following titles, and specifications for Manpower Planner I Manpower Planner II Manpawer Planner ITI � _1_ Yeas CBut erLME Na s Requested by Department of: Y � Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY �fs� Roedler Tedesco • Mme.President � Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form �,�roved by City Attorney V�� Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved ayor fo ission to Council By By J' , r • ` ����� l" ;G� ����� ����� ,_ ��.�. . � '.<i�:;.�'C,Z�,r�P ��.,1��iVFR �_ � , - iiU*Ii.c -?i�.:l x!'�'��'JIt81�.;1�.i�1.°.�'. lJ?]Q^i' ,��,,43E,'i`i'?.81011� i3O b�. i.i�t11"?e� 112 '±iiC� �O �2i:lOY'!"'� ri'CD;e�siona� �a;o;.'-. i��� Ynan�o�v�i• o'�?.nni.n�; Fa:c �h� S�� Pau? ��?•e�: a?�c tG �;eY'T02171 . _ � l��cti:a';C. `NCt'i� c�5 c.�S1�IICtf„ �.��c'i.^,t:�^� ni :'i.'�i:'�� ��.^,�'iOZ'7Y1:':i. � G �cS:1�L :L:. ��.�' ��lt���i'lilr C1 7::1<:i2�lG�vC1 C���u. 1.�tJ 5L1C�: Cc'1.iC�CT1�8 c1� �;,.��,-ar-,'�ic :��-!c� �:con�.l�ic di_-��•i'Q�.�tior., �mnlo;rmen� ��� �o�,tlla�ion� 'I�o �;�=�is'� i�A �.;:ie ;�rel�-:r���.on U�� 1a'�o:c ;n�rtcet �or.eca�:s fc�r jal� nj3�"i��'i;'!,1i2_i:1�: �:i�?-'1 �Y1�,.1��O�v:i' "c1Jcli?.:�s.)111�Jr lrii'IL'.G�lil� ���Cictl r'�i _ �., ` a' i-i n�o%�. J.�%,1:J Yl . _.l, _..;;_ .r�J:C -.c13'P�.ri;,. 1 e �`Q _l�:1�� !�i �;:�f' l i1 V'�:i'?L J 1�� O� �1�.;. �3�+�I 1 C �il E� j,�l].�.'��..�"e X7]::L i1�]O�:U°Z' a^���'vif;;'. '=-tn-2l'1::'.:.'fi �^.7rlG'icl,1l1� l.l t�x.^-., .!�./Li'_11�?O'.'vC'�' -�.`C�% �'ic_(I.111.�1vP �<<T!:':i!C�i;10i7 ci11C� ',;O �1.5.°,15';: li2 `;ETC3 �OO:iC3i?1c�lOY1. �!11fa nV�ilClc2}lOIl G` i,'r...,:u � c:-vY1C12�. T� c28ci;;�` Ei: i37C C;:\rC'�_OjJ�.:�C'i1� c:i'.:ii �1`c1��"t11� O�� {��ZC <3.t1ritic!L C.'Orri- ]'?iG':l�'i1Sl.r�i: lt!l"c1i1]�lCV.%E;j' /�ift,�' .°''1c11, T� :iEBI�'-` 2i7 I7;a?'•_�j��l:.?21.i?�� COTI7I::!I411.LC:'c1�:lOC1 �%✓1'C'l1 £EGlG'2cti 'cZYI.C� � e'--"- ,-i"?: �-� ��,r,•� .,c: �t �i t i c �a�.e • :n;�c�e:� �,��;;c.i..._ , a>_;�i �atc .zcLStr��, schoc�l and L1.i17.C�"a?i�iL1Cc I��.i�OI"' �_'C'�?U: �Ci1Ga ::�.1C°.Y?i; �p3'C�U�.`S� �p �t�r1c:; li� rG:�2'Ci:i1c1�.1i7� :?7�CC'i'<!1 m�tnpo?ver p-�•o�r':3'��S�, ��%.!_1:2 7_I1"�LY I"�"; C7 L?a�1;l C�.':!.O YJ-^u;: � �.,�'i;_!L.�'+' �n _?.C�Lt"c�t`.LC)11 1tS C.C:U�ICYT"11(:°�, ^U�LC�09�jr. i?U�J11C a.C�IT'17.I1LSt�•c7.�it311, �.?"�r."i_t�c�',_ c.:l?211�?;z'i:i..�., '_C)+_1 �J3' _ CLG.'(l'a.�f I'CL�1.�:Ct� �LCLG,� ��'��10 Sl:i�JutllL�t1011 c _ � 4� t tJi L-'.0��C<.�,_1�71?.„ � _2.. , , . . � � 2�1452 7 i.?:i e ob' c l.a.:��: /� ;��:i.E�.G�i:��')�d�i'�!;� �?�,.�nT�'�?i:Z F� ���� �lttl^8 �tl:t� I'C'Sp0^Sl'i57�2ttC�� F^' lin�er s��;ervisioaZ, to �:i:riorn� ri�•�fessio�lal mar:ga�;�er plannin� fo� �F�e "v��;�powe3• Plaz�nin� 1'�rea uesi�nratti� �`or St, Pti ul; ancl to pe�•�c��•rn a.•e?�.t��d c<�or:� �s n�si;ncd, .c�x�rnr��� o` t.vo1� ,�er:.`ormeu: 'xo �:x�i:Lze�• ra�anpo�er �at��. i;�. ti�.�, T.-'_�ai�i�o��,•ei• 11���. ���.�,nnin� jurisdiction ' ' e:e: -tni..i� a�1�: �c�.iomic diCt3•ibution, �J jr S Lif':�. C zl t't°b��L�s �i.:� � ,�_� � � ' � er���lo,�rrien� a.ncl no�c�iaR�ion. �a �_•ep�x?�� la.�or �y��.ric�� f�i•ec�.4��^ for� j�'r� ap�cY'i.11211�S�S and manpower ��xail.a�:ilii�y inc�ucizn� ��;ecial �tca.divs fn.L tar��� pn*.:ul�ti�uns, Ta ma.ic.� �is-ve��to-�i�<:s of �iuulic unci t�ri�.��tc. �-:�an�ower �service agencies �?�e�atiri� ir� t'_c :'ila�z;�uwer �ire�. I'1:�il�zin� ,��t�iSCll�;:i0i1 and to assi.st ii� t1�e cr�or:aii?.�cti.or� a��� ev�.iusti�i� of �nese agencies, �:'o �:•o;�id� tec:�ili�.a1 as�ist;�zY3�� '�o t?�<; �°r�anpov�e�• �re�. 1'I3nning :���.���fl, i�s Tast; z�'or�r� �ix�1 pul�iic 3nd �ri;�at� x�.��n�awer �e�•�.��r-4 �.�encies �v:it:�in t'ic� ��ar.p�,c,�e?� r-1.xe� I'��,nn:i1� �urisdiction: Tc� cl���.::t �o�•'ti��is a:4:, and s�t�ply in�orm�tion t�elatc�d mo, the compre- �ienGive �i�,�ipowex '�z•��� �Z�.n. b��ced �tpon an�+.ly�`iG of da�a ���il�_e-re�!. 'To a:��•i��t i�.i r��•���.ri:n;, anoc:i�}rinb t:���i G�c3�;i;�i::'�CYII7� '�I'1� budget which f��n�� L-'i� :�'I�n. �O Yi':c;1ri�aSI? Ci�t'?7Yrit;!.ri1CuZk�TZ C:�1.��1 If.C`��i£'i'�� =?�1E� ut�lgL YT]�iriFOWGl d�E.'I1Cl�Sr ;�xi��te inc��i�.f.��r, �c��oo;.s a;:.e1 u°�iv�rsiti�s, I��.bc�r �a•oup� and clien< U-sc��i�s, i o i�oo.rrin�t±e tnn o���-c•�+ion of speci�.1 m�.nrO�r�r p�o�;r�rtis. ��O �:i'4.,'?7�aT� 3'�j?OI'�:^ 2�t1P`..� k'G'vCiY'?^rg1Cri[3ct�:1011^� :'v'�1111YY]U7Y] L�LI�t11iYr��1�:,'7.CiI1r3 a Col1<��e rs;x�.du��tior an.c� vwo yea;�s° E:�pe��icnee as a 1�1an�os�,er x`'lanner � ot• cqui.vslezs�, �.�vo sui�st:�tz.�:i.r�r: <:�b eclucaicic��. � v J.n �� ;, .- � . ������ 'ri�le of cl�.�:�: /�3 � i,v�1,i�;r;t'Ul��:i�:_: P�:^:417iti�;�R t.TT �C_L1C� cL1Cf 2'<��i�f;i2;,'_',r�ili�l�`;: �L7�@i' S�i '^-..i'tTi.67.CI1� "�i� �- _'�O�'�.., C��;�i1CU�i,: �'_-C,�.<,,::+_CI}1c.1'.L ?7:c I?.t.�J`�r^A , �1 I 1 i�iZ L�'�� ��/f)I�C 1 i� ::�T E.'I f]i��11;.�`", 1�.''.r�<,31�' =?,i i C� 7^l:;7 n I?Ti�S T-G'���;�:�'. i:`J � a n �:i� .: c �.b. - ..,,;1 • L- iilc.->"7:1':'i T� 'OLiTCC 227 ,..�C c:"_ _s ^i;.C� :;Cy �"� _'r<"J.L'i12 1'-Q�cl;Cfl �iJC.L'� ��. ° � _�,; -_C�f. ':���Gn�l�s .,.. -��-:,r', ;_��rforxnec;: �. O Cp�i"... ,=i;^..'.S"i;l.C%?� 231'rC3: :='3'.��'1r'J12 IG..�..,�<� .;i; ��2':; �"i:. P-?Ui r"i1c1.2:�)C��;vL�. �?Y2C� �=..^.i3ii.'aiT)i.0 S%"'�'CiJ';,t2 ,-�).:tiCct =.^,i'Ll_'C'i,!i1� �}l�' (:i.'1�2-�, �3'O�TiL�1� .xL��t.':.'f' c^it;i ':I:' Y1�,Si�; �'�iC C'CI�1.1'c^.CtE: z,1::1��' '�: i;t].� c�.::'^.c L?5111� T'!i321t�0"FIeP ;>.;•o�r�,Y_.. ;?F�i.��?_i��cs. ).:� =.1f,3ti�:?^ T. �Ct?'�'�:? ^v� Y?Y'f':'�:?"21; .:�.'..1Ei �13,..v 17ic�.11;'O�NC:� 'JL'1�;.'c.Z;10�3'� �:7^?^_:c `lY�.(. CC'`'L�' E :i;i.i't��i:.^C�i, c^L`t2r? :'i;c?Z1�L'<7 ?":;�7�I^:L1�5. "?C?T17ii3_ _�i:`_�.1:_' � _�,',-,;.'�L".. :.��:'1'i;C , :).2^t: O's``,21n.^��lc.�?:S 1I1CLi��'C�. TO ?'):1� C'lc.i..�, ?.i�n !.�:xG:"i"s?:'�i0?2 �.11i;0 IG2"_':�? L:Sc^:�:i'.'.(; r0�' I1^,.(>ia.�: r02' Ot.�G'1 �''L�.='f, c�li;i:%E;'C<• ��i��i �C�Vi�'C?7'J' J3i.�T':1'l,l?'" �TJ:'.''.Ll�. :' ci:+i iil4?1.�OV�t�� `J�i.i�_1.;;'.i1� 4f:C':?C!C'<`^. • , r�0 �tG;il:t�J�7 �iiC� �:I'�.ki: �:�lE ci1I2Lc..1 CO"t?�;:i��`�t?1?:_v� .�v`.i:lI1�JOV'J+�i' =iy'G�« i`'�c?:.. �O IT:CYi;%'f�t' t�1i:. E,"%u.�.L�.c�..'�i' I"Y?�f"ej3QWG'7.' �'=it.),,�'".%%:7.1xZS �:- :CL`�,''_'i2alI1C' ?:� (=:�'>'L�'.�!:.�'i'.�'�� �O1_C'", ?i�°.1G'Ci:].V:^S} c�..3"!:� :�E:;'cc'i.s.3�`Y.,`y% %lI"C' ]C�1C�. 'r,- , i t� � 7- <-. �,r c''�): ':i� 't 1 n t � �i: i �: ., C.�22-ci's.,.���:'C �'e,�'J�J_.C_. ,_ 2,f. i p:.lC: . i_ �� ��t . _. �._i; ��_a�i�-�� �:r�. ���-e . . �i� VJ:'i'�� COi�": _.'E;�2�'1?C ].VC: !"?�?1'."�'.i,1t' �il"�;i: t�:'E.''i�0°=.i.:, cXiC� pI'O�.°..^.'t: C�`.=.S C:"i�'G 1713 5 '�O"t' .�.1.i?}:!tJt:�:�'f,'@' i'1C:,�t���,. �� Cv��A3;J.l�'� .,,�Zi. C�..�•.w.#�I.U�� Y�'�..��� L.,�. 1CIa..137�.�"1�..1. ..�iE� C;�G:��F�.IOIl iJl ���7::Li�f! . J L:� O ci'�� :-x��.r..;��t;-ez• ��.�i��i�;,�:. r�. n ='qc;1�;. '�2 [1C',,`,-�"�L'I.;L`:iY:.�� 7_rl;'?i��O�:J�_ :O?"���'�_`:"Ct�, � < . 7 �. . SVSL_�Lr_illi�r. ��l�i�i`..Z'I!`�,�1.�!i�� . �"JZ�;'.t;` i`--�.C����i:I`�TZ 2.t1C; i'v'JO �L;ca2'_ Y C.�r_�':L'_'l.C:'iC�:: �::F ;1 1�IS2.1;��4�VC-,. i-}��LriTl��:c' _.. (�- 'C'�Li:.�?1�:�... �T�?�� SL7�_�`'i?tli.�;IC`li 1:0:" GG�IIC-=?'tLC�7"t. � _s�., P N'I(��, ti�,r I A C E R K G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L Council _[�j' CAMARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. ^����� BL.1JE• -MAYOR • Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. � _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -5- Yeas CButlerLME Na s Requested by Department of: Y K�on�opatzki � In Favor Levine � Meredith Against BY ��m¢f� Roedler Tedesco J U L 3 � Mme.President �i� Hunt Form oved by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � \J Certi ' P sed by Co retary BY By Approved y or: ate 'CU� Approved Mayor ubmi to Council BY BY - PUBUSHED JUL 71973 Jtu� 14, 1q73 kx. Jo�m I�icUer, 1�r�e�tor Civil S�rv'ico �►t• R� 2i65� City Ha�l St. Paul., �st�tat De,euc Sirs T2�a City �ao�neil tod�y► S� ��xat Ra�#fa� ta t2u�r r,rctinance�e: C.F. c63.�1--�A�o�endir�8 4rd. No. 3�5Q by �nuert�.n8 1�► �c�ion b, Px�feasia�l G�p, �Se t�it]a�e�: l�npo�er Plsnner I in � 3�+, �Pa�r pal.a��r zI sn c�r►c� � ana M�pc�er pla��r xrt i� Gre�e� �1. G.F. 2614�^-.+A�we�,di�g aa�d. l�o. 7�'7 bY ��r�ing tl� s�itiastion� �rt�r tl�►�e titlts 1�npaar�r P�r I, IS at�8 �SI. C.F. 2+�►14d3-�nbir�g Ord. i�o. f�6 by' fr�sertiz'Yg in Secat�.on Y� Pxtiteseic�s�. t�re'�y t�e titl�e►es Ad�dnia�rr�tiv�e Ai�1e Y in Gc�ad� 41, Admir�istar+�ti�a Ai;de Iz � C�ra4�e 4T, Ac�mini�trs�ive Ai�a III i.r� GS�ra�+a 5� � Asai�►ta�at to t�e �i.ty Administratoa� f�ry �rr�� �g. Thixd Readi� i"or t,2�e�te c�rdtnanaes Mil1 'b+e c�t Jv�ne 22, lq?3• 7Ce�s vtry'' ��Y, City Cl�tzk � _._.. _._.... _.�._........o,...,..,.. .... � ._...._._.._ __... _ � _ _ _ _. ��� � ��1� � t�� JL; - r � 3r' L�' =��.'-���:� -v� �- � 1'e� N�;�s b'��L.��'�t KOT�G�t'�i�.KI �'';',�a�.aS+ ���.�z�� 261452 ROED7�ER TEAESC� � 3�5�; PF�37� �� (F�J1V�) � V