261449 WHITE � - CITV CLERK � r /� PINK�� -- FINANCE TT COl1T1C11 � ay, CANAStV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA ll L � �����RJ B'a.UE - MAYOR File NO. E � il Resolution , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that t�e Council herebq ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Rewiew f or the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining to the following listed property and as shovn by the official �ainutes of said Board of Appeals, dated Maq 8, 1973, a copy of xhich, marked "EffiIBIT A" is attached hereto and sade a part hereof by reference: se No Propert9� Applll�ilt� 32-73 H1 338-34U Aurora,� Renneth Spielaan - 33-73-8 452-454 Virginia Renneth Spiel� 34-73-B 1920 Burns Cross Campaniea, Inc. � 36-73-B 1653 Leone Random Iac. By . Roq A. Stanley 37-73-B 1571 Clear Raadom Ine, By Roy A. Stanley COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �ic Butler Konopatzki �_ In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY � Ro�dler Tedesco Mme.President � Hunt For Approved y City rney Adopted by Council: Date � � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by May:` "'`Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E � - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICll Q BLUE�Y- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � File N 0. ��`� 1 ` � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Case No. Propertq Appellant 38-73—B 1647 I.eone Rand� Inc $Y Roy A. Stanleq 39-73—B 328 Blair David Rile COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: x� Butler Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY � Roedl.er Tedesco 2 �g� Mme.President � g�t JUN 1 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certif' ed by Co S r BY By Approve by Maxo : Date JUH 121973 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY R�us��u �1�1N 16� 1973 ' � � Tape IO2; Side 1_ , � � 5/8/73 .�ieeting i1o. 89,����`�.� 1� '� �` � MIiTUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS Tuesday, May 8, 1973 � County Board Rocm 356 City Hall and Courthouse � Members Pxesent: D. Donald 47ozniak Raymond R. Grove � Mrs. Estyr Bradley Peake Mrs. Norma So�nerdorf Axthur NI. Tieso Members Absent: rS�tchell P4. Kamin James D. Voigt Agencies Present: City Public Buildings �reau---Dan Ferson, George 5�o1ik, Frank Staffenson, Frank Strub Others Present: Lawrence Pieper, Hugh P. Markley, John H. Gross, Peter Greiner, Floyd Unruh, Gene Rosenblum, Marianna �likowski, Douglas Olson, �lorence Olson, Roy A. Stanley, David Rile � The minutes of the Apri1 17, 1973 mee�fn� were approved as submit�ed 31-73-H 401 Lafond Cairl & Tietz Lawrence H. Pieper By Hugh P. I�.arkley FRIOR HEARING April 17, 1973 SUBJECT Appea.l of certain plumbing and electical items APPEf�RANCE Hugh P. I''.arkley, Lawrence H. Pieper PF.00E:�DIu%S Mr. Markley asked that ite�s ;',E1 and 2 (?:itchen sink venting and venting ar. cleset `� bend in bathraom water closet) be waived. Mr. Strub said both items are important. It was pcinted out the report covers 2 housing units. 24r. Markley said the imror.tant thing_-is the $1360 bid for electical repairs. Mr. Smolik gave members of the EoGr;. copies of ttie electrical regulations and he testified about the over fusing in thP house anc? said the situation is dangerous. •, Meeting No. 89, 5/8/73 continued 2 � , _ Zir. Markley said the electrical bid does not have a cost breakdo�rn and Mr. Tieso pointed nut the purpose of the appeal and without a cost breakdown it is impossible to make a judgemeat on priority items. Pir. Strub said the property has a history of problems back to 1971. Mr. anolik showed evidence of the riain fuse box" a:�d explained the hazardous condition from the currer.t situation resulting from over fusing. Mr. Tieso said he thinks the applicant should/�°er theelectrical list item by item and make the appropriate decision on outlets in the given rooms but Y��e said the 150 amp service has to be installed. ACTION �Ir. Tieso moved the appeal on the electrical items be denied. The motion was seconded. THE VOTE Ayes: Wozniak� Peake, Soffi►erdorf, Grove, Tieso. Nayes: none Abstentions: none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) . PROCEEDINGS The balance of the report was dealt with on almost an item by ite� basis and tZr. Wozniak suggested the applicant work with the team to see if one unit can be rer,ted out and he further suggested the �.pplicant come back in 30 days with another bid on the electrical items even though the waiver on the electrical items has been denied. Mr. Tieso suggested an itemized list of the electrical repairs for each room. ACTION The matter was continued for 30 days to the June 12, 1973 hearing date ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------� 3 2-73-H 338-34D Aurora � Kenneth Sgielman SUBJECT Appeal of Condemnation Placard APPEAR.ANCE No one appeared. ACTIOPT Case disnissed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33-73-H 452-454 Virginia lCenr,eth Spielman � SUBJECT Raquest that couple be allowed to remain in property until property is remw e3 rieeting No. 89, 5/8/73 continued 3 APPEARANCE �_ No one appeared ACTION Case dismissed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 34-73—B 1920 Burns Avenue Cross Companies, Inc. SUBJECT Appeal of certain plumbing matters .APPEA1tANCE John H. Cross, Peter F. Greiner PROCEEDINGS Mr. Cross explained that these were the Camelot, formerly Bastille, Apartments.,and said there had been some finance pro�lems. Pir. Strub gave a history of the situatior. and said some work had been done on a spot basis to keep the permits that had been issued in force. He said that when the work was started the �ilding Department allo��ed the use of plastic pipe but since the building had been shut down the State gave an opinion that at least or.e type of plastic pipe conducts fire very readilS�� and will support combustion.� He continued that if they were to apply for a perrsit now they wocild be required to/as netal pipe or isolate the plastic pipe and he said the ABS plastic, which is the one being used by the applicant, will conduct a fire. Mr. Greiner said there is no objection to i�rhat has been done to date lu t the ques�ion is the 30 or 40 units which remain under construction. Mr. Cross said it would b� tough to install metal pipe because of the cost which wou ld probably be close to $10,000. Mr. Strub said the garage area is the one of main concern. M�. Tieso asked if it would be possible to do the garage in metal and Mr. Cross said they could deal with the inspector and see if it would be alright to use metal pipes in the garage area and plastic for the upper floors. Mr. Strub said his main concern is that there be a separation in the garage area and the apartment area. : . ACTION Mr. Wozniak suggestEd the applicant work wi�h the department and in the meantime the appeal could be held in abeyance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35-73 H 107 Virginia Marianna Sulikowski By Floyd Unruh SUBJECT Request to extend waiver to proposec� new owner of property APPFARA'dCE :�larianna Sulikowski, Floyd T?nruh, Gene Rosenblum, Douglas Olson, Flo�ence Olson • 4 , �ieeting I�O. 89, 5/8/73 continusd . PAOCEEDINGS .�_ Gene Rosenblum gave a history of the property. Mr. Unruh introduced the Olsons and showed the Board the earnest money contract for their inspection. rir. 01son said the progerty wou ld be used for income property and the current use as a rooming house for men would be maintained. Mr. Wozniak told Mr. Olson he should be aware that if the waiver were granted and should rir. Olson desire to sell at s later riate he would be faced with the same problem that he is facing now and if a �.=aiver e�:tensior were not granted this would have an effect on the value of the property. Mr. Rase:�b�ura implied the Board had assured him at the previous hearing on the property that if the earnest money contract were presented and the buyers met the approva7_ of the Board the waiver extension would be granted. Pir. Staffenson said the departmeni would request the waiver extension not be granted and he said the previous resolution said the wni`�e� was valid only for Mrs. Sulikowski. Mr. Wozniak said the Board sees no end if �t is to grant perpetual waivers for selling pu rposes but it does not give any assurances. ' " Mr. Rosenblum said there is a need for this type of housing for single men. ACTION Mr. Wozniak made a motion the matter be continued to the next meeting when there will be a full Board. Motion was seconded. THE VOTE Ayes: Wozniak, Grove, Peake, So�mmerdorf, Tieso. Nayes: none. Abstentions: none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) . 36-73-B i653 Leone Random Inc. By Roy A. Stanley 37-73-B 1571 Clear Random Inc sy Roy A. Stanley 38-�73-B 1647 Leone Random Tnc By Roy A. Stanley SUBJECT Regiest to keep lower level windows in the abwe named split level hoiues at their present heights. APPEARANCE Roy A. Stanley PROCEEDII�GS � rir. Stanley said he did not realize the reqsirement on windc�a height; the pJ_an did not show any number of inches for window height; the building is being done for the � Housing Authority and the HR.A cannot sell the properties until the waivers are granted. ACTION Mr. Wozniak moved t1�e waiver requests be granted for al.l 3 propert}es. r!otion �Meeting A'o. 89, 5/8/73 continued 1 � seconded by Som��erdorf. THE �?OTE Ayes: Woznial:, Grove, Peake, Soffierdorf, Tieso. :v'ayes: None. Abstentior.s: None. riotion carr�e� five (5) to zero (0) . 39-73-B 328 Blair David K?�e SUBJECT Request to baild garage to 2 feet from property line APPEAR�?dCE David Kile PF.00EEDINGS Mr. Kile presented letters from neighbors r1�s. Helen Albrecht of 338 Blair and Mrs. Adeline Schwartz stating they have no objections to Mr. I�ile's plans and he zlso presented a plot plan, ACTION � Motion ma.de by Sommerdorf the appeal be granted. .�1�tion seconded by Tieso. THE VOTE Ayes: Wo2niak, Grove, Peal�:e, So�erdorf, Grove. Nayes: i�one. Abstentions: None. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Board appraved the printing of a re-progranmed infornation sheet. , �