261445 i
. 2614�'��
BY �„ ��.-�.. �C �( a.�t��.
File No. �T
In the Matter of e+vattx�r@Eitl� lsitl�a�'�► s�wMrt i� Ii��1�i1�t! �i l�cM yt11�' �iwM' �iati
�0 33� #u�t �rth r!' ti� e�t�lirM a►f �tt+nio�e L�a a�i �e lf�t�s�ara L� ai ld.11i,r
?�lt �1 lro� tl�ai�t �s�wi ts �00 !"a�s� tl"at �st M�i� �!. �ts�a o�euEt�lt s�r
a�d w�K a� ae�t!l.er�w ��F»l�i�.
under Administrative Order ��� approved ���' Z4i ���
under Preliminary Order , 26131H approved MB�y 22�19'73
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COLJNCILMEN p � Adopted by the Council: Date �N 1 a „
Yeas �!-+i'�r Na s \'
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�'����'?o;��tskj Certi assed by c' ret�N �
Le�rine �
t'�'ereditfj In Favor B
`;c-dler p _ �" _�
� -��-scp Against
-:�t Mayor �
Pueu�+� JUN 16 1973
,;c� — ��-v c��..e ��L 1 ti" �9 ��' �1�1 l�'1 � iI- L1 �i L No: L' " .�.7 � �' �
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„���,. . : :��,. �o�r•ic� or TfI E ain��ri �'
�+ +r J�[ � (� vace: APR 2 � 1�73
f��.y;:_.�� �-^�'.i .".., .�,r,;.✓ � !}�� .
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AD�iitii�I'R�i iV1=, ORDER, Str��t Grading S Sew�rs �
s-tso5 ,
� 3� it:� �_c�r to grada and surface, c�nstruct ce,zcr�is c+�rb and qutt�er 'construct
. __..._._.......
san's ta�v s��er i� 'r'atterhorn Lane a;�d !:i l l ia�a ?��t i "oad tro� 5�fl' �1, oi` �-1c':n_ight !
........�..�..�.._ . . , .
rc�, �a ;�c:n��.�t �id_.. �1�a �anstrlcL san�tary. se.''Lr. +n I�i�:{ni�ht ��I., ft-a:3 V3.)i.�y r
Vte:�._P].,,_La �'�'..:;. o.E t5e .ce�te,�l ina of 1�Ia�ter�o�n La��. � A�so construct se�,r�r �
�nd wa[�r .�er,�i c� conne�t i�ns. �
�r� Q�oartcen*. �� �inanze is hereby dir�c�Ld to br3ng t�is nati�r b��ore Lhe �
C:.u�ci ? for �Lb i i c �z�ri ng. ;
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%�IC----. ,� Admii�istcative Assucant tu ,+layor�
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".pril 13, 1g73
I�r. W�lter �iurtley
Loc.al Improvt�aents Engineer
Dspsrtment �i Public t;orks
Ret Se*rer in l3cYcii.ght, 1�i11�4ra Tell Rd.and Ma.terhorr. L�ne
8o Gradir.g of N,�t�rh��rn �nd William Tell Rd.
Dear l�r. :iur�-Iey: •
Ref�reace i� made �� your le':.l.er of March 2�, ?97.�, c�ncer: i�zg the aDove r�ferenc�d
prv��ci�. I �uUmiL herei.: the asaeesmcnt i��format:on y�u reruea�ed as fullrnrs:
arafl�n� � Surfr�c���g Se+rer
Est. Construetion Cos� per P.�1. repart - ��+6,U00 . �33,����
Yaluation ar,d Assess�en� Service+e - -- 950
Misc. C}�sts - -- �25
Eatimated Total Expenditures - ,�� � ,97�
Estimeted Aeseas�en;; rate par a�seasebl� ft. $2�.70 $9•�4
A�sessme:�ts ��''� ���U65
City A":_d '-
Tatal ,� 3 ���
Watar �r,d sewtr service c�nnectiana to b• in e�dditio� tc the above at aetu�l coa�L per
I wauld �uggest the+t the� north end o�" tha a�tnit�y stwer bee extendeci an ap�r�xiatate
2g feet tv insure that the en�ira $bu�ting arrnership at thi• l��e�tioa is gerved by
this is,z:itary sr`►er. The cnmaxship line presently exists at 70.�5 fe►et n�r�:h of the
prop��ed a�rtr terminus. If you }save any queations on the abr�ve� pleasa advise.
Wha.t about provisionf for s�or� sa�er• i�c� thi� a�rea4 Can continued developinent be
�ursu�sd withvut adequate prc�risiGns !or such typs eetrer�•�
V�er;Y truly yours,
Roy E. Bredal�., Jr.
Assis�;a'rat V+�►ltu►tlon Snginfer
cc: Daniel Duntvrd"
Paul Deseh '
JiL�tS� .riC�Tw�t7P'�8
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23-� �i;-; �-i:;1 'c Couri S�ousa 55!02 '"
G;`:i!i �L. J . DU�;FORD
Qirector oi ?�blic ::or�:s
April 18, t973
' �i�r,o r�'.�� •:: L a+r�r e n�e D. Co h e n c;,.,,.,: � ,�;,,- �v,.� �,.,,.�'
?•I�yor o� Saint Paul
��a^1 3!•'� .
� c� ty F,,� t
Re: Street Grading � Seti��ers
G��r rta�jor Co�en: .
Att_�cneci is an Adninistraci�•�� Order to crad� and surf�c� vrith bitu�-�inc�;�
material , r_onstruct concrete curb and gutter, constru�t sanitary sn��iers
i n �tatterhorn Lan,a, l�Ji 1 3 i am T�l 1 Rd. , al so construct san i tary se,��r i n
t•1cK:�i�ht Rd. (G-2036 & S-1505) .
T`��s o-der is being. ini €iated on the ba�is of a p�tition sign�� by t'r;e
� d�v�lo��zr t•;ho owns ai 1 of the abutting property on hlatterhorn Lan� ar�.�
:�;i 11 ia� Tel 1 Rd.
7nv estinated cost and financin� is as fo1lo��s :
G�ad i ng � i���'��c i r.c; 5���,�r
Cst. �onstrurtion Cost per P.td. Report $ :6,Ou� S33,300
V.3ivation and Assessment Services - � 950
Plisc. Costs - 2�5
Estimated Tata1 Expenditures $ 5,000 S3-g75
Es�i���ted Assessment rate per assessable ft. $20.70 $9.30
Assessnznts $46,Q00 _ $27,910
City Aid -- 7,0�5
Tatal $ ,000 $3'�,975
'.iac�r ar�d sewer service connzctio�s to be in addiiion to ihe above at actual
c:�:t p��r connect i on.
- , t �
. . St..I'aul, Minn------------------------------------------19----=---
To The Honorable, The Council, � '
City of St. Paul, Minn.
We, the undersi�;necl property owners, hereby petitian your Honorable Body to cau�e
the following improvement to be made:
Instatl Sanitary Sewer in Matterhorn Lane and William Tell Road _ �. :
----------------------•--------------------------------- • ------------------------- - - _
-------------------------------------------------------- • --------------------�----------------------- -
-------------•-----=-St. Ave.
___ _____McKni ht__Road_____.____ Westerly to_end.<pf cul-de-sac
from - �-- - ---- ----------------St. Ave. to------------------ --
------------------------------------------------------------St. Ave.
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� St. P�ul, Minn.---- -:--------------------------------19--- . --
To The Honorable, The Council,
City of St. Paul, Minn.
We, the unclersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Bo�iy to cuuse
the fullo�ving improvement to be made:
/� G�'-�-�-- C
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Qirector of Puolic 1Jorks
April 18, 1973
_ �;:�✓
H�norabi� Lawrence D. Cohen �
!•layor o� Saint Paul
, qoom 347 . �
C i ty f(al l
Re: Street Grading & Se�,�ers
. Dear ttayor Cohen:
Attached is �an Administrative Order to grade and surface �•Jith bituminoi;s
material , construct concrete curb and gutter, construct sanitary seeyers
in r�latte;horn Lana, t�lilliam Tel1 Rd. , also construct sanitary s��;r�r in
hlcK��ic;ht Rd. (G-203b � S-15o5) .
rhis order is being. initiated on the basis of a petition signed by ttte
• dav�toper ti•�ho owns a11 of the abutting property on Matterhorn L�ne anti
- 41i 1 1 i ac� Tel l Rd.
7h� estinated cost and financing is as follows:
Gr�din � Surfacing Sewer
Est. Construction Cost per P.t•!: Report $ 6,000 533;�00
Valuation an� Assessment Services - 9S0
i�lisc. Costs - 225
Estimai.ed Tatal . Expenditures $ 6,0.00 S3 '9 5
Esti��ated Assessment rate per assessable ft $20.70 $�.30
Assess�ents ��tu,Q00 _ $27,91��
city Aid � 7,055
Total $ ,000 $3�,975 �
1.Jat?r ar�d se��er service connzctions to be in addition to the above a*_ actual
cost pLr connection. �
_ a_: -u..._....,�.,..,,.,..
. �r:� . .L.. .
� t • � �
.. , -`Z-
The Crg i neer i n� r°commendat i on i s to cons t ruct these s t ree ts �,n,' _ ,��.:�.� _
1le would apt-�reciate ap�roval of the attacn�d Admin;str-�tiv�. Or-�'-.�r
authorizin� th� Depar�r:;ent of Fin�nce to sc��ec'uie a public t��_ ��ri;, ; �;�,•;,r�,-
the City Council . �
Yours very truly,
� -� Daniel J. D�nford
� Di rector of Publ i c 1!orl:s
� ��
;� .�
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me � A
Capital of Minnesota
234 City Hall & Court House 55102 r. ,�
Director of Public Works
April 25, 1973
Mr. Robert W. Trudeau
Director of the Finance Department �'�
and Management Services � �
Room 113
City Hall
Attention: Paui Desch
Re: Street Grading � Sewers
G-2o36 S-15o5
Dear Si r:
Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the improvements in Matterhorn
Lane, William Tell Road and McKnight Road.
Attached herewith are copies of the following:
1 . Administrative Order D 585
2. Report to Mayor Cohen
3. Construction Plans (Slope Plans not required)
4. Estimate of Cost S Financing
You s very truly,
CZ.�K.t.l,� '
Daniel J. Du ord
Director of Public Works
. . . .. .... . ....... .. .. . ... . .�..... .. ... . � . ._."...:. .. _ - . .:.... .. . .�.....: . . , .. . .....:�:� :f.h
� . . . . . . . . _. ... .. _ . . . ' _.'3:
� . ' � _ . . . � . . ..
, r.y , .
Whereas, proceedings have been or are about to be taken by the City
of Saint Paul for the grading o�
M.�TTLRHOILJ LA�3E from 500' �vest of �Ic�night Rd,
�o ��f.ci�night Rd. and it is essential to sucti street
, improve+ment that said City acquire temporary construction easements for
the purpase of the construction of siop�s within the lines of privately owned
reat esrai� abutting the said improvement, and
�Ihereas, tha undersigned is the owner of reat estate as is hereinafter
d�scr.ibed, and desires that such slopes be constructed upon the rea{ estate
own�d by the undersigned, to-wit: �
Lots 1-1� Bisanz Stiaiss rteadows
Now, ��erefore, in consideration of the premises and of th� sum of
ane Doliar ($1 .00) to me in hand paid by the City of Saint Paul receipt
+�hereofi 'ss nereby acknowledged, I , the undersigned owner of the hereinabove
d�scribed real �state, have granted and conveyed, and do hereby grant and
convey unto said City of Saint Paul a municipal corporat+on in the County
of �tamsey� State of Minnesota, a temporary construction easement in and
�ppn sai� real estate to the ex*_ent necessary in the determination of tt�a
Commissioner of Pubiic Works of the said City, for the purposa of construct-
ing suth siopes in and upon said premises as sa�d Cornmissioner of Pubiic
'w'�rks shali determine ar� required for and in connection with the hereinabove :
described public improvement, to-wit, the grading of
':!�1iTt;�i0Ri�1 LAPdE
fram 500` taest of :�1cKnight Rd. to t�icKnight Rd.
and *_he right and authority to make ai ) excavaLions, embankments, cut� and
fiils requisite to the construction of said siop�s in and upon said premises
and the �a��ersignecl does hereby further forever release said �ity of Saint � _
P�ul frvm ail claims or demands which the undersignad may have or hereafter -
acauire against said City by reason or on account of any injury sustained � �.
to saic� real estate �r improvements thereon, of any nature whatsoevsr, �n
account of the construction of sa�d siopes.
�s� ps�s�nc� of: _ � ���
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�-�, _�Y; t (
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,�C..-�,✓ � at ' _�.. �. .�'z- (SEAL :
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1�`hereas, proceedings have been or are about to be taken by the City
of S�int Paul for the grading of
i,ILLI�.�i TELL RC��D ��.oni SQQ` c.�est of i�scKni�ht IZd.
to i�ici:nignt Rd. and it is essential to such s�feet
improvement that said City acquire temporary construction easemer�s for
the puraose of the constr�.�ction of slopes with�n the line� of privatety ak�ned
real estate abutting tne said improvement, and
I�hereas, the undersigned is the ahmer of real estate as is hereinafter
described, and desires that such slopes be constructed upon the reat esta�e
own�d by the undersignEd, to-wit:
Lots 19-36 i;isanz Swiss i•iea�ow�
Now, therefore, in co�sideration of the premises and of the sum af
One Doltar ($1 .00) ta me in hand paid by the City of Saint Paul receipt
` whereofi is hereby ackno�,rtedged, ! , the undersigned owner of the hereinabove
described reat estate, nave granted and conveyed, and do hereby orant and
convey unto said City of Saint Paul a mu�icipal corporation in the Caunty
of Ramsey, Sta�e of Minnesota, a temporary �onstruction easeme�t in and
upon said rea� estate Lo the extent necessary in the determination af the
Cormnissioner cf Public Works of the said City, far the purpose of construct°
ing such slapes in and upon said premises as said Commissioner of Pub} ic
�+orks shail determine are required for and �n connection with the hereinabove
. described public improvement, to-wit, the grading of
from 500' west of Mcknight Rd. to McKni£Iit Rd.
and the right �nd authority to make a11 excavations, embankmen�s, cuts and
fills requisite to the construction of said slopes in and upon said premis
and the undersigneci daes hereby further forever release said City of Saint
Paul from ail claims or �emands which the uc►dersigned may have or hereafter �
acguire against said City by reason or on account af any injury sustaine� `�!
� to said reat �state or improvements thereon, Qf any nature whatsoev�r, on ���'"���
account of the can�tructian of said siapes. f',, :;��._.
� .
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Pink — Finance Cepc. ~ C
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. . . or-ric�: oF �Fir ;ta�or; . Date: �A�d � rJ 1�73
� ' . - Street Grading S Sc��ers
� G-2o36 -
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Th�t th� Director o� Pr�blic 1�'or}cs Is hereby autizoriz�d and dtrected Lo
pre�ara �i�r�s, outatn surv��s, ��repare estir-:at�s and irivesY�^yate the
n�ecessi ty to g;aclv and svrfacc, co;�stract cra�cre2e curb and� �utter,
cc�nstr��ct storn aZd sanitary s�:�er dn tfat�erF�orn L�re 3�cJ .,illia� Te11
Fo4� �r�-� 50�s !1. o; J•i�;;nlgEtt i:d. ta t9cyu�ir,F�t Rd. Alsfl can5truct .
sa:�itary se.:er i� ?tc�.n�,ht P,ct. �ror,: ,�atter�scrn L.�s�a to b"alley �'tew P1. �,
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Assistant City Attorney (�bepartment Head
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Adminiscra[i e Assistant to Mayor
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