02-215Council File # : 02-215 _ t ' : �- a # �, ^ . _ � . �.,s € F"v� . � UTION Green Sheet # 113705 CITY Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 Resolution Relating to Enforcement of Ordinance Provisions 2 Requiring that all Beer and Intoaicating Liquor Sold by Liquor Licensees 3 Along Parade Routes be Dispensed only in Plastic or Paper Containers 4 WHEREAS, Sec. 409.08(10) ofthe St. Paul Legislative Code, related to liquor licenses, requires that 5 when licensees are notified by the Police Department that a parade will be held within one block of the 6 licensee's establishment, all beer and all intoxicating liquor or liquid of any type sold during the entire 7 day of said parade shall be sold only in plastic or paper containers; and WHEREAS, the 2002 St. Patrick's Day Parade is scheduled to be held along Fourth Street in downtown Saint Paul from noon to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 16, 2002; and 10 WHEREAS, it is unreasonable to single out establishments on the parade route, including two of 11 downtown's major hotels, for particular regulation for eleven hours after the parade is over; 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the appropriate City officials should suspend 13 enforcement of this provision of the ordinance for the 2002 St. Patrick's Day Parade at 5:00 pm. on 14 Saturday, March 16, 2002, in those cases where licensees post a person at each entrance and e�t of 15 their establishment until closing time to ensure that patrons do not enter or exit with beer or 16 intoxicating liquor; and 17 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution is not in any way intended to limit enforcement of 18 other ordinance provisions related to drinking in public, congregating on sidewalks, public nuisances ar 19 possession, purchase or consumption of alcohol by persons under 21; and PAUL, MINNESOTA 20 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the City Council requests that the administration review and 21 recommend appropriate amendments to Sec. 409.08(10) by August 1, 2002. oa a �s , . �..�o.._.._. Benanav B Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter Adopted by Adoption C / By: Approv By: ✓ � J��te , by Council S c�e �- , �r: ate ` • �1 Requested by Deparhnentof � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to CounciI � City Council VTAC7 PERSON & PFqNE Councilmember Coleman iT BE ON COUNCIL AGENQ4 BY (QAT� March 13, 2002 - Susp ����� 3/13/02 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES Oa-2,c� GREEN SHEET No 113705 initlauoan InMWUOas mI1Ri16iIOMFGfOR qntd�ll OIYAiTOMEY ❑ OIYGFNR wuncw�aEnNCESme. ❑ nuwcw.mm.ecro wmrtlort�xurixp ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution relating to enforcement of ordinance provisions requiring that all beer and intoxicating liquor sold by liquor licensees along parade routes be dispensed only in plastic or paper containers. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED TRANSACTION Has this persoNfirm e+er varked untler a cordract forthis departmeM? vES rio Has Mis P�evUfirtn e�er heen a dlY empbyee9 YES NO Ooes this P���rm P� a sidll not normal�YP� bY a�Y �� �7 �P�oY�7 YES � Is ihis P�� a�Oe[ed vendM YES NO CO37/REVENUEBUDCEfED(GRCLEONq YES NO ACTNI7Y NUMBER INFORMAl10N (IXPWln Council File # : 02-215 _ t ' : �- a # �, ^ . _ � . �.,s € F"v� . � UTION Green Sheet # 113705 CITY Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 Resolution Relating to Enforcement of Ordinance Provisions 2 Requiring that all Beer and Intoaicating Liquor Sold by Liquor Licensees 3 Along Parade Routes be Dispensed only in Plastic or Paper Containers 4 WHEREAS, Sec. 409.08(10) ofthe St. Paul Legislative Code, related to liquor licenses, requires that 5 when licensees are notified by the Police Department that a parade will be held within one block of the 6 licensee's establishment, all beer and all intoxicating liquor or liquid of any type sold during the entire 7 day of said parade shall be sold only in plastic or paper containers; and WHEREAS, the 2002 St. Patrick's Day Parade is scheduled to be held along Fourth Street in downtown Saint Paul from noon to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 16, 2002; and 10 WHEREAS, it is unreasonable to single out establishments on the parade route, including two of 11 downtown's major hotels, for particular regulation for eleven hours after the parade is over; 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the appropriate City officials should suspend 13 enforcement of this provision of the ordinance for the 2002 St. Patrick's Day Parade at 5:00 pm. on 14 Saturday, March 16, 2002, in those cases where licensees post a person at each entrance and e�t of 15 their establishment until closing time to ensure that patrons do not enter or exit with beer or 16 intoxicating liquor; and 17 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution is not in any way intended to limit enforcement of 18 other ordinance provisions related to drinking in public, congregating on sidewalks, public nuisances ar 19 possession, purchase or consumption of alcohol by persons under 21; and PAUL, MINNESOTA 20 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the City Council requests that the administration review and 21 recommend appropriate amendments to Sec. 409.08(10) by August 1, 2002. oa a �s , . �..�o.._.._. Benanav B Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter Adopted by Adoption C / By: Approv By: ✓ � J��te , by Council S c�e �- , �r: ate ` • �1 Requested by Deparhnentof � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to CounciI � City Council VTAC7 PERSON & PFqNE Councilmember Coleman iT BE ON COUNCIL AGENQ4 BY (QAT� March 13, 2002 - Susp ����� 3/13/02 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES Oa-2,c� GREEN SHEET No 113705 initlauoan InMWUOas mI1Ri16iIOMFGfOR qntd�ll OIYAiTOMEY ❑ OIYGFNR wuncw�aEnNCESme. ❑ nuwcw.mm.ecro wmrtlort�xurixp ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution relating to enforcement of ordinance provisions requiring that all beer and intoxicating liquor sold by liquor licensees along parade routes be dispensed only in plastic or paper containers. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED TRANSACTION Has this persoNfirm e+er varked untler a cordract forthis departmeM? vES rio Has Mis P�evUfirtn e�er heen a dlY empbyee9 YES NO Ooes this P���rm P� a sidll not normal�YP� bY a�Y �� �7 �P�oY�7 YES � Is ihis P�� a�Oe[ed vendM YES NO CO37/REVENUEBUDCEfED(GRCLEONq YES NO ACTNI7Y NUMBER INFORMAl10N (IXPWln