261429 WH17E - C�TY CLERK � � PINK - FINANCE CO1111C11 � L� BLUER�'�qYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. � �� �"��°�y � � . " ' Or in�nce Ordinance N 0. � __ Presented By ` _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative ordinance approving the terms and conditions of a collective bargaining agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Laborers Local 132, Operating E�gineers Local 49 and Teamsters Local 120 WHEREAS, the Council pursuant to the provisions of Section 12.09 of the Saint Paul City Charter and the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971 recognizes Laborers Local 132, Operating Engineers Local 49 and Teamsters Local 120 as the exclusive representatives far those classes of positions within the City of Saint Paul certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services in Case No. 73-PR-427A for the purpose of ineeting and negotiating the terms and conditions of employment for all full-time personnel in said classes of positions as set forth in an Agreement between the City and the exclusive representativeB hereinabove referenced; and . . � WHEREAS, the City through �desig'nated represen�atives and . the exclusive representatives have me in good faith and negotiated the terms and conditions o� 'employm�nt for such personnel as are set forth in an "Agreement" between the City and the exclusive representatives, now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN:' Section 1. That the "Agreement" dated as of the effective date of this COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays Hunt Konopatzki In FaVOr ' Levine Meredith � Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified a ed by Council Secretary BY ��Q'°�`^����,�"�'���� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CJTV CLERK � • PINK - FINANCE � COUIICll 1 '(J� CANARY - DEISARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. BLUE • -�MAYOR -+.���,9 � . . 1 . • � � Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. �� o Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ordinance between the City of Saint Paul and Laborers Local 132, Operating Engineers Local 49 and Teamsters Local 120 on file in the office of the City Clerk is hereby approved and the authorized administrative officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement on � behalf of the City. Section 2. That the hourly wage rate for the classes of positions set forth in Articles 1 and 2 of said Agreement shall take force and effect in the manner and on the dates specified in said Agreement. Section 3. That all other terms and conditions of said Agreement shall take force and effect on the date of its execution by the City and the exclusive representatives. , Section 4. That any other ordinance, rule or regulation in force when said Agreement takes effect incoxasistent with any provision of the terms and conditions of said Agreement is hereby repealed. Section 5. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Butler Nays �x�� �-J Konopatzki _,� In Favor Levine Meredith f� Against BY � Roedler Tedesco ��� � � Mme.President��1e� �t Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Cer ' ie P sed by unci etary � BY��'S�-'` P ,.' By Approv b M or: ate ' ' 973 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , — By By PUBLISHED ��J� �' 1973 - �:.�. . �, ' . �..� I � �. _ . � Y � �� . • AGREEMENT WHT'R�,t=iS, �iie iieSigT�a.ted zepreSeT'ita�ive vf th.e CJ_�jT of Sai.nt PauJ_ and the exclus�_ve repzesentative af those classes of positions w�_thin the City of Saint� Paul cer�ified by the :3urea.0 of Mediation �e-rvices in Case N�. 73-PR-4?7-A havc met and r�egoti�ted in good faith in accordance wit�h the PuU1ic �mpioyment Labor Relations Act of 1971 and the require- nients of Minnesota Statutes 179. 61, Subd. 2; and WHER�AS, as a result of those negoti_ations, the riesig�- nated representative of_ the City and the exclu.siv� reL»-es�xlta- tive of_ the afor_ementi.oned classes of positions haJe reachec a�reement with respect to the terms and conditions of employment for the employees working in such clas�es fo.r the i peri.od January 6, 1973 to May l, 1974; NOW, THEREFORE, the pa.rties hereto agree as fcllows: 1. The hourly wage rate for the be�ow listed classes or po:�itions sha�_1 be establish.ed by ordinance for ihe dat�s incicated: 5�1�73 i1.�1�73 ��ir Compressor Cperator 6.50 6.50 Asphai.t BaLcherman 6a33 6<<Nl � Asphalt Ral.eer 6.46 E���5 � AsphalL- PJ_ant Engineer 6.33 6.41 . . `. �Zm 5�1-73 ]_1-1�73 � AsPhal� Sho��eler 6. 16 6. 25 };�.cklil.ler Operator 7• 17 7• ]-7 Bitumino:.�s Ct:rb Machine Operator_ 6,52. 6.52 Bit�i��.nav s S-;-�-eader Operator 7. 17 7 . 17 B�-i�ge Crew Leader 6. 36 6.45 . Bridge Laborer 6� ]_6 6. 25 Bu�_�e�ing I.a:r�or.er 6.08 6. 16 Ditch Digber. 6. 16 6. 25 uP��n;� F.n„�,nmP,,1- One:rator - As��l�altrPlant L 7. 17 7 . 17 Hoisting Engineer ' � . 17 7 . 17 .iackhammer Operator 6. 21 6. 29 i � K�ttle Firema.n ' 6. 16 6. 25 Labor Crew Leader 6. 28 6.36 Miner 6.65 6. 74 Mii�er - Water Depaz•tment 6 e 65 6. 74 . Mixer Engineer 6.61 6�61 Mortar Nixer 6. 21 6. 29 Motor Eq�aipment Opera�or 7. 17 7. 17 Motor Equipment: Ope-rator - . 47ater Depar_t��er.t 7 . 17 7 . 17 Motor PatroJ_ Operator 7 . 17 7 . 17 Paving Brealcer (Hydra-Hamrne.r Operator; 7e17 7. 17 . .- . . ' �� . • . -3- S-�_1�73 11-1-73 Plasterer' s Tender 6. 92 6. 92 PoV�er Clam C�gerator � 7. 17 7. 17 Power Shovel Operator 7 . ?S 7.35 Public Woriz.s Laborer 6.08 6, 16 Pulvimixer_ Operator 7 . 17 7. 17 P�.mperefie Operator 7, 25 7, 25 Road Machiner.y Operator 5.96 6.05 Koller Engineer (Under 6 tons� 6.61 6.6I Roller Enginee� (6 tons or over) 7. 17 7. 17 Jd1111,dL1Ci11 i�d.u�i e:� 6. 08 6. 16 Sewer Crew Leader b. 36 b.45 Sewer Laborer 6. 16 6. 25 � Sewer Maintenance Labo�er „ . , 6. 16 6. 25 . Sno-Go Operator 7. 1? 7. 17 Sweeper Operator 7. 17 7. 17 Tamper 6.33 6.42 Tractor Operator I 6.61 6.61 Tractor C?perator II 7. 17 7 . 17 _ Tractor Oper.ator II (Back Hoe) � 7. 17 7. J_7 � Trucic Dri�er 5.`�6 6.05 � Tunnel Laborer 6. 29 6.38 _ _ Unskilled Laborer G.08 6. 16 Vibrator Operator 6016 6. 25 . � � , • � , , . " � � , � -4- 5-�-73 11-1-73 Water Laborer 6.08 6. 16 Water Servicer�an I 6. 'll 6. 30 [�Tater Ser�Tic.eir�n II ' (Cornections) 6.36 6.45 WaLer Servi��rnari II (rlains� 6.36 6.45 2. The h.ourly wage rate f_or the below listed classes . of posit;..ons sha11 he established by ordinance on the dates indicated: January 6, 1973 During Pr.obationary After Completion o� Period Probationar - Pe�,�_oc Garuen Laborer $4.43 $4. 80 Gardener � �4.67 $5.04 GrourLdsman $4.67 $5.04 � Playground Cus�odian $4.67 $5.Q4 Resident Groundsman $4067 $5.04 School Grounds Maintenance Foreman $4.96 $5.35 Tree Trimmer I $4.67 $5 .04 Tree Trimmer II ' $5.08 $5.47 Watershed LaUorer $5. 13 $5.54 � . � ' • , . - . � , , r, . � -S- iVovember l, I973 - During Probationary . Arter Completion Period Probationary Peri - � ---- - Ga-rden Laborer .,' $4:58 $4.91 ' � �ardener _ ,_ . $4.82 $5,I5 Groundsm�� - $4.82 _ _ $S.�S ,_ _ � Playground Custodian _. $4.82 ._ __ _ - $S.I.S - Resident Groundsman _ $4.82 ' _ �5.I5 : _ School Grounds - 1�Iaintenance Fcre:nan $5,11 �5,�� Tr�e �rimyner I $�•82 $5.I.5 Tr�e Trimmer II $5. 23 $5.00 _ . tA�atershed Laborer $5. 28 - . $5.6Q _ 3. Within thirty�(30} calenCar days fro�rs and azter the �a�e the ordinance approving this abreement becorr�es effec�ive, a � . deszgnated representati�je of the City and the exclusiv� �epre-- sentative herein�bove referenced shall enter ir.to ne�o�iatio:LS- in an effort to a�ree upon terrns and condiiions of employ-;*12r.t to �� set forth in a E�-itten collective bargainir.g agreement to be - eftective May l, 1974 and extend for such p�riod of time as rf,tJ be designated in said �aoreement. CITY ��' SE�INT PAUL EXCLUSLVE REP�LSLi�TT�TI��E . � � � � � . ._ `� /� / � > � �. r��i7/�� � � a�`��.'' '�L/).t: ��- '�// �_ i f� �,�s:it�ess P�ran,�_�er; i.�;�o�_ers, zs;ly o� _ Loca_1 132 ( • , � � ) % , � • .. � . . � ♦ n i .. -5� Ilovember l, 1973 During l?robationary After Completion o Period Proba.tionar_y Perio � Garden Laborer $4.43 �����<� $4.91 Gardener _ $4.67 - � '?-� $5 . l5 Groundsman $4. 67 - �' �`�� $5. 15 Playground Custodian $4.67 - ``� ��- $S• �-� ; n�� Resi.dent Groundsman $4.67 � � $5 . i5 School Gro�.�nds Maintenance Forer.�an $4.96 - `-. ! ! $5.46 Tree Trimmer I $4,67 �� `�'� ��'� $5. 15 .., �. coo PEo Tree Trimmer II $5•�8 � � � `' �- �"" - �� Wa.tershed Laborer $5. 13 " `'�. :'? �= $S.60 3. Within thirty�(30) calendar days from and after the date the ordinance approving this agreement becomes e�fective, a designated representative of the City and the exclusive repre- sentative hereinabove referenced shall enter into negotiations in an ef�ort to agree upon terrns and conditions of employme�zt to be set iorth in a �Jritten collective bargaining agreement t.o be 1 effective May 1, 1974 and extend for sia.ch period of ti�r�e as ma.y be designated in said �agreement. CIT�' OF SAINT PAUL EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATIVE _ __ Gi`��� � . ,. Mayor_ siness Mana�er; Laborers, 'ocal 132 J .` � `"' - , .� . , . - -6- CITY OF SAInT PAUL EXCLUSIVE REPRES�NTATIVE ` . Director - Dept� of Finance ea Business Representative; and Management Se-rvices Operating Engineers , L�jca1 49 La.bor Relations Re s�ntative Busi s Representative; Teamsters, Local 120 i �I,� �..� � �� � _� _.____ ..�....._ .�._,� _ ���:����� � ,,�.��.��_%� �;������. �-� � e YE�s I�:y.; � � , �SJ'?`�•�•�: � �����1a��.��,� 261��9 ���� � , ���� x�� ; ; ����:� i � . m�.�:sc� � l � tJ � F�ST��J�lv'T (k'[T',t+jT) i . �