261426 WHI7E - CITY CLERK 2614�6
� Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the appointment by the Mayor of
William N. Swiriduck to the position of Administrative
Aide in the office of the Ma.yor in Grade 47 of the
unclassified service pursuant to the terms and provisions
of Ordinance No. 15132 is hereby in all respects ratified
and approved, effective from and after the first payroll
period following the effective date of this resolution.
Yeas � Nays ( Requested by Department of:
Konopatzki �� [n Favor
Meredith � Against BY
Spc�dt�i� Roedler
Tedesco •
Mme.President � �t �u�
� � Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certifi ed by Co ary By / ���f.t�„ �
1 1 �973 Approv y Ma r ion ouncil
Approv by Maxo . Date
Ru�.rstr�o JUN 16 197�
MAYOR June 4, 1973 ��L$t�s
To the Honorable Council
of the City of Saint Paul:
I herewith transmit for your consideration a proposed
resolution confirming my appointment of William N. Swiriduck
as Administrative Aide in the Office of th e Mayor.
Res ectfully submitted,
� �b��i���
June 4, 1973
T0: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen
Philip Lee
FR: Frank D. Marzitelli ���
i ���.
William N. Swiriduck is presently employed by the City of Saint
Paul as a P.E.P. employee. He will be filling the position
vacated by Roger Matheson who has recently been appointed to
the position of Budget Director. Your approval of the attached
resolution is requested.
City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02
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''``��..� — Committee: _Date -
..��:.,.��d To
. Out ef Co:r.mittee By --_ __ — Date —
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C(�UI�ICILh'IEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas -� t�.+,.,, Nays �
�{ �_... .
Konopatzki '�"^f In Favor --
Le�.ine --� .
114ered:tn � A�ainst BY — -- ---
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P�'t:�e.President ^ t.�•►. r.,..�. ,�,
�" `""'' �4'�"� � '��;� Forr;l Approved by City Attorney
A�c�tEd by Ce•:. cil: Date
,,� .,
Ger�.f�e�. _" �� by Council Se�reta'ry ., :.� BY � - `� "` '`' `-✓ --
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: -__ i,:��y�•_: �?ate -��1a` �Ti��— Approved 6y Mayar for Svbmission to Council
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By _ .,,..
WHITL — CITY CL.t-_rcn , e -1 p [ T T " j�( � ,��
PINK — FINANCC:. � I��, H. \?�� �["4� �r � � I�1R� 'i�T 1, gile ---NO. T�-�—�--��
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Presented By ----- _ �
Referred To Com�nittee: Date
— Date ------._ —
Out of Committee I3y_— —_
RESOLVED, That the appointment by the Nla.yor of
Wil.liam Iti e Swiridv.ck �o the position of Administ�rative
Aide in the af�ice of the Mayor in Grade 47 of the
u�classified sersice purs�u.ant to the terrns and provisians
of Ordinance No. 15132 is hereby a_n a11 resPects rutified
and apprcved, eff�ctive from and after the firsl� paYxoll
. period following the effective date ot this resolution.
�,I _
i � •
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �,��er Nays
� In Favor —
Konopatzki —
Levine By -----
Mere�i,h �_ A�ainst
� ROec�ex
Mme .President Httt1� Form Approved by City Attorney
Date �� �
Adonted by Council: �,., , , ,o,Q � ._.__
gy /�C��i�/�
Certified Passed by Council Secretary
Approved by �4ayor for Submission to Council
Approved by A4ayor: Date — - _^ _T`
, g�, —
� BY - — — --
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Ln���ir�:�c�. J�. Cc�rrr�
•rA�o�z June 4, I973
To the Honorable Council
of the Czty of Saint Paul:
I h�rewith transmit for your consideration a proposed
resolution confirmin.g my appointment of William N. Swiriduck �
as Administrative Aide in the Office of th.e Mayor.
Respect.fully submiti�ed,
. �
June 4, 1973
T0: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen
Philip Lee
FR.: Franlc D. Marzitelli
William N. Swiriduck is presently employed by the City of Saint
Paul as a P.E.P. �np�oyee. aie will be filling the gosttion °1
vacated by Roger Matheson who has recently been appointed to
the position of Budget Director. Your approval of the attached
resolution is requested.
• Educational and Occupational Qualifications ������
' William N. Swiriduck
PER;�J►tAL: Age: 56 Height: 5'9" e g t; 180 Health: Excellent
Married: � Z�ao Children ,
EDUCATION: BBA Degree - University of MinnesoCa. Ma�or in Industrial Management.
to Position: Manager Operational Research
Present Duties: Supervise and administrate the performance of professional
work in the analysis, design and development of departmental systems
and to implement these systems, either on a manual basis or computerized
system. It includes activities to increase efficiencies, cost reductions, �
work method studies, equipment procurement and replacement, and to conduct
analytical studies of functions, procedures and.methods of vartous depart-.
ments and their relaCed activities.
Major accomplishment was the development of a Master Geographic Base File.
as a basis for a computerized data base.
to Consulting for production management, production control, Industrial �ngin-
Oct. 1971 eering and rel�ted fields. Working with small co�npanies.
. March 1968 G4ULD BATTERIES (Alkaline Division}. St. Paul, Minn.
to Position: Production Manager.
May 1969 Duties: Responsible for the actual set-up of the departmenC
including plant layout, station layouts, process charts, standard
costs, �udgets and pert ,charts. It entailed trafning foremen,
developing job descriptions, engineering, make-or-buy decisions,
, scrap control, maintaining high quality, anaintaining safety program,
set up production and inventory control. The departments reporCing
to me included all of production, production and inventory control.
receiving and shipping, industrial engineering and maintenance.
There were approximately I40 people reporting to me. •
to Consulting for production management, production control,
Msrch 1968 Industrial Engineering and related fields. Working with
smaller companies. � .
Aug. 1966 NATIONAL CONNECTOR CORP. . New Hope, Minn. ,
to Position: Ass't. Director of Manufacturing
Feb. 1967 Duties: Planned and established work objectives of manufacturing,
assembling, purchasing, production control and maintenance. Set and
controlled budgets for personnel and equipment, initiated cost reduction
programs and procedures for the departments, directed personnel ;
development programs, enforced proper house keeping and safety practices,'
and coordinated the activities of the departments. I also set procedures
and defined responsibilitfes of subordiaates so that definite plans
and procedures were put into effect. Approximately 300 employeea were
under my control.
March 19b5 CONTROL DATA CORP,. Minneapolis, Minn. •
t4 Posi�ion: Planning and Scheduling MAnager
Aug. 1966 Duties: Responsible for coordinating, planning, scheduling �nd tha
execution of plans Eor the manufacture and install,ation of c�mputerized
equipment. Included were site planning, engineering and production so ,
that deadlines and installaCion dates were met. This also entailed
working closely with the customer to the mutual satisfaction of all
concerned. �
�rior to the above position, z was Project Administrator (Product
Msnag�ment). Responsibilities included coordination of enginQering,
production and marketing activities and evaluation of product success.
� .
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, ' '
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. ��
Jan. 1961 UNIV�RSAL SALES, INC.,' Minneapolis, Minn.
to Position: President and Owner
Feb. 1965 Duties: Supervised all phases of the business including production,
sales, advertising, etc. Small Corporation doing busineas in the
advertising specialty field through jobbers in the U.S.A. , Canada,
. Mexico and South America.
June 1956 PiONEYWELL, INC. (Aero Division), Minneapolis, Minn.
ro Position: Production Control Supervisor
Dec. 1960 Duties: � Supervised production coordfnators and planners. Coordinated
and developed controls for planning, scheduling and manufacturing. _
, Forecast manufacturing loads and requirements. '
Prior to the above position T was a Staff Engineer. I handled special .
projects, made cost analysis, forecast tool and inachine loads, determined
the most feasible place to manufacture products based on cost analyais,
machine availability, labor available, etc.
Jan. 1952 FEDERAL CARTRIDGE CORP. �in Cities Arsenal, New Brighton, Minn.
to Position: Section flead, Production Materials Inventory Control
June 1956 and Packaging.
Duties: Determined material requirements and specificationa for the
procurement of production materials, prepared sequisitions� maintained
inventory records, prepared packaging manual, standardized packing
methods, developed new packs,_ administrated industry projects in the
development and testing of new packaging products and containere,
represented the company at industry wide meetings pertaining to production
materials and specifications, attended meetings as the company representative,
on the Industry Integration Committee for Packaging and Inspection.
Additional duties included meeting with suppliers to make decisions and
seCtlements pertaining to materials that did not fully meet specificationa
however were usable. Supervised an office force, packaging engiaeera
and warehouse personnel. .
. March 1951 MONTGOMERY WARD. St. Paul, Minn.
to Position: Industrial Engineer
Jan. 1952 Duties: Consisted of time and motion studies, methods analysis, setting
standards for incentive pay, administrated etandard cost system, gathered -
data and prepared cost analysis for various projects, and acted ia an
advisory capacity in the supervision and operation of departments
: assigned. .
Au�. 1950 ?•7ILS01�� & CO.. MEAT PACKERS. Albert Lea, Minn.
to �osition: Labor Control Auditor ( Industrial Engineering Dept.)
March 1951 Duties: Responsible for analyzing labor costs to determine operations �
that were unecanomical and to make recommendations for improvement, . ,;
made 8udits of labor costs for production, determfned operations that �
required new time etudies, aided in plant layout, coordinated and
con�olidated labor cost reports for top management. .
Augu�st 1950 Graduated from the University of Minnesota. Received a Bachelor of
� Business Administratfon degree with a major in Industrial Managemeat.
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Eoucational and Occu�ational QualificaCionA
�_.. T-._ _ ._ ...__.
lliam N. Swiriduck-- `�
PEI:S��i.AL: Age: SG Height: 5'9"-'-'�'F1�e�g�t; 180 Health: LxcellenC
Married: � Zt�ro Children
EDtJC:1TZON: BBA Degree - University of Miz�nesota. Ma,jor in Industrial Manager,nent.
nct. 1471 cx�r o� sx, rAUZ. - r�¢n�soT�. . •
to Position: Manager Op�rational �esearch
Present Duties: Supervise and administrate the .perforu�ance of professional
' wark in the analysis, design and development of ciepart�ental syste�ns
znd to implement these syste.�,s, either on a manual basis or �aa�puterized
system. It includes activities to increase efficiencies, caEt reductbons,
work method studies, equipment procurement and replacement, and to condu�t
. analytical studies of functions, procedures and.methods o� various depart-.
- ments and their related activities.
Major accomplishment was tize development of a Master Geographic Base File.
- � as a basis for a compuCerized data base.
to Con�ultin� for production management, production control, Industrial Eugin-
Qct. 197Z eering and related fields. Working with small companieg.
' �Iarch 1968 GOULD BATTERIES Alkaline Division). St. Paul, Minn.
to Position: Production Manager.
May 1969 Dut�ies_ Responsible for the acCual se.t-up of the department
includin� plant layout, station layouts, process charts, standard
� costs, .b�udgets and pert charts. It entailed training foremen,
developing job descriptions, engineerfng, make-or-buy decisi�ns,
scrap control? maintaining high quality, maintaining safety pro�ram,
� set up production and inventory cantrol. The departments reporting
to ne included all of production, production and inventory control,
receiving and shipping, industrial engineering and maintenance.
There were approximately 140 people reporting �o me. -
Feb. 1967 SELF rMPLOYED , �^ '
to Consulting for product�ion manmgeuient, production control,
March 1968 Industrial Engineering and related fields. Wo�king with
smaller companies. � . �
. Aug. 1966 NATIONAL COI�TIiECTOR CORP. , New Hopes Minn. , ' ,
to P�sition: Ass' t. Director of �fanufacturing
Feb. 1967 �uties: Planned and established w�rk objecrive� of manufacturing, '
assembling, purchasing, production control and maintenance. Set and � :
controlled budgets for personnel and equipment, initiated cost reduction
programs and procedures for the departmenGs, directed personnel �
development programs, enforced proper house keeping and safety practices,'
and coordinated the activities of the departments. I also set procedures
- �nd defined responsibilities of subordinates so tha� de£inite plans
and procedures were put into effact. Approximately 300 employees were
under my control. � -
March 1965 CONTROL DATA CORl', , Minne�a�ol isi Minn. . �
Co k'osiCion: Pl�nnin� nnd Scheduling Munagex'
Aug. 19b6 Dutic:s: Responsiblc for coord.'�nACZng, plunning, schedulin� r�nd tlia
� - ex�cution of plans for the manufacture and install,ation of computerized
equipment. Zncluded w�ere site planning, engineering an3 production so ,
that deadlines and installation dates were met. This also entailed
working closely with the customer Co the mutual satisfaction ot t�ll
concerned. �
Prior to the above pasi.Cion, I wns Pro�ect Adniinistrator (prc�duct
2��na�;e.T,c:i,t). Respons�lities inc�.uded coordinution of en�ineerit�,,,
� . .._ a.._.. ' '_ ....._1 .,-...5..- .�:. s •...t..� .in �e.nl�eah� r� nf �r :����t ��,rr���
t%.�:u�.:�..:.:.vtt cxuu .s..a...�ti...�.:.b ...._4,..�....�.. ....'a .....�....__..�.. ._t� .
� �
• � «
' ,
,Ian. 1961 UNIVI?F.SAL SALES, INC.,' Minneapolisp Mfnn.
ro Positi_on: President and Owner
Feb. 1965 Du�ies: Supervised all phases of the business includin� praductio�e,
sales, advertising, etc. Small Corporation doin� businet�s in the
advertising specialty field through jobbers in the U.S.A. , C�nada,
Mexico and South America.
June 1956 1i71�i,i'I,1ELL, INC. (Aero Division) , Mi.nneapolis, Minn.
Lo Posieion: Production Control Supervisor
Dec. 1960 Duties; � Supervised production coordinarors and plr�nners. Coordinated
, and developed controls for planning, scheduling and manufacturi.ng.
: Forecast manufacturing loads �nd requirements. '
Prior to the above position I was a Staff Engineer. I handled special
pr.ojects, made cost analysis, forecnst t•ool and 'machine losds, der_e�mi.�t�d
the most feasible p].�ce to manufacture products based or, eost unnly�i�t,
: : machine availability, labor available, etc.
Jan. 1952 FED�RAL CA�`�RIBGE CORP. Twin Cities Arsenal, New Bri�hton, Minn.
to Position: Section Head, Production �iaterials Inventory Control _
J�ne 195b and Packabing.
Du�ies: Determined material requirements and specifications for the
• _ .procurement of production materials, prepared .requisitions� maintained
� inventory records, prepared packagi.ng manual, standardized nacking
, methods, developed new packs,, administrated industry projects in the
� development and tesCing of new pacl�.aging products and coi2tainers,
represented the con�pany at industry wide meetings pertaining to pruduction
, mn�erials and speci€ications, attended meetings as the company repxesentative_
on Che Industry Integration Committee for Packaging and Inspection.
Additional duti_es included meeting with suppliers to make decisions and
settle�ents gertairing to �aterisls thst did not fuZly meeC speciFicsti^�a
however were usable. Supervised an office £orce, packaging engineers
and warehouse personnel. .
- . March 1951 MONTGO�IERX �dARD, St. Paul, Minn. �
to Position: Industrial �ngineer
, Ja�a. 1952 Duti_es; Consisted o£ �ime and motion studiea, methods annlysis, setting
� standards far incentive pay, .;dministrated standard cost system, gathered
data and prepared cost analysis for various projects, and acted in an
advisory capacity in the supervision and operation of departments
. assigned. .
Au�. 1950 r�:II.SON & C�J, . TSEAT PACKERS, Al.�ert Lea�Minn. ,
to ?o�iti.on: I,abor Control Auditor ( IndusCrial Engineering Dept.)
March 1951 Duti2s� Resgonsibla for analyzing labor costs to determine operatious �
tha� �a�ere uneconomical and to make recommendations for improvement, ,'
- made Eudits of lsbor costs for �roduction, detennined operations that � �
required new time studies, aided in plant layout, coordinated and
consolidated labor cost reports for top manageznent. ,
_ � _
Au�ust 1950 Grnduated from the University of Minnesota. Received a B�chelor of
• Business Administxation degree with a major in Induatrial ManagemanC.
. __ �.
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