261408 WH17E - CITV CLERK � ' 1 ^^���� P1NK - FINANCE COIIT1C31 • �L' BLUERY�MAVORTMENT GITY OF� SAINT PAITL File NO. V� y V � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that Chapter 397 , Laws of Minnesota for �-973, approved the 19th day of May, 1973, entitled: "An act relating to the county of Ramsey and the city of Saint Paul ; authorizing the rendering of emergency or lifesaving service by a physician' s trained mobile intensive care paramedic ; under certain circumstances granting immunity from civil liability for good faith emergency lifesaving se�vices rendered by physician' s trained mobile intensive care paramedics and also for physiciane who render medical advice and instructions to such paramedics while the paramedics are in the performance of lifesaving services . " a certiYied copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; RESOLVED FURTHER� that the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul , shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of ar�proval of said Act. COUI�ICILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ��. Nays � � _ Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY . �m�c lto�dler Tedesco Mme.Presiden�. �t J U N 6 1973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified sed by Council S r ry BY '—`������E�.-� By `� ��73 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approv d by MaXo • a By BY PU�LIB�HED .JUN g � .- � , 4 � ^� Y `�} y'y�,' �r.f �'��� � °�.,�ai� ``` ��� s7.��i._i.i���� _L�r�i �i l� OF'�4'ICi�: (>�<' •1�}1:�;', t;F'7'4'" l;O�.TNC`?:I. c�=s-1 +�<<i_r, :,�r�. ���u��r }�nL;sr, t ;r :. � �_: ��.�"f � -'�t�'?` 2-�:,,IJ3_.,, 1-Il_.\"i�_E��O'L`:� :`rSiO� MF� �Rr�NCES !�,:�':'!:'.=�v ' �'� 1➢'�s�:�e; a� s �� ' ���t-°., i;�� T.�gis:ativc l;d�: 29� �une 5, 1�73 T0: St. Paul �it;% Counc�.J. St. Paui City �lerk rRO�i: _R,uby Hun.t, Chairman, Council Committee on Legislatior. The Councii Cor^mittee on Legislation, at a meeting on June 5, 1973, !pp�oved a motion to recommerd adoption by the City Council of. the follawirg items: 1 . Crdinalz:e amending Section 3.01.6 of the City Charter pertaining to apgointments of the Mayor. 2. Resolution a�provirig Chap�er 330, La�,�s of Minneseta for 1973, relating to the condemnati.on cf real pronerty 'pursuanr. to the procedures set oat on the �`ome �.tle Charter. 3. Itesolution app�c��ing Chap�er 357, Lac�s of Minnesota i�r 1973, pe�^taining to emergen:y or lifesaving service by a physici�n's *rained r.lobile intensive care parariec�ic. 4. Aesoltitiozi apl.�roti irg Section 4 of Chapter 691, Laws of T�1ir.nesota for 197�; providing for the division of tYie city intc districts for the election af the CitS� Council, Froviding for an <�ileS� system, changing the election day and term of office and providing a rlethod for fixing coripensat�on. 5. Resolut;on requesting the Charter Commission to give c�.isideration to Chapter 691 , Laws of Minnesota for 1�;73, and �he ger.eral subject of �r�nicipal elections ana election procedures. �-� l '-�- � � �.;;flarry E. Manhall Albert B. Olaon >, ,_ • City Clerk and �',`-` °� Council Recorder - Commiaioner of Registration ���`J� � `'� �� � i: �� `r � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS �386 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 June 11, 1973 Mr. Arlen I. Erdahl Secretary of State 18J State Office Buil�ing St. Paul, Minnesota Dear air: Attached for fili.ng in your of#'ice is a certificate of the City of Saint Paul, approvin� Chapter 397, Laws of Minnesota �°or 19"t'3. Wil:1 yoa please time stamp the enelosed copy of this letter s.nd the certificate and return them to �e? �;--.� Very truiy yours, i % �� ;-� � E.���`�� � jl��/%�•!�-��__ � '�l AO�ng ��ity Clerk STATE 4F ��NNEStl�� DEPART F I L�D S���� JlJN 1/�21973 �/Civ`'"�� l�`. 4 SeYre+�rv o; 5tat� O _ � , � ►� � CERtIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW • BY GOVERNING BODY (Pursuant to PJ�inne�ota Statutes, 645. 02 and 645. 021) STn�"r; OF rriIPJNESOTA RAMSEY Ceunt,y of TO Ti� SECRETARY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA: • � PLEASE TAI� NOTICr�, That the undersi.gned chief clerical officer of the City af Saint Paul (name of governmental unit) DOES F�,REBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 197.�, Cha�ter 397 requirin� approval by a * majority vote of the governing body of said local ��vernmental unit before it becomes effective, the City Council �_, (designate governing body , at a maetin� duly held on the 6th day of June, , 19�3 by resolution Counca.l File No. 261�+0$ did approve said Laws, 197�, Chapter 397 ' (If other than resolution, specifyl '.:y a __. majority vote of all of the members thereof (Ayes ��_; Noes 0 ; Absen-t or not voting ) and the following additional steps, i f' ariy, :equired by s tatute or charter were taken: kesulution to be oublished in the St Paul official newsp�,per on June 9� 197�. A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by reference. l�' � �-��`% /'% �;•: � � Signed. �� _i���� � j \ ' �T� S�AL • ICity Clerk. (4fficial designation of o2ficerl (This form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by the Secretary of State as required in fJiinnesota Statutes 645.021) "If extraordinary majority is required by the s�ecial Gaw insert ,fraction or �ercent- age here. ' STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF'STATE FIL�D J U N 1 21973 _ G�:� � _ Sec;a±ary of State WHiT= — C'•-'� CLEFeK . . � � FINfi — rl�:q'�:CE � � � �� � � L011IICl� � ) � � cati4�:.�, �� P�„�r�,ENT ( � I '!'l () E'' �:� I :�i' �D.1I? I. File NO. F..�)��l�I ewr- � -j.�nvo� � ' �� + .Co�nci� �eso�'�tion '� � .�,�'��=- - ---- --- P re s t n t ed By� ��°�'�'�� ------- - --- --- � Rr�?f�rr�d To - - ------- --- --------- --- Committee: Date ----- — ���:' ��` Con;^litt-�e I3� _ � � __ -- -- - __ _--_ _ _- - - - �.�±e ------ --- - _----- RESOL� L;ll, U�- the �oa.�iz:, ii of the Git�- o� Saiilt I'aul , that � r'I��a��t�ez- ��); , La<<�s of �TinnPSOta �'or 19�3 , ap��reaed �he 19th �'�+�- of �Ia�-, 1�)�j , el�titled : "att act z•elatan�� to the county of' Rams��- and tti� � � c i t�- of Saiut P��t�I ; authorizin� t�e rencic�r.in,� of � enier�renc�r oi : ife�a�-ind seg•vicE� l��r a Nlz��sician ' s � traitied mobile illtensive care �;ar�amedic ; under cei°tain ci.rcun;starices grantin� immunity from ci� il liabilit�- for good faith emer�ency lifesa�-ing sen�ices rend�red by physician' s trained mobile interisive care paramedics and also f'or uliysicians who rencler r,�edicai advice and instructior2s to � such paramedics while the parame�ics are in the performance of lifesavin� servi c�es . " �� certified co��y of w�licll is filed herewittl , sliall be a�lc� said .act hereb�- is iri all ttiincs ap�rovec� ; RESOLy"ED- F'liItTHER� that the Git�r Clerk, as the elzief' c�l c r�_cal officer of �aid Cit�, �f' Saiiit Yaui , s?iall forth<<-ith ii].e with the Secretary of Stat� a certificate in forin �?rE�scribed by tYie Attorney General statin� the essential f�icts necessar,y to said approeal of said ac* }�er•ez�ndet and : iicludin� a copy of -t�is resoliztion a� a-���.roval of saici act . STATE OF MINNESOTq DEPARTMENT OF STqTE _ —:— .- _ -- --— --- - ---�-_—-_.-----_----- -F�--L.�—$—-_ _- �: ,� ;� u�,:v �!1N 1 21973 �''-�i� r �_�p tia�s II ke�ue�ted by Depurtment o����yt. A ' . I/ ' �•i F_�vo, I� -- ------- -��:. .-�,��o �. . :;� ---- � � f�fate - - ,_ .. ; . .I :�.�I� — Y I� 1. �.�c Roedler --- 9�a:t�s t �� BY __--__------------ ; ----- -- TeciF:;::o I 1ir,:e .Pre>;;c��nt]� }'jtlZlt k _,�j��— � (� -- II Form i1p�:uvc:ci by City Attorne}' :�do�teu �� Council: Dute _ _ �� ��73 � , I� I i � ' � Certified I' ��sed b�� Council Se�re���r; � �I By f�=�� � �� Q�� � � � , �_--- � ; B� ' ��" ' —--;— -- �� , ; Approv d Ly `;tayo • � a e _ _ N � ��7� hpproved by Mayor for Sub:nission to Council By' — - By _ PUBLI9HED J�N y 19 i ---- li ---- - .Tune 11, 1973 Mr. Arlen I. Erdahl Secretary o�' State 180 Sta�e Ofgice Buildiz� St. Paulf Minnesota I�ar Sir s Attacla�d for fil3n,g in your office is a Gertificate o�` the City of S83nt Pau1� approving Chapter 397�, L�w� of Minne�ota for 1973. Will you please time stamp the enclos�d copy of this letter and the certifica�e and return th�;m to n�7 Very truly yours, Gi.ty C�.erk AO�xsg ___. __ _ �_.� ___.__._:., . �' - . , , , . , . _ , , ' . . ' � H.F.No. 15 51 ; . , ����� � , . li� . Martin O. Sabo ; � . \ � . �. � . sp�aker o f e xous�o f n�pt�:entaav�r. ' �� � , � � - , ' � .�l� . . Alec G.Olson • President o f the Senate, . . • � . Passed the Hosse of Representatives this 25th �y af ApriT in the year of Our Lord one t,'�ousand nine hundred and sevenry-thre� � . . ` : . � ' '., �dward A. Burdick • . � .' Chief Clerk.Houre of Representativcs. Passed the Senate this IOth day o¢ May in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sevenry-three, � • � . ' _ ` � . ' Patrick .Flahaven . ' Secretmy of ihe Senasa � APproved {� � Yg13 L .IG�fL ..,�'�� , . ������ Wendell R.Anderson . ' Govcrnor of she State of Minnerota. �-,•, � / - ' : � , _ ;���a ��, � . � T� , • / . ' l:� � � � ' Arlen I.Erd f � ' : . Sccretary o f State. � ' � � . . z. �. b ' � � �, .. . . . � - -- ------ €�?�--r� - � �� �i- �r-v-�� ``�������<� '�;� .J T '� � ' =�„ :,'�`�,�,;�,�-�r�n�r�i �.� -- ---- -- - ��l '��� ,� �' � F`� � I I �y� ..�, 0 � I��, .� !,, � � , , ^�-, �, , ��� ..,. � � �., � �FSU1L£UfY.. '�� � i f � �. �� JS. ��� � ���� ��"-��.�� . �� � ` ���' J � _ � < '., �_� � � �' f���1 -� _ C'==_ r� ;,,, _ '+'�� - � — ---� �f r% � I `�� �—� `_� �� '' � �r� �� �'�is'� �1';'E c �S" c� �.� � `�._ i r. � \`—� - �------ ��' l ;�� _.( ��1� ��: ������E���� _ = ,����:J� � �r��:� _��.;, � �. �� � � f.: f��5� � ��. �i� `e, .,•.�. c " ��� �,, �� ��. ��\ - _—_ __— � 7"__ e-.>�` _— ____—_— __ _ . /'� . 4F . \ �i � '.. . ._.___ � ---___ " � . . G—� ---- � - — �-----� �:q_ ){ '`���,� '�+a'�.a � a�. / �;:: . �� -�� I�� \�3,' �,�� ,�i, ��I x�`> �`�� i �. ��,a�'� ��,� � ��,: l, Arlen i. Erdahl, Secretary of State of the State of � � , r, ik�u Minnesoto do hereb certi y thot I houe com ared the annexed ��' ' ' �Y f � r`.,". ' I�;� �� �°� copy with record of ti�e originol -, Qcts - � �� (/ R'' in my office of H. No. 1551, being Chapter 397, 1 �..._ F. Laws of =�� � �� '.,� 1 � P�Zinnesota for 1973, anproved May 19, 1973 as filed in this / � � F - _ - - �°" office �'ay 19, 1973 �� / ��� 1, �, �. � �. / _ �; � !�� � � l E �,• �- �\ �{. \\ � � i . . . ����,. \ `�� �/ . � /I 4 ^,e+� 1 .h� . . . �.`� . �� l I��� � ���� - . . ;;a . ^u `\, r �. / �`� �. s.. ;�= f '�� + � ?' � - �.� ''�_� i .:� ! and that said copy ts a true ond correct transcri�t of said � :� � -f ���; , '�` Act s ��.� ,,�, - - .M. , ;{:;' '�\ ( ��.. and of the whole thereof ,�� �, j�; f�'�i ��w�"y.°� � 1N TESTIMONY WHERfOf ! haue hereunto set my �I � !`��a � �L�„J ! � hond ond affixed the Greot Seat of the ti �� ,`�`� , ��� ,. �� ��� State, at the Caqito! in St. Poul, this ���,.� � , , ��, . 5th d�y o f June A. D. 19 �3 '���' ��-�I �j ? � � � r�;�`� . ��-�.,� � -�.��:...� � �� ���I Secretary of State ���•� � ���`� Fc�`�� � — -- ,, ;, �. ,, — --- _ _—_—._ f — K"°��r'�' . . , -.. . . .. . . . . -. '. . , .. : .. .. . a. . , „ / .,- , a .. .,. :. � _.,.� :.' .. -} . ,. . . . ..;�, , . - .. . . . � . . �;, n _ ��. �� � Q! � �'' --/\._ � �_��_/�—��,-�--i�—/����`�`---��—i�_;�p_/�_./�_/�_�'������?��Q:�--e _ �.,,_— _ -,_.__._ , t _=�-'�t a _ , �� y ' ' r • � � ., • H.F.No. 1551 � ��"� CHAPT�R No. �1�.�� � \��./ �:Y. , + , � � ? re].a�ing to �he county of Ramsey and the � 3 citY o� Saint Paulg author�zing the - r3 renderinq o� emergencY o� lifesavl�ng 5 sez'vice by a phYs�cian � s trained mobile 6 intensi�e care paramedic ; undez certain � ' 7 cizcu,�ns�ances granting immunity from ' 8 c1,vi1 liability for good fai�h emergency � g lif�saving services rendeY�sd by � ' 10 phYs�.cian � � trained mobile Sn�ensive 1 � care �aramedics and also for physt,cians Z? who render fiedical adv�,ce and - � � � � 13 instructions to such paramedics whl,].e 1� the param�dics are in the pertormanae of �� li�esaving sexv�.c�s, � � � 16 BE IT ET�ACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTAf � ' �? Sec�iaa 1 . [DEFZNITION5.] As used in sec�ians 1 to 6, 18 "physic;,an� s trained mobile intensive care paramedic�� mean� � � - . • .� �19 a p�rson whos � . 20 (1� Is an employee of the county ot .Ramsey oz the city � 21 0� Saint paulg � � � " 22 t2) Has been .specially tra�ned in emerqency cardiac and . , 23 noncardiac care by a 1�censed physician in a training � 2� progran certified by �the state board of hea�th or tha state • 25 board of inedical examiners and is certified as qualitied to . 2o render th� emergency ligesaving services enumerated herein. 27 Sec, �, The city of Saint Paul and the county ot. � 29 Rams�y are hereby autho�ized to maintain a stafx o� • ' 29 phys9.cian � s �rained moblle intensive care paramedics� 30 S�cp 3, Subdivision 1 . 73otw�,thstandinq any other 3� �xavi��on o� law, physicianos tra�,ned mob�le SntensJ.ve � Care - 32 par�madScs may do any of th� �allowingt . ; • _JJ � �� Regular �e�cuej �Zrst aid and resuscitatiori � � � � . J� s.•2.d�v.L�..V�,�Jp • � ' . � . . • • . �� t2) Duzing tra�.ning �may ,administer parentaral 2� � _ __ , • . ., ' H.F.No.� 1551 � ��.edications under the direct supervlsion of a licensed � � 2 nhysi�i�n or a reqistered nurse� � � �3� P�:�orm cardiopulmonary resuscitation and � � �. de�lbriilatian 1n a puiseless, nonbreathinq patient� . 5 (�) Administer intravenous saline or glucose . solutiensi 6 L5) Administer gazenteral injectiens ln .any ot the � 7 following classes ot druqs, � .• . ' ' 6 (a) antiarrY�hmic agentsf ' � . 9 (b) vaqolY�ic agentsf � . , . _ . , 10 tc) chronotrcplc a�ents � • .. � • � � 11 (d) analgesic agents; • , • 12 (e). alkalinizinc� �agentst . ',. : ' :3 tf) vasopresso� agentsy - < � . f 1� t4) diur�ticsT � � � 1� Cb) Adminis�er, perfoxm and app�y all other procedures, S6 ditgs and skilZs in which they have been trained and are ' 17 certifi�d to qive, apply and dispense, - 18 Bu� at �all times before undertakinq the ac�ions . � 19 authorized by ciauses C3) , (4), t5) and (6), paramedics � • 20 sha?1 make and continue to make9 durinq the couxse of an � � 21 em�rc�ency� a�t�mgts to es'�ab3.ish �voiee communications �w1th • � 22 an� receive ins�ruct�ons �rom a licensed physician who has 23 been associa�ed with the dispensinq of emerqency cardi�c and - � � 2� noncardiac med�cal, care. Additionall�y, the paramedics sha11 � 2� ;aa�e a;�d continue to makeo during the course o� wha� they ':�:� b�l�.ev� �o be a cardiac emexqencya attempts to tel.emeter to . -?%' Z ��C�nseG �hysiciana who has been ass4ciated with �the - ?S dis�en�inq of cardiac medica� care, an electrocardioqram o� - �� a � � . . � ' % � � . , _ ' ., ' . � �i.F.No. 15�1 . . � � 1 th:: peV�o� beir�g treated. � � Subd, 2o No�hing � contained 1,n this act shall be � 3 �onstru�d to change ex�sting law as ix relates �o deleqat�an � bY a 1S.censed �hysician ot acts, �asks or functions .�o ; p�rsons o�her � than physician� s tra�ned mabile intenslve care . b �aramedicso `',. . . . 7 Se�, 40 No licensed physician or r�4istered nurse, wha� E Sr� �ood �aith �ives emergeacf ins�ruct�ans to a certi�ied 9 �hys;ci�t1' s trained mobil� intens3,ve care paramedic at the � �� � � . - ?G sc�n� a� an emergency, ar whil,e in� transit to .and� �rom the . • 11 scene �r such en�rgencyr s�ail be liab].e tor any Civll� . . 12 damages as a result o� issuinq such instructians;� i3 seG, 5. No certified physlcian� s trained mobi.le �- 1� intens�v� caze paramedic, who i�n good �aith renders 15 emerqer►cy lifesaving care and treatiment as set forth in. this 16 chapter, shall be liable for any c�vil damages because o� . � , - - ! 17 rend�rinel such care and �rea�.men�o � - . 18 SECo 6. This ac� shall became effective only after its. 19 apps�oval by a ma�ority of the qovern�nq body o� the county 2o ar Ramsey and a majority a� the governing body of the city ' - �? o� Sain� Aau�, and upon comp�iance �with Minnesota SCa�utes, 22 5���3.�� fi45,0210 . : � _ , � . , .