261407 WHI7E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COU11C11 � CANARV - eEPARTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PAITL BLUE ,�'AVOR File �O. 14��'7 -��" Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date RESOLVED� by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that Chapter �30, Laws oY Minnesota for 1973, approved the 18th day of May, i973, entitled: "An act relating to the city of Saint Paul ; authorizing the condemnation of real property pursuant to the procedures set forth in its � home rule charter. " a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; RESOLVED FURTHER� that the City Clerk, as tne chief clerical officer of said City �of Saint Paul , sY�all forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate� in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �_. Nays Konopatzki _�. In Favor Levine Meredith � Against By a�m�t Avsdl�r Tedesco Mme.President � �'t Ju� 6 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date • Certified sed by Counci t By� , By � Appro by Maxor: D te `iUN � ��73 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PuBU�+� 9 19 3 �° % � . ��'`� �� ° `���� /.fi ��,"� � - �" -i .a ,1 ' �_. �_` � yq° �L' �.��+` ���.i'� 'Y` �_ °.r'i E.� j. (;�� �'�f,i?: s31�' 'C't3��±; G L�°Y c;0[7\GI f, �`IT" 1�'it":L ��.r7z"t c:O��R•" H6YLiSN� I _ , , , ? ;�.!_id+ � I-'_°-YLL�_C.,, .�yr:�ll-�()'I'':� <�:iY!)°�`'. !�`R:;' �RA!vC:E`- E1;:��'L;�:i� t �Y.'.. � ...V f���'.. � „�=c'�T• c�i � '���t-:,:t:c i�2gi�slati'.'n ����... 2�� J�ine �, 1�'i3 "'�): St. Paul City CounciJ. St. �au�� City Clerk ��ROM: Rub�y Htint, �Chairman, Council Cemmittee on Legislat�on Ti�e Cctnczl Canunittee on Le�islation, at a meeting on June 5, 1973, -:ip�rov2d a motior. to recommen3 �dortior. by the City Council oi t':�e following items: 1. Ordinance amendiTig Sectioiz 3.�lvb of the City Charter pertainirg to appointments ot the Mayor. 2. Resolution apnrcvir�g Chapter 330, Laws of riinnesota for �973, relating tc tt�e candemnation of real property 'pur�ua.nt to tr� pr�cedure" set out or the Hc[ne �;?ie C,harter. 3. Resolution approving Ch.a�,te.r 357, Laws of Minnesor� ior 1Q's, pertaii�.in� to emergency or lifesavin� service bv u physiciar 's trainee mobil� intensive care paramedi��. 4. Resolutior� approving Section 4 uf Chaptar 691, Laws of P�iinnesot.a for l,�?3, provi�i.nb f�r t:�e division of the city it_�o distYi^t•" f.er the eiect.ion of. the City Councii, prov�ding �or a�: alle}� sy�ster-�, changino the election day and �er:n of atf�ce ar_d providing a meth..�d for fixing compen�acioti. 5. Resoluti�n requesting the Charter Conunissian to give consideratior. to Chapter 691, Laws of Minnesota for 1973, and tne general subject of municinal elections arLd e�ection procedures. � ,, �:�°-� ...- �_. *,kFarry E. Ma�ahall �� Albe��6. Ison �,; • City Clerk a�cd .` _"' ,•.� �. Councfl Recorder � . Commisioner of ReqistpGttui�z �`��;�+ 3� . , � y,ti . `�` ��/� � ;\, �� �./ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 Cit7�Hall St.Paul,Minnesot¢ 55102 ' June 11, 1973 Mr. Arlen I. Erdahl Secretary of State 180 State Office Building St. Paul, Minnesota near Sir: A�tached for filing yn your office is a certificate of the City of Sa.int Paul, approving Chapter 330, Laws of Minaesota, - for 1973. Will ycu please time stamp �the encloseci cepy of this letter �nd the certificate and return them t� me? Very truly yours, , , �„ , � a.-, -.` � �� ���''�� �'�"� -�. �-�?�-'z -���,�r r�,���r� -�l.. AO�ng j�City Qerk STATE OF MINNESOTA .� DEPARTMENT OF S'�ATE FILED JUN1 21973 G�:�:`� : . S�re�rv of State �O J) � v . . . . . � . �.-_ . . . � . / � � _ . � . . .. CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW BY GOVERNIN� BODY (Fursuant to P�liilr�e�ota Statutes, 645. 0� and 645. 021) � ;�m?",:�; Ol� P,TIP�'dr SOT� �o u r�� :,t' REIMSEY � � 1C `��: �� :'�'�CRET�RY OF STATE OF NIINNESOTA: � � r'I��'�SE Tt�: NOTICr�, That tlle undersi.gned chief clerical officer of the City of Saint Paul lname of governmental unitl D�:::`? I�:;:t�BY CERTirY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, i973, Chapter 33o requiriz� approval by a * majority vote of the governing body of said local ;�v� r:.,nental unit before it becomes effe�tive, the City C1otu1cil (designate governing bodyl a� a me�•±�ng duly held on the 6th day of J�e� , 19 73 , by resolutioz. � Cour..e;il Fiie No. 261�+07 did approve said La�vs, 197�, �:.hapter 330 (I;' cther thau resolution, specifyl bv d _.�_,r. majority vote of all of the mernbers thereof (A;yes _�_; PJoes .�_; �bsent or not voting ) and the fellowing additional steps, i± any, required by statute or charter were taken: ' � Resolution to be published in the St. Paul official newspaper on June 9, 1973. `y copy of the resolution is her�to annexed and made a part of tnis certificate r�:� rrf'�-rence. � � � , �� ��� �; � �, � �-? ' .�-��� / ,� � � �, ,�p,� Signed: �� !�L f City Gle rk. _ (4�ficial designation of ofYicer) (Tr.is form prescribed by the Attorne;yr General and furnished by the Secretary of State as required in PJ�innesota Statutes 645. 021) `If extraordinary majority is required by the s�ecia.l law insert ,fraction or �ercent- a.ge here. STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTIVIENT OF STATE -FILED ,JUN 1 21973 G� � Sec:.e;�ry of State � WHITE -- C;TY CL_ckH. � P�Y� F`��•���� Council Cnrva<v '!`c�Pnvrr.,e�,r �3j�j� Q�'� �L11i�IT ��t1 �� T• F'lle N0. � 1��� �� �a�sr-.," -,.•nt�.. � � ' �� . ,'.�_,� -�� � � • � � � � �'ouy�czl Resolu��on � � � � � � �; ,, ; , t �� � Presente ' By �-�-' __ -�-- �:��"�-------------- Rc�ic r«ii Tu --- ------ ---- --- -------___ Comrr.ittee: Date ------ ------- ",�.;� ,�F r�orti�nitt�� �':--- - llate --__--. _ _ ------ � R�SOL�'ED� h�- the Gouncil of tlle Citv of Sa�int Paul , that �_'[ia��ter 33�1 , l:aws of� Minnesot�a for 1�73 , approved t'�1� 1�t1� dati�� � ��L :�1a�-, 1�)j'i . entitled : � "��ts a�t relatiil�� t�o the citv of Sain�� Yau1 : author�iLiri�.� t�t1e evnclemnataon of' re�al �roNert�� pl�rsu�,nt to t�ie ��rocedures set� fo����r�Yi �n its houie rule cliarter . " a certified copy of whicii is filed here�vit�h, s�all re and saic: :�ct hereb�� is in all tliin�s appro�-ed; RESOLVED FLTRTHER, that tlie City Clerl� , as the cTiief � c Lerical officer of saict Git�y � o i Sain�t I�aiil , sl��all fort�lwit}i file with the Secretary of State a certificate � iri forui i1Y•escribed by the �lttorne�r General statin� t�he essen�tial � l�ac �s necessary l-o said appro��al �f saicl Act hereund��° and iticltldin� a cop�r oI' t��is resolution of a,p��rovai cf ���icl !1�t , -- __ --- ---- - --- -- - --- -- --- ------ - --- - --- _ ---- ------- - IT-- -- -- — -- ------ -_ ����.;"���iL'�1I.N i ;2equested bv Dt partnient of: Yea� ��er :��:��� n ,���.� ��:��:.zr.t . ---__--- I r, r u�•o, � - --------------- ------- ,- i � I� ,i '-_'-'; , a�X`x'�E RoCdleT —__�--- =�-ai n s t � �Y __-_-------- � Teuesc: �, ;11me .Presid��nt �C H13Ylt Adop'r d by Council: Date —_���� � ����____ � Farm Approved by City Attorney CertifiedtPa�sed by Council Sec�e?at�.� �� j� By ���`/ ' ,�L-�G(��._J � .T� ' BV � �� �' �— �—��._ ��— r� � �— - �� `jUN 7 �973 i APProved by Magor for Submission to Council Appro � b�� 1;ta�;or: D�'.e -------- I ByI .,,. ,, ,..: �� . n ��;�,-; ---- - �i �y' - ------ -- ,.., ' _, � r , ' June 11, 1.973 l�'• t1L"J.g� 1 r l�:�c Ctq,ii� Se�retary of State 1�0 State Off3,ce Buildin� �t. Paul� Minnesota ,�ar Sir: Attached for f319.ng in your offic� is s c�r�if3cate of the City of S�.int Paul� approvit� Chapter 330, I�aw� of Minnesota for 1973. Will you please time sta,mp the enclo�ed copy of this letter and the certificate and return them to me? Very �truly your�i City Qerk Ap�ng s � �z �� � � � � ' f, 1 �� `___ _ _ __ �— '� � � � - � _ . -�1 �� . i-�,r--�--�-..-„�- 1 1 / �\ �/ �� ��_ � i I����v�tiC�r�e_ '.. . �. ; ' �. �.� ;-, :-_ � ' - - �'�� ---• .�' � �� ,� - ' -- -- {+3 (J'� r��, ��; `�,'': i r`, � :` � � i ,,�,. ! �r�,,, ;, �� � r� � — 17(,z .� � 11 h L ' � . . ��. •. ���•- �x-�� ��� r'��� a�aiiol � � "°.'r '���� I� i� I �_J T�' ....,�q`.,,`"4��` -�, � �' s� � . ti , -'�, �s :' yi \�.�'� l �_ _-- ; � ,Ef� � �� 5 �*-.. _ . �T� �J . � �� � C) � j \ >' h � ' b �'9 `�k.. i 4'S' ��� �.� � � ' i< C� ! ��... i i,� � � � i \�s; :� i'1'.'C e';• �� scl � M �a, �_ ��:� r� � � R� Cj. �4 � ��� � �.�����.�..�:�:� �� ,- ;�_ � .�:� .�"�:�� ��,', � :- ` .t, ,,- ' ,�•.�• �� �y �; i�� �1� -- _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _..v_.___ ___.._..+__�_._._._.. �,,..,.,. .. :• • `� v,'' . �, , .r. � , r J . , ' �� /• . II.I'.No. 2I.7£3 . �� �s'.. ``.:.. �� � �:3��:c. i10. � , I_ oj � 1 "..► " ' � �' 2 *elatir.g to �he city oi Sain� Paulf 3 authorizir.c7 the condemna�ion of real ' 4 p:ope:�y pursuant to the procedures set 5 fo:tn fn itis riamz rule c;har�er. . 6 BE I� E�;�CTED .BY TH� LEGTSLATURE OF THE STATE OF DlINN�SOTAi 7 Sec�ion 1 . Notwithstanding the provisions of any other ' � 8 2a��� to the contrary, the city of Saint Paul� when exercisinq 9 i�s rig�t of eminent domain to acqui�e 25 percen� ar iess af 1G a trac�t o_ land and ��r;hen the exercise of eminent domain will 11 no� result 3.n the reloca�ion o: d�splacenznt of people, may • 12 conde,�n d:"id acquire in�eres�s in :ea), estate for pub].ic use 13 p�::suant to conder►na�ion procedures contained in i�s home 1�'1 ru1.e city char�ero 15 Seco 2.� This act shal? become effective only�- after i�s lo approval �y a majority o� Cne gov�rning body of the c�ty of 17 Sair.t Pau� and u�on compiiance with the provisions of 1^0 ?:iir..�sota S�a�utes , Section b45o0210 . . �1 _ ._ _ _ _ __ .._ _ . �... ____...__---- -- ., t� � ., ., , n� l ' '(.' . y . . . � . � . , H.F.i�'o. 2I7 8 . `y �/ r I f ��/.// (� • ������'✓� ___�� :// �C.�-I/ Ma.tin O. Sabo ' � • Speaker of the Hou,re of I:eprerentativct. . �� � ec G. Olson � ' • President o f the Scnate. Pa�sed the House of Representatives this 2nd day of May in the .year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sevenry-three. . , • � � � . _� �,� � ��� .� dward A. �urdick . ' Chief Clerk,House of Represcrrtatives. Passed t�:e Senate this 7 t:� day of May in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy-three. � -�' • ,,�.�t--- :�.r�'� A - - Pauicn :Flahaven . � . � , ' Sccretary of the Senate. -�1 ' Ap2roved ����,; � !,� TgI3 _ � � . /` 3 ,� `/ =�-�-�' ���,�' " ;' .,�,% .�. • _�'» y :.�-�. %, ��r!" �.�'.: endell .Anderson Go�ernor of rhe Stase of Minnesota. _ Filed �./��� �� 1973 . �/' � ' � � /; � . , . . . ,�.�aD. G,� . � ' Arlen T. Erdahl Secretary of Sta:e. 2 ___ _ _ _ _ _