261384 WH17E - CITV CLERK CO1111C11 261��4 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAIIL CANAR�/ - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ` Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHBREAS, an examination for the position of pLibrarian I" i� being scheduled, and i�REAS, investigation makes it evident that a s�fficient eligible list eannot be obtain�d from among the residents of the City, and WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interests of the City to extend co�npetition to persons livin� outside of the City: naw therefore, be it RESOLYED, that the residence requirements for ac�ission to the examination as provided in Section 10 D of the Civil Service Rules are hereby waived for the first examination for "Librarian I" to be held following the passage of this resolution. COUKCILMEN Yeas R /,,/ Nays Requested by Department of: �Lrw 71�w... Ii...�� //�TiV�'� Konopatzki � In Favor Levine f� �"" � Against BY �prafka Roedler Tedesco ��e*F�.��.�u�� �ua 1 � Form Ap ro d by C' Attorney� Adopted by Council: Date Certifie a sed by Cou '1 r tary BY r By Approve Ma _ r: Date N. 1973 Approved ay ubmission to Council By BY PUBLI9#!E� 91973 � � ' � ( � � � �� / ti�� � , : �� /�g`� This resolution provides that the residence requirement be waived for the examination for Librarian I in order to establish an adequate list of eligibles to meet the needs of the City. This position requires a degree with a ma�jor in Library Science. The only area schools which offer this degree axe the University of Minnesota and the College of St. Catherine. The number of qualified local residents graduating in thi8 field are insufficient to meet the needs of the Library. Do not detach this memorandum froma the ordinance so that this information will be available to the City Council. �5-18-73) . ` � ' 4 � SUMMARY OF APPOIN�TS AS LIBRARIAN I (from examir�ations held since 4-23-68) NOTE: In all exauainations since 1-7-64 the residence requirements have been waived. No. of No. No. DATE OF EXAM. Candidates Passed Appointed Non-resident Resident �+-23-68 6 5 4� 4 1 9-25-6$ 2 1 1 1 0 I2-19-68 1 0 -- only candidate failed 4-15-69 7 6 5� �+ 2 12-12-69 2 0 -- both candidates failed 5-20-70 8 6 5� 4 2� 12- 3-70 6 3 2 (1 withdreK) 2 1 5-19-71 7 3 3 3 0 1-17-72 14 5 3 (list ext. 1 2 197�+) 6- 2-72 5 2 2 0 2 *The one not appointed was a non-res�dent. �The one not appointed was a resident but she did not clear up an "education condition". �*The one not appointed was a non-resident. A review of this data shaws that all St. Paul residents on the Eligible lists who submitted proof of ineeting the educational requirements were appointed. In addition non-residents were appointed to meet the City's needs. Do not detach this memorandum from the ordinance so that this information wili be avaiiable to the City Council. � ,: —� � � � . �� � � � '� Thfs resolution provides that the residence requirement be waived �. for the examination for Librarian I in order to establish an edequate �, � list of eligibles to meet the needs of the City. � This position requires a degree with a ma,�or in Library Science. � � The only area schoola which offer this degree are the Univeraity of �- Minneaota and the College of St. Catherine. The number of qualified � , local reaidents gradueting in this field are insufficient to meet'the � ' i needs of the Library. � ,;� � ; � i e, � SUI�AIARY OF APPOIN7MII�iTS � s.� AS � � "j LIBRARIAN I -F : ' (from examinations held since 4-23-68) � �� r � `' ' NOTE: In all examinations since 1-7-64 the residence requirements have been Y .� �:� W81V2d. � � � 'i No. of No. No. � �j DATE OF EXAM. Candidates Passed Appointed Non-resident Resident ,� --�_.____ �, • 4-23-� 6 5 �+* b 1 b:i � � 9_25-68 2 1 i 1. o � ! 12-19-6$ 1 0 -- only candidate Pailed � ', 4-1.5-69 7 6 5** 4 2 �" �� 12-12-69 2 0 -- both candida:es fnile.d � + t 5-20-70 8 6 5� k 2� � ";- �J � ;� z2- 3-70 6 3 2 f 1 withc�re�+} 2 � � ;. 5-19-71 7 3 3 3 0 !� '� 1-17-72 14 5 3 (list ext. 1 2 '� ..a� 1��� s `�1 6- 2-72 5 2 ? 0 2 * , � �' '�� *The one not appointed was a non-reeident. - i� **The one not appointed rras a rtaident 6ut she � 3id not clear up an "education condition". , � • � �*'�'he one not appuinted xae a non-reaident. �. •� A review of this data shows that all St. Paul residents on the Eligible � r� i� lists who submitted proof o° meeting the educational requirements rere � appointed. In addition non-residents Were appointed to me�t the City`s needs. : y � � �y- �� . . .. � . � . � �� �� . " . . . . . . � � . . . . . � �V{� �. . � . .�. � � . . �. - . . � . },� .. . . . . . . � . - .:�, . . .. . . . . . . . . . - . .., . ���� .. � � .. � � �. . . .Q .. _. ... . .. � .. . . . . .L. . � . . . . . .. .. . 'F' j . � � � � . . . .�. � � 4f�.. . . . .. .. .. .. . -.� � . � � � .�. ' � r.:Ai r1 . . �_ .. . .�. ... :,.- ..- 5'.t) ._ .r . . . . ... � �._.}U..ir�?,�R� ��I I : F_-. :��1 �:_� � . ��� .. . ^. ,"i3 �.1 i� r; l)'X ... ����� � .. ly f . .. {�\; ,�.4,�~.`�1� l.�i-1`:.�� 41.��� '.J:.l .�'• . 4, � � � {;'„ � . . . � . - ' . � . .. . .��.. .. �. '.�':. .�. �. . � .. �. ��. . . . . . �.:� : . . . . .. ... � _J��. �# �Y �9a 1973 Mr. John Naid�r Civi� Servica 8ureau Roan 26g, Citg Ha1.1 St. Paul, Mir�te�+�ota Demr �ir: The C3ty Couna3l todey laid �!v�er a reaolutica� waiving rer�idena� requireme�nta for admie�sicnn to tl�e +e�minaticn for "Libraria�n I" e,nd �hey re�q,ue�st a�n expleuation by ycra on r�atther euf"PiC3ent el3gibiee� �can be� abt�eined �mong City resid�ents. T�e Co�ulcil �1.so suggaated that c�n �imilar resnlutiona, in tl� �`utwre, sn �cplana�ion be attaclud to the rescluticm. Ycvrs �rerY tru1Y, City Clerk AHO:�a�