261383 WHI7E - CITY CLERK COl1TlC11 ��
;, ' ' Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul,
that Chapter 662, Laws of Minnesota for 1973, approved the
24th day of May, 1973, entitled
"An act rela�ing to Ramsey county; renewing �'
authority of Ramsey county hospital and
s�nitarium commission and revising its member-
ship; amending Laws 1969, Chapter 1104, Sections
2; 3; 4, Subdivision 2, 3, 4 and 5; 6, Subdivisions
1 and 3; and 11."
a ce�tified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said
, Act hereby is in all things approved;
� RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk, as tl�e chief
` clerical officer of the City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith
f ile witt�. the Secretary of State a certif icate in f orm pre-
scribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts
necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including
a co�� of this resolution of approual of said Act.
' � �
�. . n
Yeas �Z, Nays Requested by D�.partment of:
Konopatzki � In Favor
�� _� Against BY
�ttm�c �to�dl�c:
Tedesco .� -
Mme.President� j�t,
Y1� 1 � Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date ���� •
Certifi s d by Cou ' S r ry By� ^^'� ��F�''"�
Appro y Max . Date � Approve Mayo for is on t C uncil
M E M 0 R A N D U M
T0: Members of the Council
Legislative Subcommittee
FROM: Kenneth J. Fitzpatrick
City Attorney
RE: Summary of Laws of Minnesota 1973, Chapter 662
The above act relates to the Ramsey County Hospital and
Sanitarium Commission and changes certain provisions of
the law as originally enacted in 1969 with respect to
membership, terms of office, compensation and internal
housekeeping matters. The cha.nges ma.y be summarized as
1. Membershi . The Commission is increased from nine
to t irteen members. Four rather than three Ramsey
County Commissioners will now serve on the Commission
and nine rather than six citizen members shall be
appointed. It should be noted that the act removes
the prior requirement that at least two of the citizen
members be residents of the City of Saint Paul. Pro-
spective members are no longer nominated by the Chairma.n
of the Ramsey County Board, but are appointed by the
Board of County Commissioners.
The Ramsey County Auditor and hospital superintendent
are removed as advisory commission members. The act
provides for citizen member participation by one
City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02
612 223-5121
Council Legislative Subcommittee
Page Two
Ma.y 29, 1973
resident of each of the Minnesota 1972 Senate
districts. These citizen members are nominated
by the respective State Senator and Representative
from the district and appointed by the County
Board from nominations submitted.
2. Terms. Instead of serving one-year terms, the
mem ers appointed from the membership of the
County Board shall serve for terms coinciding with
their terms as County Commissioners. The remaining
members of the Commission shall hold office for
three rather than four years. A staggered term is
provided for initial appointments from Sena.te districts.
3. Com ensation. The act formerly provided that no
mem er o� t e Commission would be compensated except
for expenses incurred in the performance of his duties.
The amendment provides that citizen members shall be
compensated at the rate of $35.00 per day "for services
actually and necessarily rendered" in an amount not to
exceed $1,000.00 per year. �
4. Purchasin . In addition to any currently authorized
met o s, t e act authorizes the Commission to purchase
directly from or utilize the services of the City of
Saint Paul, State of Minnesota, the University or
other political subdivisions with respect to medical
or scientific goods, materials and services. Commonly
used goods and materials such as fuels, stationery
and office supplies shall be purchased through the
purchasing agent of the City of Saint Paul pursua.nt
to joint purchasing agreement.
5. Financin . The act removes the provisions authorizing
t e amsey County Board to provide emergency funds
"for the benefit of the indigent for civil defense,
catastrophe, epidemics and acts of war". It now
authorizes the County Board to provide emergency funds
for the purpose of "operating facilities when opera-
tional income is insufficient to meet operationa.l
expenses". The term "facilities" is not defined.
Council Legislative Subcommittee
Page Three
Ma.y 29, 197 3
6. Other Housekee in Measures. The act removes a
ormer provision t at a members of the Commission
are subject to removal at any time by the Ramsey
County Board. It authorizes the election of
additional officers as deemed necessary, alters the
budget date from September to November 1 of
each year and requires that the Ramsey County Board
of Commissioners consult with the hospital commission
before approving the budget. The act deletes the
requirement that the Commission must advertise for
proposals in official Ramsey County newspapers re-
specting contracts for the borrowing of working
_ capital from lending agencies. It authorizes the
Commission to enter into affiliation agreements with
other states as well as the state of Minnesota and
other political subdivisions. The act also removes
the reverter clause which would formerly return the
duties and powers of this Commission to the Welfare
Board of Ramsey County on January 1, 1974.
'Z'h.e act shall not become effective until approved by the
City Council and the Board of County Commissioners.
cc: Mayor Cohen
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R���rred To Committee: Date
Oat of Cemrnittee By — Date -----
RESOLVED, by �he Co�ancil of the City of Saint Paul,
that Chapter 662, Laws of Minnesota for 1.973, a�proved th:
24th day of May, 1973, entitled
"An act rel�Ling ta Ramsey county; renewing
authority of Ramsey county hospital and
sanitarium com��ission �.nd revising its memtier-
ship; amending Laws 1969, Chapter 1iO4, Sections
2; .3; 4, Subdivision 2, 3, 4 and 5 ; 6, Sucdivisions
1 and 3; and 11."
a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said
Act hereby is in all things approved;
RESOLVED FURT�-iER, that the City Clerk, as the chief
clerical officer of the City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith
file with th.e Secretary of State a certificate in form pre-
scribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts
, necessary to saic� approval of said Act hereunder ar.d inclu3ir_g
a co�,;r of this resolution of apgr�val of said A�t.
COUNCILi�'fEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas F�x�.± Nays
I�:onopatzki In Favor ---
L'T��T�- � A ai ri s t By — - -
r_�._:.,_ .,-._,�,, g
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i�,.:'.tt•�IPSl�e^it�'......��: �......:L ,,,.� .
•�•� � �!��� Form Approved by City Atto:^^�
r1r'_optcd by Council: Date �`� -
Ce.:i{i��� �:ss�d by Cot�y�� S ^rc.tary � By `r� -Q,,ti.,�;��,�,� •_� _, _ -. _
�.._- / ��i'' �%��' J
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... �,
� Harry E. Marshall �� ! � �
City Cierk and i; '` Albert B. Oisao
Commisioner of Registratio�a Council Recorder
r ���
: �`� :�/
CI�'� OF SAI1v'I' PAIJ�.
386 City Hall
St.Paul, Minnesota 55102
June 4, 1973
Mr. F,xlen I. Erdahl
Secretary of State
180 State Office Building
St. Paul., Minnesota
Dear Sir:
s -.�
Attached for filing in your office is a cez'tificate
of the City of Saint Paul, approving Chapter 662, Laws
of Minnesota for 1973,
T�'ill you �lease ti.me stamp the enclosed copy of this
letter ar4d the Ce1't1.�'ica�e and return them to me?
Very truly yours,
� `— ;i
, � ' _
,�%� �__ , ,����%
�. �
y�Z-- TG7`�� [ 'L. �- y �,.�4 /,i.
� ti
-'City Clerk
JUN - 51�73
G�� �p
�cretary of State
' ^��s��0
...I ` ''
(Pursuant tc P��inneaota Statutes, 645. 02 and 645. 021)
__ � � ,�'-�' :'�I]`�fvr^1�OT�',
� ,___.. �i' RAI�SEY �
�`:";' , :��R'r�Tt�.iti' ��' S'I'hTL OF r,/?TNI�IL:�OTA:
_��'�:�Si�'� T:�F�� NOTIC�', That th� unders i�ned chief cle,rical officer of tne-
City of Saint Paul
(name of governmental unitl
:_��(`!°. :��'R?'?�Y CERTI�'Y, tliat irl eompliance with the provisions of Laws, 19?3, Chapter
662 ,��->;�u�rinEr approval by a * majority vote of the t�overning body of said local
t.�=�,�._r,�ntal unit before it becomes effective, the ��.t3, Council
(designate governing body)
��.�, � .... ��;�nF duly rield on the ��day of June� , 19�, b;� res�lutior�
Council File No. 2613g3 did approve said Laws, 197�, Chapter 662
iIf other than resclution, specifyl
, �, majority votE� of a11 of the members thereof
(:'_;��e:- 6 ; Noes � ; Absent cr not voting 1 ) and the following additional steps,
�`' a�,; , requ�red by statute or charter �were �aken:
Resol?,tion to be published in the St. Paul official newspaper on June 9, 1g73.
�. co��y of the resolution is hereto anrlexed and made a part of this c°r�tificate
r� f�_r�ence. �
� �, �
!'��j c__�.�_��f� � � �;%
v i�I1E CI(: ''_ ...�,i= /-;� �i�.--��l.��-��
;;�,r�;, � City Clerk. �
(Official designation of o4ficer)
jTh�s forrr. prescribed 'by the Attorney General and furnished by
tn� Secretary of State as required in 1'�Zinnesota Statutes 645. 021)
`Ij �ztraordinary majorit.y is req�ired by the special law insert fraction or percent-
a�re here.
J U N - 51173
• G�;� �
Se�r�tarv of �tata
' '-r
'j11YE - GTY CLERK �
PINK - FI"!ANCE ■/-y T T ' /� T�T TF' �T T COUI1C11 �t � �� ^�'�'
C.4NP.RY - D:=PAI�TMENT \l�1 1� \JF ��l.li � 1 � 11 l.i �`v✓�,aA?. ` � �
BLUE � -� N!AYOR File N�. �S�^��<�
� � �.. � C'o��cil Res�,l�tio�
: ��f:�-<--�'� ' �-�
Presented F3y_'� � �
Referred To _ -- Committee: Date
Out of Committee By_ _ — Date �
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paui,
that Chapter 662, Laws of Minnesota for 1973, approved the
24th day of May, i973, entit�_ed
"An act rel�ting to Ramsey county; renewing
authority of Ramsey county hospital and
sanitarium commzssion and revising its member-
ship; amending Laws 1969, Chapter 1104, Sections
2; 3; 4, Subdivision 2, 3, 4 and 5; 6, Subdivisions
1 and 3; and 11."
a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said
Act hereby is in all things approved;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City �lerk, as the chief
clerical officer of tne City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith
file with the Secretary of State a certificate in f�rm pre-
scribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts
r�ecessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including
a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act.
CQUIV'CIL!VIEN Requested by De�artment of:
Yeas �z��,r Nays
I�o:�opatzki �_ In Favor --
��� � Against BY
�� Fo�dl�r
Mme.President*�'�,� j�,��
�� *� t Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date ' ►'� 1 i" ,
� ;�
�...R„ � �� �f\� \\
� Certif�as-ed by Coun�il- S re�ary � By— � -��►.hzv,� ,`'�=r''r�;
.��.,�- ! �� �-; � —��.�
By � �.'/`./��' -��r'
Appra� y May �� Date � ��' ��:� Approve � Mayo for 5,,: ,i�on t Ce��ncil
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June 1+' ].973
Mr. Arlen I. Erdah].
Secretary of State
184 State Off3.ee Building
St. Paul, Minnesota
Dear Sir:
Attached For filin� in your office 1� a certificate
of the City o�' Saint Paul� e.pproving Chapter 662, Laws
of Mitinesota for 1973•
Will you please tim� stamp the entcloaed copy oF this
letter and the certificate and retuz•� them to me7
Very truly yours,
City Q.erk
� . ��
. .: � ��'
. , ('Q
• . ''�..y,
. . ,�"`,�..
� : . 1I.r.I�do. 1854
, , CI'�'�PTER No.
�� � � � ,�
� � ��� .
2 � relatinc�' to Ramsey co+,ntyj renewing
3 : authority of Kamsey County hospital and '
4 sanitarium commissioz a*��i revising its
- 5 membership; amending I�aws 1969, Chapter
6 1104� SecCions 2t 3f 4, Subdivisions 2,
7 3, 4 and 5= 6, Subdivislons 1 and 3= and
8 11 . .
10 Section 1 . Laws 1969, Chapter 1104, SecCion 2, is . �
_ 11 amended to read: , .
, 12 Ser,• 2. [MFMIIERSHIP�7-�C¢-see�-as-��ae�#�eeb�e-ef��
- - 13 aerei�-eatrntp--is5►-i-�cr�►e�-aet#e�rt-e�-'�$-�eYe�n�r�Q-�iee�r • �
14 e�e��errR�rrc���a�-�-#�-#�--�he-pe�bi-fe-�rrt�et�-�e-�reeeee}--�
15 trrft�*�r-rffe�l�zet�eT-c�r}-csrry-et3�-��e-�tt��ese�---e�-�h��
16 ezc�-ba�-not-�gt-rr-�i�as�-?�Fti+we�+br,r-�3�T--�g69T-��he�e-�a��-��
� �• ... 17_�^ e��c�m��-s .The. .�!Ramsey. County Hospital and Sanitarium '
, ._......_.
18 Commission"--eert��trig shell consist af�-sr�es� thirteen
� . ' , � . . .. � � � r�������rA��r � r�r��M1A . . . . � . . �
. . . ,. . . . . .. . . .
19 members-�e3�o-�l��-fie appointed as followsY -�k�e�e four
20 members , including one res�dinq outside �he �city o� Saint
21� Paul► from the board of Ramsey county commissioners and--�� -
22 ninp citizen members, e:ach of whom shall b'e a resident of .
� 2 3 R a m s e y C o u n t Y-ar�d--e�ee�-�we-e�-�i•���►-��s��-iye-�e���e��$-� .
24 �3�rr-ef�y-�et-��4-ga��r-atter-�-�ees�-��e-a�-��e�-s�a�-k-�re�-�
. 25 �+��fc3en�-vf-t�ref°��-ef-£�e���-�e�r� r all of whom-$�itri-�-�� .
2 6 tre�rttrrrs�ed-bp-��+rei�a#�+t+ts�-e�-�}re-t�e�e�-ef-�$��e;}-eett�r� .
27 e��rcr�t�s�ener�-�r�d-e�+��e�ed-��-�e-�eea��-e�-�Ra�►�ei+-ee��-t.� -
28 +���:�s���,*ritt� shall be apPointed by the board of county
. . � � � �..��..�.b.��w��iwr�+�w���.r�wr�����r�r�Ar�wr��.s� � . . . .
2 9 c o m m i s s i o n e r s o -��+e-f��n►�e�-r_e►��+-�sete�e�r-�er��
._.__.�.._._.._�... ,
'3 0 �rrpe���c�nc3en�-ef-rre�d-ke�g�f�c��-��}-k-�a��+e-:t�-,��--�s�a�oM}�
31 art�-�rvn�ottr��-t�ee���-�e�-���-�er�s�i-�-sfefl-,�-� Th e r e s h a l,1
., . ' .._._...d_...._........
. ,
: .. . , .
- •;
:i.F.rdo. 1854
� be one resident of each of the f�llowing Minnesota senate �
. . . . � �����r�r�r���M����r��!/�r�ww��r���w�W�����r�w����ra�r . .
. 2 d±stricts , as defined for the 1972 general election,
. . . r �r�..r�����.rw.��.w��w��.�w�...�.�.�w��rr ��.n���.w.��.� . � . .
3 appointed as a citizen member of the commissions Districts
� � rw��..�� �w�������.��rr�w�wr��� .��.�w���������..�w� . . .
4 48, 49 and 46 considered for purposes of this act as one ,
� . � � �����r��r.���r� ���ww�w�+u..�.��rw.w������r��..�� �. . . � .
5 . district, 50r 62, S3, 64, 65, 66, � and 67 . Not later than `
� , . .� ��/�������r��.M��������1qA�M���wY��M����� '
6 � July 1 , 2973, the state senat�r and representatives whose '
...r_�_�_��.._._- ---.,._...�....._�_��..._�__.._�.
7 constituency resides within one. of those senate districts
._.._�_.�_..___._M.____.._�.^�__�._.__..______�� ._.,.�._.__
8 sha11 nominate for commission membership up to three persons �
� . � . I��r�o���A����r�Y������������� ������r��w��r�M����w� �1 � . . ' � •
9 � residinct within such district and Ra�tsey county and shall
�._..�_��._.._.r.���__r.._..._�.....______ ______.�.�
10, submit• such nominations to the Kam,seX county board of
� � � � �w..�r�.�..����...M��.w.�..���.�wr..�.�.r�..rww�.�.� .n�.��...w � � .
ll commissioners . The county board may appoint citizen membexs
� . � p�w������r�.�urw�.���a��r�����•uu.��..��r�w�����rww.r.��r.r��� . . .
� ll to' the cor.!mission �fr�m the nomi.nations received by senators �
. ,
13 and representatives, and in anY event shall make all initial
. _ .____,_____.._�._..... .�....�_.,r.._._.,...�..�.�- ----- �-
�..._ 14_�:�a�poin_tments . pursuant to thi�s art no later than July 31 ,
_ ..._.�....__ ���.�__._..._....,..�_�_�....- --- ....
15 1973. The same �rocedure shall be follot�red upon expiration �
. . . . � . M������rr���M�r�Mti�w������AM�r�N���W�������1� . . . .
16 of a citizen meMber � s� term, Vac�ncies shall be fiiled by
_ _.__._..,.._..�_�_�.._______.��.....,..._..._a.__-___.__.___...__�_.._.,..,._.
� 17 the appointing authority in �he same manner as regular
__..._._,__..rM.�:..... _._..�..,..�._.__...._.r.__ --- ---- •
18 appoinCments are made, within 30 days after the off�.ce ts
_...__...��_...�....�_..._...._...�...�.-...�.._.._��,.... ___r. �
. - 19 vacated. Plominations by legislators shall � be submitted ta
. . . r.�rr.��r�r�w���r.r�.�������.�r.wrrn�nw��.��w�rw��..�����r.�.�.r.. .
20 the co�nty board orithin 30. days after � the office is vacateda
. . � �. . . �rr���..ua�r�w��������������w`w�w�����r��w�w.w���.���w.�w���..�..� . .
21 Sec, 2, Laws 1969� Chapter 1104� Section 3� is am�nderi
22 to readg
23 Sec. 3, [TERMSo' The-�h� four members appointed by
, ...._...._.. .
24 the Ramsey county board of comm�ssioners from its membe�ship
25 , shall in each case- �exve for a--�rre-y�e� term coincidinq with
_ _._.______._�...�r.,.
26 his term as county commissior�er q Each of the other����r
. . . . . . � r/wry��v������NN�Y�i���r����w� . . ' . ' . . .
� 27 nine men^,bers shall hold offi.ce for-fett�r three years and
�-�-_ __.__...._.
28 unt1�I his successor--��re��-�e is appo�nted,� excep� that fo:
, : , • . .
. � a � _ �
ft.F'.No. 1854 � .
1 the first appointments,—l-hrree members—s}��—�e appointed--fa�►
2 ��v from senate districts 48� 62 and 65 shali hold office
_.r_._...___..__ _ ......�.__._..�r._..��. __ .._.�,
3 for one year, members appointed from senate dlstricts 49 and
.- ------.__.__.__.____.-..��.._..._...__,.��_____.__�...._ _..�..�.
4 46 conrined, 63 and 66 shall hold office for two years and
1 �._...--._._..__._.__.---_____.._._..�,.....�_�._.._.._._.____ '
� 5 ttrr�c� membe 'rs—�i�rit�3—te appointed--forfattt from senate
6 districts 50, 64 and 67 shall hold office for three years .
7 Vacancies on the board shall be filled by appointment in ,
� s accoraance with the provisions of Section 2 for the
9 unexpired term of the posit�on which� is being fiiled. Any
l0 member of the commission whose �erm expires, if otherwise �
11 qualified, may be reappointed �o the board* �-�Fe—�re���
12 Ci�izen m•embers shali be campensated at the rate of S35 per �
...._...._..-.._..r_�_.. —_.__,.�....�.r..____._...�..
13 day for services—exeep�-f�or actually and necessarily •
.--- ...._......_.��..�.._.._..__..____-.
,.Y�,�._;rendered, __not_,t,o,. exceed ,51 . 000 per year� and all membPr�
� � . . . w..�.�.rw�r����.r�.�r��w�r��r..��w�w.^�r��r�w.�.�rw�..������.rw . . . .
15 shail be compensated for expenses incurred in the '
. w�.r.�w�..rr..r��������rw��w � � . . . . . .
16 performance of their du�ies .
j 17 Sec, '�3, Laws 1969� Cha��er 1104, SeCtion 4,
I8 Subdivision 2, i� amended to reada '
19 Subd. 2. The commission shail be xesponsibie for ��� �
20 ap�rat3on, administration, management and control af ti��
21 5aint ,Paul Ramsey Hospital and may anPoint and at its
22 pleasure remove a—�t�e�krr�ene�e� ch3ef executive office� o�
� , � . Yr� paqq - .
23 sLCh hospital. All other emplvyees presently subject siz��,l
29 �emain subject to the laws relating to the civii �ser�,��;:ti ��w
. 25 R�nsey county and their campensa�ion shal� be in acc�r '::�. ; :�.•
' 26 with the rules proViding for ttae civi7. service a� �h� : ��?;,��
27 , and under the supervisfon o� lhe Ramsey county civil s,���°s>>�:�
28 depar�rnent� , The corrmission shr�11 r�imburse Ramsey cau:�r�y.
. � •
, . . . . ' ;
�i.F.No. 185b
l for � such sexvices and such reimbursement shall be credited • . .
2 ta the budget of the county civJ,l servire. —�-�—�+e�i�e�—ef �
, 3 t3�--co�mt�szfor�—�i�ai-�--ise��b�et�--�e—�enre�ra�—et—�ttY--�f�e--i��
4 t�re—f�amary—eoetnl�—�sosrei--vf—ee�rm*�efcr►e�e—�b�}--�+tt��a�r#��--�e�a
5 �i-�te—�anc—�e�e�
6 Sec. 4, ��Laws 1969� Chapter 1104, Section 4� :
7 �Subdivision 3, is amended to readt , •
8 Subd, 3 , The commisSion may adopt by�laws , All ,
9 meetiing� o¢- the commissio.n' shall be deemed mPetings of a
. 10 public body and apen to the publtc, and the minutes thereof •
. 11 shall b� a mattier of public rerord. The commission shall
12 elect f.rom its membersh�,p for one�year terms a chairman, : �
13 vice-chalrman—erre� , secretary, and other officers as they • • �
��.., p......��...�.........�..�..w......��....�.....�
, 14_�''deem r�ecessaryi..who shall have �Che usual and Customary' �
15 -duries� obli9a�fons ana re�pons�bilities of such of�ices�
16 and w�o shall be �equi�ed to be bonded at the discreti�n of
17 the board as the occasfon requ�.reso � majority of the `
� : •
18 voting members of th� bonrd shall constitute a quorumR The .'
15 cammiss+_on shall submit annually to � the Ramsey county board
� 20 of commissione�s for ap�TOVal of said body a budget which ,
21 snor�s the estimated amoun� og money required fo� the
22 ope:ation and conduct of th� affa9.rs of the public hospStG�. �
" 23 an� sanitari�m und�r control o�E the commission durinc� the .
2� , nexc ensuing Year. Saici budge� shall be submitted not ba�te:
25 tt��n--��t�em�er �vovembe� g og each y�ear and shall include
. � � - , � � ' . � r��wY�� . . � � . . , . ... . .
�� a�1 mociies r�eeded for �he next ensu�ng year except fun�� ��:
27 �he ca:���Y�uct�.bn of adclitiona.�. gacilities o The budget as
26 �upmi��cd aAd''app�ov�.d or as �ev3sed by the Ramsey co4riar�
� . , � •
_ �
; . , . '
� � .
� _
�I.F.No. 185�1
� ` board of commissioners and approved shall be the budget of _
2 the commi.ssion �for the next ensu�ng year' The Ramsey county
3 board of commissioners shall consult with the commission
� ..�...�.��.�.���..�.�....�.�..��....�..��,�...�r.N�..����.�..r�.......
4 before approval. NJhen funds for the construction of
_--_ _�_.
5 additional �acilities aze needed the commission shall make
6 requests for such funds to the city of Saint Paui and county
, 7 0� Ramsey jointly. Po�er is .hereby granted to the county �
�8 1for opera�ion� maintenance and construction purposes as
9 herei�nbefore set forth and to the city to� constructS,on
TO purposes as heretofore set forth to levy taxes in addi��.an _
_ . �
J - 11 to a11 other taxinq powers of said county and city� a�� '
12 sYiall �xist SndependentlY of anY restriction upon th�° �c�we�s �
13 0� said county and city to levY taxes �or o�her purposp� � , .
.14-.-,>The commission �sha11 recefve and be responsible for �13
15 funds from whatevez source derivedr and these funds sh�].1 be
16 deemed to be puhlfc funds . . xhe commission shall have
17 jurisdiction and author�ity �ver its .accounts .
i6 It shall estiab3,ish and maintain all necessary acc�u��,; �
19 The con�m'ission may establish reserve arcounts, deprec;.�:.�.;��::•;
20 accounts. and workinq capital funds in order to ope�a�:� �.� a�
21 �ccrua� basiso
22 Trie commisston maYo witi� the prior approval of �he �
23 , Ftamsey countY bo�rd of Commissioners,. obtain working capital
� 24 funds far the operation an.d maintenanee af any faci].ity
25 under i�s jurisdic�ion, by borrowinq grom any funds ur.de� the
Zb jurisdiction of the Ransey caunty boar�l of commissloners or
27 from any �ending xgency char�ered by the United States ar
2� an;� state and �uthorized to do business in Minnesota, ,
. 5
� , ' .
. �I.F.No. 1854
1 �artts���s-tor-��re-�o��e�+�rtg-of-+�er�icft��-c����a•'s-f�e�--�r�
� 2 �r�ftc.r-ct�i�er-t�rar�-t#�c-ee�m�g�-s�ra�-i�e-e��e�+eei-#t°r�e-�y--���re
3 eer�xrrf��ttim-�^n�y-e►f�e�-sdrer�#�e►r.te�sit-�e�-��e-i��e�e��a�e�-�R-��re .
4 � a�tcir�e�oa�sper-et-�anr�eY-eaart�r-fo���ea--��cces�f-�+�
5 Wee�ies;- The cont�ract may provide for the b.orrowing of money ' '
6 for the aforesaid purposes in en amount not to exceed a ,
J . •
7 total at any one time outstanding of 52, 000, 000. xhe
. 8 ' commission shal� determine the t�rms and conditions of such
9 borrowinq as wili be in the best interests oE the commission
l0 and the county. The contract shall provide tha�� the �
. �
il security for the loan will be evidenced ,by the notes o� the
12 comml,ssion and the accounts receivabTe, or any part thereo�, �
. 13 available to the commission from the operation of the
:,._, 1�,�:,hosp.i��al ,__�_.N���her, the hospita� r�or any Physical asset
15 thereo�� no: the full faith and credit of Ramsey coun�y,
. 26 shall be pledgecl o� available as security for any such
17 borrowing. Any contract entered into pursuant hereto shall
18 not extend gor a term of more than two years from the date
19 tfiereog and wi].1 be sub�ect in all particulars to the '
20 apgroval of the Ramsey county board of commtssionerso
21 �he commission shall have �urisdic�ion ov�er its
- .
22 accoun�s and payrolls and shall establish and maintain a •
23 public depository pursuant td the pravisions o_f Extra
, . . . ,
: 2� Session Laws 1935, Chapter 900
2S . . 5eco 5. Laws 1969, Chap�er 1,104, Sec�ion A, �
2b Subdiv3s�on 4o is amended to reads � �
2� Subda 4. The Commission shall take all measures
. 28 �e,cessary and proper to provide hospi�al and medical -
. 6
. ; . ,
, � II.F.2do. 1854
, ,
� services 'for the indigent, the conteqiouslY J.11,
2 catastrophically injured, � and city and county prisoners � and
3 �m�rp shall take all measures necessarY and proper to
, __�_._.., .
4 maintain the hospital as a researrh and teaching
5 institution. To those ends� it-frem�e�e�e�—�e may make ,
6 affiliatian agreements with the Ramsey county almshouse or
7 home, educational institutians, politicai subdivisions of � �
8 the state of Minnesota or other states , boards, commissions
. ����_�� .
� g and non-profit organizations rreated � pursuant to state
I0 statute for similar purposes , �
ll Sec� 6� Laws 1969, Chapter 1104, Section 4� �
12 Subdivtsion •S, is amend�d to reads �
P3 Subd. 5.� The comml.ssion siiall Aurchase--�-}}—�eee�es�
., : . 14_..�,5oods--� and materials—exrrd--���ee� commoniy used by �
....,__ _�___________...., ,
15 �overnmental agencies such as fuels , stationery and office ' �
� . . . ��.����r��w�.iw����..�+�w�w�.�r+�.r.�w.���.r��..�w.�.�r��.�..� � � . � � � ,
16 supplies throuqh the purchasing agent of the city of Sainti
17 Paul pursuant to the joint purchasin�? agreement includinq
18 tri� reimbursement provision betwe�n said city and said
19 county and the laws applicable thereto. —�tt�e���es-�e�--aer��
: 20 �err�r�ss�ari--�rt—enta�tr��s�-�e�—�}re�rr—��9c3—��a�+—i�e—�na�}e—��—ti��
21 g�tr����cr�-�e�r�—e�—��te-tf�—er-���r�-kat��—��--�����?�---�-.'rc�
22 �c�er�;— In addition to presen�ly authoz�ized methodsr
� . � � .. � � �r.���r.���.�.�.�.�w�w�ww.+rr�wr����.��.��.�.�+��r . � . .
' �°� the �ommission maY purchase directly or uti� � ze the servic�s
� ,
...�.��..�....-.�..,r.�.����.��..�..�...�..,..�.�..��...�r.... ..���..�...�.�...,
24 of the clty of Saint Paul, the state, the Universi�y o�
... _..._____--_____...�__.._.._.._.._...�........._.._.._.__M._� �_�
25 Minr�esota or any other �olitical subdivision or agency ai
. , . � � aw�...w.�.�.oa.�r��r��.:����w.���w�wi+���w�+���w��.�.�.��r.�r.�rr...r�...��,..vn,>RV�. . .
- 26 the atat� in the �urchase of all medical and scien�i��.::
jo.�...�........�_�..._..�..._._ �-.r..._.,,._-- --.— �—.�.�..
27 9o�ds9 r�aterials and sexvices �e�ated to the care of ,
. � � . .. rs.ra.s�wa.e��r�������.��.��.�r��.�w.rrw��.�..��w�r.rr�w��w.��w.�.owr� .� . . - .
�, 2� paLA�n�� and the �anduc� �t educational and research �
. . . �YYVi .. �����r��Ml�'A���MrY��Y�MMiY�Y - � .
, , . ,. . . ` . . . . , . . -
. . . . . � . . 7 . �. . . .
1� - � �
��.F.rro. 185�
1 activities .� These purchases shall be made in compliance
-_.__--__._r..��.___�___.._.._�.�..,.._.._.... _..__.._....�. _
2 wi�h the laws of the state.
. . . �.��.�.����..^r�.w��.�r����� � . . . .. .
3 Ser� 7. Laws 2969, Chapter � 104, Sertion 6,
�4 Subdivision 1, is amended to readt
5 Sec� 6, [FTNAP.CiNG. ] Subdivision 1 � Notwithstandln9
6 any law to the contrary the Ramsey county board of
7 commissioners-�rg-aa�i�ror�grc�-�e may provide all funds , .
�'8 excep�, �hose required for the pur�ose of tunding pri�r
9 � ranstruction indebtedness which shall be as heretofo�e
10: pravided� it approves pursuant to^tra�}� requests dul�
_ . � . . . w��w��.�r.� � � � .
.. .. . , � . . . . • . . . � . . �
! lI ` submit�ed to it by the commission. The �Ramsey county Y:�ca_°�
12 0� Commfssioners 1,s further authorized to provide emex,�:��:� �
�.3 �c�nas �ar the- commission �or the purPose of operatinq
.. 14,.� f a c i 1 i t i e s-f�e�-�te-�e�r�#�-e����r�-#�rdf��-�o�-e�+f�
15 �ef��rt�e�r--ee�$���e�--e�de��e�-T-ett�--eet�-e�-wa� v�h�r� ,
16 aperat�onal inrome is insuffic�.ent to meet opera�ional .
i7 expenseso
� 18 Sec, 8. Laws 1969y Chapter 1104, Section 6,
S9 Subdivision 3r is amended` ta reads
' 20 Subd, 3. The commissior� ma� accept from the Ltn ..._ �
21 Stateso rhe state of Nlinnesota or anY other agency oz° �,��a�
22 subdivision of government and from privat� sources landa
23 money or other assistance for the purpo5es o� carrying out .
' 24 the provisions of this ac�-er�c�-ce�#fl�-�e�►-��+e-���ge�rt-p��
25 �er�ttn9�eem��y--#�i-�-��e-ee�ee��►e��et���-��,�t��e��-�a�d-��re '
2 6 �r�'r�on��-Q�-��te-�#�y-�f-f a���-f�e��-a��-ee����+--e�-�8��� �
27 Sec, 9, ` Lati�s 19.b9, Chap�er 1109, �section 11'0 �r� :
28 am,�nded to read9 �- , � :
. :i . ? .��o0 1854
. 1 ,5ec� 11 . [EFFECTIYF. DATE. 7 This act is effective uPon _ �
2 its approval by the board of county comrnissioners of Ramsey
3 county and bY the city council of the ciCY of .Saint Paul and
4 upon comPliance with �Minnesota Statutes, Section 645 . 021 ,
� 5 �tr�-Pveocra-Yeatcc�-by--�iifa-ack-irr-�e-i�crose�-2et�r��+'
6 f�fr�spt{:��ertc!-5stri�c�`#�tt+t-Csot�tritt�exerc-��ke���t�e��#�e���� .
7 rrvtrt�-t�c-�trt-�+e�Q�e-i�atrre}-e�-�ka*ge�-Ee��►-�arrtte�y-� .
8 t9���T-�rn�e�s-��r-�e�##�e�trt-�er3+F--a��e�r4►fse-�ro�eie-b�--�ew= •
9 Sec. 1Q, [EFFECTIVE DATE� � This act S.s effective upon
l0 its approval bY the board of county commissioners of kamsey
� . � ��..��.���������.�r�ww����r�Mw�.ww�.�.�iw�w�.+��.,r.��.������.w.��.r�.w�rr� � ".
� 11 county and by �he city council �f the ci�y of St� Paul, and
� � . � �w��.rr���r.�r�.�.r.����������/w�r����+�w.�...�.�ww���... � � �..��.. �
" ' 12 upon compliance' with Minnesota S.tatutes, Section 645 .021 , �
...r.__...._____..____.__��._.�....�...�r._ �r.__,.....,
.. •...:: _. . ,_.__ .... ..: �... ' ... � ,
, ';
, , � . ,
, � - _
, ' - .
, ' : �". .
. .
� .
_ . 9 .
� '
. � � �A�•. . . . . � . . . . . . . . . ,
. , H.F.No. '18 5 4
� �. r
� � , . (
Martin O. Sabo
� Speaker of the Housc of Representarives. �
� ,
. , ,
_ � Alec G. Olson
President o f the Senau.
Passen tse House of Representatives this 1$th day of � May in the year of Our Lord one
' thousand nine hundred and seventy-three. " .
� ' ~, , - . � ./.��
. - ���
..._ . .. _�_ _.
__ _ .. ,- ---.... ..__ . .. ...
E ard A. Burdick
' Chief Clerk,House of Representatives.
�'assed the Senate this 19th day of May in the year of Our Lord one t�:ousand nine
j hun�red and severity-three.
' � �,,// !� .
��'� - -� / - -
� rii��_��(�-
' � patx;c�:�,.Flahaven
. . Stcret�vy of ihe Senate.
A roved � / ' Y .
PP , J 973
. . _ . , . . .. . . , . . . . . .. . . G'ru��CX/C/r!.. j�(�,.t��'��C�'�'0�,.._.
.. . . . � . . . � � � � � . � . � - �? �.,a.-...
� . We:.�ei_ :�_���son
• . � Governor of the��;,° � �r.,-;:;:o:a.
�� •
I'ilcd �� /. xg�3
' - /� �
'� ..;
� OC , �_° - �
' , rlr.cn I. �rdahl
• ' Sccretary of Ssate.
1�0 . _