261381 WHITE - CITY CLERK COL111C31 /'J��,�/ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL � CANAF�Y -DEPARTMEN T 61�11�� BLUE� - MAYOR File NO. �l `- Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� The City of Saint Paul and the Northern Pacific Railway Company by Agreement, dated August 1, 1941, agreed to the installation and ma.intena.nce of air warning lights on the Railway Company' s commissary power plant located north of and adjacent to the Saint Paul Municipal Airport (Holma.n Field) ; and WHEREAS, The concrete chimney has been completely destroyed and removed, and the above-referenced Agreement is no longer required; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and authorize the Mayor, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, to cancel and termina.te the said Agreement between the Northern Pacific Railway Company and the City, dated August 1, 1941. COUIVCILMEN Yeas ��1' Nays � Requested by Department of: �Ko�opatzki In Favor Levine (' .A4ere�iti: A gai ns t By �aC ROet�l.er Tedesco Mme.Presiden� r�� MAY 3 i 1973 Form Appro d by ity torney Adopted by Council: Date Certif' � sed by C cil tary BY By Approv y M r: Date � N Approve y i to Council By BY PUBLIgHED JUN 91973 , � • r ���'"`-'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY May 18, 1973 KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK ,..,, Mayor Lawrence Cohen City of Saint Paul 347 Building Dear Mayor Cohen: Pursuant to your request we ha.ve prepared resolution and Agreement cancelling the 1941 contract between the City and the Northern Pacific Ra.ilway Company pertaining to the installation and maintenance of air traffic obstruc- tion lights on the Ra.ilway Company' s former Saint Paul commissary power plant. The termina.tion Agreement was presented by the Railroad, and the City requested was requested to approve the same because the concrete chimney ha.d been completely destroyed, and if this is satisfactory to you, please have the resolution pre- sented to the City Council whereupon we will ha.ve. the termina.tion Agreement executed on beha.lf of the City and subm' tted to t Ra.ilroad for its execution. Very ruly o s, J R S As ' ant ' y torney JJS:er Encl. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 223-5121 1 ` . ~ � '• . �r � BURLINGTON NORTHERN `� 17 Washington Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 TWIN CITIES REGION Telephone (612) 333-0124 The Honorable L. D. Cohen February 22 , 1973 Mayor of the City of Saint Paul City Hall W. Kellogg Blvd & Wabasha Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This has reference to agreement dated August 1, 1941 between the former Northern Pacific Railway Company and the City of Saint Paul covering the installation, operation, and maintenance of air traffic obstruc�ion lights on the Saint Paul commissary power plant chimney, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The concrete chimney has been completely destroyed and removed; therefore, the above agreement is no longer required and can be terminated. If the attached termination agreement meets with your approval, kindly execute both copies on behalf of the City of Saint Paul and return to me for similar action for Burlington Northern. One fully-executed copy will be returned to the City for record purposes. Sincerely yours, . H. S o er Asst Vice President-Operations Attachments File: Saint Paul-35