261372 WHI�7E - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 1 -�y/
, ` " esol�tion
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
In the matter of hazardous
buildings being that frame duplex
known and described as 203 Charles
in the City of Saint Paul and situated
upon those premises legally described
as the E. 2 of Lot 1, Michel' s Rearrange-
ment of Block 14 of Robertson and Van
Ettens Addition to St. Paul, according
to the plat on f ile and of record in
the office of the Register of Deeds in
and for the County of Ramsey, State of
WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution, C. F. No. 261143, approved
April 27, 1973, a public hearing was duly held on Ma.y 10, 1973,
before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, said hearing per-
taining to the condition of the structure located at 203 Charles,
Saint Paul, Minnesota; and
WFiLRE�S, upon facts presented at the said hearing consisting
of photographs, inspection reports and the recommendations_.of the
Building Department it is found and determined by the City Council
that according to the records and files in the office of the
Register of Deeds, the last record owners of the above described-
property are Violet Barnett, John E. Blomquist and the Veterans
Administration; and that there are no lien holders of record; and
that it is further determined that the above described building
constitutes a hazardous building within the definition of Minnesota
Statutes Section 463. 15 for the following reasons:
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith Against BY
� Roedler
Mme.President Butler
Fotm proved Cit ne
Adopted by Council: Date c
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by MaXor: Date Approve M 'on to ouncil
A '
. ��„�r�y'��
a. The building is standing vacant,
abandoned and is subject to being entered by
unauthorized persons ;
b. The exterior condition of the building
is as follows: The exterior walls have asbestos
siding which is cracked, damaged and has pieces
missing. The roof and exterior window trim have
dry rot and parts are missing. The front porch has
decking which has dry rot. The chimney above the
roof line is in need of repair. The rear door has �
a rotted sill. The roof covering is weathered, torn
and leaking. The rear second floor landing has
collapsed due to deterioration. The west exterior
wall is bulging. The foundation walls are of lime-
stone which is crumbling and has eroded mortar joints.
There are also missing foundation stones, leaving holes
in the foundation. Some of the basement joists have
, ' ��� been cut off without providing support for the joist
`;b��,���> ends. Several joists have dry rot on their ends. Some
,�, ; joists are overspanned and have deflection. Basement
windows have dry rot. An excessive amount of water
permeates through the foundation.
c. The interior condition of the building is
as follows: The interior trim has been damaged through-
out the building. Plastered walls and ceilings have
cracked and are peeling. Ceiling tile is stained and
warped. The flooring is uneven and warped. Th�re _�.s .
inadequate electric wiring with only a 30 amp service.
There are many plumbing and housing code violations.
d. The building in the above condition is beyond -
reasonable repair;
e. The building is unfit for huma.n habitation in
its present condition and the above corrections must be
made in compliance with the Building Code and the Housing
Code of the City of Saint Paul in order to make the same
f. The bta.ilding constitutes a nuisance and a hazard
to the public health, safety and welfare because of its
physical damage, dilapidation and inadequate ma.intenance;
now, therefore, _l�e; �t
RESOLVED, That in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Sections
463. 15 through 463. 25, and based upon the foregoing findings of
the City Council, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby
ma.ke the following Order:
� ' Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
1. The owners of the above described building shall
ma.ke the same safe and not detrimental to the public peace,
health, safety and welfare by.having the said building razed
and the ma.terials therefrom removed from the premises within
a thirty (30) days from the date of the service of this Order;
2. Unless such corrective action is taken to comply
with this Order or an answer served upon the City of Saint Paul
and filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of
Ramsey County, Minnesota within twenty (20) days from the date
of the service of this Order, a Motion for Summary Enforcement
of this Ordex .to raze and remove the said building will be
made to the Ramsey County District Court; .
3. In the event that the building is to be razed by ---
the City of Saint Paul pursuant to judgment of the District
Court, all personal property or f ixtures which may unreasonably
interfere with the razing and removal of this building shall be
removed within ten (10) days from the entry of judgment; and if
not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose
of such personal property and fixtures as provided by law;
4. If the City of Saint Paul is compelled to take any
corrective action herein, all necessary costs expended by the
City will be assessed against the above described real estate
and collected as other taxes; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution
and incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record owners
of the above described property in the manner prov?_ded by law.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �t��r Nays
Konopatzki In Favor _
Levine �:... ._
�� Ro�c�ler : Q Against By
Tedesco A e�
Mme.President B�rt�er- HUIl'1', MAY v O �
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certifi s d by Coun ' ecr By
Appro d by Max • Date AY 1 1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
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!'t � ��� - CITY UF SAfNT PAUL
May 16, :197,3 .,, .
Itilr. Albert B. Olson
Council Recording Secretary
City Clerk' s Office
Re: 203 Charles
Dear Mr. Olson:
Attached hereto is resolution/order pertaining to the
above ha.zardous building.
Upon passage of the same by the City Council, please
forward 8 certified copies to� me.
Yours truly,
Assistant City Attorney
PFi�I:j r
Enc. •
8 Certified copies sent to Mr. McCloskey on 6-11-73 ng �
City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�a2
612 223-5121
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Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement 445 City Hall, 55102 298m4212
May 8, 1973
Madam President and
Members of the City Council
Rec 203 Charles
File #2369
Honorable Council:
The Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement is hereby
submitting its report on the condition of the structure at the
location referred to above.
The owner of record is Violet Barnett, John E. Blomquist and the
Veterans Administration.
The legal description of the property is the E. 2 of Lot l, Block
14, Michel' s Subdivision.
The building is a frame duplex.
The exterior walls have asbestos siding which is cracked,. damaged
and parts missing. Roof and exterior window trim have dry rot and
parts missing. The front porch has decking, which has dry rot. The
chimney above the roof line is in need of repair. The rear door
has a rotted sill. Roof covering is weathered, torn and lealcing.
The rear second floor landing has collapsed due to deterioration.
The west exterior wall is bulging.
Foundation walls are of limestone , which is crumbling and have
eroded mortar joints . There are also missing foundation stones
leaving holes in the foundation. Some of the basement joist have
been cut off without providing support for the joist ends . Several
joist have dry rot on their ends . 5ome joist are overspanned and
have deflection. Basement window units have dry rot. An excessive
amount of water permeates through the foundation.
Interior trim has been damaged throughout the building. Plastered
walls and ceilings have cracked and are peeling. Ceiling tile is
stained and warped. Flooring is uneven and warped. �
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Madam President and Members
of the City Council May 8, 1973
There is inadequate electric wiring with only a 30 amp service.
There are many plumbing and housing code violations .
The Housing and redevelopment Authority is not in the process of
acquiring this property.
The subject property has been boarded up by the owner since Sept-
ember 13, 1972.
Inasmuch as the dilapidation and physical damage outlined above
constitute a public hazard and the owner has made no attempt
to satisfactorily repair the damage despite our warnings, and
the continued vacant and boarded up condition contributes a blighting
influence on the neighborhood, it is the recommendation of this
bureau that this matter be referred to the City Attorney' s office
for razing and removal through District Court proceedings.
Ve uly y rs,
lenn A. Erickson
Asst. City Architect
cc: Messrs . Lawrence D. Cohen, Mayor
P. McCloskey,City Attorney's Office
W. Shimek, Fire Marshal
L. Levine, Councilman
F. Staffenson, Housing Code
BLU�RY- MAVORTMENT File NO. �������•
Council Re Qlution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the election of Leonard W. Levine
as a member of the Metropolitan Transit Commission for a
four—year term commencing July 1, 1973, is hereby confirmed.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �_. Nays
Konopatzki In Favor
Levine �
� Against BY
Mme.President� �t
Adopted by Council: Date �AY �O � Form Approved by City Attorney ,
Certif' ed by Co ecr BY � g�A a�� ��c�,
Approv by Mayo Da � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
P�au�r� JUN 1�73
. .
i ,
I, Leonard W. Levine
do solemnly swear (or affirm) to support the Constitutions
of the United States and of the State of Minnesota and to
discharge faithfully the duties devolving upon me as
Member of the Metropolitan Tra,nsit Com�ission
of the City of Saint Paul to the best of my judgment and
Sworn to and subscribed to before me this
12 day of J�es 19 73.
City Clerk
, ...
_ - � � j .�7�
June 11' 19?3
Mr. Arle�, I. Erdahl
�ecr��ary of 5tate
atate 0�'fice I3ttilding
St„ Paul�, Minnesota
Dear S�.r z
Att�ched for Filing in your c�ffiGe 1� the oath of office of
Leonard W. I,evin� as a member of �he MetropolitatY 3'ra�ait
Very tru�}r yours e
City Cl�rk
ao/ng .
Jwae 11 i 1973
M�tropolitan Transit Comr�3.ssion
3�� Metra Square Bui.ld3r�
�t. Paul� Minnesots
Attached for your inform,atian i� a copy of the oath of offie�
of Leonard W. L�v�� aa a m�mber ot' t.he Me#,ropol3tata Traneit
S have a1�o filed a copy o�` the oath wit� the S�c�etary og
VerY trulY' Yaurs�
City Clerk