261354 . CITY OF ST.PAUL COU L FILE NO. FINAL ORDER ` (" u��<.. �. By. �r �' r File No. ���7� In the Matter of i+1MS�.C� i ��� �� ��Y � �'R�,MM 4� '�,'l��,l�` �+Mj� Zl!!.1► APM�IMq�A� �#�t �111MIMt a �x�ll�G �'�'�� �i�,31e �i �► �1� �INti�t �'�i�t � �t#�� �IMM'�Ili� i�� �d �i � #� �• � � ��t! �!M! �,�•���j� under Administrative Order ��`� approved �� �� �� under Preliminary Order ��5 approved �Y �'� 19� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. � � ��.. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date MAV �91973 . Yeas P� ays Konopatskj Cert' ' d assed by ecretary Levine MAY 2 9197� .A�er2Liit1�' � In Favor B Roedler Ted:sCp � Against Hunt Mayor ��t� Jlfhi 2 �� , �4 ��Tr �, �,SV �iy/ Z ► M O ,` ii��� ,ro . . rB - . ^� �. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS / 234 City Hail & Court House 55102 DANIEL J. DUNFORD Acting Director of Public Works March 20, 1973 Mr. Robert Trudeau Director of Finance Room 109, City Hall BUILDING ATTN: Paul Desch Re: P-05�+7A, P-0547AR, TRANSFER ROAD, . ELLIS AVENUE P-305A, VANDALIA STREET P-0555, P-o555R, CAPP ROAD, HERSEY STREET S-0460G1 , ST. ANTHONY PARK SEWER SYSTEM. Dear Sir: Attached are copies of our recommendations to the Mayor on the above projects and the Administrative Order No. D-465 directing the public hearing to be heldi please proceed with the arrangement of a public hearing. Yours very truly, 7 I /� I.�_� Daniel J. D" ford Acting Director of Public Works � CLT/JWS/cf 1��. ' � Attachments: �^�����������''i cc: Claude Thompson � �' J . W i 1 1 i am Donovan ,� �; r�� �" , n ��`r� � � _, � � P`.a � `�r�.ij . �� �,:� �� �. � r�,� �-``' r�e � rn � ;,:�f �`�. � � � � c 1.1� C� � ��'?/ �.�����'0���?��'� � .� O - z - � , 1 �. 2. Proposed Improve�����nts Minnzsota Transfer P,aitroad proposes to abandon their stiaitching yard and develop the land industrially. They approacned Public �,'orks requesting the construction of a net•� road (Transfer Roadj to service this deveiopment. The proposed alignment accomplishes this objective as �,�ell as providing the City of St. Paul with a North/ South connecting route betwLen University Avenue and Pierce Sutler Route. The projected traffic volum� for Transfer Road in 1993 is 12,C00 vehicles per day of /� which 20°; are expected to be heavy commerciaT vehicles. The propased road�,tay will be 64 feet wide in a °0 foot richt-o�-way. The section will consist of concrete curb and gutter ti•�ith a l7 inch thick bituminous roadway. Ellis Avenue �vill b� a local access connecting street from Transfer Road to Van- dalia Street. The 1993 projected traffic volume for Ellis is �;,500 vehicles per day with l ,OQO expActed to be heavy commercial vehicles. The right-of-way ��ill be 6b feet wide and the road��tay 44 feet in width. Concrete curb and gu�ter and a 1�+ inch thick bituminous roadway is planned. � Ornamental stre:t lighting ti•lill be placed on both Transfer Road and Ellis Avenue. Qriveways a�ill be constructed at the desired locations of the abutting property owners. No side�.valk construction is planned. 3. Estimated Costs - A. Ri�ht-Of-Way Costs, tt is anticipated that all right-of-way needed, which is presently owned by Minnesota Transfer Railroad Company ��till be deeded to the ? • City of St. Paul at no cost to the City. A portion of the right-of-way for Ellis Avenue, as a�rell as the Car Wash property at University and Clevela�d, lie within the Housing anc! Redevelopment Authority' s West Midti�ay NDP area. The authority will acquire same and deed to the City of St. Paul . The only project cost for right-of-�,�ay will be for land b�tween the proposed , Qridge and Prior Avenue and is estimated as follows: Acquisition $ 35,400.00 Engineering (lump) 2,000.00 Total 37,000.00 6. Construction Costs. The following includes all construction propos�d under P-05�+7A. Construction $586,740.00 , Engineering (12.5%) 73,340.00 � (nspect�on (2% ) 11 ,720.00 tighting 56,000.00 Water Departme�t 2,000.�0 , � Traffic De�artment 5,000.00 Valuation E Assessment Service 3,000.00 /;� Pubt ication b t�lisc. 70.00 , i Total 737, 7Q.00 ' � � .. � - . . ! • 4. Estirnated Finan�ing � ,_ � A. R i ght-Of-tJay Costs: � i973 M.S.A. $ 37,000.00 Total $ 37,000.00 B. Construction Costs, please note that driveway access will be denied on Transfer ' Road bett�leen Ellis Avenue and Prior Avenue due to traffic and road�•tay grade ' situations. The follo��ting costs reftect no assessment in this arEa. � Assessn�nt $204,750.00 1973 ht.s.A. 533,120.00 Tota] 5737, 70.00 P-0305A VA�tDA!1 A S i ZEE i 1 . Existinc, Conditions � The existing roadway vras graded and oiled to a ��ridth of ►+8 feet in 1957. Curb and/or side���alk has been constructed in various locations privately and by City Permit. Existing conditions are adequate, however all the curb and sidewalk and most o` the roadway surface will be rerroved for Sswer Construction. At the present time Vandalia Street carries an average of 2,500 vehicles per day of which 600 are heavy commercial vehicles. Twenty yaar projections are 4,500 vehicles per dGy and 1 ,000 heavy commercial vehicles. 2. Proposed Improvement . As stated above, th� road�day will be removed for Sevl�r Construction. Reconstruction of the roadvray will be with concrete curb and gutter and a ljs inch b: turninous sur�ace to a widih of 44 feet. � Dr+veways and sidewalks wi11 be constructed where they presently exist or wharz de- sired by the property owners. � Ornam�ntal street lighting is proposed. ' 3. Estimated Costs � Construction $11�,3�0.00 Engineering (12.5�) 14,280.Q0 � Inspection (2J ) 2,280.00 Lighting 13,000.00 � Water Departmar�t 10,000.00 � Traffir_ Oepartment 1 ,000.00 � Valuatio� E Assessment Service 1 ,500.00 � Publications & Misc. 60.00 7ota1 1 2, t 0.00 , . � � � 4. Estinated Financing Assessment $ 35,7�0.00 1973 P1.S.A. � 12�,7.�0.00 H.R.A. Funding 2,500.00 Total i 2, a0.0� P-o555 - o555R CAPP ROAD - HERSEY STREET . 1 . E;;istin�Co�ir�itions . . The majority of this project lies ti��ithin the Nousing and RedeveloPment Authority's ldest Midway Area. Th�y propose to relocate existing and develope reav industry in the area. In conjuction there with, tliey have asked the City of St. Paui to improve various Iocal access streei.s. Capp and Hersey is the first phase of this improvemen�. 2. Pt'opos��' Im;�roverent The proposed alignment uses portions of the existing Capp and blycliff Streets as � w�1 } as ne�•� right-of-way. The twenty year projected traffic for this new route is �. 3,OC30 vehicles per day with 750 being heavy corTercial vehic?es. The ri�ht-of-way Nticth will be bb feet with a roadway 44 feet wide. Concrete curb and gutter and a 14 inch thick bituminous roadway is proposed. Ornam�ntal street lighting is plann°d. Drive�rays will be constructed Ulhere desired by the abutting prooerty o�rners. Essentially no sidewalk tivill be built. 3. Fstimated Costs A. Right-Of-�Jay Costs . All needed right-of-way within the limits of the Nousing and Redevelopment Authority' s I,lest Midway Area will be purchased 6y thz Authority and deeded to the City of St. Paul . The following costs reflect right-oi-��ay out- side the authority' s jurisdiction, which the City of St. Pau1 shall acquire. � Acquisition $ 2�u,7�0.00 Engineering (Lump) 1 ,750.00 Total 2 .,500.00 B, Const;'uctian Costs . The follotiving includes all construction �roposed under P-0547A Construction $347,�300.00 . . Enginpering (12.5%) !t3,4b0.00 1nsp�ction (2% ) 6,9�+0.00 Lighting 44,000.00 alater Departm�nt 2,000.00 � 7raffic Department 4,000.00 R.R. Track Relocation 68�000.00 . � � Valuation & Assessm�nt S�rvice 1 ,500.00 Publication � Misc. 60.00 Total �517,7,O.U0 � ' � � � ~ 4.'' Estirr�ated Financing A. r2ight-Qf-l�Iay Costs : _ 1973 M. S.A. $ 28,500.00 . Total $ 28,500.00 B. Construction Costs: Assessment $140,675.00 i- 1973 rt. s.�. 374,L85.00 H.R.A. Funding 2,600.00 Total $517,7 0.00 S-04o0G I SEtiJEP, SYSTEM 1 . Proposed Improv�n�nt To achieve total separation, both a Sanitary and Storm Sewer System �•li11 be con- f structed under- S-04bOGi . Location and sizing of the system is bzing done in ` anticipation of future expansion in the area. Only construction effected by the proposed road�•�ay i s be i ng done a t th i s t i me hosvever. 2. Estimated Costs A. Sanitary Sewer System Construction $150,400.00 Engineering (8.50) 12,790.00 Inspection (2,) 3,010.00 � Valuation � AssessmPnt Service 1 ,b00.00 Publication � Misc. 19fl.00 Total $167,990.00 B. Storm Se��er System / � Construction $7�5,500.00 Engineering (8.5i) 63,380.00 tnspection (2a) 14,�20.00 Vaivation � Assessment Service 7,800,00 Pubtications � Misc. 215.Qa Total 31 , 1�.00 Sanitary Sewer Services will be instalted where requested by the abutting property o�rn�rs, The cost thereof ��ill be 100% ass�ssed. Estimated costs are: � 6 inch service $ 250.00 � 8 inch service 275.00 10 inch service . 300.00 � � : . � , � . � � ,.�` , « 3. , Estimated Financing -- A. Sanitary Sewer System • Assessment $ 71 ,500.00 , H.R.A. Funding 9b,490.00 - . Total $�,9Q0.00 B. Storm Sewer System Assessr�ent $390,Q00.00 N.R.A. Funding 309,910.00 l t973 ht.s.A. 131 ,905.00 7otal $�31 , 15.00 The Departmznt of Public Works feels that all of the above improvements are acceptable and dzsirable, and snould be brought b�fore thz Council for a public hearing. Attached are three Administrative Orders for your approval vahich relate to the following: t . Dir�cting the Departm�nt of Finance to bring the abov� prajects before � the City Council for public hearing. 2. Ruthorizing the Bureau of Vaivations to acquire the required land for CAPP ROAD. � 3. Authorizing the 8ureau of Va]uations to acquire the required land for TRANSFEP. RUAD. Yours very truly, Daniel J. Dunford Acting Director of Public b!orks r t, CL7/J�JS/cf Attacnnents; � � - � � • . �� � � . 1���<, _ _.E ,.. . . .,� .�,.:., , ..__ ...�.. ... _.._.._.,....W, .. ...�„- _ ...?::�- .--�.. _ _ _ _ , ..,.� ,. _ ..... .. White �ity CJark ' n . GITY OF SAINT PAITL No: U` � ��� ^ Pknk — Finance Dept. �; � Canary— Dept. �nZ� „ OFFIQE OF THE MAYOR ►iAR $ 7 D3te: NIn ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER �5���� 261��5 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, !n the matter of improving TRANSFER ROAD from University Avenue to Prior Avenue and ElL1S AVENUE from Vandalta Street to Transfer Road (City ProJect P-0547A t P-0547R) VANDALIA STREET fram Etlis Avenue to Capp Road (City ProJect P-305A) , CAPP ROAD fran Vandalia Street to Hersey Street and HERSEY STREET from Endicott Strest to Capp Road ;. (City Project P-o555 � P-�555R) and S7. ANTNONY PARK SEWER SYSTEM, Capp Road Extension " (City ProJect 5-0460G1) as folloars: Co�struct Conc�ete Curb 6 Gutter, Construct a 8ltuminous Roadway, Construct Cancrete Walk where necessary, Construct Concrete Drive- ways whe�e necessary, Construct a Storm Sewer System, Construct a Sanitary S�wrer System Construct Sanitary Sewer Services� Construct an � Ornamental Lighting Systdn and do all other work whlch is necessary and incidental to complete said improvements. The report of tfie Department of PuiTic i�orks is accepted. The Department of Finance is hereby directed to bring this matter before the � City Council for public hearing. ' � �,� 324�5���j� A ti � � � ^�,o � o `'� � .a b c'j � p' � •- Z ,� n7 � -° s �' � o� �w APPROVED AS TO FORM ���n� �vi� � � `�<<1016�L r Assistant City Attorney epartme t ead C. L. Thompso , �/'��S,s�,�� � �,,.�. ��' ' ,�,s. Date /._._...�=-t'�. ,�" . ::"��� - r_. �- ', AdminisyCitrve Assistant to Mayor cf _ .. _ . � '`� .. ��7Y �� wa` yi � ■ .1 O � -_ ab JB ,�C ,-� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesote DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 DANIEL J. DUNFORD Acting Director of Public Works March 20, 1973 Mr. .J. William Donovan Valuation Engineer Room 286, City Hall BUILDING , Re: P-0547AR, TRANSFER ROAD, ELLIS AVE. P-0555R, CAPP ROAD. Dear Sir: Attached are copies of the Administrative Orders No. D-466 S D-467 authorizing the acquisition of the above referenced right-of-way. We have also received approval from M.S.A. as per the attached letter. Please proceed with the acquisition. Yours very truly, � , ` �-CSGc.� � G'�/lE'.2�� � r.� Daniel J. D fford Acting Director of Public Works � � �' CLT/JWS/cf Attachments: �I� � � __,t.,...w;`-°`��' t�;-°�� ..,�r�.� ir.�, � �... ^`. { � j ' � � . 4� . .... ..... ... _ _` , / R ,'�,`���`�7�j �ry :�„a� t �1..f �,.,,.-.,k�,,.:�«. � O . � � T L , . . . .. y��.f� .,w `'.v. I� r �� _ �. _ < -�_ � r��, '�,:1'� `��"`-'%'�� �'�' ' -_ r. �; -^ _�>1.!.4.�1R�t,�-3a: • ST.4TE Gt= NtINi�l�SOTA T��' DEP.ARTM:'NT O�' N!GHWAYS � ST. Pr'�UL, MiNN. 55155 � Narch 2, 1973 . � Richard A. Schnarr St. Faul City Engineer St. Pa,ul, Mirznesot�. 55102 In reply refer t�: E08 SsA.P. 16'�-120-02 -'��.L,1rti (�'`.. !�i1N��C`�=' `� .: � � �'� . ., _ __ S.A.P. 164-233-06 ', i � �,��`' J�.,, CI'Z'Y OF ST. Pr�UL . t. Tiear t�. Schn�,rr: We are sendi.ng to you under separate cover the original plsns far the above referenced projects. A set o�' prints will be mic.rofilmed for our record in the near future and w31]. thsn be ��nt to y ou. Th�se pl�ns have been approved and yau are now authorized to ' advance the s�catus o� these pro3ects. Sincerely, ���/�_�J i.-! .C/�J��;•�i�"� � . . \% � y � U Irving J. Sobon � S�te Aid Plans & Spec. Engineer cc: - '�im. A�rritt - Do�zald J. Mc�'adden - Dist. 9 File , t . � ��.`� . �::� � ��, hg u. . ..t.'<:;�♦ ��<... - �� �{. . � `.,,..�- . .. . . �1TT QP � � � Y ��� }� � .' ti �---r`.� ' . � �,:_��c�.,..:� :� . L�� � � �� -7'�� � � . . . �^ a� � �e.+ � � �i � � J a-�, � 9°v � � r� � � Ca,�i�a1 of �'iinnesosa s�. , ��:?;���'yi�:;�s �: �'?���.��. ���:���a ` 234 Cifi�j i-�3all ix Cauri� H��rsa b�1L'� / DANI�L J. DUiVFORD � Act i n D i rector of Publ i c 1Jorks �~ g �;V1S10N_---------�: February 23, 1973 ASST. C��IEF EP���• \ . , � � C.t{IEF �hG�._---- ,' � Honorabi e L�wrenc� Cohen ,�_-----------� ' 'rlayor of Saint Faul � � Rcon 3�t7, C i ty Na 1 1 � �;i Et'tC�t_`.1��!-�-�s-�_ -. , BU{LDIPdG • � ' Re: P-0547A TRA�ISFER ROP,D - University Avenue P-0555 CAPP ROAD - Vandalia to Prior Avenua. Street to Hersey Street. �;.tIS AVENUE - Vandalia .Street to HERSEY STREET - Endicott 7ransfer P,oad. Street to Capp Road. P-0�47AR TRANSFER ROAD - Right-of-way, P-0555R CAPP ROA� - Right-of--way., University Avenue to Prior Avenuz. Vanda� ia Street ta H�r:�:y ' Street. � P-0305A VAP�OF�1�IA 5TREET - E1 1 i s Avenue to Capp Road. S-O�t60Gi ST. APITNC�IY PARK SELlER SYSTEM - Ca�p °oad Ex- M (Ligi�ting) - Project Number Pending. tension. . (� ; Dear Mayor Cahen: , 7he Department of Public Works is proposing the above improvements and is preparing plans and sp�cifications. The entire improvem�nt consists of interrelated new roadways, sev�ers, and 1 ighting to serve existing and proposed ne�y indc!stry in the Vl�st Midtivay Area. Prelimin�ry plans, descriptions, and layouts for the praposed right-of-way and construc- tion ara attached and a description of each project follows: P--05�;%A, 0547AR 7RANSFER ROAD - ELl.IS AVENUE , 1 . Exist'ing Conditions Th� area of the proposed improvement consists mostly of a large railroad switching . area of �iinnesota Transfer Railroad Company. Small areas of adjacent vacant land �•aill also be used. Alignment also passes through the Standard Oil Company Car Wash on the P;orth side of the Cleveland Avenue - University Avenue Intersection. �