261353 � - CITY OF ST.PAUL COL�C L F E NO. "�, � S;� FI NAL ORDER �f�� - , _ By File No. x�►��.... In the Matter of �� T��� � �'� ����'" w7� t0 �k3� � ar�i s�'i t� lr�t ��eMs1ls �t�r� t.�► 1"t�tar �rt ��i�► �ra►j�t �347"A a�lf �S+tT� ��LI� �'�'#�t !�M =�ti+M � tIf � �Af�i (C!.!�' �'O�iat 1�+JQ3�)s �'! � �i�w�l��lis� N�lil�# !� � ir�r tr�ri C� �or�) f�rra���sra�ialia ie� 1►e lM�'asT �s"+a�t a�d �X A"�` �ataa �i+�Ntt �tt� to G�r� �M�i (G��► tra��a1� �3��i�. �ed l�ixS) +� �alia�r: ao�ts+�r��; r�� +� �wl �r�r� �ro�t�ic a ��t�r �• �►'f �,st�st �e�era�te wlk � ase+�r�# a���ws# �s��� +�iww��n rh+�s� rr- ��ssax7i aa�t�rat a s�si�.ary wwr �ta� eoo�t�as� �� �r �tr�,e+u� �� stratt +�s os�etai li�ltsit� s��rt �t � sll +o�es w�rk �Ir,ia#� is p�a►a+�r �qrd ' i�eld�n��I �e e�►t+� saii i,�s�,s. al1�r� s��airtn� 1tl,�Mra�► ir��+ip �ud t�os+qc� +�aestrnetias �rrw�nt� s�c�ru� io� �� t�!uwrrwata as ,�r,�+� �11? �aaril� �A under Administrative Order� ���� � � ��"�� approved �� �+► �'�T� r' under Preliminary Order ��� approved �4V ��� 19� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it � RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date I�AY 2 91973 Yeas'�"h7�'P�IF �l�iays '' Kor't�Patsk� Ce ' d ssed by u ' cretary ' �f�"�°+�� / .�—In Favor B MAY 2 91973 :>dl� =���tX�� �_Against •° Mayor PuaLia��o JUN 2 )9?3 . . , . . �:tr �, 261��3 � • ��•f`( .P . � .Pf=!:i:',�:j�`�'� .���).` � _ j � _ 2s1��4 �- � Cd � '� ��� �° � �`� � �� � � s� �� �. ' C�,�i�L�j �f �vlinnzs��� ��:�a°�i�.`l.i.�']�t� '.J:' s,�i:)�,�6o ti�J��'.�i�J 734 Ciy H:II � CoGr} ;��us3 5�i02 �ariiE� �. nuy�o�o Actinq Director oF Public I���rks htarch 20, i973 � CEV1SfGPd �, ASST, CNIEF EPJGR. -� t�lr. Rob�rt Trud�au Di rector of Fi nance 4f��F� ENG4,_� � Room 109, C i ty ra 1 l �:���wc� • `^ ^oU1LDI�JG � _ '� � ���, � i - � � � . �LEP,ICAL.���'�'�.� F�T i N: Pau 1 Desch �`�-_�---��-�_ Re:P-05�7A, P-0547AP., TRANSFER R�;,�, ELLIS AVENUE P-305A, VAPJDALIA STREET p-��55, P-o555R, CAPP ROAD, HERSFY . ST��ET �.-:S�-�,bOG1 , �T.., AP�THOIyY PA�K $E4/ER SYSTEM. D�ar Sir: Attached are copies of our recommzndations to the Mayor en the above p;ojects ancf the Administrative Order Pdo. D-465 directing the public hzaring to b� helds �'� please proceed with the arrangenent oT a public hearing. ,. Yours very truly, Daniel J. Dunford Acting Director or Public 4lorks CLT1J!,'S/cf � �tt�cnr��nts: cc: C 14ude 'fhompson � ��, .!. ��!i 1 1 i arn Qonovan . �� � -- �.-_�,, � � �-�� .o:�r— D:,,.. . . . '� pI'1'IGi: E3I' T1I1: �1.1Y012 . � I3ate: -+''� �A—g-1�-f r AD�tIh'IST�?A'TIVE O;Zi)ER ' ' ���/ia�_y'� An�,itt�.s�r����Tlti�� o�DE�, , In �he r.,.�[�e� of ir�proving TRl`�t1S�"�: t'��AD r"ron L'n�versity Avenue to Prior �!venUe y �:�d Et.LiS .,•_`�;itic ;"�-e�i l�'andal ia Str��t ta Tr�ns�er P.oad {C i i� F'r'�ject P-0>1+7A � P-�5�7;) , V;�';�34.!!�1 5Ti�c i �ro=� �] ) i s ��vs��:�� to C<;F;ry P,o:;ci (C i ty ProJect P-3071�) , C;°P RQ„D fra��� t'a;,:.}al ia StreLt t� tt.�rse�� S�rc�i �n�1 ';�.i���Y �iP,`'�T fro� �ndFco2t Street ta Cap� �oad .__ _ . - (C i iy �roj�ct �'-�555 � t'-Q>5��=) un� S� . �'d�:;Q'�1'i i"�:i: S�.'.lEry S`s'STE.l, C�y�P Road �xten�ian (City. Pr.�i�� �'='`�`'t) ° Consfir�!c* Ccrcrete C�ir�3 �_ G�itLer Construct a M t S-v ,� :�. a� rol 1��-;s: � �' Eitucn�nous fi3a�;r�y, C��strtict Cc�ncrete tla�k �•,hLre nec�ssar}�, C��struct CnncreLe Drive- r:ays tir��re r,��c�ssary, Co;,struc� a S�os`r:i Sc�:�er Sysze.,:�, Constr�!ct a Sani t�ry Sesa�r SysteTl, Gottsl:ruc�: S��t��ry �e�.�er s�rvir_�s� Cons*_ruct an Orna~?er�tai Lic;hting Syste� and do al l c,ti��r s�.ur�. �:`��ct� is I�F.�C�JJ�ly ard irc:d�ntat ta cc-ptnee saic; ICl�tO�/�.^.'lents. � � ' ; - �t�e �'e����t of ��� Usra:�r:�n� or Pualic 1,'�rl:� 1s zecepted. 1'h� �epari�:,en� of Firanc� 3s hes-e�y directed to hrir,g �'�ls r�atter befc:re thc i � I �; i�' �aunci� fo� �L��Ii�c 3�v��r��q. ( .� y ✓Jhr � �(� /J�i%' /� t 1,,,:; ,� ;J,� E,��,�� �- � \x%1l� - Al'PI;OVED AS LO �'O::AZ - � f� J, � � f�/' . . -. ^ :' �C�;:[:r'(. _.1 ��; �r .��•-. Astiiiizat City A:2orney % ;i)epartment Head� ,: �. (.. �'tOi.l�50i1/ � � � +-. ' �r f � n1«. � --- r ~ _' _ . . '- � �- . Adminisfra[ivc AS,i�tant to 2.,ayor G� _. � r• `r i ;� � • �tTT �o � �� , �� �� "� � y iC_-'�:-::� . � - . �:::. :.::� � . .t �;•-=� y . y ' .�' � G � � �a � i � :� � � � . �',,� � �., , C�pi�al of ilr�inn�sa��a ��.;?�,�?'�',r�::�e �= �'?���,9� �"���;{a � /' 234 CiSy i-3a11 z Cour} Hfls�sa 5�Ifl2 D,�Nt_L J. DU\FORQ ; Act i ng p i rector of Publ i c Works ��ViSIOP�-------�� February 23, 1973 ASST. CEl1EF EI'l��• Er�4E� ENG�. , � Honorabt e Lawrence Cohen . ' �_...._._�- . Mayor of Saint Paul Room 347, C i ty Na 1 1 • . �n r����`�-�_�_�- .- r BUILDIPdG . .L�. l.. l.. ' - Re: P-05�+7A TftANSFER ROAD - University Avenue P-0555 CAPP ROAD - Vandalia to Prior Avenue. Street to Hersey Street. ELLIS �1VE��UE - Vandalia .Street to NERSEY STREET -- Endicott . Transfer Poad. Street to Capp Road. P-05ti]AR TRANSFER ROAD - Rlght-of-w�y� P-0555R CAPP ROAD - Right-of-wa�y . llniversity Avenue to Pr'tor Avenu�. Vandaiia Street to Hersey � Stre�t. P-0305A VANbALIA STREET - Ellis Avenue to ,,�-" Capp Road. ,�'$-04bOGi ST. ANTHOyY PARK SEWER � SYSTEM - Capp Road Ex- K �Lighting) - Project Number Pending. tension. � Dear Mayor Cohen: � - 7he Departmant of Public Works is proposing the above improvements and is preparing plans and specifications. The entire improvem�nt consists of interrelated new road�vays, se�ders, and ) ighting to serve existing and proposed new industry in the 41est Mid�vay Area. Preliminary plans, descriptions, and layouts for the proposed right-of-���ay and construc- tion are attached and a description of ea�h project follows: P-0547A, 0547AR TRANSFER ROAD - ELLIS AVENUE 1 . Existinc� Conditions � 7he area of the proposad improvement consists mostly of a large railroad switching area of i�innesota Transfer Railroad Comsany. Small areas of adjacent vacant land �vtll also be used. Alignment also passes through the Standard Oil Company Car Wash on the I�Jorth side of the Cleveland Avenue - UniversitX Avenue In.tersection. � . ,�„ � 2. � Proposed Improvenents • Minnesata Trans;er P,ailroad proposes to abandon their se�ritching yard and develop th� land industrially. They approacned Public L�lorks re;uesting the construction of a nes�� road (Transfer Road) to service this development. Th� propased alignment acco:��plishes this objective as �,iell as providir.g the City of St. Paul �rith a North/ South connecting route between University Avenu� and Pierce Butler Route. The projected traffic volum� for Transfer Road in 1993 �s 12,G00 vehicles per day of tvhich 20°; are expected to be heavy commercial vehicles. The proaosed roadway wiil r'" be 6!� feet �•�ide in a 9b foot right-of-ti�tay. The s�ction wi 11 consist of concrete curb and gutter ti��ith a 17 inch thick bituminous roada��ay. Ellis Avenue will be a local access connecting street from Transfer Road to Van- dalia Street. Th� 1993 projected traffic volum� for Ellis is 4,500 vehicles per day with 1 ,000 expecte� to be h�avy com�ercial vehicles. The right-of-ti•ray will be 66 feet wide and the road�ray 4�+ feet in width. Concrete curb and gutter and a 14 inch thick bituminous roadway is planned. t Ornamental stre�t lighting 4•1111 b� placed on both Transfer Roac+ and Ellis Avenue. Drive�f�ays �,�i 11 be constructed at the dzsired locations of the a'butting property owners. No side�,��alk construction is planned. 3. Estimated Costs A. Riqht-Of-Way Costs. It is anticipated that all right-of-tivay needed, �vhich is presently o��tned by Minnesota Transfer Raitroad �ompany e•rill be deeded to the City of St. Paul at ro cost to the City. A portion of the right-of-�vay for Ellis Avenue, as wzll as the Car 4lash property at University and Cleveiand, 1ie within the Nousing and Redevelopment Authority' s lvest Midway P1DP area . T.he authority ti�ill acquire same and deed to the City of St. P�ul . The only project cost for right-of-�,iay a►ill be for land between the prop�sed • 6ridge and Prior Avenue and is estimated as foliows: ( Acquisition $ 35,000.00 Engineering (lump) 2,000.00 Total $ 37,U00.00 B. Construction Costs, Th� following includes all construction proposed under �=05 °7A. Gonstruction $5Bd,7�a.00 Enginearing (12.5%) 73,3�0.00 Insp�ction (2i ) 11 ,720.00 � Lighting 56,000.00 WaCer Departme7t 2.,OOd.00 � Traf�ic Department 5,00�.00 � � Valuation s Assessme�t Service 3,000.00 - Publication & Misc. 70.00 !'` To t a l 7�3 7, 70.0 0 • �;,,,,�� �� � F � • . 4. Estimated Financing . A. R i gh t-0�-',day Costs: 1973 t�1.s.A. $ 37,000.ao Total $ 37,000.00 _ B. Construction Costs, Please note that drive��iay access wiil be de�ied on Transfer Road betti�rzen Eliis Avenu� and Prior Avenue due to traffic and road��ray grade situations. The follo�;ring costs reflect no assessment in this area. Assessnent $204,75�.00 1973 M.s.A. 533, ��0.00 Totat �737, P-0305A VANDALIA STREET 1 , Existing Conditions � 7he existing roadway was graded and oiled to a �d+�th of �8 feet in 1957. Cur� and/or sideHtalk has been constructed in various locations privately and by City P�rmi t. Existing conditions are adaquate, however all the curb and sidewalk and most of th� roadtivay surface a�i 1 1 be rerroved for Sewer Construct ion. At the present time Vandalia Street carries an average of 2,500 vehicles per day of which 600 are heavy comm�rcial vehicles. Twenty yzar projections are 4,500 v�hicles per day and 1 ,000 heavy commercia] vehicles. 2. Proposed Improvement � As stated above, th� roadway will � be removed for Sewzr Construction. Reconstruction of the road���ay will be with concrete curb and gutter and a ljf inch bituminous surtace to a width of 4�+ feet. `. Driveways and sidewalks will be constructed where they presently exist or where de- sired by the property owners. Ornam�ntal street lighting is p roposed. ' . 3. Estimated Costs Construction $114,3�+0.00 Engineering (12.5%) 14,28Q.00 a�;� tnspection (2% ) 2,280.00 Lighting 13,000.00 y- Water Departnar�t 1b,000.00 � � Tr�ffir Oepartment 1 ,000.00 � Valuatio� � Assessment Service 1 ,500.00 Publications � Misc. 60.00 ��i� Total 1 2, d.00 � � i �; . ---. ? 4. Estimated Financing Assessm�nt $ 35,700.00 �973 M.s.a. i2if,z�Q.00 H.R.A. Funding 2,500.00 Total i 2, 0.00 ; P-0555 - o555R CAPP ROAD - HERSEY STREET � 1 . Existinq Co�ditions Th� majority of this project lies a,�ithin the Nousing and Redevelopment Authority's k'est Mid��ay Area. Th�y propose to relocate existing and develope new industry in the area. In conjuction there with, they have asked the City of St. Paul to improve various local access str�ets. Capp and F!ersey is the first phase of this improvemen�. 2, Proposed Im�rov�r�ent The propos�d alignm�nt uses portions of thz existing Capp and Wycliff Streets as wztt as new right-of-���ay. The twenty y�ar projected traffic for this nzw route is �. 3,000 vehicles aer day with 750 being h�avy commarcial vehicles. The right-of-way width wi ] 1 �e 6b feat ��rith a roadwa�/ �+4 feet a�ide. Concrete curb and g�tter ar�d a 14 inch thic4; bituminous roadway is proposed. Ornamental street iighting is ptanned. Drivevrays will be constructed where desired by the abutting property ov�ners. Essentially no sidewalk will be built. 3.. Fstimated Costs A. Right-Of-t�lay Costs . A11 needed right-of-way arithin the limits of the Housing and Redevelo�rn°nt Authori ty' s 1,lest Midway Area wi t 1 be purchased tay the f�uthori ty and deeded to the City of St. Paul , The following costs reflect right-of-way out-- sidz the authority' s jurisdiction, which the City of St. Paul shall acquire. � Acquisition $ 25,750.00 Engineering (Lump) � 1 ,75�.00 7ota1 2 ,5D0.00 S, Const;•uction Costs . Th� following includes all constructton �roposed under P-0��7A. Construction $347,800.OU . ErginPering (12.5%) �t3,4b0.00 Insp�ction (Z% ) 6,9�+0.00 Lighting ��,���.0� � 4fater Departr:,ent 2,000.00 7raffic Department 1+,000.00 � R.R. Track Relocation 68,000.00 ;� Valuation s Assessm�ni: S�rvice 1 ,50�•QO Publication � Misc. b0.00 �� Total �517,7UO.a� � � � , 4,� Cstim::ted Finanr_ing , A. Righ:-Cf-l�tay Costs: � T973 M. S.A. $ 28,500.00 � Total $ 28,500.00 B. Construction Costs: Assessment $140,675.00 �/ 1973 hf.s.A. 374,1:85.00 H.R.A. Funding 2,600.00 Tota] $5i7,760.00 S-04o0G1 SE�,`cR SYSTEM 1 . Pr000sed Improv�ment To achieve total separation, both a Sanitary and Storm Sewer System alitl be con- structed under S-O�t60G1 . Location and sizing of th� system is being done in t, anticipation of future er,pansion in the area. Only construction effecfied by the proposed road+��ay i s be i ng done a t th i s t i me ho�,�rever. 2. Estim�ted Costs A. Sanitary Sewer System Construction $150,400.00 Engineering (8•5%) 12,79D.00 Inspection (2%) 3,010.00 Valuation S Assessment Service 1 ,b00.00 Publication � Misc. 190.00 Total $167,99fl.0o B. Storm Seti�er System � Construction � $7�+5,500.00 Engineering (8.5�) 63,3�0.00 Inspection (2.°�) 14,920.QO Valuation � Assessment Service 7,800.00 Publications 5 Misc. 215.00 Total 31 , 15.00 � , y... . , . ._ _ _. , Sanitary Sewer Services will be installed where requested by the abutting property o+frriers. The cost thereof aaill be 100% ass�ssed. Estinated costs are: 6 incn service $ 250.00 � 8 inch service 275•�� 10 inch service 300.00 � � �� � • ���� . � �! : � • , � 3.. Estir�,r�d Financiny . , ' A. San i tary Se�.�rer System Assessm�nt $ 71 ,500.00 H.R.A. Funding 90,�90.00 � Total $1�7,990.Q0 � , � � B. Storm Sewer System t � Assessrent $390,000.00 � H.R.A. Funding 309,910.00 1973 M. S.A. 131 ,905.00 Total $d31 , 15.00 � � The Dzpartmznt of Pubtic ldorks feels that all of the above improvements are acceptable and desirabie, and snould be brought before th� Council for a public hearing. Attached are three Administrative Ordzrs for your approval whic� retate to the folloti�iing: 1 . DirecLing the C�partm�nt of Finance to bring the above projects before � the City Council �or public hearing. 2. Authorizing the Bureau of Valuations to acquire the required Tand far CF�PP ROAD. 3. Authorizing the B�reau of Valuations to acquire the reyuired land for TRAPlSFEP. ROAD. Yaus-s •,ery tr��?y, Daniel J. Dunford Act i ng D i rector of Pub] i c 4brks � . k CI.T/JWS/cf Attachnents; ' � - � � ��� � . f�t �h--. .,d»>.,y�ryyt��....s ;� ;r.,. .+.y.n ,�♦ «,s�yy�, '�^.:. cks„ pw1�y}y��+ .'A�-{e- ,;��i'" .. . � , � .. ..;ii+. �ix'� ,,„� � �t ':� .. �•'~�� .� r :` ��` ,.,„ .. , � e r ` .. . . . . � . � . . ... . . r-:��. , . . . �. . . . , . . ,. . .. . . . ' � . . ; � . , .� . . � . .- . . . � � cD Acpm ;'(D (" r f" mv — D ' (A . rn o � < '=z VANDALIA ST. m �� o_ 466 I&3 I � /� �� �Q� �, ss' � _ ��� m�.� �, . �s �m � �A,�, � Q . =D s _� o�, � m °° Q tiF ��W � - � o � � � _-� 0 N - 466 • • — I N lD r 1D � o ° . _ � - --i �4.- cO _ 111.9' -- — 92.75� --— 100� W. LINE ,S.W. I/4 SEC. 28-29-23 �, �, � � - . �n �r� � Z � � '' � � � � �-., _ � � � ,� .�� � � . 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