261348 �.iTV CLERK (f� - FINANSe � � CO11I1C11 i� ���� � - UEPARTMENT , r GITY OF SA�NT PAITL - MAYOR • File NO. � � � o nc 'l R solution Presented By !� �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul, in adopting the 1971 Capital Improvement Budget Program� approved the Arlington Recreation Center Expansion Program and allocated $162,000.00 as a part of the said 1971 Capital Improvement Budget Program; and WHEREAS: '�he Mayor of the City of Saint Paul ha.s submitted application to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development fo� an Open Spa.ce La.nd Program Grant for the develop- ment of the Arlington Recreation Center Expansion Program, including construction ot a new building for this purpose� and this applica- tion has been approved and proposed Grant Agreement submitted to the City of Saint Paul for approval and execution, the Grant Agreement providing assistance to the City in carrying out this , project in an amount equa.l to the lesser of (1) 50% of the eligible project costs or (2) $42,061.76; now� therefore, be it RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE �CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Tha.t the 1971 Capital Improvement Budget Program is hereby amended so as to provide and include within the approved project entitled "Arlington Recreation Center New Building" the amount of $42,061..76 being provided as "Other Sources of Financing" in addition to the CIB Bond costs; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED! That the Council does hereby approve the proposed Contract for Grant between the City and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, being identified as Project No. OSL-MN-05-46-1054H, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized to execute the said Grant Contract on beha.lf of the City of Saint Paul. COUNCILMEIV Yeas H�l't7.Q1" Nays Requested by Department of: ]!� Konopatzki In Favor Levine � ��r Against By 'T•ed�� Mme.President 1� I�D'r+ �aY Z 51973 Form Approve�y ity torney Adopted by Council: Date � � Certifi as d by C S ry BY By Appr by Ma Date Approved ayor r ' si Coun ' By � BY PuBEis�t�a N 73 ��.1►,s:. :,, .� �_ k �- d . � � � y 'Y• � �`i, ��' . . . . . . . . �� ' . � �����; ' � � �, .' ` � flU�-3180 a ` � � >�, �2-�.) ' :.- :.�- . n U.S. D.�'?aRL-�:ZT Or ECUSSi:G A;� U:�'�i1 D:,Jc.L�?:•W:iT ` ���,,�l� _, � � OPLN SP.�Cz I�� PR�JG�1.�i __ ... � f CO:�ITR4CT �'OR GRAr'T _ . . , - UYD�t . . ; : T�TT� VT.T. 0� �,' :i�USIi u ACT Or 1951, AS �.:�.^:`�� ! . - � Part I ' , � - ---- . ------------------------------------------------- j ! ` � �Pro�ect 210 ASL-?�,T1—i5-46-1054D ' . � _ contract NoASL-N�T 05-4E-1054(G� - . # � ' TffiS AGR���',_ consisting oP this Part T. a�d the TerWs 2nd � ( Conditicas (?c-�+ r�'�J-31�0� �o�*...in.� P�.._wt II h°reof (h�rein c�11ed the � "C �tr�ct", as de�iaed ia Part Ii), e��ective on zhe daze hereinbelcr�r set ou:, by zr_ci be��ee� the Cit.y cr St. Pault I�"_inr.esota " � , � i herei..n caL�d ;.�e ` �ublic BcCy� 2�;i ��e united Sta�es o� t�erica �ere� � ' . C.�CLL �h� 'i�SQ7��'..��.Ztit}1 flilTt y►7Suli1. � � In ccn..�ider��ia� o� the �u:i:ai. cover�ts, prc�ises, �d repres�tations ; cc i��.ai.ned ri��i�, the :.,arties i�ereto do a.�ee as �ollows: . SEC.. 1. PU_�POS3 Or CO�+�AG'T - , . . The vuroose o° this Ca�'�ct is to provide far tre e:ctensica b� S � �the Gover��nt �o t�e �•�31ic �o�,-,� oP ce�a:�a :e3�ra1 l�i�c:.al assis��ce ' , , under Title z1I2 az �2-_s Fcusi.�� :ct. oP l�ol, � 2�ea�s3 by all �?nda�a�y � Acts, a:d �s ��:e-+sd U� ��e U�i�or� Relecatio� Assist�ce an3 r�es.i. E . Proge�y Ac^•.is{tivn Policies fci o� 19',0 (a11 su``� Acts be�r.� �er�in � sa�eti.�ies ca...I1°�' "`^;+ie tiTI'�), :�ith �s�ect to the Proj��t described in f ..► t a 1+ -: Sectioa 2 �:°rev�, a�d to state tn� t��_._s a�3 co�3itions u�cn which -s�:ch �( assisl�ce :ri� be ex:e�ced �d the �cez-st�3iy�s oi t:�. �a..r�ies h=reto � 1 as to th� �::.aar :i:i x�.ich thayr conte.�:�la�e �Y��a.t the Pro ject tiril]. be � c�rried o�s�. - E � : . - .. . � SEC. 2. ` T y P�0.3T'CT _ • ". : : � The Public B�3f z.3rees to initia�e aad carry out certain activities ; , iacludir� tr. c�r:^,,��� out of � p'� a� reZocution, �d the p�-ovision of i relocatio� p���A�ts �3 assista^ce, �or dis�I:ace3 iadicidua?�, fa_^i.l_es, � aIIC� b12S1�3jS COIICE°Z.�..:a �L:°Y'°_l.^.a Calle3 th° ��?:O.iect��}� 111 2CCO2"'�....�...^.C° Xl�'Ll' � this Co�trac� r.3 ^iti� VII a.r:3 zs ��scribe3 �y t:�� Pu�i�c Bo�;r in its � - • � aPPlicatio� �i2e �.-i;.z, �d a��r�:-�c �y, t:° Go�rer^�ent xhich descrirtioa , is incorpont_d hersin ar3 W.:de a parz �=reof. ' - � • _ � • � ; - • . . - . . � . . . . � : - . •`: � � _.__._.. � ' . $tTD-3180a' � _ , . (2..7�� � ' '`"� (a) ThA Puolic Body agrees to uadertake, carrf out and cc�Dlete , ' the development of that certain land located in the City of St. � �-�. ; Paul, County of Ramsey, State of ?�in.nesota, a.n� r.:cre generally ,-__ . ! . _ _ _ _ _ f , described in the attached E�thibit A made a part hereof. . � . . . . . . ' . . .. i � � . . . � � . . � . � 1 � . .. � . . . � . .. . . � 1 _ . . . . � . . . . . . . . . "_.. __._��_._.._'_�_ .. . _ . _._. t . . � � . � . . _".._� .' .__' .. . _.-� _ - . .-., _. ` .�:. : , . y, . ._ .. - �- . . _ . ' _.. - _.. _ . (b) The Public Bec� a3rees to re�fzia said l.and, as develo�ed, for per^.�anent open-space.pu.�oses, and the onen-s�sce use or uses • o� said 3.�nd sha.?1 be Por pa.rk a.nd r°creatioral pu_.--�oses, eonservation o� a^3 �d other r.atu.ral resour�es, or hiszoric or scenic purposes. sEC. 3. �^ c�'�r . � � � ' The Goverr�°nt �3reAs to ma�e a gr��..nt to the Public Boc� to assist . : `it �r.,caz-�-yi.� nut ��s PL�yAst in an z:.ct:nt equa.l. to t'�� ?4ss�r o� (i) Sr� - � � ��er�� : i� aD the I.igi�le rro.;ect costs, not inciuding the relecazicn coszs � � . t}ayaule urder 4(a�(1} u;eof, p1::s t�� �i:.1 �:.o�� o� the :e�oc�ticn ecsts � pa;lable as speci�ied in �aid S�ction 4(a){1), or (ii) $ L,2,061.76 . . � � , } . SEC. 4. F�,'-T,OGATIO�f A.�'VD PROP�,:�`I'Y ACaUISITIQ:� COS�'S—No relocation or acquisition invoZ ed - � in this Project. � � (a) The Public 3ody �arees to �ke relocation p�.y�ents a�d payzaents fo: eli�ible e;�e_szs ��c��ental to tz�ns�er oY � . . title 2.nd conde^.na.tien l�t���tion, and to �ro�d� relocaticn F �assistaace, to or en be�l� c� eli�ible reci�ierts i� � • connec�ion *�ri�h tu� �ro�....� i.n �cco '�Tce uith� �d to the . � t . ftil.l e�ent �erit�ed bf �he re�ulatio:.� or other require^°nts ; • oP the .Secr�ta� and �r�zY�.ia the bud�etary li�.itations of this . , �;rmtr�ct. (1) Not:.�thst�:di.ng a.n;� other provisian of this Contra.ct, � the Gavern:.'�eat s�11 z �^3, as pa..--t oz" the �r�t n2yaole � under Section 3 h_reof, t�z° �z11 a.:.ou�t o� the first , y�2j�000 0� the cost to the Public Bcd;� oY �roviding { � '- sueh pay��nts �d assista.nce for each eligible recipient - � ,� : thereo:, p�.Lrsu�at to s�zca re3ulatious or other '- requireuents, o� accou�t o� �^.f dis�7..�cerent or property � acqu�sition occu_�in� p:ior to Ju1J l, 1972. '� _ , . : . , . � . � � . t . . i _ � : , . . . , , . • . . . •. . . -. . . . . � �� � . � � � � � �. w 2 � . . . • � � . � .� • • � � . �. � . ' . ��� �d � . � . . . .. . ... �.z� .. ..� :� .. .. .. � � ... . . • .. � :�` HfTU-3180a ; (2-72� . � . . ` E2) CostS o� th� Publ�C 3cf3;/ for p?'�v id�an �uc� �ay:-.ent� t and assist^,�ce in e:cc�ss of said �2j,C�� ��r eli�ible reaipien� os 2CC0'.2.1* t OY G�13D12C°.^..°.'iz cr ac�uisition - OCC... y :-a�. ✓�lOr. t� J�y 1, 1972, �,.^d a?1 c�a�s o� �:ze�� . . . � �. . ' . .. �� � i M�i�C �ody foi� V��J I�C..�.l:f� J��.C'1 Y�•_1��:11r.7 �--•� ��..JJ154(�C4 . . .. : . : . O� �iCCOtL^_� Oi CL��� �?y � � ^w �� f � , ?�'��� V �~ �����✓Z v1 J�1 CC���� � - --- - o� or ai ter Ju�Y �, ?;;?, s:���1 oe r_�.��r�J �:°���3 • and fl�nd�d as part o� t:e ac�ua.1 cost o° tne �r�gra.-� � othezwise aut::orized her��,zr._der. � (3} Tjot.rithstand�a� �- o�?��r �_ovisien of th�s Coaz '- � � .T _ z'2c�, the Pu�lic 3o�y sca.11 not, wi�hou� the e.r_�ress conseat < of the Secretax^,�, e::�erd. fYo� f1t:ds available under this Contrsct r.ore t::.�a � -Q- Por reTocation , � pa.yments or �ore t�a � -0- for the costs of ` providing relocation assistance to or on eeh�.lf o� eligible displ.acees. � � (b) Assuranc�s. �e Public Bod.y �.s filed �ith the S�creta�-�y the assux��:.nces sritn r°s�ect to c,'.ispi�c�ent o� persons a;,d acquisition of re�l prc�erLy require3 by the Uni�o� �elccation . Assistance and Re�l Probercy Acqu=sitioa Policies Act o: 1970 and rela�e3 resul.a�ios o= the �ecretax^,�, ahiCii.��° Secr°ta.r� � has dete�.`.i�e3 (subject to o�her provisions hereof) are satisfactory. - --- S'�. 5. TIM.� OF P�MO��.Ai�,CE � � �` The Public Bcc3;,� a�rees t:iat it will: '� J _ . . . (a) Initiate the develo��ent act�vities conte�nlated vnder this � . • Contract within b montns �f`ter execution of this contrac-t. � (b) Ca�plete such develo��ent activities �rithin 12 mont�s after ' � execution of ihis Contract. SEC. 6. COUtTr�2PARTS OF THF. CONTRACT . � This Contract �ay be executed in t-.�o counterparts, each of �ahich '• � shall be dee�ed to be a..n original, and sucn counterparts shall constitute �` one and the s�.-ae i.nstrument. �. • � � ' • . ,- . , _ . - _, _ . - . � � r• . • �. . _ . . . � -- . . _. i_ , . . , � � - _, . , _ : . . _ 3 _ - : � . :. _ . . � _ � � � • ' . � . . : . . . � . . � _ . � . . - . : .� . �- : _ . � . � . , _._ _ . � �, . ;,: _ __._ . �, . {�� � � �Ay ._ �,� �- • � . . � � JlU3l�31�Qs1 . . ���,�-• � �. .• � ' � : : ' ` ' . : t2- 72, ,. � -�a1'�C.: 7. .Cf1A2�G.F^a APPT.ICAB?� � Pr.�T II �i:..�L:O= . z � _� '� The folloainq ch�.;es ure hereby a.�de iu thc attached Tez~..., and Cozd2ticns °� 1desi�nated Part II hereof: , � . . _ Y� . . 6'herever thcre n��ec:rs in tY:c Ter�s a.zd C�:�ditions, Part II, of this Contract �n,� referer,ce to or �ny ��ovi�io:, �ir�ctp3 to:rard tY:e �cqui:,it:oa - oP l�nd ns r.srt of �h� Froject ^u;:r.orized h�:eur.der, such �ro-risi�n or reference �r.,�ll be dee�:ed to be SLLr7�LiJ�..-,P it bein; t:_^.d�r�t��.�., �:.d a.;�°Qd by �nd betxeen tre �srties hereto t�t �::e nu_^rose of this Ccntract is to provide for A �'e�er�l �ra.n� to assist only in the develop:�ent of cert2in 'land for open sp�cs uses. � SEC.' 8. SPFCIkL� CQ.�ITIC��(S) - See �hibit B � : S�. 9. CO:dPEPiSATIC?t TO G�V�t;;�W.tT FOR ITS AUDIT� A.P;D I:+SPECTIOI�S �'2ie Public Body will co��pensate the Govern.�.�ent for its insvectioas a.^d' audits, provide�i for in Sec. 103(B) of Par� II of �:�is Contract, a fixed ree in tre amounts o� � 916.03 , The fixed fee shal� be gay�ble at the ti.^:e t:.e :irst requisitian fcr a Gr:�t r��r-:ent is �.��roved by a de�uction oi t'r.e entire a�cw�t �F ti` � i'ixed fee fro� the �'irsz Gr�.nt pay.r°nt to tne Pablic Bcdy. "� . IN WIT;�S ?JH�'.�r, the Public 3ody Y�:as csused this Coatract to be du2f executed in its beI^.�.lf �d its seal to be n°reunt'o �iiixed ar:d attested; a:d, t:.eMe_ after, the Govei-n.�ent has caused the s�e to be duiy executed in its behal� this day of , lg . � .. �� ~ . • . • . . � . t��) �CITY OF ST. PAUL� N'INNESOTA r+ame of Puolic i3cdy} — . F_0� By . � P�2 �Q; . �Signature �yor � s it tt m - ' ���na.��a.�e Director Department of Finance an�. Nlanage- . ment Services ATTEST: . xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx � , UHI2'ED S^'iTc S 0�' a-�ICA Si�nature . Secret�ry of 'r'_o��;r_� s.�3 Ur:,a.n De�elop�.ent `l�rpe 2���e - _ By � Area Direc�or, rtinrieaFolis-St. Paul Area OfPice . Title . . , , � . _ . - . " - _ - � - ,..; . � . , �'�. ' - �. • � .� .: - . � R . y _ F��szT A Description of Land to be Developed is situated in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota: � . Lots �e (1) to Ten (IO}, irr.clusive and Lots Nineteen (19) to Thirty (30), inclusive, Block Qne (1), Evdns Addition - to the City of Saint Paul. Lot Eleven (11)� Block One (1)� Evans Addition to the City of Saint Paul acc.� � and Lot Twelve (12} except the right of alley in the West 7.b feet thereof� �n Block one (1)� E`srans Addition to the City of Saint Pau1, acc. , :, =� " '_ , �� . ; , . . - . ,, r! , . • EX.�IIBIT B . . ._ , �_ � , . , , , .. . : Special Conditions � : � Deed Restriction: " ??ecordat�on. The puklic Body agrees to have prepared 8nd � �corded in the aprropri�te La.�� or Deed records for each open space site cont�.l.ned in this Project an apprapriate restriction indicating that the site or: any interest therein r�ay not be sold, leased, or otherwise transferred without the prior written approvzl of the Secretar�r of Housing and Urban Develaixr.ent; his dssi�nee, ar a:ny successe^ ±hereto. :"r.i� re��rl�.Vlcr� �,lay :,� recorded i.*: the Pu31ic Bod;�'s d�ed or dEeds �o the open space site or in a separate; instrumentt prov�.ded that the method used gives constructive notice (or �he equivalen�) of the restriction. The following cha*�ges a.re made in the attached Federa.l La�or Stan3ards Provisions (�ND-3200): See F�iibit �►A,� to HUD-3200. t' ..�Lip1�s^Ce �1ith th� p'�V�S:.�ns O�' 4�� t��g4C2 �i A�.t- 1'i'Ot.'d1�'.CIS�.�:t1?^� 8�f Oi.i�Z' r�`I?SlO.ZS Oi. T.CLS �:GL��:c�.0.� .. � iL. T ..l L� i. w v....�..i..+e w�n++�.�n�in� � .. . . � V a4 LL�.��. �a.r�l���.. .�.��..w..�.� t V� �L�..t���. . . � � agency) n�re�s �io eo^��;� Witn tce Clesn �.r �ct, as �ae�ded ('-2 J.S.C. lo;�, e� seq.}, zr_d t?:° s�a�nsz�s � �SSLI°C� ���EtO� �II coccrctiar_ �ri?�il ''i.:l° BCvj.'l��'.�°3 mcei�-�r.� assis��ace hereucder,'� _ _. .�._.. ,_. _ , ..a _ _. , . .;.. ,�+.�,t,�u,�� , - , � � ► .. �• • ��t�' ��, v� �� ^;� ::,:: ;, 1,� r. �: �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF 6RANT•IN-AID PROGRAMS 918 City Natl 612-223-5586 Lawrence D.Cohen Wllliam Q.Patton Mayor Coordinator Eugene J.Ranieri Aasistant Coordinator MEMORANDUM To: Phil Lee From: Bill Patton Date: May 21, 1973 Re: HUD Open-Space Grsnt for Arlington Recreation Center The attached resolution will do two things: 1. Authorize the proper City officials to execute a contract between the City and HUD for an open-space grant of $42,061.76, and 2. Amend the 1971 Capital Improvement Budget under the project entitled Arlington Recreation Center-New Building, with the sum of $42,061.76 being added as, "other sources of financing." This does not involve the expenditure of any additional CIB bond funds. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. WQP/klm Attachments �O b5 - — �_ - �--�. ����'WH17E - - CITY CLERK ,(� '�-t � PIN�K ��FINANCE r _ TF' 7T �"`�Y�QUI1C11 ... ����� ..4MR7"ARY - GEPARTMENT� GITY OF SAI�TT 1 A 11 L Fll@ ����� � BLUE i�- MAYOR : - _,.__ . .. .� . -.. . ._.. � � � o nc 'l R solution - �- . Presented By � � �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul, in adopt�ng the 1971 Capital Improvement Budget Program, approved the Arlington Recreation Center Expansion Program and allocated $162,000.00 as a part of the said 1971 Capital Improvement Budget Program; and WHEREAS, The Ma.yor of the City of Saint Paul ha.s submitted application to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for an Open Space La.nd Program Grant for the develop- ment of the Arlington Recreation Center Expansion Program, including construction of a new building for this purpose, and this applica- tioii has been approved and proposed Grant Agreement submitted to the City of Saint Paul for approval and execution� the Grant Agreement providing assistance to the City in carrying out this project in an amount equal to the lesser of (1) 50% of the eligible project costs or (2) $42,061 .76; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, That the 1971 Capital Improvement Budget Program is hereby amended so as to provide and include within the approved project entitled "Arlington Recreation Center New Building" the amount of $42,061.76 being • pravided as "Other Sources of Fina.ncing" in addition to the CIB Bond costs; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That the Council does �hereby approve the proposed Contra�t for Grant between the City and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, being identified as Praject No. OSL-MN-05-46-1054D, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized to execute the said Grant Contract on '�ehalf ot tl�e City of Saint Paul. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas BLtt1Qi' Nays ]�IQID[ Konopatzki In Favor Levine �"' � Against BY �aca�o� Roedler �— Mme.President �ir ��llt Adopted by Counc:l: Date MAY 2 51973 Form Approve y ity torney � ' � Certifi as d by C S ry BY � � f 1 By ' � . Approved by May : Date " Approved ayor r ' si ' Coun ' � By , By .