261346 WHITE r CITV CLERK ^ ^����
PINK - FINANCE COUIIC11 • ��� � � �
, � Council Reso '
Presented y ��'�
Referred To � Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, a resolution adopted on March 27, 1973, by the
Board of Educatian of Tndependent School District No. 625
(Resolution No. 7333) expressed its desire to provide a more
comprehensive insurance coverage for its retirees , and
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul by actions of its Council
determines eligibility of persons insured under its Group Insurance
Health and Welfare plans; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that employees of Tndependent School District 625
who retixe at age 65 or older or retirees of said Independent
School District upon attaining age 65 and their spouses , shall
continue to have the same level of Hospital and Medical coverage
as regular employees , and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this insurance wi11 take effect for
a11 retirees insured by Independent School District 625 on June l,
1973, and be it
FTNALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall send certified
copies o� this resolution to Minnesota Hospital Service Association,
Minnesota Tndemnity, Tnc . and Group Health Plans, Inc.
COUIVCILMEI�1 Requested by Department of:
Yeas gutler Nays
Konopatzki In Favor
.:��j�ne �
11R__��-�L �
� ceR dler Against BY
Mme.President�1� HI]rit 2 519�3
MAY Form Appr ed y City At ney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certi ' sed by retary BY
Appro by M or• Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
M�y 29, 1973
Mi»ru�eota Indemaity, Inc.
,353� B1ue Croes Aoad
St. F'aul, Miru�tesota
Get��lemen z
Enclosed 3� a certi#'ied cogy of a re�alutian� Council
_ F'ile No. 2613�,� adop�d by the St. Paul City Oouncil
on May 25' �.973�, prov3,ding that �mployee� oP Indep�ndent
School D3�trict No. 62� who retire at age 65 or older
shall continue �o have the �azne I�v�el of hospital and
medicai covera�e� �s regular employees.
Very truly your�tA
City Clerk
MaY' �9, 1973
G�rr�p kFealth Plane� Inc.
25U0 Como Ave.
St. Paul, Minneeota
Enclosed i� a certified capy of a reaolution� Cotascil
File No. 2613�F6� adopfi�d by the St, Pau1. City Counc3l
on May 25� 1973* p�'+�'��.�ing that employees of Ind�pendent
School District Nc�. 62� whra retire at �tge 65 or alder
shall cont�.nue tm have the same level of hospital and
medical cover�ge a� regu].ar �mployees.
V�ry truly yc�urs,�
CS�y Clerk
�.Y �9, �973
Minnesota Haspital Service Association
3535 B��e G"x'o�� Ro�d
St. Paul� Mizuie8ot�
Enclosed 3$ a c�x^'t�.f��d aopy of a reaolution, Council
File No. 261.3�6y adopted by the St. Pau1 City Counci.l�
on MaY 25� 1973s providing that employeee of Independent
School District� No. 625 who retire at age 6S or older
shall cont�.nue �a hav� the eame level of ho�pital and
medical covrera�s �s r�gular employe�s.
Very truly your�y
City Clerk