261336 261�36 CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCI FILE NO. PRELIMINARY ORDER ' By File No. 17673 In the Matter of -.- __��.__ ___—__ __ _ - --_ __ ____... __ _ �----- -----� -- -- ---- ------ .-- _ . __ -__,__.___ _.._. _ i . � Constructing a public storm sewer in the following streets: from Maryland � Avenue to the pro�osed ponding area in an easement, to be obtained, fran the City of Saint Paul Water Tlepartment; in IVY AWENt�E from Germain Street Co Kennard Street; : � ia KENNARD STREET from Ivy Aveaue to N+evada Avenue; in GERMAIN STREET fron ivy Ave- � nue to Cottage Avenue and from Sherwood.,�v�nue to Arlington Avenue; in SHERWOOD AVENUE r from Germain Street to Ken�ard Str,e'et; in NEVADA AVENU� from Kennard Street to 607 feet East of Hazel Street; in FLANbRAU STR�ET f`Ybn Ne+f�ada Avenue to Idal�o Avenue; in NEBRASKA AVENUE from Flandrau Stree't to 240 feet East of Hazel Street; in MONrANA AVENUE from Flandrau Street to Hazel Street; in HAZEL STREET from Montana Avenue to Hoyt Ave- nue; in IOWA AVENUE from Flandrau Street to White Bear Avenue, in HOYT AVENUE from � 350 feet West of Flandrau Street 'to 377 feet East of Gary Place; in GARY PLACE fro� ' Hoyt Avenue to Iowa Avenue; in IOWA A�ENUE from Gary Place to 260 feet East of Gary Place, all to be known as the FLANDRAU-HO'YT RELIEF SEWER SYSTEM (5-1489A) , and also in CLEAR AVENUE from Flandrau Street to 785 feet East of White Bear Avenue; in COTTAGE AVENUE from Kennard Street to 765 feet East of White Bear Avenue; in SHERWOOD � AVENUE from Flandrau Street to 885 feet East of Ruth S<Creet; in FLANDRAU STREET from Clear Avenue to Sherwood Avenue; in HOYT AVENUE f�+iom H�zel Street to Ruth Street; in DARLENE STREET from Idaho Avenue_to Hoyt Avenue; in DAVID STREET from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue; in RUTH STREET from Hoyt Avenue to California Avenue; in CALIFORNIA AVE- j NUE from Ruth Street to 490 feet East of Ruth Street; in KENNARD STREET from Nevada 1 Avenue to Idaho Avenue, all to be knarwn as the _FLANDR�4U-HOYT RELIEF SEWER SYST�M (S=1489B) The Council of the City of Saint Paul having recefved the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1�91�����,00 , ' � 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the "�h day of Jg�, 1973 , at 10:00 o'clock a.m.,in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date MAY 2 41913. Yeas Butler Nays � Y ,,�,�9 �973 Konopatskj Certified Passed by nci ecretary Levine Meredith � In Favor B Roedler Ted�sCQ J Against H u nt Mayor PUBUS�ttEO JUN 21973