261333 WH17E — CITY CLERK
PINK -.�FINANCE CO1111C11 261��3
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS�. The City of Saint Paul has submitted an application
on behalf of itself and the County of Ramsey to the Minnesota
Governor' s Commission on Crime Prevention and Control for a Planning
Grant for the next fiscal year 1973-74; and
WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul ha.s been in-
formed tha.t the Metropolit�,n Coun�il ha.s ,requested tha:t any planning
funds to be �rovided to the City of 5aint PauT-Ramsey County by
_ the Governor s Crime Commission be transmitted to the City through
the Metropolitan Council thereby giving to the Metropolitan Council
control over the usage of tt�.e�e funds and the scope of planning; and
WHEREAS, The Nk�ryor and Council of the City of Saint Paul
believe tha.t it would be consistent with the Federal La.w Enforcement
Administration Act to ha.ve the local units of government establish
their own planning program and priorities and tha.t the insertion
of the Metropolitan Council as a sponsoring agency would subvert
this intent; now, ;therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Tha.t the Mayor and Council of the City of Saint
Paul do hereby go on record as being -�c�a.�q opposed to any
_attempts by the Metropolitan Council to act as a sponsoring agency
- between the City-Ramsey County and the Governor' s State Commission
on Crime Prevention and Control and, further� urges the Governor
to contract directly with the City of Saint Paul to provide the
needed LEAA Planning Funds for the City of Saint Paul-Ramsey �
County Criminal Justice Coordina.ting Council for its 1973-74
planning budget.
Yeas ��er Nays Requested by Department of:
Konopatzki �_ In Favor
Levine �
Meredith Against BY
� Roedter
Mme.President$�[ �!'t
Adopted by Council: Date
I�IIAY 2 31973 Form Approve by City Attorney
Certifie ssed by Co i retary BY
Approve y Mayor. ate 4 Approv by Mayor, r Sub ' '1
gy By
Nu����EQ MAY 2 fi 1973
� . M�
� 2�����
PRESENTED BY: Mayor Lawrence Coher, , Chairman, St . Paul-P.amsey Cour,ty
Criminal Justice Advisory Corimittee/Chairman , Ramsey
County Board oi Comrtissioners
DATE : F'ebruary �3 , 1973
WHFREAS , The �t. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal J�ustice �.dvisory Co,�r:iitte�
was "duly estaDlishc,d b}� Ordinance No . 14963 of the City or St. Paul in
ucr_ordance witl-� the. Omnibus Crime Centrol and Safe Streets Act (P-ublic Law
90-35_t us amended by Pixblic Law 91-644) and to develop a coriprehensive
ci,iminal just.ice p'lan for St . Paul and Ramsey Caunty ;
W�ILP.EAS, The S-t . Paul-Ramsey County Crir:�inal Justice Advisory Cor�,�r�ittee
wi]_.l endeavor �to es tablish a beneficial and cooperative relationship ��ith
the Regton "C�" Criminal Justice Advisory Committee of the t•letropo�itan
Cc�uncil ;
WH'r;�EAS , The St . Yaul•�i<amsey County Cr�;ninal Justice !'�dvi�cry C��r::mi'ttnn
caill active]_y so_lici�t the cooperation of the Region "G" Criminal Justice
lldvisory C�mmittee in the development of the St. Paul-Rar;�sey County plan ;
WI-ir'.kF'A �, The Clmnibus Cr. ime Control and Safe Streets l�ct requires -tha-L
Fa.r-t B pi�IlI1:LI1F� iur�ds be made av��.ilable to r:�ajor cities and coun�ies ha.vin�
a du'ly c:�rstitutEd coordinating c�ouncil such as the St. Paul-Ramsey Ccunty
Cr;.�nirial. Justice Advisory Committee in order to develop a com2rehensiv��
plan and to coor. dinate functions at the local level ;
AND WHEREA `, The c mtractual obligation specified in a grant
agrec:men�t Le-lween the Governor' s Commission on Crime Prevention and Con�.rol
anc� t}1� City of St, Pau� on behalf of the St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal
Justi�e �dvis��ry Commi�:tee can provide ior formal coo�eration between
the Regiorl "G" Advisory Corrunittee and the St. Paul-Ramsey County Crim�inal
Justice Advisory Committee ;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED 1Y•L�i, T'he St. Paul-P.amsey County Cr�iminal
�Justice Advisor�.Gomr,►ittee hereby declares its support for a grant _o�� ���
plannin}�, fund�'�`�.�'�! , m the' Governor' s (��ais�ion on Crime 1'revention
and Cori'�rol to the City o St . Paul ;
y • ♦
Pl.GF 2
� ANll �'UP.TI3ER IiE IT RESOLVED THAT, The St . Paul-Rarnsey County Criminal
Jus-tice Adyisory CQnun�t,tee hereby opposes requiring or allowing a�y Fa�+�'��
pla�i . ` f'�urids to �`���;��c�rt�h" t]��: .�egion ��G;'� Crimina���Justice ����xy .
Co , the Metri�l�.�an �ouncil, or any other such Com,-nittee or Counc'i�.
\ L. Cohen Mayor, City of S-t. Paul
�_ R. C cver Pi�obation Depa-rt;.tent
�_ S. DeCoster Assistant County Ati.orney
J. Edmunds Director, Ramsey County .•'elfare
Hon. R. Faricy Judge , St . Paul :�u;�icipal Court
J . Finley Ramsey County Board of Cor�issioners.
K. Fitzpatrick City Attorne;�
Hon. A Gingold Judge , St . Paul Dis�trict Cou-rt
�_ �� Hon. J Kirby Judge , ��apleu�ood �!unicipal Court
�; D. Lewis De�uty Director, Dept. of �-iuman RiLhts
x _ Hon . D N,arsden Judge , St . Paul Dir�trict Court
� _ W. McCutcheon Senator, Deputy Chief-St. Paul Police
" D. Meredith CouncilMan, City of St. Paul
J. I�Iilton State Senator
,� � R. Nelson Assistant Director , Court S�rvices
�,• R. Rowan� Cnie� of Police , St. Paul Police De-:+.
�� M. Rudensky Chief Consultant , 3 I�1 Cotnpan� Securi��
`___ R. Schaller Chief of Police , Villa�e of ;;apl��to�:3
�� M. Shea Secretary , St . Puui Ci�ly �',rchitec�
?; _ C. Simmer Department of Lducation
_!� D. Thomson Attorney-at-Law
B. Troje Director , Detention � Correctio;►;� l:ut'r�.
M. Vacha Director, Alcohol � Drug D�pend�ncy
Service , St . Paul Ramsey hospital
;�; G. Weber � Deputy Sherif� , Ramsey County Sherifi
Adopted by the Committee February 23 , 1973
Approved r ebruary 2 3 , 1�7=
�.. )' ,
-� )
Dire c�or - � ��__ -�::.,_ , a.�..�_„___Chairman i
PETt�R��C. FRANKLIN Th�' . �' ,J:�ABL� Lr',ti•;ZL;vC� D. COrir`;
• � St. Paul - Ramsey County Criminal Justice Advisory Committee
( 301 LOWRY HOTEL, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 • PHONE: 612-298-565������
May 17 , 1973
M E M 0 R A N D U M
T0 : Phil Lee , Administrative Assistan�t, M yor' s Office
FROM: Peter C. Franklin, Director, CJAC `
SUBJECT: Proposal to Comply with Special Conditions on
Minnesota' s 1973 Planning Grant
Special Condition #2 placed on Minnesota' s 1973
Planning �rant requires the Governor's Crime
Commission, within thirty days , to inform "LEAA
SPECIAL of the formula and criteria for prompt distribution
CONDITION of plannin funds for Region "G" and the Hennepin-
l�inneapolis , amsey- t. au� (,— oo inating Councils
to insure adequate local planriing 'in the Twin
ities area.
I surmize that this LEAA requirement was placed on
Minnesota' s Planning Grant because of excessive delays
FUNDING Capproximately six months in 1972 and the lapse of five
DELAYS months this year) in distributing planning funds from
the Crime Commission to Region "G" and the Coordinating
Councils .
To a great extent, the delays were caused by a mis-
understanding early in 1972 over the authority and
PROBLEMS role of Coordinating Councils to conduct criminal
ju�tice planning in an area already served by a
Regional Advisory Council (:Region "G" ? and the
Metropolitan Council.
� �����3
Phil Lee
May 17 , 1973
Page 2 �
The President' s Commission on Law Enforcement and
Administration of Justice in their 1967 report indicated
COORDINATING that much of the criminal justice "planning will have
COUNCILS to be done at the municipal level. " Th.at criminal
justice planning is "the responsibility of the cities"
and that "in most cities there is as yet little planning
or coordination of the cities anti-crime activities .
A second problem was created by the passage of the
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 and
the establishment of State Planning Agencies (:SPA' s )
to administer the bloc grant and planning funds. The
Act clearly required comprehensive criminal justice
planning at all levels of government: Federal , State ,
and Local. However, little was done by SPA' s to set
the mechanism in motion to help core cities and urban
counties develop either a planning capability or assist
in coordination of services via the grants process.
The Minnesota CGovernor' s Crime Commission? SPA turned
50 percent of the planning funds over to Regional
Criminal Justice Councils that were under-funded, under-
staffed and not given adequate guidelines on the planning
process .
Region "G" Criminal Justice Council is a case in point.
Originally charged by the Crime Commission to "Develop
a planning process and a c �nprehensive plan for the
area" , they received limited guidelines from the
Commission and produced in four years , at a cost in
LEAA Planning Funds of $354 , 000 , nothing tangible in
the way of a planning process or comprehensive plan
for the large City-County area.
It was this weakness in criminal justice planning for
cities , nation-wide , that forced an amendment to the
Safe Streets Act in 1970 which required adequate not
token planning funds be made available to local units
o government o 25� , 000 population or more or the
expressed purpose of developing a comprehensive plan
and coordinate funetions at the local level. Part
B,Section 203 of Title .
' D O � s OF�ICE OF THE MAYOR 347 City Hall
. �
To: Ruby Hunt From: ������� .
Phil Lee
Subjec+: Resolution on LEAA funding Date: 5�1,��73 _
Attached is an explanation by Peter Franklin, Crimina.l Justice Director, on why we
oppose what is called the "pass through" of local LEAA money by the Metro Council.
Also, resolution that is similar is attached. It wa.s passed by the St. Paul-Ramsey
County criminal justice cooriiinating committee(members named included).
What the resolution opposes is half of a two-pron�ed approach by the Metro freaks
to take over all money. What they couldn't divert legislatively, they are trying to
accomplish locally.
The mayor has mainta.ined a consistent position that Metro has no business in
LEAA grants. We respectfully request your introduction and support of this
resolution. Thank you.
ec: Angela