261329 WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK f FINANCE COUTICil B:u�RY,- MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIIL File NO. 2f1 �9 ' � ��� Council Resolution � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council, pursuant to Laws 1971, Chapter 33, Extra Session and Section 12.09 of the Gity Charter, is charged with the duty of ineeting and negotiating with public employees in appropriate bargaining units and providing written agreements evidencing the result of such bargaining; and _ � WHEREAS, the Council, to carry out the duties and responsibilities charged thereunder, desires to retain the services of Mr. Nathan Lipson as a labor rel�ati,ons consultant to the City Council and the City of Saint P�:ul; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it hereby autho�izes and directs the appropriate City officials to execute an agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Mr. Nathan Lipson relative to providing consulting services in the area of labor rela�ions in the form and manner on file in the office of the City Clerk. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Bt11'►1@Z' Nays �Ierr� Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President Bffti2t' �t A MAY �6 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � — Cert' ed sed by C ci tary BY / �c° ��'� � By Approved withoU Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by M or: Date � ' pursuant to Section 6.08 By By . PUBLISHED .JUN 1973 � - CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY May 16, 1973 KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK . � �,,�r' �� To the Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul The Management and Personnel Committee, at its last meeting, moved approval of an arrangement to phase out the current labor relations consultants to coin- cide with the c�ompletion of 1973 bargaining matters and to retain Mr. Nathan Lipson to deal with 1974 labor relations ma.tters. Accordingly, I received from the Chairman of the Management and Personnel Committee a letter requesting this motion be imple- mented. Since collective bargaining is currently the responsibility of the City Council under 5ection 12.09 of the City Charter, it will be necessary that the enclosed resolution be adopted by the City Council to authorize the administrative officers of the City to execute an agreement with Mr. Lipson for the per- forma.nce of consulting services. Very truly yours, ��:��c�'��� w11171. � �- C:TY [:LERY . �����; _ �������- (�I 1'Y OI� �AIl� T � ��ITL � T > Council m � �-�,�- ,��a�,��.- �,E_FA�T�,E�r File NO. ,�".X�� ______. .+t . � . ..tAVOR � �-, �'ouncil .�esolu�i�n � � . - ; , - F'rt�s�°,�tcd I3y --� ti..�....�_��� ----- ----- ---____ _-------- _..._.___._ Peferrr>ci "I'o —_---- - Committee: llate ------._-_---. --._�,_____ �1iit of Committee By_ - Date — --- - ___-�. __ WHERF,AS, the City Council, pursuant to Laws 1971, C,:1:1t�t��r 33, Ext.ra Session and Sect�on 12,09 of the Ci_ty Gharter, is charged' with the duty of tneet�ng and ne�otiati_r�g �aith pubiic employees in appropriate bargaining uni.ts and providing ti�ritten agreements evidencing the result ot such bargair�ing; and �vHEREAS, the Ccuncil, to carry out the duti_es and responsibilzties charged thereunder, desires to retain the services of Mr, Nathan Lipson as a labor relations ccnsultant to the City Council anci the City of Saint Pau1; no��:, theref.ore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council oL the City of Saint Paul th��tt it hereby 21�thorizeu and <�irECts the appropriate City off.;_cia�s to exec�te an agre.e�nent between the City �f Sairlt Put�i and Mr. Nathar� Lipson relative to providin; consulting services in the area of labor .relations in the form an�:1 - ��ar�i.er on file in the ofiice of the Clty Clerk. � - x��-.- - _,j.. . _J.�,•.•. •�., , � �F^'.lES`.?C ty �EfiQ.:t?7iE!li Gi; _, . r , . � � .. .. 1 I . � _ _ �- -__. . � Y'd'_'" —------ ----- � 4 .. .. �' ..w . � :,�a_ � B, ----- --- _--- _ � _..,.__ - � --- ..� __------- 7i� ��;:.� . .F_.._8� - . _ ..._ � � yl, t. . ._ . i��rs. +r'A V �I'17 2 L/ ��Vf Y 1�'�. . :1��+�vit'�`J ;l� r� .�..J A.�V.:.ic -,. _. 1 - - � ' � � �.< <.� � ,;�„ - -� , . ---___— -- _ � %� • l:' `�,� �, �,,-!_: .% . ,,°,. ,�J ,; tSi /.� °��c _ � �._, _._�_ _�� , �� . � � / ° ,l/ .� _�.. _ �z� � �%A�-��-/ �� �'��/. �'� . _ .� .- - - >_ , ..... _ : '�'1'. .- �-�T" -.. i -� �- ,�'��J4f�f•z' ='?�L."c .S�.ty {l�T�r'7a;. .�;i�i��F": tlf t��.:ty'ii fftT :a���Cf!lcrY`�tt }'� r�nt11?C:� . . . . � ,1 r 7Y.t:i '�.( ;�.'.����il: `).}�i � . �* _ � . . ..___.._ . ..... .._.._____' .._. _� ..�_�._.._,. ..._..� _._ __ .__.._ ...._—�.�.. .7.: .... µ ../..�; L� .- e�•.�r_S ... ._. ��� ....... . ... ... . . . . _.L i �i� �.[ .. 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' s r ) � A G R E E M E N T THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this day of , 1973, by and between the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporati,on organized and existing under th� laws of the State of Minn�sota, :hereinafter called "City", and Nathan Lipson, an individua�., hereinafter called "Associate','; WITNESSETH: tidHEREAS, City pursuant to Laws 1971, Chapter 33, Extra Session, is charged with the duty of ineeting and negotiating with public employees in appropriate bargaining units and, further, for providing written agreements evidencing the result of such bargaining; and WHEREAS, Associate offers consulting services in th e area of labor relations and is experienced and qualif ied in the handling of negotiations with public employees and the preparation of written collective bargaining agreements; and WHEREAS, Associate is w�lling to act as consultant to City on such labor relations ma.tters as City may designate in accordance with his best and most efticient methods; 'r . , NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the respective agreements herein contained, the parties agree as follows: l. The City hereby employs and engages Associate as consultant to the City for the purpose of aiding and assisting City in its labor negotiations with public � employees as such are required pursuant to Laws 1971, Chapter 33, Extra Session, and such other laws. and ordi- nances as may be adopted by the governing body of City pursuant to Charter, associate' s general duties in that capacity to be such as ma.y be determined by City. Such duties shall include, but shall not be limited to, the offering of advice and consultation on: a. The establishment by City in collective bargaining agreements of rights, responsibilities, procedures and limitations regarding public empioy- ment relationships which shall provide further protection of the rights of the public employee, the public employer and the public at large. b. The planning and coordination of negotia- tions between City and public employees in appropriate bargaining units, including necessary advice, strategy and plans for conducting fruitful negotiation sessions in the best interests of the City and the public. c. Attendance at negotiation sessions between -2- _� City and public employees in appropriate bargaining units, including active participation in such negotiations to the extent deemed necessary by City. d. The preparation of collective bargaining agreements in written form evidencing the result of negotiations between the City and its public employees. e. Such other labor relations advice and con- sultation as is deemed necessary by City to assure the achievement of orderly and peaceful relations between City and its employees. 2. The term of employment hereunder shall be for a period not to exceed twelve months from the effective date of this agreement. _ 3. As compensation for such consulting services as Associate renders hereunder, Associate shall be paid a con- sultant' s fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per hour for services rendered by Associate and Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) per hour for services rendered by Associate' s assistants when approved in advance by City. Approval shali be obtained by written memorandum from the Management and Personnel Committee of the City Council, which memorandum shall set forth the particulars of the services to be rendered by Associate. The City agrees to pay Associate Five Hundred Dallars ($500.00) per month as a retainer for each mo-nth of service ^3_ rendered hereunder in accordance with City' s general payment procedures. Any differences between the retainer a�d hours worked shall be balanced quarterly and appropriate credit shall be ma.de. If Associate' s statement of hours exceeds the sum of the retainer, then City shall pay Associate the difference between the retainer and the sum of the hours worked. Tf Assaci�te' s statement of hours is less than the sum of the retainer, the difference shall be credited to the payment of retainer in the next quarter. Associate shall render to City monthly a statement of hours by Associate and Associate' s assistants, along with a report of the progress and status of the labor relations services performed. Such report shall be rendered to the Management and Personnel Committee of the City Council. Associate shall keep the Management and Personnel Committee of the Council fully informed of all developments on a current basis and shall receive assignments, advzce and direc�ion from said Committee. 4. Associate shall not. be considered an employee of the City and shall be entitled to none of the benefits usually accorded a regular City employee, including but not limited to such items as severance pay, health and welfare insurance benefits, retirement credits, workmen' s compens'ation coverage or other benefits norma.11y considered to be employee fringe benefits for any regular City employee. , ..rt S. Associate shall be deemed an independent contractor for the purposes of this agreement and shall not be su�jec� to any existing civil service provisions, protections or benefits accorded regular City employees, and Associate hereby expressly waives all rights to benefits accorded present City employees and hereby acknowledges that he is entitled to ma.k� no claim against City except for compensa�ion for services rendered as herein provided. 6. Associate agrees, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 181.59, that in the hiring of common or skilled labor for the performance of any work under this agreement, he will not, by reason of race, creed, color or sex, discriminate against any person who is a citizen of the United States and who is qualified and available to perform the work to which such employment relates. Associate agrees that this agreement may be cancelled or terminated by th� City and all stim.s due or to - become due hereunder shall be forfeited for a second or ang subsequent violation of the terms and conditions herein. 7. Associate understands and agrees that he wiZl perform no legal services nor engage in any legal business with the City as a result of or in relation to this agreement. 8. This agreement may be cancelled or terminated by either party hereto upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party without the giving of any reason therefor. City reserves the right to terminate this contract at any -5- � � ' • time for eause. Upon receipt of notice of termination for cause, no claims tor payment will be allowed b�yond� the - � date of notification of intent to so terminate. 9. This document contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto. '�here were no inducements or representa- tions leading to the execution hereof except as herein contained� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. Form Approved: CITY' �OF SAINT PAUL Deputy City Attorney � Mayor Approved as. _to _Form . Director - Department of � _ _ , . , and Execution: Finance & Management Services Deputy City Attorney Nathan Lipson _6_ y _.\\ .. ...... . ... . � _^ A G R E E M E N T THIS AGREENIENT, Niade and entered into this day of S 1973, by and between the City of Saint Paul, a mu�icipal corporation organized and existing under th� la��rs of the State of Minr,.esota, hereinafter called "City", and Na�.har9. Li.pson, an individua�., hereinaf ter called "Associ�.te''; �JITNES SETH: ' tiJHEKEAS, City pursuant to Laws I971, C'napter 33, Extra Session, is charged wi.th the duty of ineeting and nega�iatin� with public employees �.n appropriate bargaining units and, furt�er, for providing written agreements evidencing the z�esult of such bargaining; and WHEREAS, Associate offers consultir�g services in the area oi labor re3_ations and is experienced and qualif ied in the handling of negotiations wit;h public enployees and the preparation of ��rrit�en collective bargaining agreemez�ts; and WHEREAS, Associate is �v�lling to act as consultar.t to City on such labor relat:ions matters as City may designate in accordance �,Tith his best and most ef�icien� methods; ` _ _ _ _, _� _ -.,� , ._ .,�-.. . . _ City and public employees in appropriate bargaining units, including active participation in such negotiations to the extent deemed necessary by City. d. The preparation of col.lective bargaining ag�eemen�s in �c�rritt�r� form evidencing the result of negotiations between the City and its public employees. e. Such other labor relations advzce and con- sultation as is deemed necessary by City to assure the achievement of orderly and peacefu.l relations between City and its employFes. 2. The term of employment hereunder shall be for a perio� not ta exc�:ed t�aelve months from the effective date ot this agreement. 3. As compensati.on for sucn consulting services as A�;sociate renders hereunder, Associate shall be paid a con- sultant' s fee c:f Fifty Do31��.rs ($50.00) �e:� hcur for services rendered by Associate and Twenty-Five Dollars ($25 .00) per hour for services rendered by Associate' s assistants iahen approved in advance by City. Approval sha11 be obtained by written memorandum fro�r� the Management and Personnel Committee of the City Courtcil, which memorandum sha11 set forth the particulars of the services to be rendered by� Associate. The City agrees to pay Associate Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per month as a retainer for each month of service . -3- . rendered hereunder in accordance with City' s general payment procedures. Any differences between the retainer arid hours worked shall be balanced quarterly and appropriate credit shall be made. If Assacia�.�' s statement of hours exceeds the sum of the retainer, then City sha].l pay Associate the difference between the retainer and the sum of the hours worked� T� Associate` s st��.err�ent of hours is less than the sun� of the r�tai.ner, the di.ffetence shall be credite�. to the paymerlt of retainer in the next quarter. Associate shall render to City monthly a statenent of hr..}�.��:: ?�y Associa�e and �' ssoci.:��:,: ' s assistants, alon�; witrA ,�. report of the progress and status of the labor relations services performed. Such repor� siiall be rendered �o the Management and �,�Lsonnel Committee of the City Council. tis�ociate shall keep the Management and Personnel Committee of the Council fully informed o� all developments on a current basis and shall receive assignments, advice ar.d direc�ion from said Committee. 4. Associate shall not be considered an employee of tre City and shall be entitled ta none of the benefits usually accorded a regular City employee, including but not limited to such items as severance pay, health and welfare insurarice benefits, retirement credits, workmen' s compen�ation coverage or other benefits norma.11y considered to be employee fringe benefits for any reguTar City employee. _,�_ ,�_ _ � --....__. _�- -� . _,_ 5. Associate shall be deemed an independent contractor for the purposes of this agreement and shall not be subjec� to any exi.sting civil service provisions, protections or benefits ac.carded regular City employees, and Associate hereby expressly waives a11 rights to benefits accorded prese�t City employees and hereby acknowledges that he is entitled t� make no claim agains�. City except for compensation for services rend��ed as herein provided. 6. Associate agrees, in accordance with Minnesota �tatutes 1�:1.5� , that in the hiring of com��n.on or skilled � a'�or for the performanc� o� �,ny work under this agreertent, h� �vill not�s by reason of race, creed, color or sex, discriminate against any person who is a citizen of the Ur�.ited States and ��no is qualified and avail.able to perform the work to which sucn er.�ployment relates � Associat� agrees that this agreement may �� ,ar,,celled or terminated by th� City and al1 sums du� or to �ec�mP due hereunder shall be forf_eited for a second or any subsequent violation oi the terms and conditions herein. 7 . Associ.ate unde?-stands and agrees that he will perforrr� no legal services nor engage in any legal business with the City as a result of or in relation to this agreement. 8. This agreement ma.y be cancelled or terminated by either party hereto upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party `vithout the giving of any reason therefor. City reserves the right to terminate this contract at any , -5- . ,. . � s time for eause. Upon receipt of notice of termination for cause, no claims for paym�nt will be allowed beyond the date of notification of intent to so terminate. 9. This document contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto. There were no inducements or representa- tions leading to the execution hereof except as herein contair�ed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this . ag .r.ee:nent to be executed as of the day and year first above �Tritt�n. I'orm Approved: CITY" OF SAINT PAUL Deputy� City Attorney ` Mayor ti�,•proved as t�> _Form Director - Department of an� Execution: Finance � I�lanagem�nt S?rvices Deputy City Attorney Nathan Lipson _6_