02-204Council File # � �1.� �.O y "� = s !�,: s E�� i� a � . w Presented By Referred to $ 900,000.00 1 WfIEREAS, additional funding has been secured for the Trout Brook Corridor 2 acquisition project via proceeds from an existing land lease over a portion of the Trout Brook 3 Corridor properiy located in the vicinity of Norpac Road, and 4 WHEREAS, lease payments will be received by the city through the end of calendar year 5 2002, and 6 WT�EREAS, it is necessary to amend the Capital Improvement Budget to accept and 7 expend said additional funding, 8 NOW THEREFORE BB IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon 9 recommendation of the Mayor and the positive advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement 10 Budget Committee, that $34,000.00 is available for appropriation in the 1999 Capital i l Improvement Budget, and said 1999 budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council 12 is hereby fiirther amended as follows: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Financin� Plan TroutBrook Corridor Acquisirion C99-3E015 State ofMinnesota State of Minnesota Metro Greenways State of Minnesota MnDOT Land Lease Snendine Plan Trout Brook Corridor Acquisition C99-3E015 Acquisition RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Current Budeet Chanee $ 500,000.00 $1,800,000.00 Green Sheet # 203102 ai Committee: Date Amended Budeet -0- � � $ 900,000.00 $ 500,000.00 $ 1,800,000.00 $ -0- + $ 34,000.00 $ 34,000.00 $3,200,000.00 + $ 34,000.00 $ 3,234,000.00 $ 3,200,000.00 +$ 34,000.00 $ 3.234,000.00 $ 3,200,000.00 +$ 34,000.00 $ 3,234,000.00 Council File # b �� Green Sheet # ; �, 1 = �_ p •. : -. � - RESOLU710N ��`'`� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �• g�k�.���:°�.., . ��"_n: t�.!>� ~G� : ��'h :9 - S:L.r�^ ; � ., . ' {°s�.r"!. �>'.. � �i=+ TR/r ���,�� , � ^ „-� i: �-° � . r�=.�. .�?� �� .� r°�-�^ .. ' lG�°.sSf --� � "."�__ . ��`!"�^' ��R�-�m_T �.�.—.--�-q^`^^ � C�(� "��£C 2 u/"^"./f��...�-+^ �;�tr,eec. , ..�. ..,� ,., .._. ���.;. �.�»� - � Yeas Nays Absent Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Harris Lantry Rei ter / Adopted b Council: Adoptio tified� By = L �/ Approv y Mayor: By: (�lifeflif /YA.r_ c� /� dOOd3 Requesq by: Divisibn of Parks By: /LL� (/ Approval Servic s By_ Form App By: 4 Approve Counc' By: ion mended by inancial �t,or : / � by City,�£t�rney / rr.tl'� L � ���^f�� yor for Submission to �� Page 2 of 2 OEPARTMENT/OFFICE/CAUNCI� DATE INRIATED � Parks and Recreation GREEN SHEET � NO. 203102 Feb 6,2002 COMACTPERSONANDPHONE INITIAIJDATE INITIAVDA7E��1A {J O�+ John Wirka 266-6411 I �� � DEPARfMENTDIREC70R 5 CRYCOUNQL PeterWhite 266-8853 uMeEaFO 2 crrvnrrowuEV� 6 arvc�Ewc ��� 3 FINANCVLLSERVICESDIR 7 FINANCIALSERV/ACCTG MU5T BE ON CAUNqL AGENDA BY (DATE} 4 PMYOR (ORASSISTANn H PARKS AND RECREA"f10N February 20, 2002 iOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES � ICLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SYGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of City Council Resolution to amend the 1999 Capital Improvement Budget for the Trout Brook Corridor � Acquisition Project, to accept additional funding from leased property rental payments. RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Re�eci (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTR4CT5 MUST ANSWERTHE FOLtOWIMG QUESTIONS: PIANNMGCqMMISSION _CIVILSERVtCECAMMISSION 7. �sihisperson/firtneverworkedunderacontmctkrNisdepartment? A CIBCOMMITfEE YES NO A STAFF Z Has ihis person/firtn ever been a city employee? VES NO _DISTRICT COUNCIL _ 3. �oes this person/frm pwsess a skill not nortrelly possessed by any curtent uty employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNQLO&IECTNE? YES NO �plain all yes answ¢ro on s¢pa2te sheet antl atfach to 9reen sheet 1NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Wf�o. What, When, Where, Why): When the city acquired land in the Trout Brook Corridor in 2001, it also acquired a lease that was in place for a parcel along Norpac Road. Lease payments received by the city can be used toward the overall acquisition costs. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Project financing and spending authority will match. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: °�+� r; . �gpy� f�'.a::+.�ia� 9 . Z None ����°���� DISADVANTA6ES IF NOTAPPROVED. Project payments delayed. - TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION.p 3�}.00O.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGEfED�CIRCLEONE) VES /NO / v FUNDINfiSOURCE Land Lease Rent ACTIVITYNUMBER C99-3E015 FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Council File # � �1.� �.O y "� = s !�,: s E�� i� a � . w Presented By Referred to $ 900,000.00 1 WfIEREAS, additional funding has been secured for the Trout Brook Corridor 2 acquisition project via proceeds from an existing land lease over a portion of the Trout Brook 3 Corridor properiy located in the vicinity of Norpac Road, and 4 WHEREAS, lease payments will be received by the city through the end of calendar year 5 2002, and 6 WT�EREAS, it is necessary to amend the Capital Improvement Budget to accept and 7 expend said additional funding, 8 NOW THEREFORE BB IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon 9 recommendation of the Mayor and the positive advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement 10 Budget Committee, that $34,000.00 is available for appropriation in the 1999 Capital i l Improvement Budget, and said 1999 budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council 12 is hereby fiirther amended as follows: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Financin� Plan TroutBrook Corridor Acquisirion C99-3E015 State ofMinnesota State of Minnesota Metro Greenways State of Minnesota MnDOT Land Lease Snendine Plan Trout Brook Corridor Acquisition C99-3E015 Acquisition RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Current Budeet Chanee $ 500,000.00 $1,800,000.00 Green Sheet # 203102 ai Committee: Date Amended Budeet -0- � � $ 900,000.00 $ 500,000.00 $ 1,800,000.00 $ -0- + $ 34,000.00 $ 34,000.00 $3,200,000.00 + $ 34,000.00 $ 3,234,000.00 $ 3,200,000.00 +$ 34,000.00 $ 3.234,000.00 $ 3,200,000.00 +$ 34,000.00 $ 3,234,000.00 Council File # b �� Green Sheet # ; �, 1 = �_ p •. : -. � - RESOLU710N ��`'`� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �• g�k�.���:°�.., . ��"_n: t�.!>� ~G� : ��'h :9 - S:L.r�^ ; � ., . ' {°s�.r"!. �>'.. � �i=+ TR/r ���,�� , � ^ „-� i: �-° � . r�=.�. .�?� �� .� r°�-�^ .. ' lG�°.sSf --� � "."�__ . ��`!"�^' ��R�-�m_T �.�.—.--�-q^`^^ � C�(� "��£C 2 u/"^"./f��...�-+^ �;�tr,eec. , ..�. ..,� ,., .._. ���.;. �.�»� - � Yeas Nays Absent Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Harris Lantry Rei ter / Adopted b Council: Adoptio tified� By = L �/ Approv y Mayor: By: (�lifeflif /YA.r_ c� /� dOOd3 Requesq by: Divisibn of Parks By: /LL� (/ Approval Servic s By_ Form App By: 4 Approve Counc' By: ion mended by inancial �t,or : / � by City,�£t�rney / rr.tl'� L � ���^f�� yor for Submission to �� Page 2 of 2 OEPARTMENT/OFFICE/CAUNCI� DATE INRIATED � Parks and Recreation GREEN SHEET � NO. 203102 Feb 6,2002 COMACTPERSONANDPHONE INITIAIJDATE INITIAVDA7E��1A {J O�+ John Wirka 266-6411 I �� � DEPARfMENTDIREC70R 5 CRYCOUNQL PeterWhite 266-8853 uMeEaFO 2 crrvnrrowuEV� 6 arvc�Ewc ��� 3 FINANCVLLSERVICESDIR 7 FINANCIALSERV/ACCTG MU5T BE ON CAUNqL AGENDA BY (DATE} 4 PMYOR (ORASSISTANn H PARKS AND RECREA"f10N February 20, 2002 iOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES � ICLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SYGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of City Council Resolution to amend the 1999 Capital Improvement Budget for the Trout Brook Corridor � Acquisition Project, to accept additional funding from leased property rental payments. RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Re�eci (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTR4CT5 MUST ANSWERTHE FOLtOWIMG QUESTIONS: PIANNMGCqMMISSION _CIVILSERVtCECAMMISSION 7. �sihisperson/firtneverworkedunderacontmctkrNisdepartment? A CIBCOMMITfEE YES NO A STAFF Z Has ihis person/firtn ever been a city employee? VES NO _DISTRICT COUNCIL _ 3. �oes this person/frm pwsess a skill not nortrelly possessed by any curtent uty employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNQLO&IECTNE? YES NO �plain all yes answ¢ro on s¢pa2te sheet antl atfach to 9reen sheet 1NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Wf�o. What, When, Where, Why): When the city acquired land in the Trout Brook Corridor in 2001, it also acquired a lease that was in place for a parcel along Norpac Road. Lease payments received by the city can be used toward the overall acquisition costs. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Project financing and spending authority will match. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: °�+� r; . �gpy� f�'.a::+.�ia� 9 . Z None ����°���� DISADVANTA6ES IF NOTAPPROVED. Project payments delayed. - TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION.p 3�}.00O.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGEfED�CIRCLEONE) VES /NO / v FUNDINfiSOURCE Land Lease Rent ACTIVITYNUMBER C99-3E015 FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN)