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' i �5" 12�. �, ., � 261 . ' CO FIL NO GTTY OF ST. PAUL Res�olution Appmoving Assessment By— • — and Figing Time of Hearing Thereon � In the matter of the assesament of be�egits, Qoat aa� e�nses fer Qonstrnotiem a�d rsaon• s�ruc�i�u o� sidewalka aad Nork issideatal �har�to: Q��atrsct 71•M-0524, Histriet �tv. l, , Ler� 11�. �, . . �„�,��. u.P""R�..s�n.T!►aa��-•�.a-�*.^�aca�., z. _ . .. __ . .. ...�-,. ,�. �+�, . ....,. � . ,. ,-.. ,� �' ;,� '4 �;? '� ��� � � . t l'N� ; ."�" ' � t �- i- �i �� 4 ��.::, � . , i ! .. ' .� 5� F 7'..' � � � �� Y 4 � 5 � 4 y '.� � . . +A�;CS .... . F�cw :t� y��'�a :_ r .:. ,7t �yr .xr+w�-w�S.^L��+ 'i i 'w' k.,, j o-' y �a�r, .�' r�� z. ,. r. c' ��+�� R: a.iw.�� ::,�aa+aHR A5� r'2+- ��� . Y:. �� '� .�'at�' i, 7 -�" ,� . . �.,, ��'r�'l ��': . Y�� �k���.f'�.�� i � . .,... � �'- �� . .+�,.: ��+ .r ��„` Y � , . � ,. �,;:` � ' �• 1C���rr ���r"�'' ��irar� Avs. �ilt�i�is� atid soaase�i� to the Preacott Street sideMalk. F.p. #2S�i61i � Pr�sQOtt 3t. , aorth side fr� part of �acated Harvard St. ta the Nest a��r�xisatel� 22t9 �ee� in�ladin= I.mts 1 through 4, �lock 2, iiood�ary aad t;ase's Addition. F.O. #2S4i20 � Yr�saett St., soath sida Frc� ftax�rard St. to I�t. Hope St. 1►.p. #2546lS � B. Baker St. , both sidea frmrr Iioant 1[�e Ave. to Oakdale St. ..��.'�� �����' ;w.:�l/.' �O�ert S�.� i�E�'C �8�.�� �'3,"'�l �• X'�A� :"�•��`O t��`��C a��YXliili!"`1T" 220 �s�et and e� the east side of 30. Robert St. fra� B. Slisabeth St. _ ,..�,. _ ,� ..�,�.,�-,; . ,.. ..a. _ _ ., _ . . . . . � . , �e g. 1Ct�g S�. . _. ,y.,, _ �.:.. F.O. �255662 - �. Paae St., north side fros Wmcrdbar� St, Co �rova Ave. abnttina ?rot ,... ,,Y ,,_, . .z. ..�� ..3," ti[d� part i�l."L�att...4', Bi+o�t",4I, ��er�� ,s�t-�eks�o�r"z edditicia�, p�ro�rerty knc�aa aa 301 Bast Pa�e Strest. �t,.�.,�A,.S, SBSS�ELB P".0. ��—»_�iia�l�v�ry A�.; �:s�t� side� i�tosl �. �aic�� St: 'tm �eac�tt 3t. St�!'rr�i�, and tbease to the ilest liae of .W�lbmry A� . a�ctmndi� an� ac�saectig� , , ,;. ,.� . . to t�e PY�saott S'�"feet `��deaalk. F.a.�_�a3�6i8 "; Pll3l�pCt St.,s: �►ortb ��.de �rer part of v�cated �tsrvard St.. t� the veat approaiaiately 220 feet inclaalia� Lota 1 thrcnigh 4, Block 2, ' iioodtimry a��l C�re'!`s �it3on, , .. � x .. r, F.O. �254620 - Preoeott �t., sa�th side fra� Sarvard St. ta Mt, iope St. 'F.O. �254695 »`�. 3aker St., bsth sic�es fr� �[�au�t S�pe Aira. �o�tlssi�l�le 5�.: ,, ' � � ' �" szwu LYrt�i111� l�l 4ii'V' �Jtv � Va � . ' . 1 . � . � - .. . � i • �. � . . '' --_—� �...-.�. v vJ- �f � vv. ��..1'� .'�G.� '��., a.�.s�s:�w+�vavt vi.1'a1lcLalt,O give na�tice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the paxticular owner to whom the notice is directed. coUrrciLMErr MAY 2 21973 Yeas ���iG� Nays Adogted by the Gouncil � Kor�o;,a�tski �����r� ti��,r��. �� 1973 ���, ,::a . � ovecL— MAY ��..,. , � F.;;,..;. -7 � �In Fanor Mayor J Against � Form R-2 2M 10-68 8�i o PUa�is��D � MAY 2 6 1973