261311 . ._... ,. .... . . ._ 1. r ... r- .p�:. .. ... .. ..y� . .i. .............t-.. . -� . .. �;>� . , ' � . . .. . . . . . .. � .- � � � 261�11 CITY OF ST.PAUL COLTNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER By File No. ��� In the Matter of �� �+� ��'� �t'� ��'t`!#�t � ti � �Il� ��.l� �tQ�M�� �*@��� N �O�'�NM�'#J 11'��N� ilt�Yl�'MC� � � �!!� aOM •#t�Ml�! �t1c�'t� �11�' � �i'M� 1"!�"8!; I��IttlMIl� #I `��l,�Mwi +II�r�� it�l�EsfYtR 4 �� '�f' �!$�r�i ��It�,���l��{ Ir���.' M1�k 'M1�i�1' � � ����1 ��i �rts'MSt a� �urr�M�st �i�ir�i �at�� +nM aor�:+MCt ear�i�r�t! �r�t'�k +�r� i�►q� •#i�rs o! Ltsi�il�+w lotriew�r fr�a CIN�r+�i Aa�r� t+r �wtwsr t�# +�M aa 1c�e 14�t si�i+r � ��a�k+�t � ts+a� !�. #rttaa� �eaaus te t�1tr�1 � wrd io +Rll ot4+rs w►s!� �k3� ia �ra�rass�► a�i �na:��, ta p��+r s�#�! 3��rl� � under Administrative Order A �`'�� approved a� ��• �� under Preliminary Order �1'1'� approved �r� �� 19� ,. The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said tmprovement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shail report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. _ -W, . .�/y� a MAY 2 21973 COUNCILMEN ) I � � Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas��8t�4k� Nays \- Konopats{d Cer " d Passed by Council retary Y a 3 �� Levine Mereditll In Favor B Roedler � _ TedesCp Against �'u�-�t Mayor PUBLISHED MAY 2 6 1973 .E� � � . � � � . ....A � . � . . � , � � . • � � � , � c� �,-.,�� � � � ' ' 6C�iY or' � L' �� . , • � ;r ri,.s��.; '� �,��� �.� - �c= � 1,� 2 � �1�: �6 RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O F S /`1 I N T P A U L GARY R. NORSTREM Chief Engineer Deputy Commissioner Capital of IvSinnesota DEPA�t`T��9ENT C�F t'19�L1C ���KS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 ROGER M. CONWAY Commissioner i�iay 22, 1972 Benjamir� Se�al 6030 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90036 Blair Wolfson Wolfson Fropert:i.es 100 I�T. 7th St. Minneapolis, Iti.r.nESOta 55�+02 B. R. Dwo.rs�=_J ,— I � � �� �:"'r 40b Jackson c�. � � �": '�� Sail�t Pav�, i��irs�esoi:a 55101 �/ , �� Su �-� .�L vr i U'�r 5 � ��� �� _____ __ Re: i� 366�. LuxZl'� m rr ��t_.—,� _ � I. S. 9�+ �:o Sherbi:sne Aear Sir: As you know, the ali�runent af Lexington Pl���y. in the area of Jaiversity Avcnue has been in lir�bo for some time. ti•7e have been unable to ge� inpu� from you coi:cernin? yot�r align.-nent preference. 1'his means tha-t we must eit�zr pos�pone the prc�ject one year or proceed without this input. Lexing-ton Par�aay in this area has one of the highest accident rates in the city. We feel that ti�.is project should be done as soon as possible for �;he proteci;io,� of the mo�oring public. T�ie stron#ly feel that .you DlCl11C� c}loose "I=.lt;erna-Le `" after ne�otiations with your tena.nts, because of cost; m.aintenance, and ulowing f'actors. ("Alternate 2" is a parkin" lane adjacent to �;he street a.s opposed to a separate paxxing area,(both attacned). Based on the above, r�e will noV� proceed with desi�;n on the basis of � "Alterr.a�e 2", wi�;h construction scheduled for the last paxt of this constx�uction season. If you have any questions, plea.se feel free to contact Claude Thcr�pson, Desi�fn En�ineer, at 223-5311. +�,�,�-- �,�..-' You�s• i'�;������,,v�; - l�E .: � � � �-�` �.�� �_• � ��V;��?���ciinarr, �ief En��,�.:..- �,,� CLT�TLK�mp ' �,�;1�;�" �'' �� ��'�'�, :�;, cc: 4�. S. Ericl.son � � R. G. PeLerson � _ ' novan � �� `� ��/I- J. Wm. l�o � ��r� . � Attachmen-t `� - '`�"` '". � Nonorable leti,rrence Cohen -2- . January 9, 1973 - ` • : ' � ' • �. EXISTING CONDITIONS . . ' Existing Lexington Pkwy. in this area is 56' ►vide from Central to Univers+ ty (3 blks.) and 40' wide north of University, Riglit- of-Iday is 160' . ?he traffic volume on Lexington PkHry. north and sc.utt� of University Ave. is respectively 15,000 and 20,000 vel�icles per day. !n twenty years we anticipate that these �espective volures will be 30,000 and 40,000 vehicles per day. The present and 20 years projection of heavy commercial vehicles are l�ro of the above figures. This area has one of the highest accident rates in the city, . with the Lexington-University intersection leading all others in accidents. Reiated to this is the fact that this area is a ':'bottle neck" caused by heavy turning movements. 5. SPECIAL COtJSIDERAT10N5 � . . Trees: For the residential area north of University, ane tree �a� i 1 be replaced �•�hi le b wi 11 remain on the �r�est, and one tree � witl be replaced with four remaining on the east. Overall , a total of 10 trees will be replaced and 21 will remain. i'arking: One of the main considerations in choosing this aiignment was the separate parking area on the east side of � Lexington between Aurora and University. This allows us to construct on a centered alignment, and allows the parking area to remain. We have compromised by eliminating a right turn Tane from Lexington �Jorthbound onto University eastbound. We feel that we are still improving this dangerous intersection, �nd that this compromise has made our improvement accep�abie �o all concerned. l°ublic Information t�eeting; A meeting was held the evening of December 20, 1972, in the Lexington Branch library to present our project to interested property owners. All owners abutting this project were invited. Attendance was generally businessmen C. wfio recognize the area traffic proolems. 7here was general �areement on t�e layout as oroposed. b. PRO.POSED IMPROVEMENT '�e� improve this dangerous situation, we propose to install turn Eanes on Lexington and on Universityr which rsquires widening existiing Lexington. {The turn lanes on Universitx come, under a separate pro ect, therefore, these costs are not included in this report.� . . ' ttonorable Lawrence Cohen -3' JanuarX 9, 1973 • � ' Yhe proposed width is 94' . This includes two lanes in each • direction, turn lanes, and a 6' center island. The width from Aurora to University is 12' less to accommodate the special parking area here. The roadway will taper to match the existing in th� block south of Central and the block north of University. - Since we are �ridening on Lexington, this is an opportune time to do touch up work on the existing surface. lde propose to overlay this area with 3/4" of as�halt wearing course. This will give increased skid resistance, a sr�oother riding surface, reduced maintenance and a better general appearance. ]. RECOMt1EtJDAT I ON The Department of Public Works feels that this a very worthwhile prc�ject, and should be brought before the Council for a public hearing. Attached is an Administrative Order for your approval which directs Ctfie Department of Finance to set up the public hearing. Yours very tr�,ly, Daniel J. Dunford Acting Director of Pubiic Works CLT/�EK/kw Attachments: (1) , . \ . ., . . . , . � c�z Y nr � J4 .r . i. i .• � „ • . • �s��t-,.'�S .IV�J�QIY�r�l'.��('��Jr,��+� � • . � �. - _ `r�� t. �- �� �?,� si. CHlEf EN��. CI �'Y Or SA1NT PAUL, _ T �' ^ _ Capitai of Minneso�a � �_�' eF;IEF ENG;,,��_� i :_.��- � u���. ►� D�P.��T����T �� P�l�L1C 1AI��KS '�CS �,.,+..,; � � ��,� 434 Ci;y H�11 & Caur-} Nouse 55102 � ;LERfC,^,C�;����� � : . DANIEL J. DUNFORD `� �U'-�k�,` � 1 . /�.tting Director of Pub(ic Works ` � ----_. 'i JJ January 12, 1973 Honorable Lawrence Cohen Mayor of Saint Paul " Room 347, City Hail � St•. Paul , Minnesota 55102 . Re: P-0366A1-LEXINGTON PARKWAY, ( I .S. 94 to Sherburne Avenue � ididen, Overlay. t�ear Mayor Cohen: - Th� Department of Public Works is proposing the above improvement and is prepartng plans and specifications for this project. 1 . PRELIMINARY PLAN Preliminary Plan is attached 2. ESTIMATES COSTS � Construction �12�+,400.00 Engineering (12.5q) 15,550.00 � �s�spectinn (2�) 2,500.00 � Traffic Bureau `L,0�0.00 Valuation Bureau � 1��0.00 Publicat�ons and Misc. 410.00 Water Department - 2,000.00 Lighting 8ureau 23,0OO.OQ Total Estimated Cost 170,000.00 . 3. ESTIMATED FIMANCING �972 M.s.A. $136,g2o.00 Assessment 25,5�0.00 Lighting Bureau Bond Fund �7500-u33 7,580.00 Total Estimatec! Financinc� 170�000.00 �4 it6 — C4yClerk • . • GI r�' OT' � sl'�Ii\'T . �AiTL . : No: ��'_ +�� �� !� {; — Fi}13:tc8 Gept. � ' • .' . ;; ,a.y- o���s. , , . ori�icL or- z�rr: �s�.YO�2 �A� 1 9 19��. ,. � � , . . _ Date: � `. •\�� � • !'.� ' ' - AD;1i1NISTRATIVE ORnER -- � � � . ,.,,� � , . -'j � , ' � , � �� �-c:` � _ � . y � :- . �• AD�tINISTP�r�TIVE ORDER, : � ` � • . � �� . ,�- : 1n tf;e matter �f in�r�vin� l.EX1P1�T0:1 P1C':!Y fro�� i ,S. 9�+ �io Sherburne\l1ve. ( (City frojeet c-03'v:At) as follo;-1s: f � '. _ � 1 ,. ,. , ' i ;' i � ttiden; construct curb ar;d c�utter; construct street,, atley and� drtver�ay rstu�ns; construct a bitu�inous averl:�y; construct stor'm «�ter drainag� faeii- ItiES; cor;struct sc�:��r, water and gas service eonnections; eonstruct �n orna- ' mental 1 i,��tir.�, syste^; �nd cen�tri�ct concrete �-�alri on b�th sid�s of Lexington ; ��;4-ry. fron Centr-�1 .=+ve. to Sherbur:�e �va; and on the Cast s3�'e of Lexington . _ pk«y, frc;:z St. ;nt�;ony 11v�:. to C�n��ral Ave; an3 do ail o2her rrork which is nvice�sary and inci��ntai to cc��r�;�iete said '+mprover�ent. � �. ; Tt�e re;:crt of the De�artrent of Publ �c ti-�orlcs is accepted. 7ti� �7�p�r�r.:cnt of r ir�ar;c� is h�reby d�r'ected to btinc� thls r.�iier be�ore t`}e C i ty i:�L;7�i 1 ror P�e? i c ticaring. � . . _ �, �i`'�"� - ' . � ; J✓^ . w`,� � l. . . ,� / . , ,��� ,r � . � �r. ��l . . � . . . . . - - - . - �. � . . � �y; _! ���T�� �%'NS.1 - . � . t . S �1' • L, ` j - � �:, - ;, • � - � � : : . ;�'-, a G- " '�' .FPROV�D AS TO FORM � i. ' � ••r / / :! � , . . ? . L/�•�.r'�f._ �1. ��}'/. :; Assistant City Attorney � Department�ead �uV 1 flC�j' ��5!(�jil i�� C. L. Thotrps�n . . . .. ' �I � / - . . . . - l,/ � - /. ... . . �i- . . � , , -) _.. . � � i " ):ltC__— , --- — , �. Administrative Assistant to �tayor l_��� � � / �G ` � ' -� � � `' . � � . �. �1T7 �� . . e r ' y.. � � cC���y , ` _ �b � �o - ^� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capita) of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � 234 Ci+y Hall & Cou�+ House 55102 U�hIICL J. DU;�JFORD � Acting Director of Public �J�rks February u, 1973 Mr. Robert Trudeau Director of Finance 109 C i ty t-�a 1 1 Attn : P�-�u1 Desch P,e: �-o366�i LEXI'JGTQ�! P1:1�lY, I .S. 94 to Sherburne r,ve. Widen, Overlay Dear Sir: Attached are copies of our recommendations to tt�e Mayor on the above project, an�i the Adr�inistrative Order directing the public hearing to Ue held. Please note that due to recent council actio�s, the estimated assessment might have changPd. Will you please set up the public hearin� for this project? Yo very truly, Daniel J. foru Actina Director of Public 1!orks CLT/TEK/bp Attachments cc: Claude L. Thompson Roy [3redahl w • . y •. C�TY � � . t ab �J ' � � . . ti i • .y \ ' .1 O ,. � !�!� �T . ,�� ,�e RICHARD A. SCHNARR C i T Y O F S A I N T P A U L GARY R. NORSTREM Chief Engineer Deputy Commissioner Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hell & Court House 55102 ROGER M. CONWAY Commissioner May 1, 1972 Mr. J. Wm. Donovan Valuation Dept. Room 286 , City Hall B U I L D I N G Re: P- 66A1 LEXINGTON PKWY. - � 3 I. S. 94 to Sherburne Ave. Dear Mr. Donovan: Transmitted herewith are the estimated costs and a set of preliminary plans for the above project. Also attached are copies of our old estimate to you and your corresponding assessment rates. Pavement - 12 foot wide strip $12.24 per Lin. Ft. . (including engineering and inspection) Concrete Curb - $ 3.00 per Lin. Ft. Concrete Drive - 7" thick $ 9.00 per Sq. Yd. Concrete Sidewalks - $ 0.80 per Sq. Ft. The cost for a 12' wide strip was computed on a cost per squaxe yard basis. Due to turn lanes and variable widths� the usual method was difficult to apply. If 3 lanes in each direction, plus a turn lane are used (width II 92' ), then the 12' wide strip by the usual method 3s $10.26 per linear foot. We expect to construct about 4,950 lineax feet of concrete curb and gutter, about 1,260 square yards of 7" driveway, and about 14,800 squaxe feet of 4" thick sidewalk. Will you please furnish me with the proposed assessment rates, Finance Department costs, and the estimated amount recoverable by assessment. Yours very trul,�;.���..�1,�:-� �i ' Q•o. �� Claude L. Thompson, Public Works Desi ,.��..--����� � �' �.�����;� � . P �' r � i' z�� ` 1 � � TEK m �-���.�^,r��,_ �..!'..L���`� � , Attachment � �`��' / � ��j �t E, , �� 1—.3 �( "��`� �� �i�;�. / /�-� ��!�'� `�� ...a�.....�....,�..�...�......' .__ n � _ • � � ' ��� A coadition survsy o� the existing sideva�lks should be mAde to aacaa�sia Mhich ralks gre sase�aable. Sxi�ting good monolithic concrete aideMalks should aat be saaeaeed if relocated becauae of their curre�at loca.tion. I! q�ou hsve sr�r queations on the abov� matter, pl�►se call ae. Yesy txvlY 3roura, Roy E. Bredahl, Jr. Aesist.a�at Vslwatioa Engineer REBsRJR:dm �` ce s Paul. Deaeh v`� . . . . . . , ... . . . . - . . . � . . . � . . . . . � .. .. . .r':. . . . . �.:�g. � i . .. . . . . . .. • . .. . ., �� • .ntII! 2, 19�2 lOr. Clavde Thc��eon D�sign �agineer Depsrta�rrt of Pablic Wo�kB BUII�IIqG Dear Mr. Tho�tpson: Ru'su�at to your requa�t, I have aet forth herein infcrmstioa pertia�at to tize property a�aes�eut for the praposed i�prrnrea�nt described ss: P-356A1 - Improvir�8 Laxingtan P1cxY. I. S. 94 to 8berburns Avern� The �or portion of th3s pro�ect is xithin the bou�a►ry ot tbe Su�ao�it - UniTarsity Reamwa�7. Ares. There�for�, tbe p��vailing PIDP asseeement ratee appe,reutly must app�. Yor thia pro�ect. The total estissted e�mount recwer�ble by aaaesameut i� $20,g00.00 bssed oa the curreut estimRted I�P aaaesemerit ratas. Pe�ving and SurPacing (incluaing curb) A & B Resideatiel - $5.00 per asaeae. i"t. "G" xesidentieil, Cao�o►er�ial & 2ndustrial � �7,5o per assess. ft. �-1-�'tczlJi'..t'���C..C:_,- �5:L'c? 't " `, The rat�s for direet benatit�is�r�o�eat� aare aur lollovs; Driveway$ • $4.50 per sq. yd. Bide�+a�lk� - g foot xidth A & B Reaidenti.al, - #1.60 per aase�a. tt. „C" Resideatial, Cameroial b ��'�� • �3•� per sssass. !'ti. (Othsr xldth �s rauld b� p�o-rsted Pleass incorporste tha lb3,],a�rin� +Rdditi�ssa.t eosta in �he esti�e�t�d tota]. ex•� peaditurea tc� this impa��ove�rsat. Valuat ion snd Asaeaa�t B+�rviass - �,1,1�0.pp A4isco caste, �ubl., Co�rt Carta, stc. - �kl0.t)0 � � � / 3 �/ M�y 2a, i��3 Mr. Patrick Roedler Chairman Public Works CommitteE Dear Sir: The City Council today adopted a Final Qrder, C.F. 261311, in the matter of improving Lexington Parkwaq from I-94 to Sherburne Ave. There was considerable discussion with Mr. Rosenthal, owner of the Dairy Queen on Lexington and Aurora, concerning traffic that might use his parking lot for access to Fuller Ave. because of the restrictions for access goin� south on Aurora and Lexington. The City Council referred Mr. Rosenthal's problem to the Public Works Committee for further consideration. Very truly yours, City Clerk ABO:ml