261303 WHITE � - CITY CLERK � _lC1��� PIN�K - FINANCE COUC1C11 :rUj BLUE�v- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PATIL File NO. � ' Council Resolutio Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date R�SOLYSD: That liaesse� appli�d ier by �he folloMia� ptraeas at the sddree�aea s'tated be aad #he we ares bereb� �rax�ee�. John H. Pol�roa 205 lbrbe�e Rest. C-1 App.4�O5Renairal u �� On-SAIe I�lt n n n n �� Off-Sale INslt �� r' �' �� n Cigarette r' �� �� �� �� Tavel'tt �� qgp?n St. Paul Recreation Co. Inc. 67 E. 8th Aool Nall 10 T " 5004" Kinc�r Optical Co. Inc. 30 W. 7th Optician " 5(�7" R�ge �il Co. 501 11th Ave. S. Mpla. Liquid Fuel Dlr.t� 5126� n n 1 Yeh. u n n Young� Inc. 801 E. 9th Ne�+ MV Dlr. n 521?� „ tr 2t1d Hd MY Dlr. n " „ M.D.C. Foods� Inc. 143i N. Cleveland l Veh. K " �8j" Jshn H. Iseroan 313 F�ront Gen.�ep.G�r. n �pggn �r n PPivBte tise ptulp�� n n Qaality Auto Repair� Inc. ?85 Hubbard G@�.R�p.Gar. •+ 6322�' I�illisp J.Lee 1032 E. ?th Yindow Cing. " 63fi2M St. paul Guidance Ceater 3?3 Coodhne Food Eatab. " 6430n Ro�ald H. �e Harry R. Johnson 719 Payne Geas $ta. 4P " 6300y �� �� Gen.Rep.Gar. n �t n Th� Laundeti Inc. 45S University Ld3''/DC Plt. " 6515n COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler Konopatzki [n Favor Levine Meredith Against By � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President� �t Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , BY By WHI7E ' - CITV CLERK COl1I1C11 r� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL 261��t� CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By LICF�t3E COI�IITTSE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Coatd. Page 2 Robert Caesler 864 t�iver�ity 1 To� Truck App.6595Re�al B,enneth Dickin��on 21?9 Audson Rd. Beauty Slwp n 6611" 1Narriott-in-Flite Services� Iuc. 221 w. 79th St. Bloomington Cateiing " 6629„ Harold P. Thei�een 1�i81 For'd Plnry. 2 Tow Trucics n gg3pn Yernon Donnelly 925 Sonthvie�r Blvd. �o.St.P. T.v. INaster�� 66�4" Rays�nd G. Olchefsk�e 623 Co�uo 1 ToK Truck " 6643n F't�d Richaxd 738 8elby �r n 66g4n Ronald C. Mitt '744 E. 3rd St. Gae �ta. 2P +� 6638n Nathan Lerman ?26 S. Clereland 1 Tow Truck � 6659�+ Randall Zahrad&�. 1820 St. �lair " " 6�" IKaynard & Aenry Zahradga 1825 Oniv. � n 6669� Brener Spring & Alig�nent Co.Inc.3?9 Webeter 2 Tow Tracka " 66?0" C,harles L. Torunley' 342 Fuller 1 Tow Tr�tck " 6671r� Cha7tles Menax'd 1379 1tiCe St. n �� 6?l3'� a n 3 Add�1 n �r n Edwrard J. Raba 11?4 Rice 2 Tor Trncks " 6?I?n Gortlon & Merrill Markell 341 1/. 7th St. 1 ToW Truck " 6719�+ il If ff COUNCILMEI�1 Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredi th A gai ns t BY S�patt�c Roedler Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE � - CITV CLERK C�unCll 261��3 PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALT�L BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ' Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CO�KI�R'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Coatd. Pa6e 3 Robert Golie 14U1 Univ. 2 Tox Trucks App.6738Rene�wal Ruben M. Carlsan 146-5U N. Snelling n �� 6?56�� Jerr� Metager 1825 iJnirersity 1 Te� Truck t+ 6772n Harry Nord 620 Froat �� �� 6780n I�yngblomsten Ho�e for Aged� Inc. RZ 1298 N. Pascal ].bi �+ g?g?�� Dosald H. Posr�ehl 400 Nf. '7th I. To�r Truck n 6811*� � Civic Center Chrfeler Plyaouth� Inc. 239 Y. Kellogg �� " 681?t� August L. Post� Jr. 1345 GraYW ; 4 Tow Trucic� '� 6834n T.C. Yead. Co. c% plaatics� Inc. 224 �►an ].1�1 �� gggi�� �t �� S Add�1 M ►+ n �r Roy K. Vo�sua 305 I�laria 1 1bw Trttck n 6858�� Thoaaa M. & Paul 1/. Pariseau 695 Arcade +� �, 6g62�+ Joe Diaz 2570 Ell is �� �� 68?6+� Sir Vend Inc. c% Remmele �fneering Co. 1211 Pierce Bntier Rd. 1H �� g8gg�� n " 4 Add�l M n n n �� c% Concordia College 27� N. Syndicate 1M n 6891�� �� �� 9 Add�1 N �� �� +� " c% Uleon Graphic Prodncta 2446 Universfty 1M �� 689?� �� �� 2 Add'1 M n �� � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY �oefiracx Roedler Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E� - CITV CLERK COUIICll 261��3 PINK -- FINANCE � CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL 1 BLUE - MAYOR - Fll@ NO. � ' Council Resolution Presented By LIC�;NSE COH!►lITTF� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 4 Dart Tranafer Co. 780 N. Pricr 11�1 App.64�i6Rene�ral r� +� 1 Add�1 A1 �� r� n I�oy K. Voss 305 Ularia 1 Tow Truck �i 6959� James McG3nnie 654 E. 6th 3t. 2 Tow Truckre n 69?4�� Northern Vend. Services� c% Long Cadillac Inc. 121 w. 7th 1M �+ ?115� Ritter Beauty ffiterprisea� Inc. ?54 S. Cleveland 1N �� ?13?�� Byerly Foodeof St. Paul� Inc. 1959 8uburban Grocery A-2 " 71S3H n r+ Butcher �' �' " n �� R�st. C-1 +� n �r n n g�� n �� n �� �� Off-$81e Malt �� �� �� n n Ciga�'ette u n n Michael Bo�le c/o Platingi Inc. 888 N. Prior 1M " ?180" �� �� 3 Add�1 M t� a n Shell Oil Co. ??8 Otto 1M " 7�OZn n �� 1 Add�1 M " " �' EdMrard Puariea 834 NT. 7th Gas Sta. 4P „ ?203�� n n Gen.Rep.Gat'. �� M n n n Cigarette n n a n n Cf g.VM Oper. 21�! a �� u n n 1M a ?2p¢n n �� 1 Add�I M n n i� George E. Comford 17U0 Granti Ldy/DC Plt. �� 72�0� COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY �oc Roedler Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E+ - CITY CLERK COUIICll 2s1��3 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE� - MAVOR ' Council l�esolution Presented By LICEN3S CA1�8HITT8E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Pa,�e 5 li"red Hagera�trom c% La.rry'�s Auto Gla�s Co. 406-8 Univ. ]qi 1M App.7305Iten�►al 1Narianne L. Clark 1483 N. WeStern Beauty Shop r ?373" Pat-Nikt Inc. 3521 El� Lane Hinaetodca Fdstf.Vl�t Oper. 'r ?401�� Milliam Hirabayaski 1326 - 30 Grand 2nd H� I�Y Dlr. " ?404�' n " D1r.Rep.Gar. �� n n �r r+ Ciga�'ette �� i� tt Bibeau�e Appliance Repair� Inc. 794? Scott Blvd. So. Cottag� GY'ove t� ?487y Elec.App.Itep. �falter P. 1V�l+�on 84 W. Bernard T.V. I[a�ster '� ?488�� Roger NTolfe � 847 Hudean Rd. 2 Tow Tracks n ?591r John M. Scott 1191 Dayton FdactY.Vl1 Oper. " ?399n Gie�irswold Coffee Co. 300 Indvstrial Blvd. INpls. '� '� 781�t� Canteen Co. of Minn. Inc. 6800 Penn Ave. So. Mpla. �� n 9gp6�' 1►tike J. Thomss 925 S. Robeitt T.V. Master r� ?ggprt u r� 1 ServicE�an r� n n Gabberts� Inc. 3501 i�. 69th 3t. �ipls. Carpet Dealer " 7985�� Jao�s Ryan 4404 - �th it. N.E. �dstf.VM Oper. " ?987" Ar�ld Te�aer 7684 StillMater Way N. 1 Music 1Naachine �� ?997�' n n g � t� n n Ervin Meetphal 1118 �rrtle Fdstf.V�! Oper. '� 8021�� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki I❑ Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITEr - CITV CLERK /V���-I PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAZTL Council "� V CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE- - MAYOR File NO. ' Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMNITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Pag�e 6 . Rayle Floor Covering Servfce� Inc. 190 E. I�farie M. 8t. P. Carpet Dlr. App.7983Reamral Lloyd G. Young � 1227 (�ceola Fdstf.VI�t Oper. �' 8040�� Dorothy Collins Interiors� Inc. 70;0 FSrance Ave. 5. I�tpla. Carpet DZr. '� 8179�+ COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �Y�'*� Nays i�nrrr- Konopatzki � In Favor Levine Mer� RoedleT Against BY Tedesco Mme.President ��ler I�1II't MAY 18 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certifi a ed by Cou '1 S r BY By Approve by Mayo te Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � PUBUSHED